Bets: Chapter Two

Story by ForgottenRecluse on SoFurry

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#3 of Bets

A/N: Thanks so much for the love. I hadn't originally planned for this to be a series, as it was just going to be a practice run. But since ya'll liked the first one so much, and since I don't have any ideas at the ready, I figured why not? I hope you like this one as much as the first.


I walked out of the locker room to my car in a happy daze. And I probably would have driven all the way home like that if some dude hadn't cut me off while I was driving through town.


When I arrived at my rather over-large home around fifteen minutes after leaving the school, I was caught between sheer ecstasy and anger at the idiot who almost snapped me out of my daze. I quickly parked and walked to my front door.

The door opened to the living room, where my mom was sitting, watching T.V. She was a light gray wolf just shy of five and a half feet, though the way she carried herself made her seem much taller.

"Evening, honey. How was school?" My mom's voice was low and barely raspy from the few years she had spent smoking. It would have screamed sex at me if I were into incest. Or straight.

Try as I might, I couldn't keep the smile off my face or out of my voice, nor could I keep the wag out of my tail. "Good."

She looked at me with that all too-knowing look that mothers must practice in a mirror. Sometimes I wonder if she actually knew anything or just did it to get me to confess to something. "And how much of 'good' deals with the fact that you're-" she looked at the clock, even though I knew- and she knew I knew- that she was always aware of the time, "- almost fifteen minutes late?"

I opened my mouth to lie, but she just gave me that look again. Dammit! I closed my mouth with what I hoped was a bit of a pout on my face. She just laughed at me. Twice dammit!

"Oh, c'mon! Tell me! You know you want to tell someone as much as I want to hear it." She waggled her fingers at me.

I opened my mouth again.

"And don't give me that 'Well, I don't want to tell anyone' line. We both know that's a lie. You're practically bubbling with excitement."

I stuck my tongue out at hear and she laughed in response. Finally giving up my feigned annoyance, I smiled in return and hopped up onto the couch next to her.

I very quickly told her everything that happened in the locker room, telling her everything except sizes. Because there are some things you just don't tell your mother. She listened closely and thought for a few seconds after I finished.

"You know, Ian, it might be best if you traded the sex for something more harmless. Like a movie or some coffee or something," she finally said. "I can assume he's straight, or at least he's not out?" I nodded. "Then he can't really say that something like that is too gay for him. It's hard to get gayer than taking it up the butt." We shared a smile. "And this way maybe you can at least become friends without fear of making him resent you. And who knows, maybe you can eventually become more than friends."

I nodded in agreement when she finished. I leaned across the couch to give her a hug. "Thanks, mom."

She smiled again and returned the hug. "It's always wonderful to talk to you sweetie. I'm just glad you feel comfortable enough to speak about everything. And I really do mean everything," she chuckled. "Oh, and your father called earlier, he's coming home Friday and will be staying through next Sunday. Which means you need to put all your toys up."

That was the difference between my mom and my dad. My mom could walk in on you with your vibrator-stuffed ass in the air, one paw pumping your cock, the other holding a twelve-inch canine dildo to your mouth and she'd close the door and then laugh with you about it when you were finished. She was kind of like a cool older sister in that regard. My dad, also called David or Dave by my mom, on the other hand, wouldn't be able to look at you for the rest of the time he was in town if he even caught a hint of a glimpse of a toy in your room.

Don't get me wrong. I love my dad. It's just that he makes it hard to be a super-horny male teenager. Which is why I was kind of glad he was an international businessman. The kind that goes on long trips. He worked for some company that sent him to make international deals with other international companies.

Or something.

I quickly assented and rushed up to my room, closing and locking the door behind me.

Today was Tuesday. I had less than three days before dad got home. There's a reasonable chance I won't be leaving my room except for emergencies. And school. Maybe.


All my parts were sore the next morning. After turning off my alarm, I dragged myself out of bed and walked over to my closed door. I opened it and walked out into the hallway. I walked down the steps that were just to the right of my door and walked through the living room into the kitchen where my mom was cooking breakfast.

"Morning, honey." She must have heard me walking down the stairs.

"Morning mom. What's for breakfast?" I sat down on one of the stools that lined the bar on the edge of the kitchen, which we used for breakfasts.

"The norm. Bacon and eggs. Are you feeling alright? You went up to your room after I told you he was coming home and you didn't come back down for dinner." Concern and just a small amount of hurt laced her tone.

"Sorry mom. I wanted to make sure I had plenty of time to take care of-" I paused here, trying to think of exactly how I wanted to say it.

"Your libido?" my mom supplied helpfully.

"-before dad got here," I finished with a nod, even though she wasn't looking my way.

"I suppose I can forgive you," she said as she removed some bacon from the skillet. She turned to face me. "How many eggs do you- oh my God!"

I started and looked to where her eyes were: me. I didn't see the problem. I was only naked and my fur was matted from the cum I'd released on my stomach last night and oh shit I was naked and my fur was matted from the cum I'd released on my stomach last night.

I was out of the stool and hiding behind the wall that separated the living room from the kitchen in a flash. "Um, three's fine, but I think I'm gonna take a shower first." My ears were pressed as flat as they could go, and I'm sure if my fur weren't so dark as to be nearly black that my embarrassment would be even more visible.

She kept a straight face but her eyes were laughing. "I don't know why you'd want to do that now, but go ahead. Just tell me when you're ready for your eggs." I nodded as casually as I could and quickly left.

My embarrassment only worsened when I heard her laughing as I walked up the stairs.

At this point I'm just thankful that I had plenty of extra time to take a shower and dry off a little before I had to leave for school.

There are some things you just don't tell your mother, no matter how open-minded and carefree she is.

And there are some things you just don't want your mother to see. Like her seeing her son, naked and covered in four loads of cum.

At least I was too sore for morning wood. That may have killed me.


Even with that rather embarrassing mishap, I arrived at school earlier than most. But then, I always did.

Today was different, though. I waited out by my car for Jesse instead of heading into class like I normally would.

It took longer than I would have liked for him to arrive, but he did. Fortunately, he appeared to be in a good mood today, as he was laughing. Unfortunately, that laughter was caused by several jocks that surrounded him as he got out of his car.

Damn. My chances of talking to him alone just lessened exponentially. I bit my lip and reached up to finger my piercings in thought.

My mom's idea was a good one. One, in fact, that I prefered as the rewards were much greater. With some minor adjustments.

I've seen his cock once. Now I wanted to touch it. Or taste it.

However, to change the I-fuck-him plan, I had to talk to him. Which was a problem.

Typically, I only saw him twice during the day. Once during lunch, where he was surrounded by friends. The other between sixth and seventh period, but I needed all of the five minute passing period to get from my class on one side of the building to my locker on the other side and then back to the first side.

I needed to talk to him. Now.

I walked across the parking lot, keeping my eyes on him the entire time. One of the jocks around him noticed and nudged him in the shoulder. Jesse looked up at him and the jock pointed at me. Irritation crossed Jesse's features as he looked at me and I stopped walking. He talked to his friends for a few seconds before walking over to me.

When he arrived his annoyance was palpable. "What do you want? I have your number and I told you I'd call you to figure everything out."

My tongue went numb. "Um, I was wondering if you'd-" my voice started to drift off into a mumble as I worked to keep a stutter out of my voice. "-like to go see a movie or get some-"

"Look," he said. His voice was harsh and barely louder than a whisper. "I know I kissed you yesterday, but I was horny and relieved. I'm not gay and you have no right to ask me out when I-"

I'd have laughed at the irony of my mom's words if I hadn't been so pissed. "Shut the fuck up!" My voice matched his in it's harsh intensity. "I was going to say that maybe you'd like to go see a movie or get some dinner or coffee instead of being fucked. Hell, maybe I'd have even given you a blowjob at the end! But apparently you'd rather take it up the ass than even listen to what I fucking have to say!"

His angry face had slackened as I talked and by the end, regret had taken over. I turned and stormed off before seeing his beautiful face looking so sad could wipe away my anger.


From what I said earlier you'd think that Riverside High School was large.

It's not.

All four grades combined consisted of maybe four-hundred people and the building itself was smaller than most hotels.

And that had been exactly what my parents were looking for when we moved here four years ago. They wanted me to have an intimate high school experience with me knowing all of my graduating class. Only one small problem with that plan.


It's hard being the new kid in a small town. When everyone knows everyone else, the new guy sticks out like an alone old guy at a playground full of young children. Except the old guy gets less odd looks. And I didn't help matters with my ear piercings or my tongue piercing or my small problem with ignorant bastards. Read: most people who made fun of me for being a bit different. My eventual coming out just complicated matters further.

That all combined into the wonderful experience of me only having two real friends: A cheetah named Sere, whom I called Hamlet or Toby, depending on my mood, because of how similar his name sounded to the Spanish verb 'ser,' which means 'to be;' and his vixen girlfriend Lilah, whom we both called Lily. My only classes with them were fifth and sixth period. How the hell the school managed that is beyond me.

My first two classes, English and Advanced Biology, passed quickly enough. Spanish went by even faster. Fourth period, Chemistry, seemed to crawl as I waited for lunch. I'd calmed down and wanted to see if Jesse would talk to me. I really hoped he would accept my deal.

Which was why I practically had my phone in my hand, albeit hidden under the table, the second it started vibrating. Only one text message from an unknown number:

'deal. jesse.'

As is often the case with things when you're overly excited, you notice something inane. Like how he didn't capitalize anything.