Fox - Trade

Story by Abion on SoFurry

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Just a trade from FA

Travis was sitting at his computer desk in his room, his loud room mates shouting about who ate who's food. He rubbed his eyes and stretched backwards yawning loudly before taking a long deep sigh. "I sometimes wish I didn't have to put up with all these annoyances in my life." He sighed again before returning to his computer screen, several messages having popped onto the IRC chat he was in. He read over them quickly, not really caring what was said, that was until he received that first private message from someone called 'Shini'. The message was strange, it seemed to sort of just float on Travis's mind before finally sinking in. "ah hello, names Travis, nice to meet you..shini?" More and more messages from this person called 'Shini' floated onto the screen, Travis not realising how long it took for him to read each one properly. "We will chat again tomorrow Travis, I have something in mind for you" was the last message Travis understood before nodding and turning his computer off.

Travis sat on his bed for a while, just staring at the ceiling as the time ticked by. " Shini...what plan does he have..probably just some stalker." He sighed and drifted off to sleep, barely noticing as a wave of energy passed over his body, his toes twitching slightly. That night Travis had fallen into a very deep sleep, his mind had been implanted with the vision of a shadow lurking over something small, though the shadow didn't mean any harm, it was more like it was protecting the small creature.

It was all too soon that Travis's alarm clock sounded, the high pitched buzzing waking him up. He yawned and stretched out, surprised to see he had stripped all his clothing off during his sleep. He blushed a bright red before getting out of bed and stretching, his member rather hard from such an excitable dream, even if he couldn't remember most of it. He looked in the mirror of his cupboard before opening it to pull out some underpants and clothing. He slipped his loose baggy shirt on followed by his long flowing pants, surprised to feel something in the pants pocket. he reached inside the pocket and pulled out a small black ball with a little note attached.

"Hay Travis, this is a little gift from me Shini, this is a one use item. You said to me last night you wish you could get away, well this will help you." Travis grinned before throwing the ball and note on his bed "Bloody room mates should of known one of them would do that, Shini, what a joke." He sighed before heading out of his room, the thick scent of bacon in the air. He grabbed a plate of the freshly cooked breakfast before sitting at the table staring at his three room mates. "So which one of you messed with me last night?" They all sat there looking at him and shrugging. "yeah what ever just don't do it again." Travis finished his meal before heading out of the dorm, it was summer holidays so there was no class, but he did have a club to go to.

Outside of the dorm room Travis yawned deeply, stretching again his back a bit stiff from the deep and strange sleep he had. Flashes of the dream returned to him as he headed towards his club, he could remember being very warm, and smelling thick moss and a dense sound of flowing of water in the air. He stopped for a second shaking his head and staring at his watch. "Ah crap, late.." He sighed deeply one last time before running off, his shoes feeling a little tight, yet he felt so light on his feet, it must of been that deep sleep he had. He arrived at his club around about five minuets late. "Ah good everyone's here, welcome Travis!" The small girl at the front of the room, cat ears in her hair, yelled at him.

Caught up by the sudden shout, Travis blinked a few times before smiling and sitting down, a broad grin on his face. 'That's Christy for you, as energetic and cheerful as a cat' Travis thought to himself, his heart pumping heavily from the sudden run. He couldn't help but notice the bulge building in his baggy pants, he figured it was from the friction, from running. "So yeah we are all goanna head out on a trip on the...tenth, to the local woods.." Christy albeit shouted out at everyone, all in the room nodding in agreement. "Good then, meeting over, have a great holiday everyone, sayonara!" 'that was so like Christy' Travis thought with a slight grin, 'she is an otaku fur through and through'.

Travis went to stand, but the large bulge in his pants made him stop and burn a deep red, his cheeks felt as though fire danced across them. Christy could see Travis was still sitting there and she walked over slightly confused. "Hay Travis, you where late today, ya staying back cause' ya feel bad? Heh, get going ya' goof!" She patted him on the back waiting for him to stand and leave. Travis, still just as red, stood quickly and turned, waving with his back to Christy. "Mnn sorry zonked out a bit there, see you on the tent" Travis closed his eyes tight realising the world slip, he hoped she had not noticed as he quickly ran off, his crotch apparently needing some serious attention.

Travis burst into his dorm room his room mates looking at him, only for a second, as he ran into his bedroom, slamming the door. Once in there he stripped all his baggy clothing off, his shirt, pans, shoes and socks in a neat pile. He couldn't believe how hard his member was. His length was pushing the limits of his boxers, which had now started to get wet with precum. He gingerly pulled to boxers off, his cock springing back against the waist band as he did. Looking down at his length he was rather shocked by it, he had never been this hard before. He touched his cock with his hand gently, the sensation of flesh on flesh almost enough to make him cum then and there.

Figuring he should enjoy this incredible hard on while it lasted he decided to rest on his bed, completely forgetting about the small powdery black ball he had left there. Grinning wider Travis touched his cock one last time before turning and flopping backwards, his hard member standing at full attention, waiting to be teased. What Travis failed to notice was the powdery black ball that was on his bed cracked in half and shattered, his body weight on the small item enough to destroy it. The powder smoothed over his back and formed a swirling style tattoo, the cursed item finally able to settle into his body.

Travis's hand reached out and grabbed his length, his fingers gingerly rubbing over the sensitive head of his cock, his hand quickly wet with pre. He moaned out and kept on stroking his cock, the new tattoo on his back seeping its magical essence into his body. The pleasure was so intense so strong, he didn't notice as the tingeing wave of energy surged over his form, his toe nails turning a slightly darker colour, but only just noticeable. Travis continued to stroke his cock, his balls pulling up tighter against his body, his pubic hair turning the slightest bit white. He could feel how close he was to orgasm, his member had leaked pre all over his crotch, his toes curling tight.

With one last loud moan his cock let for a torrent of hot cum, the warm liquid spraying out over his crotch, the first shot even reaching his face. During his orgasm his nails grew darker and his teeth felt the slightest bit longer. Travis rested there on the bed, his musky cum covering his crotch and waist as the tattoo set its magic in place. Travis fell asleep there, his dreams again filled in by the visages of a large shadow surrounding and protecting something small, and this time there was the sound of flowing water.

Travis woke back up around about lunch time, his chest and even bed stained with dried cum. He blushes brightly before scratching his legs, the cum and magic making them itchy. He yawned and stretched before heading to his computer, the need to put clothing on not really hitting him. As he sat down he could see that he had another IRC message from 'shini'. "I see you used the item I gave you, fantastic. All you have to do now is give into the changes and I will protect you." Travis blinked a few times before nodding and turning the computer off, his mind returning. "Damn that was strange.." He sighed and put his clothing on, the black tattoo catching his eye. "What..what the hell!" he looked at his back in the mirror and was shocked beyond belief, The swirling tattoo scared him, he didn't remember getting it.

The more he stared at the tattoo on his back the more his concerns seemed to fade away. It was like a calming was washed over him, his toe nails turning slightly darker, now a slight yellow. Travis finished calming down and slipped his shirt on, his mind almost instantly forgetting about the tattoo. He grinned and stretched again, his shirt feeling kind of loose on his body. He also had to pull his belt slightly tighter too. He headed out of his dorm room and got himself some water. He gulped the cool liquid down greedily, his nose able to smell chlorine as he did. "Wow guys this water smells awful, don't drink it" he passed it to his room-mate who all looked at him confused. He sighed and muttered something at them before going back into his room.

"Man my room smells..awesome" he grinned and took a deep sniff, the smell of his cum still in the air. The scent reaching his changing nose was enough to drive him mad again, his pants starting to tent. He blushed bright red as he could feel his hands removing his pants, not bothering with his shirt this time. He walked over to the bathroom attached to his bedroom. Once in there he started to stroke his cock again, his hands gliding up and down his hard length. Travis was surprised, his cock seemed longer and it felt like there where two small lumps at the base. He rubbed the lumps a little harder than the rest of his cock, feeling them grow and swell. As he fondled his developing knot his testicles seemed to get slightly larger, his big toes tingling.

He started to stroke his length harder and faster, his hand hitting his knot, pre squirting out with each simple touch. It didn't take long for him to cum, his knees growing weak as his body launched out another huge load. Travis fell to the ground, his rump hitting the tiles with a dull thud, his cock still spraying pre. This second orgasm sped up his changes even more, the tattoo on his back fading slightly as thick hair started to grow down his legs and arms. It was this sudden growth of hair that Travis finally realised something was happening, he realised he needed to do something.

Once his after glow had left him, and the skin on his feet had grown slightly harder, Travis ran to his computer logging into the IRC channel and immediately contacting 'shini'. "Dude, what's happening to me, what did you do to me?" Travis typed in hurriedly, his body shivering as the changes slowed down to a stop again, ending with his big toes shortening slightly. "I am giving you what you want, a chance to get away." Travis stared at the scream in shock, his feet starting to ache slightly. Travis turned his computer off stood up, yelling at the sudden pain in his feet.

The pain didn't go away until he stood on his toes, the new stance feeling so natural. He padded over to his door and stopped, realising how strange he would look to walk out half naked and on the balls of his feet. He reached for his pants from the day before, the ones not stained with cum, and slipped them on. He then looked at his shoes sighing, before taking a pair of scissors to them and cutting them carefully. He pulled one of his feet close to his face and looked at it. He could see his big toe was almost completely gone, it had even started to pull up he foot slightly. His toe nails where a dark yellow and pointed, his actual toes seemed to becoming more triangular in shape.

"What's happening to me.." he muttered out before carefully slipping a sock on both feet. The tight material felt against his feet, almost wrong. He slipped his canine like feet into his modified shoes and did them up. It felt so good to stand like that, even if he knew it was wrong. After playing around with this new stance he was surprised to feel his cock grow hard again, his hands rubbing his crotch. " I need to go..ngh its so good.." It only took a moment for Travis to have his cock in his hand, stroking and tugging on his length. Another orgasm, this one more powerful than the others before it. He could feel how different his cock was, it felt thicker and larger, it even seemed to be a deep red.

Using some tissues he cleaned his hands off and stretched again, his worries having slipped away with his orgasm. That was until he felt the tingle at his spine. The tingle then grew into pain as he slumped forward hugging his bed. It felt like someone was pulling as his stomach, stretching it and forcing it out of him. he wasn't sure how long it had taken, but by the time the pain had past it was well into the evening. Standing he shook heavily, sweat dripping from his brow. He took a deep breath before looking at his rump. A deep wave of dread and excitement shot through him, there attached to his body was a large fluffy whiskery tail. It seemed to move of its own accord, the grey fluffy appendage wagging side to side.

Travis sat on his bed gingerly, wrapping his hands around his head as tears flowed form his eyes. "This cant be happening" was all he managed to mutter out, the tail flopping still against his bed, the black fluff vanishing with his black sheets. He sighed again one last time before standing and taking a deep long breath. He stood up and paced around his room for a moment before coming up with a plan. "Ok, I'll go to Christy, maybe she can help me track his IP.." he took another deep breath before unplugging his laptop and putting it in the bag. With his bag in toe he was about to walk out of his dorm room before remembering his tail. He put the bag down and slipped his tail down into his pants.

It felt so unnatural having his tail trapped in h9is pants but he had to do it. His baggy pants would occasionally move about as his tail attempted to get free. He walked outside of his room quickly, his gait rather unstable in his modified shoes. He walked past his dorm mates, listening to them giggle. "Heh we can see your tail Travis, we know your a furry." Travis burned red as he was taunted, slamming the door behind him. He padded off towards Christy's dorm room. As he was walking he couldn't believe how uncomfortable it was. He kept squeezing his hands tighter and tighter, forming fists as he walked.

He finally reached Christy's house, his back aching and his hands tingeing and itching like mad. "Oh hay..Travis? what's wrong you look awful..Oh dude awesome tail!" She reached back and tugged on his tail making him yelp and whine. "Wow dude good acting" Christy giggled and sat him down in her room. Travis looked at his hands and then quickly rolled them back up into fist's, he was attempting to hide the dark brown rough pads that had been forming on his hands. "Hmm I cant really track this IP address, its dynamic, I'm sorry dude." Travis sighed and nodded before hugging Christy tight and leaving.

It has been a few days since his last change, Travis had started to feel better too, the changes had seemed to of stopped for now. He got out of bed and yawned, stretching up on his canine feet, his tail curling around. He scratched his chest gently, the white fur that had grown in was so soft and warm. He grabbed his baggy clothing, the shirt even larger and pants even bigger as he had shrunk slightly, though his new digit grade stance hid this rather well. His cock was rock hard again this morning, but he had figured that his transformation was linked to masturbation, the urge to masturbate was getting to him though. His hand drifted down lower until his eyes caught the sight of the rough brown pads on his palm.

"no I cant keep changing" he let his hands move away from his crotch, the dark pads rather noticeable. He had given up on hiding his tail from his room mate any more, they just thought it was fake. In the few days that he had rested school had come back into session. Travis finished eating his breakfast, the cereal rather unappetising to him. He walked out the door and headed to his classroom, his feet feeling trapped and confined in his specially changed shoes. On the way to the room several people stared but he didn't really mind, he loved the feel of his tail in the wind. Sitting in the classroom was an issue though, he had to work the tail through the back hole of the chair and sitting in a chair felt so unnatural.

Travis had even started sleeping differently, he found himself curling up on his bed on top of the blankets, the thing layer of fur over his chest and feet more than enough to keep him warm. Writing down his notes he started to fidget, his member growing hard again. It was almost unbearable, the tightness of his undies restricting his member, his knot starting to form. It didn't take long for the class to end, and embarrassingly, Travis stood, and headed to the door. Someone called to him but he couldn't take it any more. He moved into the bathroom quickly, his canine cock pushing up and out of his pants, the baggy clothing being pushed down.

Travis stared down at the pointed tip of his cock and watched the bead of precum drip down onto the tiles of the bathroom floor, the locked door letting him know he was alone. His paw padded hand reached down to his length, gripping it and squeezing it. The sensation of the leathery pads of his hand on the warm soft skin of his cock was enough to make him spray pre. His sensitive nose picking up the scent of his pre cum which now covered the mirror of the small bathroom. He started to stroke his length, his dark fingernails running up and down his length with his hands.

His strokes started to get shorter and quicker as his hand hit his canine knot. Travis's other hand gripped his testicles, squeezing the large lumps, a moan escaping his maw, his sharp teeth gleaming in the light. He continued to stroke harder and harder his cock twitching and pulsing, before with one last deep moan his load burst forth all over the bathroom mirror. His cum jetted out, his body shivering. Travis moaned in a high pitched voice, the noises coming from him almost animalistic.

Travis sat on the tiles of the bathroom, the cold not getting to him as his fur started to grow thicker, a dark grey enveloping his back and a cream white spreading over his chest, met in the middle with a bright orange. He sat there, contemplating what he had done, his tongue growing longer and rougher, jumping up and down as he panted and huffed, his sexual lust still present. His nose turned a black and became a shiny wet as he sniffed the air, his thick fox scent floating around the room.

After a good hours recovery and a missed class Travis started to clean the bathroom, his huge load taking several sheets of paper towel from the dispenser to clean up. After he had finished he darted off to his room, knowing his room mates all had classes. On his way there and once he was in his room, he could feel the changes progressing more rapidly. He pulled his shoe off and then his sock, shocked to see thick white and grey fur enveloping his feet, the brown pads growing larger before his feet shrank down and became more delicate and simple.

His big toes had migrated all the way up his foot, now leg, becoming simple dew claws. He could feel his knees stretching and changing. Travis braced for pain, but there was none as his knees pooped and inverted, his heels disappearing as his feet became part of his legs. On his hands both the thumbs shrank down to nothing but a simple pad mid way up his wrist, his finger nails growing longer and curling around like claws. His fingers shrank down and became harder to move as paw pads grew in.

Travis could feel his spine crack and move as his body was pulled tighter, his tail growing ever so longer, he found he could now control it. The last change to happen then was his ears. They seemed to melt down and become flat, his world descended into deafness before, suddenly, fuzzy warm triangles started to push out of his head, his hearing returning ten fold. He pulled off his large baggy clothing and looked at himself in the mirror. His face had gained a dark nose, that seemed to be pulled away from his face and his body was covered in a soft grey and white fur. he had trouble moving his arms anywhere but in front like a canine, he could also see a slight hunch in his back.

He couldn't say he was sad, in fact he was happy he felt so good. The dark tattoo on his back had been shifting and changing, getting smaller and smaller with each change and now it was almost gone. He lent down on all fours and yawned lightly, that way of standing felt so good, but he knew it was wrong. He stood back up and cleaned up his room albeit with difficulty. Exhausted from the change he plopped down onto his bed with a deep sigh. He curled up like a fox, pulling his legs up to his body as his cock twitched and moved, the skin on it pulling back and then attaching to his stomach. His member was pulled up into a tight sheath as his balls and sheath where covered in a thick soft white fur.

Morning came around and Travis woke up with a fright, his body felt so good, so light and energetic. He pulled off what little clothing he had left on yesterday and slipped on some fresh clothing, which was now just too big for him. His clothing hung off him like a child wearing an adults clothes. He looked in the mirror to see that the thick grey fur had spread and a slight muzzle had grown in. He rubbed his face carefully with his restricting paw, his long canine tongue slipping out to lap over his face.

He knew that today was the day of the picnic, so Travis rushed out of the dorm room as fast as possible, shifting down too all fours and ruining as fast as he could to the local forest. When he got there he realised he had lost his shoes and socks on the way, the earth feeling so good on his hind paws. He stood up, finding it unnatural as everyone stared at him. The crowd was full of people wearing animal masks and fuzzy tails, but none like his. They all complimented on how realistic his suit looked and asked where he got it.

After the short period of small talk they all entered the Forrest, towards the picnic site. When there they unpacked and started to eat, Travis ate the meat of his sandwich greedily before laying on his back and panting, making a fair few people of the group laugh. It wasn't long after someone gave him a gentle belly rub that, that familiar urge returned. He could feel his canine sheath swelling as his member poked out. Growing embarrassed by this he ran off from the crowd, shouting out albeit slurred, that "Imn Ging to tugh Toileght."

Travis ran deep into the Forrest, soon stumbling upon the sound of flowing water. He leant down and took a deep gulp of the cool water before striping out of his clothing, his long his sharp teeth to pull it off. He stood there naked and panting, his cock growing out to full attention, the canine member covered in a thin film of pre. He carefully lent against a tree, like he remember doing as a human, and reached his hand paws down to his length, or rather tried too, but they just couldn't seem to make it.

Realising the problem he hoped down onto all fours and then laid on his side, his muzzle pushing down into his crotch, his rough canine tongue sneaking out to lap at the tip of his cock. He started to lick and lap at his cock, taking the tip of it in his maw, sucking on it and trying to gulp down all the precum he could. As he did a darkness started to surround him, the tattoo vanishing from his back as his back pooped one last time, his body feeling so good on all fours. His thumbs completely vanished away as his finger became immobile, his rump melting away leaving a small tail hole surrounded by a sea of white fur. His transformation finished when his face pulled out into a long muzzle, the dark shadow wrapping around him. His mind started to fade as his cock burst fourth, the thick fox cum spraying in his maw.

Travis stood up and shook his fur out, licking his lips as a little of his cum dripped down. He walked over to the strange pile of smelly material, sniffing over it and shuddering. It smelt like humans, creatures he was always taught to avoid by his mother. The changes finished within the foxes mind, his entire life spent living in the forest. His stomach growled as he sniffed the air, he could smell rabbit and knew he could get it, but more importantly he had to check on his den, to make sure no other fox had invaded it.

He padded down stream and soon came across a small cave. The fox settled down in the cave and curled up, his growling stomach would have to wait, he was too tired to hunt now. The final memory to vanish from Travis's, the foxes mind, was that of an email from 'Shini' he finally understood what it meant with his fleeting mind. "I am a Shinigami, I have been watching you and I know you don't like your life. So I am going to change it for you, you wont remember this email until the final moments of your change." Travis, who's mind was almost fully that of a fox, nodded his muzzled head as he mentally went over the email "Once you are changed, I will look over you and protect you, look for a flowing stream and you will find your home."

Travis nodded and then closed his eyes falling into a deep sleep. The email faded from his mind as he feel into a deep sleep, his mind now that of a fox. Once his change was complete, the memory of Travis faded from the human world, it was as though he was never born a human. He awoke the next morning and yawned loudly, stretching out and sniffing the air. He growled and then bolted down stream, grabbing a rabbit in his maw. Today was going to be a good day for the fox, he had already found food and when he was done he was going to sniff out a mate.