Shadows Returning: Tabel of Contents and Chapter 1

Story by GladiatorW07f on SoFurry

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Shadows Returning

A Dragon of Pain

By Taiku Altergurnd

Table of contents

Chapter 1: Scroll Please

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3:

Chapter 4:

Chapter 5:

Chapter 6: Coming Soon!

Chapter 7: basic overlay

Chapter 8: Not Started

Chapter 9:

Chapter 10:

Chapter 11:

Chapter 12:

Chapter 13:

Chapter 14:

Chapter 15:

Chapter 16:

Chapter 1: To the Park

It was a beautiful sunny day in the middle of June, the sun was shining brightly with a few clouds obscuring it from time to time as they gracefully floated on the breeze. With the day reaching the mid point, I suggested that my friends and I should go to the tennis courts and play a few matches. Now Aurther, whom I was dating at the time, suggested we head out now but bring a pick-nick luncheon so that we would be able to further enjoy this near perfect day. To this suggestion I replied saying it was a great idea.

Now Aurther is not the most bold of people, he is the submissive one in our relationship, and not one to speak up. He keeps to himself unless someone approaches him, and even then he is very meek. This tendency of his to "play dead" makes for very fun times in bed and he is more then wiling to do the weird things, and this trait spills over into his personal life with others making him very awkward and out of place in many social settings. Now for a husky that is not the best thing to be; however, he has managed to fall in with me and we have been together for some time. At least he does not roll over around my friends because they are not overly assertive against him.

I on the other hand am a very outgoing, confident, assertive person. The contrast generated here does not cause conflict, as both me and my boyfriend Aurther have very similar personalities. Being that we are both males may other folks in the town look down on us. I can always say to them however, "When you grow wings and can fly higher then me, then you may look down at me!" Although I do have flaws myself. I am obnoxious, outspoken, and have an uncontrollable 'reflex' that make me say the most offensive things at utterly random or god awful times. The last of these flaws has made holding a job rather hard at times, but I have always man aged to pull things together and keep my life from falling apart.

So, as we were heading out the door, Tyler mentions that there is a chance for rain later in the day. Now Tyler is some kind of lizard, an Armadillo Lizard I think, but the 'point' is that he is overly cautious in the way he goes about things. Rightfully so, he has had more bad things happen to him in the last week then anyone else in the group, and as such he grabbed a poncho. I told Tyler he would not need it, but he refused to listen to me.

So with the luncheon pack, gear grabbed, and the poncho dawned, we headed off to the tennis courts. On the way there way there we ran to a mini-mart. Now this mini-mart we frequented; this was because it was clean the products were always fresh, and their hotdogs were amazing. This week they had a great deal on soda pop, which was why we stopped by, and it was 2/5 12 packs of our favorite flavors. I got a pack of Root Beer and Tyler got a lemon lime. Auther kind of stood in the corner while we picked the soda up. So with soda in toe we continued onwards to the tennis courts, but one thing felt like it was wrong though.

A short while later we arrived at the park with the courts. It was a lavish and well planed out and maintained park. There was a flower garden with rows of Roses, Tulips, Magnolias, Tiger Lillies, and so much more, and the aroma filled the air with with the sweetest bouquet that we could not help but sigh upon encountering. Next to the flowers was a small "Pet Park", the towns way of saying work out area, where all the studs and babes of the town worked out regularly when it was not snowing out despite the $10.50 admission fee. Following the path northward you found the most spectacular play ground every built. With over 2500 square feet of playing area with wall, slides, mazes, musical toys, swings, and more just on the first level with 3 more after that each one almost four and a half feet high so that parents could play with their kids in decent comfort. There were even Monkey bars made so that parents would be about a foot off the ground. And with a hop skip and a jump from there, you would find 2 full sized and 2 half sized foot ball fields. To the west were the 2 soccer fields. And just south of there were the Basketball and tennis courts. Heck there was even a small area for local venders next to the picnic tables to set up booths for the park goers. Which is where we were going.

Character bio For Taiku Altegrund

Basic Statistics Name: Taiku M. Altergrund Nickname: Tai. Ean Meaning of name: Origin of name: Japanese and German Age: 21 Sex: M Blood type: A+ Nationality: German Ethnicity: CAcation Race/Species: Eagle Antrho Sexual Orientation: Gay...

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Faults In The Darkness Tales of the Blinded By: Taiku M Altergrund

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