Arcturus Chapter IV: More Bad News

Story by Beowulf1990 on SoFurry

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#6 of Arcturus

Arcturus Chapter IV: More Bad News

The Survivor broke free f...

Arcturus Chapter IV: More Bad News

The Survivor broke free from its wormhole in the vicinity of the star Nu Draconis. It hurtled out at speed, slowly rotating to one side. Small jets erupted all over the ship, correcting its path slowly, controlling its trajectory. On one side of its hull, dead centre, there was a large gash where the Imperial ships at struck the ship just prior to its escape. The outer hull was peeled open. On board, Captain Elisabeth was in the bridge.

She turned to her second-in-command, "Baxter, how are things looking?"

The horse turned to the central holographic display and brought up a diagram showing the Nu Draconis system. "As you can see, the system has only one planet, Ferris. Inhabitable, but deserted. Other than that, there is a particularly wide belt of asteroids further out from the star. We are currently here." He pointed at a small blip some distance outside the asteroid field.

Lisa turned to her navigation officer, "Can you get us in orbit around that planet?"

The blue feathered avian nodded, "Not a problem, but unless you want to risk going through the asteroids, we have to take a little detour over the top. It would take us....assuming we take an average speed...", the officer tapped away at his computer a bit, "6 hours and 33 minutes."

Lisa nodded, "Good, you can set that course. Mind the acceleration though, I don't want to tax the ship's structure any more than we need."

She tapped an instruction into her wrist-mounted personal computer to access the ship-wide intercom system.

"This is the captain speaking, we should arrive in orbit around the planet Ferris in roughly 6 and a half hours. When we do we can begin external repairs on the ship. Any personnel with the required training for this work are hereby ordered to get some sleep. We need you to be alert. To everyone else, keep up the good job."

She sat down into her chair and rubbed her face, suppressing a yawn. She shouldn't have let Steel keep her from her sleep so long, she grinned. She decided she needed a quick nap and headed off to her room. "The ship is yours Baxter."

The Survivor's back end lit up in fusion-driven power. Slowly it lurched forward, pointing its nose at a point above the asteroid belt.

Gray woke up beside his mate, Sam. His eyes opened slowly to see her face in front of him, still sleeping. He carefully took her arm off his waist and slid out of the bed, not wanting her to miss out on sleep. Successful in this, he put on his clothes and headed to the door, planning to help out on the ship wherever he could.

Before he left he looked back to the bed, to the naked tigress. He smiled at the beautiful sight for a few moments and then tore himself away, heading off to work.

He walked the dimly lit corridors, hearing clangs and welding as he went. Pretty much every major part of the ship is being repaired at this stage. He took an elevator down to deck 6, which had been damaged most in the attack.

As he stepped out and looked around, he noticed a good deal of improvement. A lot of the rubble and debris had been cleared and most people were now helping to fix all the electrical equipment. The space where there used to be a large backup generator, which was blown up, was empty.

He spotted Ratchet and walked up to him. "Ratch! Point me to where you need me buddy."

The fox smiled at him, quite obviously tired. "Gray, welcome back. You can go and help out Rodney and Rodger over there." He pointed at the twin foxes. They were working on clearing some of the destroyed equipment. They wore the usual cargo pants that were part of their security force uniform, but had both discarded their shirts and jackets. Their toned torsos gleamed in the light. Gray trotted over.

"Rod, how can I help?"

One of the foxes looked up, "Gray! Good to see you, help me get this damned cable loose." He gestured to a python of electrical wiring, bound together. These cables were pretty expensive so they tried to salvage as many as possible. Gray took his own shirt off and put his wolf strength to the task. His black fur gleamed and his muscles tightened underneath as they pulled the cable out from beneath the rubble.

Rodney, the other fox, looked up at the pair. His mouth hung open slightly as he felt a stirring in his pants. The display of feral strength from the wolf was...quite a show. He shook his head and turned his attention to the wiring he was trying to reconnect.

They kept working like this a while, removing wrecked equipment, salvaging usable materials and reconnecting whatever circuits were still intact. Rod and Rod were working hard, but couldn't help throwing the occasional glance at the strong, half naked wolf.

Gray saw one of the twins, Rodger, try and pull out another cable, clearly he wasn't getting any movement out of it. He walked over and grabbed the cable on the same side, slightly in front of Rodger.

He looked at the fox, "On three, one....two....THREE."

They both pulled with all their might, the cable slid back a little.

"One more time, almost there. One....two....THREE."

Again they pulled and this time the cable shot loose. The sudden lack of resistance sent the two males falling backwards. Gray landed right on top of the smaller fox. He laughed out loud, "Oh jeez, might have overdone it there, you ok Rod?"

The fox was focusing entirely in the sensation of this, very attractive, wolf effectively sitting in his lap. His member stirred as it grew stiff.

Gray felt the growing flesh prod at his rump and froze, "Uhm...Rod? Is that....."

Rod suddenly snapped out of it and shot out from under the wolf, stammering. " for.....just, sorry ok?"

Gray stood up and looked at him, "It's ok! Don't worry about it, happens to the best of us.", he touched the fox on the shoulder, "Not a problem, ok? Just caught me off guard a bit."

Rod looked at him, not convinced. The other Rod was looking at them now, the situation was pretty obvious to him. He'd been shooting glances at the wolf himself.

Gray continued, "Really Rod, its fine. I don't mind.... I'm not grossed out or anything. Let's just keep working alright?"

The fox, somewhat relieved, nodded. "Yeah ok, let's keep going."

They continued their work. As they did, Rod and Rod still threw the occasional glance over at Gray, admiring his muscles and strength. Gray, after the "incident", now actually picked up on this. He wasn't uncomfortable at the idea of them looking at him, he didn't even mind the thought of them being attracted to him. He considered it flattering, even.

After a while, he occasionally turned a bit so they could get a better look. Might as well let them have a good show, he thought. Can't do any harm. He was getting a bit of an ego boost out of it, really.

Another cable appeared stuck beneath the rubble quite badly. As Rod, the one involved in the "incident", attempted to pull it out again, Gray ran up. "Hang on Rod, let me help out."

He took up position in the same way as before and they pulled in the same way again. As they pulled back, Gray slid back a bit and felt the fox bump against him. He just ignored it and kept pulling on the cable.

"Again, Rod. One....two...THREE!"

As they pulled, the wolf pressed backwards against the fox. His rump brushed against the fox. He felt the growing flesh in his pants again. They both stopped pulling. The wolf stayed still, asking himself why he didn't move. He pushed back a little, driven by an irrational sort of curiosity. He felt the moving member in the fox's pants. He swallowed, strangely enjoying the sensation. He'd never really even considered what he was doing, but it seemed like something he wanted to do.

Rodger gasped behind him, surprised at Gray's apparent invitation. His paw wandered forward and landed on the wolf's muscled thigh. Gray didn't move as he felt the soft touch. He felt a surge of adrenalin and excitement.

The other Rod, about 3 feet away, was staring now, jaw hanging loosely.

Rodney and Rodger looked at him. One dared make a suggestion, Rodger, the one that was pressed up against the wolf. "Say guys, let's take a break. I think we could all use a shower..."

After a few moments of thought, Gray replied. "Yeah....that sounds good Rod."

He was thinking many thoughts now. Some of them went along the lines of "What the hell are you doing?!" while others went more like "What the FUCK are you doing?!", he skillfully ignored his brain and headed to the elevators. Rodger and Rodney joined him.

They headed into one of the less-used communal showers in one of the corners of the ship. As they stood in the dressing room, they looked at each other. Rodney was the first to start and undress, his brother followed suit. Gray hesitated a bit, then blocked off any thought that seemed rational and dropped his clothes to the ground.

Rod and Rod looked at the black wolf, their mouths slightly ajar and their cocks semi-erect. Gray starred at the male organs, feeling a strange and unfamiliar excitement.

They went into the showers, one by one and turned on the water. The showers consisted of spacious, tiled cubicles, meant to give a bit of privacy to those that appreciated that. They all went into the same cubicle at the back. The hot water threw steam up into the room. The clatter of falling water echoed.

They stood facing each other in a triangle for a few moments. Rodney then reached over to the wolf and put his paws on his chest, rubbing his fur. He looked up at the red staring eyes, "You're sure you want this Gray?"

Gray blinked and replied, "Not even close...but don't stop."

At this remark, the other Rod joined in. The pair let their paws roam over the larger wolf's naked, wet body. They rubbed his shoulders, his chest, his belly. Gray closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling.

One of the foxes roamed lower and took hold of his sheath, moving his paw up and down. Gray moaned slightly, his member growing quickly. He left two tongues playing with his nipples. He opened his eyes to see the two foxes latched on to his chest. He lifted his paws from his side and rubbed their backs. His cock stood upright, being softly stroked.

The foxes started lowering themselves, tongues running over the wolf's body as they slowly got onto their knees. Gray let go of the twins as they took hold of his hard wolf cock. Both placed a paw on his length and they stroked it in unison. Gray let his head fall back, water raining down on it, as they leant forward and took turns licking his tip, lapping up the pre that leaked from it.

Their other paws reached between each other's legs, they ran their paws over their twin's length. They licked in unison now, tongues touching as they caressed the wolf's engorged cock.

Gray looked down, turned on immensely by the sight of the two brothers touching each other. His cock throbbed in their paws. One fox leant forward and took him in his mouth, bobbing his head back and forth. He felt the tongue swirl around his tip, groaning at the wonderful soft heat.

They took turns sucking his throbbing meat, all the while jerking each other's. The wolf was panting, the spectacle was the hottest thing he'd ever seen.

"Guys...I'm about to..."

The foxes immediately started pumping his cock with their paws, they put their muzzles together and opened their maws, tongues hanging out. The sudden increase in pace had Gray groan. He felt his muscles tighten and he moaned loudly as he came. He shot spurts of thick cum, landing on their faces, on their tongues. They lapped it all up, swallowing it down.

Rodger stood up and turned around, he put his paws against the wall and stuck out his rump. His hard cock jutted out from between his legs. His sibling moved up under him and licked it. A paw moved up and rubbed the fox's tailhole. Gray, still recovering from his orgasm, looked on slack-jawed.

Rodney stood up and put his cock against his brother's entrance. He slowly pushed forward, his twin moaned and clenched his fists. Soon enough, he was all the way in. His canine knot rested on his brother's entrance. He licked his muzzle while his paw sought out the hard member between his legs and stroked it. He looked back at Gray and used his other paw to rub his tailhole.

"You ready yet Gray? We're waiting...."

The sight of the twins locked together had Gray floundering. So incredibly wrong...his cock quickly hardened again. Gray walked forward and took hold of his hard, wet cock. He rubbed it against the tight muscle in front of it, rubbing some of the residual cum and pre onto the fox.

The fox moaned softly, "Yes Gray, shove that wolf cock deep inside me."

Gray agreed and gave a powerful thrust, digging his length in about halfway. He kept pushing forward until his knot touched Rodney's sphincter. He'd never had so tight a fit in his life. He needed no motivation to start rocking back and forth.

Every time he pushed forward, he forced the fox to fuck his own brother. The thought spurred him on and he increased his pace a bit. The fox in the middle was jerking his brother's cock as he fucked him. The twins moaned. And one of them encouraged the wolf.

"Don't hold back Gray, breed us like the wolf you are!"

Gray increased the force of his thrusts, he went faster and faster. Soon enough, he was pounding the tight ass in front of him. He used one twin's cock to fuck the other as he forced them together. One paw reached forward and grabbed the fox's shoulder while the other slapped his ass hard. He extracted little yips every time he landed a blow. This turned him on even more and he lost all control.

He rutted the twins like an animal with, hard, violent thrusts. The twins were being tossed back and forth under the assault. He felt the need to knot set on, his feral instincts telling him to tie with his bitch. The front fox was pushed up against the wall, his arms giving out.

Gray howled and pushed forward with all his might. He forced both knots to break through. He felt the fox contract around him as he started spurting his seed. His cock throbbed and twitched inside that tight cavern. The fox in front of him whimpered, as he filled his brother, knot lodged firmly in his tailhole. This last fox, face pressed against the wall, was shooting his cum in thick ropes over the wall.

Gray pulled out, tearing his knot from the battered twin. They sunk to the floor.

The wolf stood looking over the situation...he couldn't believe he'd just fucked two males. He idly stroked his cock, that was incredible! So tight...he'd have try and get Sam to try it....oh, shit Sam! He realized he'd just cheated on his mate with twin male foxes.

"Hey guys....just between us, ok?"

The foxes nodded in unison. Rodney looked up as he retreated from his brother's ass. "Don't worry Gray, we can keep a secret. This was a one time thing."

Gray nodded appreciatively. " I guess we better get back to work huh?"

He helped the foxes up. They cleaned themselves off, got dressed and headed back to deck 6.

Some time later, the Survivor was resting in orbit around the planet Ferris. It could now shut down all its main systems and send out repair crews to the outside of the ship. They worked long hours, confined to space suits, trying to get the large gash sealed. The warped metal was either reshapen or replaced by spare parts from the cargo bays.

Baxter oversaw the works from inside the bridge. The horse was the perfect image of authority. His jacket and trousers neat and pressed, insignia of his military days pinned on his breast. An upright posture and his head held high, chest forward, arms behind his back. He gave directions occasionally in a calm, deep voice. The markings on his epaulette indicated the FFC rank of Captain second class, meaning he would have been in command of a Cruiser.

Lisa entered the bridge, fur still damp from the quick shower she'd taken. "Baxter, how are things going here?"

His torso turned slightly to her, "Proceeding at a good pace Captain. Damage is restricted to non-essential structure. We could be out of here sooner than expected."

The Captain smiled at the news, "Good! Finally a bit of good news!"

Immediately after she uttered the words, a warning beep sounded through the bridge. The smile faded, "Don't tell me, bad news?"

Baxter called up the warning message on the holo-display. It indicated a pair of yellow dots, moving in their direction. He grabbed his with one hand, "Two unidentified ships, heading in our direction. ETA, 30 minutes."

Lisa ran her paw over her neck, "...alright, call in the workers. Prepare to launch missiles if needed."

Baxter relayed the commands and sounded a general alert. He activated the intercom and gestured to Lisa. She took a breath and spoke, "This is your Captain speaking, two unidentified ships are approaching us. Please move to a safe area and prepare for possible hostilities.", she repeated the message twice.

All over the ship, people were running to designated saferooms, rooms which were close to the ships in the docking bays and constructed to withstand great force of impact. Security forces were arming themselves and manning positions spread throughout the ship, in case of boarding action.

Steel, Gray and Sam came into the bridge almost simultaneously. Steel was first to speak, "Imperial ships?"

Lisa shook her head, "If they were, they'd be recognized by the computer. We have no idea whose ships these are. We're trying to contact them, but they aren't responding."

The dots on the display were getting closer and closer. Lisa sighed deeply and said, "No chances, launch missiles."

Two streaks of light left the bow of the Survivor. They swerved towards the oncoming ships and rocketed forward at enormous speed. The ships, about a quarter the size of the Survivor, rolled and weaved, releasing countermeasures along the way. These managed to confuse one of the projectiles, which sped harmlessly into the void. The other struck its target, it burst through the outer hull and detonated its fusion core. The ship was scattered in a cloud of nuclear destruction.

The other ship approached quickly and fired its two railguns. One projectile landed near the missile launcher, disabling it. The other slammed into the engines, doing the same there.

Lisa, on hearing the damage reports, sank into her chair. She slammed her fist on the armrest, "Damn it!"

Gray looked up to her, "So now what Liz?"

Lisa stared at him for a moment or two, "Now they're going to board us and try to take the ship. We can't win."

While the Survivor's crew outnumbered the attackers, they would no doubt all be armed and experienced. The Survivor only had a small security force that could match them. It flew quickly on to the ship, maneuvering itself on top of it. The pirate crew began welding a hole into the ship's hull.

Lisa sounded the evacuation alarm. "Come on guys, we're taking a ship from the docking bays."

The group headed down the corridors towards the docking bays, they heard gunfire at a distance. Steel stopped and yelled, "You keep going, I'm going to slow these bastards down!."

Lisa tried stopping him, but he shook her off and headed towards the fighting. Gray grabbed her shoulder, "Come on Liz! He'll catch up with us at the ship, we need to move!"

She shook her head, but started running again.

Steel ran straight for the fighting, he rounded a corner and faced a coyote pirate, armed with a shotgun. He slammed his shoulder into the canine, pushed his arm away and clamped down his teeth in the male's neck. He tore the bastard's throat open, letting him fall to the ground. He picked up the weapon and kept running. Blood dripped down his muzzle and matted his fur.

He arrived in a small room, two foxes were pointing guns at one of his security force members. He growled fiercely as he took the head off one with the shotgun, still running. The remaining fox turned and fired his pistol twice, missing by a hair. The massive wolf leaped forward and extended his arms. He hit the fox right on the chest, taking him down. As he pinned him to the ground he bit down again, letting his feral hunting instincts guide him.

He tossed the pistol over to the security officer he rescued, "Take that and head to the ships!"

He didn't wait for a reply and sped on. He planned to cut off the pirates at a major junction, in order to allow as many people as possible to make an escape. As he came up on the junction, he saw the twin Rods backed against the wall.

He signaled he was"going in" and they nodded, holding up their rifles. He made sure the shotgun was still loaded and rushed in, the foxes coming in behind him. Half a dozen of pirates in the large room were taken off guard. Steel sprinted forward, fired his shotgun at two men, who crumpled to the ground. The foxes shot 2 more as he ran forwards. He slashed one feline in the face with his claws as he passed, blinding him. He was floored by the foxes.

He came up to the last one, who had the most time to prepare (all of two seconds by now). He had raised his pistol at the wolf and fired several rounds. He was floored by the massive bulk and bled out through his throat. Steel stood up again, panting heavily, "There....that should buy people some time. Let's get to the ships boys. He took a step and collapsed on the ground.

The foxes ran up to him, Rodney looked him over. "Shot in the shoulder and in the thigh, bleeding but not too bad."

They improvised a quick bandage out of his shirt and lifted him between them. "Sheesh, this guy is heavy!"

Steel opened his eyes and looked to the side, "You're just soft, is all!"

Rodney smiled, "Good, if you're poking fun at Rod already, you'll be fine. Let's get back."

The threesome stumbled away.

The docking bays were chaotic, people rushing on board as quickly as they could. There were 4 ships suited to enter the planet's atmosphere below. The Tortoise cargo ship had an empty hold so it could hold most of the crew. Lisa, Sam, Gray, Baxter, Ratchet and Doc boarded one of the smaller shuttles. Lisa gave the remote command for self destruct to the ship's computers.

"These bastards aren't getting their hands on the old girl! She'll be going up in 5 minutes!"

At that moment Steel, supported by the twins, came into the bay. Sam was the first to see, "Look! They made it!"

Lisa looked worriedly at the limping wolf, covered in blood as they brought him aboard. "Are you ok Steel? What happened?"

One of the foxes answered for him, "Don't worry Captain, just flesh wounds. Most of the blood isn't his."

Doc replied, irritated, "I'll decide whether or not they're flesh wounds! Put him on the floor here and let's have a look!"

The red-white falcon examined every available inch of the wolf and started rummaging in his medical kit. Lisa jumped up and took the pilot's seat, "No time to hang around people, we've got to get out of here!"

She stabbed the needed commands into the computer and they blasted off into space, heading for the planet. The back top half of the shuttle cockpit had windows, through which they could see their wounded ship, with the obscene tumor latched on to it. They turned to look as 3 other ships launched from the docks, in close formation. In their minds, they were all saying farewell to their home. It brought up particularly bad memories for Gray, the second time he'd lost his home to violence.

Suddenly a flash illuminated the tumorous ship on top of the beaten Survivor. Seconds later, the Tortoise transport exploded, pieces scattering everywhere. The shrapnel took out the two smaller ships flying beside it. They were turned into a cloud of shimmering metal.

The group stared at it, realization seeping through into their skulls. Lisa sat in her seat, completely stunned. Her entire crew, save those present, had been killed by one vengeful shot from the pirate ship.

The Survivor detonated.