lost in the woods

Story by Tyson Shadowfur on SoFurry

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Lucky was your average, fun-loving, huggable husky who was always getting into mischeif.

He loved chasing squirrels, barking at neighbors and pretending he was a wolf out in the forrest, even though he was extremely afraid of it.

Cats and wild dogs had told him stories about the old, dark woods that made him shiver but even so he was curious. All he wanted was to have a peek at what lay beyond his backyard fence, to smell the un-tainted air, to eat grass that wasn't covered in disgusting pesticides and fertilizer and to feel like a real wolf if not for even a day.

This was his downfall, he was too damn curious and would ignore common sense. Basically his cute, adorable name became ironic when he finally decided to leave the yard.

One day as Lucky was laying in the yard, lazily starring up at the clouds, he saw his owners begin to pack there car. This was of little concern to him as he gave his crotch a bored lick and watched them drive off to do whatever humans do.

Although he loved his owners he still wished he was wild and had nothing to do with the strange human-beings, with their cars and TVs and lawnmowers; just too much time spent on meaningless things.

Why couldn't they be simpler like dogs? All the clothes and mechanical nonsense made his head hurt and he ached to tread on mud instead of rich soil and gravel.

So, as they left an idea formed in his cute, fuzzy head.

When they were finally out of sight on the long, winding road that led to his home he wriggled his head out of his collar and padded nervously over to the fence. The fence was old and was no longer good for keeping him in the yard, seeing as he'd grown into a large, young, muscled husky and he hopped over it with ease.

On the other side lay puddles, long grass and more mud than he'd ever seen in his life.

"Better than I'd even thought" He let out a happy bark and stretched in the shining sun. It felt good to be out of the yard and he decided going a little farther wouldn't matter.

He padded quietly through the grass, murring as it tickled his belly and wandered among the old trees for awhile.

Then the unexpected thought hit him. He didn't know the way back.

All the warm feelings disappeared almost instantly and his tail went between his legs.

He suddenly took note that the sun would go down soon and all the unfamilliar noises grew louder in his mind. Every snap and rustle made his pulse jolt up a notch.

Finally after beginning to shiver he padded quietly, whining slightly, through the trees to find water. He could hear a stream somewhere and was extremely thirsty and exhausted.

Finally he approached a small brook in the middle of a cluster of trees and was delighted to lap up the freezing, delicious water.

Now he felt somhow less confused and looked around for any sign of home. His ears went down as the little hope he'd regained died as the dark woods seemed to close in on him, beinga wild wolf was no longer worth it.

A sudden growl made him whirl around but he saw nothing in the ever-darkening woods.

"Hmmm an unfamilliar face in our woods? Must be trouble." A harsh voice growled from behind him.

Lucky slowly turned around and saw two pairs of malevolent amber eyes starring at him.

"Nah, look at him, he's tiny." Said another, gentler voice but still slightly un-trustful.

"I know, cant be more than a pup."

Lucky felt extremely undignified. "Hey, I'm 4 dog-years old!" He growled but it died in his throat as two, large, grey wolves padding side-by-side studied him.

The larger tilted his head. "Well no wonder, he's just a fucking dog!"

"Kinda cute though." Said the one with the softer voice, giving him a shy smile.

Lucky wasn't sure if he should run or hide but he stayed in place, rooted-to the spot by his curiousness and fright.

"What are you doing way out here in the forrest young husky?" Said the lager, who was now starring at him with curiousity as though he was sizing up prey.

"Im lost" Lucky replied weakly.

"Well, obviously."

"Oh be nice Jacob, the poor thing's all alone out here, He's lucky we found him!"

Lucky couldn't help but laugh nervously. "That's actually my name."

"Very cute." The larger gave him a smile. "So well-hung for a dog too."

Lucky stared at him blankly. "Well-what?"

The wolf with the softer voice gave the other a strange look.

"Tell you what. I'm Nax and this is Jacob, we will help you get home on one condition."

Lucky tilted his head but let out a happy yip. The large, threatening-looking wolves were going to help him!

He wondered breifly what the condition was but was over-joyed at the thought of returning home. He tried his best to smile but was still somewhat afraid of the wolves. So large and muscular....

"Ok buddy here's the deal, you pleasure us and we will help you get back." The larger one, Jacob, paded over to him and nuzzled Lucky's neck.

Lucky was extremely puzzled but liked the nuzzling. "Pleasure you?"

Nax starred at him. "Well-hung but doesn't know what to do with it? hmmm unusual.."

Jacob went between his legs and began licking Lucky's sheath. "Mmmmmm well it'll be worth the trouble."

"What are you doing?!" Lucky murred at the warm feeling of Jacob's tongue but was now extremely confused.

"Just go with it bud." Nax mounted him from behind and gently bit his neck.

*lucky growled as Nax's large canine cock invaded his tight, firm ass but Jacob's licking made it bearable.

"Oh god that feels good.." Nax murred and thrusted deep into Lucky's stretched, little husky butt.

Lucky was about to moan but suddenly Jacob's large dick filled his maw and he couldn't help but suck it. Its rich, male scent invaded his senses and made him shiver in ecstasy as Nax's thrusting became rougher and Jacob humped his pre-cum covered maw.

All Lucky could do was sit there and take it as the wolves had their way with him and made him their little bitch.

Within moments his small, husky butt was filled with more wolf cum than he could hold and was dripping all over the place.

"Mmmmm you're so tight Lucky." Nax growled and came hard deep in Lucky's husky butt. Streams of hot wolf spooge shot up his hole and filled him till it was coating his ass and Nax's crotch.

With a warning growl, Jacob filled Lucky's maw with more cum than he could handle and he choked as it dripped from his muzzle. It felt so could to have been filled with so much wolf jizz and Lucky passed out.

You can probably figure out the rest. Happy pawing!! ;3