Halfbred Mayhem

Story by Veirsen the Halfbreed on SoFurry

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Halfbred Mayhem

A long time ago, a very long time ago back before the Romans had risen to power.There was a coven of vampires and a pack of werewolves that hated each other all but two young siblings who fell in love with each other even though they're parents hated each other.

It began on i warm fall day the leaves were just falling off the trees the brown color matching that of Halier's fur. Halier being a young lycan had already mastered his ability to morph from lycan to human. As he crawled along the way he stops and sniffs the air and runs behind a tree and morphs to a human as two young girls his age pass the tree he is hiding behind. they look back and see him naked, he waves accidentally showing his cock as the girls wave back with rosey pink cheecks they scurry away and Halier is left in dissapointment. He goes to the river still as a human and hears something in the water by a mouth of a cave that creates a waterfall apon the river. His ears perk and he takes a big inhale and smells a scent by which he isn't familar with but simply can not ignore as he makes his way to the cave. He peeks in and sees a beautiful young girl his own age and cant help but get aroused, he silently jumps in and swims towards the young temptress. His attempts to get close without being noticed are foiled as the young girl turns around and says in her inoccent voice "hello my yummy intruder who might you be?" Halier stands up showing the young temptress everything he had to offer from his clear, cleanly shaven face down past is chizzeled pecks and abbs all the way own to his cock which was six inches when soft and says in his raspy voice "i am Halier i herd something in here and I....." The young girl puts her finger to his lips and says "shh my pet it's fine" as she pushes her tits against his chest.

Halier swallows hard and asks nervously "and what might your name be my wonderous beauty?" The girl looks at him and says "Zerilina is my name sweety." Halier says"thats hard to pronounce for me Zerilina." Zerlina smiles as she looks down and says "looks like thats not the only think thats hard to pronounce." Halier blushes and sinks into the water but continues to stare at Zerlina's beauty. Zerlina walks over to Ihim picks him up by his chin and kisses him softly. Halier replys "your lips are freezing." "I know" she tells him as they kiss again. As he kisses this new stranger he cant but help himself to endulge in her more than heavenly scent that surrounded them now. He takes a deep sniff as the hairs on the back of his neck and arms rise with excitemnt. He bites her neck getally of course not trying to hurt his new found love. she accepts the taughnting bite with a quick moan and a kiss. He graciously kisses back and wraps his arms around her as she digs and drags her nails down his back. He lets out a quick whimper and Zerilina looks at him confused and asks "what was that again?" Halier quickly replys "it was nothing i swear." Zerilina looks at him and shrugs and goes to kiss him once more but she turns away looking off to her laft as if she heared something. Halier looks behind her into the darkness and hears some hissing as the hairs on the back of his neck are pointing like needles. Zerilina pushes him away and tels him telepatically "go run away i will find you whenever i can please just run now!"

Halier darts on two legs out of the cave and as soon as hes out of sight he morphs into his lycan form darting even faster away for saftey. It is about one in the afternoon now and Halier hears an unsettling rubble come from his gut. He morphs into his human form and finds an old trench coat lying on the ground and tells himself "how lucky could i get i can go into town with this" he takes it and covers his body with the trench coat and walks into town. He is halfway through the market when he realizes he has no money to by something so he decides to try steal something since he had no other option. Halier walks through the town market and catches the scent of a turky drumstick hanging on the far side of the meat vender's selling stand he quickly makes his way over to it. He is about to sieze the drumstick when he hears a "uh hum" from behind him and he slowly turns around with his head down not trying to look at the vendor. Halier expects a verbel beating of some kind as he closes his eyes and all he hears is a sweet peaceful lovely voice of an older woman about her late twenties say "oh you poor thing you must be starving?" Halier looks in disbelief but he wasn't about to pass this up and says "yes m'am i am very hungry" as his stomach growls once agian. The lovley veder hands him a link of sausages and puts them around his neck and says "here you go sweety take this too now run along i dont wanna get into trouble." Halier nods and says "yes m'am thank you very much m'am" and runs off. Halier goes to a near by tree and sits and eats his free meal which to his delight was so delicious he didnt notice sum1 sneaking up on him. Keep in mind he is a young lycan so his sense arnt aas keen as they should be. The young man sneaks up on the young lycan as he is feeding, not the smartest thing to do on his part. The young man puts his hand on Halier's shoulder and Halier caught by surprise snaps at him and tears his hand open with a quick snap. The young man backs away slowly as Halier growls menecingly as the young man walks away and Halier goes back ti eating his free meal. As Halier finishes his meal he gets up and goes to a nearby creek to wash his meal down after his minor interuption frim the young man. As Halier drinks he takes his trench coat off and wades into the water to clean himself as the water grazes up his legs and touches his crotch and up to his stomach.

As he lets the water cool his body he goes to the deep end to wash his hair and to clean his upper body and dives down into the cool clear water. Halier comes back up breacking the peacful surface water and flinging his hair back as he gets the sense he is being watched from somewere and Desides to put on a lil show for his private viewer. Halier brings a handful of water and dumps it over his head and lets the water slowly run down his body, he sniffs the air and smells a rather musty scent but also a sweet one like flowers at least to him thats what it smelled like. Halier follows the scent of the smell and finds a female watching were he was bathing, he could tell it was a female because of her shapely body and very nice round, plump ass. He then said "may I help you m'am?" The girl starteled turns quickly and reveals herself to be a hermaphrodite with a very nice hard cock jutting out from her crotch as she says "I'm terribly sorry mister please dont hurt me." Halier shakes his head and kneels down to the girl and kisses her softly and says "my darling i would never do that to you." She throws her arms around his neck kissing him back while her erect cock slides up his stomach. Halier wraps his arms around her as she reaches down and gentally strokes his cock as he holds and kisses her. The young hermaphrodite starts to stroke his cock faster as she squeezes it a lil making Halier gringe with pleasure as he continues kissing her. The young herm begins to kiss down his body until she gets to his cock and licks down the base, shaft all the way to the head which soon dissappers into her mouth as she rolls her tongue around every inch of the head of his cock. Malier maons in pleasure as he pushes her head down onto his cock so it slides down her throat she gags but only for a little bit as she grows accoustomed to the feel and starts to like it with every bob of her head. She stands up while stroking Halier's cock and kisses him passionatly, Halier at this moment was in so much pleasure he was unaware that he was about to morph into his lycan form. He morphs into a lycan but the girl isnt scared and goes down to stroke his cock as she sucks the head of his cock. He whines in pleasure slowly wiggling back and forth the gitl gets up and sits on his cock forcing it up her ass. She bounces up and down his cock drilling her insides as cum drip out of her cock she then proceeded to stroke her cock as she played with his balls for more enjoyment. The young herm is cumming everywere but she will not stop until she empties Halier's ball sack of all of its jizz. After and hour of sustained fucking Halier he finally blows his load and fills her tiny asshole with his warm jizz. The young herm cleans herself up and gets herself situated and leaves Halier as he morphs back into a human.

Halier finally awakes five hours later and he is hungry again so this time he decides to go and hunt for his meal, as he is romping through the woods he jumps off of a log and in mid air morphs into his warewolf form and he feels the dirt beneath his paws and takes off. He lands in a clearing and he sniffs the air and catches the sent of wild deer and starts tracking it to a very wide and flat highgrass land perfect for him so he sneeks through the weeds inching closer and close at each step being as silent as death itself. Halier is poised to pounce when all he hears is a very loud screech and he sees his deer go fying over him so he morphs into a human so he doesnt get caught. Halier stands up and looks behind him and there he sees Zerlina ripping and tearing tendants and ligaments out of the deer's throat. Halier staggards up and almost looses him balance but is caught by his beautiful love Zerilina and he cant help but ne mezmorized by the sheer sight of her. She kisses him softly licking his lips when her cold lips leave his, "and just what are you doing out here all alone?" "I was ahh......I was," he is hushed my a finger as she strokes his back." Such a strong young boy, how did you get so strong?" "Working out." The boy replied with the simpelest answer as she slowly worked her other hand down to his cock shaft. As she slowly workwd the base of his cock she kissed him lightly and tenderly loving the way he felt against her icy lips. Halier's thoughts raced through his head as he woundered what to do never before had he been dumbstruck by a female or males beauty but he urged himself to do something even though he didnt know what to do.