Melvin and Thomas: Chapter Three: The Turn Of Events

Story by ThaAwesomeHusky on SoFurry

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Chapter 3: The turn of events.

Oh dear, It looks like our friend Thomas is in one hell of pickle here. His parents caught him in bed with some nasty and sexy sex toys. What will happen to him and Melvin? Let's find out in this episode of the Dukes Of Hazzard. OH NO! In this episode of Melvin and Thomas.

I took the advice from Aresues and stopped using italics all the time. Also the paragraphs.

*Take note that from the next chapter on the story will be divided into two points of views one of Thomas which will be written in italics, and one of Melvin, which will be written in normal letters. I hope you agree with this and enjoy yourself (*-*) *This chapter along with most other chapters will contain: Violence (not in the yiff), Homosexual Huskies *awww that's so cute!*, And some sad moments from now on. Be a man (or a lassie) and read this. They are not so bad... *By the way, I received a PM saying that the ages are not quite right. Well smartass this is my story and my fur-world where everything is possible such as drivers licence and college on your thirteenth.

Let the story begin.

**Melvin and Thomas chapter 3: The turn of events


''Well I would love to hear an explanation from you, you, you... demented fag!'' Dad shouted his face turning bright red. I walked in the room, blushing like a madman. ''What you have done there accidentally was something quite stupid.'' I said trying to bring the mood back in the room what afterwards seemed quite stupid.

I haven't told you yet that my father is probably the most anti gay person in the entire world. ''Don't try to make things funny, boy.'' He shouted in my face pointing his finger really close to my nose making me shudder. ''And why are both of your furs wet?'' He continued. We started to blush even more and looked down. ''Oh no, you didn't!'' He shouted. Thomas sat there totally nude too scared and shocked of todays events. ''If I found out you did, you're dead.'' He pointed at me again.

I still don't know why he pointed at me. I believe that it was because of me being the oldest and usually the more dominant. He threw me out of the doorway making me slam against the wall. I quickly stood up and walked after my father to the bathroom. He shouted things unnecessary for repetition. He opened the door of the still wet and hot bathroom and started sniffing in a strong smell of our musk.

''Oh god, you did, where did I go wrong in raising you two huh?'' He shouted into my face. ''D-dad, well... I...'' I tried to find words to get out of this. ''Don't start to deny, you yiffed in my bathroom didn't you, you filthy gay person.'' He shouted. I tried to stay strong and yelled back at him. ''If you would just listen you won't be the terrible parent you are now!'' I screamed at him.

You could see the fire in his eyes. He punched me in the face making me feel dizzy. I stumbled for something to hold onto. I took hold of the sink barely managing to stay upright. I felt something warm run over my head and then over my muzzle to continue to my nose and then drip on the ground leaving a dark red puddle of blood on the floor.

I wanted to be sad but anger took over. I punched him hard in the stomach and gave him a kick in his private region. ''I love him, there is nothing you can do about that.'' I whispered in his ear. ''Wanna bet?'' I heard from him when I saw him pull out his Smith & Wesson 38. I quickly ran towards the door almost tripping over the doorstep. I heard a gunshot behind me.

I leaped into the hallway. Almost skidding away on the slippery floor. I ran towards the front door grabbing my car keys as I did so. I heard another shot when I opened the door and I felt a rush of pain shoot through my shoulder and I yelped. I quickly felt the warm blood rush down my arm and chest. I ran outside and opened the door of my Charger, turning the key and making the V8 roar to life. There were two more shots as I drove off. One going through the rear window and the other pulverizing the right taillight. I quickly drove away. ''I'll come back one day Thomas. I'll come back.'' I said to myself hoping he would somehow hear me.