The Tent & The Change Series "Starward" Part 1 (Our story continues)

Story by thwale on SoFurry

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#1 of The Tent & The Change Series "Starward"

The Tent & The Change Series "Starward" Part 1 By thwale ©2011 - 8/20/11


The Tent & The Change Series "Starward" Part 1 By thwale ©2011 - 8/20/11

Writers note: If you have not read The Tent & The Change Series "Earth" Parts 1 - 7, please do (as it was posted August 13,2011) although the "Starward" series could stand alone, not having a background on the main characters might make it confusing in places and less then enjoyable. It will also introduce you to my style of writing, while the "Starward" series is still in the process of being written. I would also like to point out that I am not used to writing yiff, so when it does appear, don't expect Shakespeare & Aphrodite. If you wish to use any inventions, characters, places or ideas I come up with please ask me first, as they are ©me and give credit where it is due. --Thank you.

---10 Months 8 days 10 Hours 23 Minutes 21 Seconds( 00:10:08:10:23:21 AM )

Suddenly there was a minor bump and the downward motion ceased, we must have reached the bottom of the shaft, Drevon confirmed this a moment later "We have reached the bottom, this is the first part of our journey, we will soon be moving again once I input the directions."

He tapped some numbers into a small remote like device he was holding then hit a button, we started to move forwards with a small bump

"How fast are we moving? It feels like we aren't going that fast..." Elden wondered out loud.

"Currently our speed is set by the heat of the earth and tunnel pressure, let me check..."a bit more button pushing "we are currently moving about 800 KPH, our speed will of course change as the pressures changes, it can reach speeds of up to 1600 KPH, but thanks to the artificial gravity it feels like we are barely moving."

Drevon had told us the ship was located in Ecuador between Riobamba and Chimborazo, we would be exiting from the base of the great volcano Chimborazo, the ship was buried about 500 meters from our exit and 50 meters down.

As suddenly as it started it ended "we are here" announced Drevon. I tensed up and Elden just looked numb. There was a familiar thump then the feeling of pressure, the dome opened and we were hit with humidity and the odors of fertile plant life, tinged with the sulfuric smell of the Volcano.

Drevon pressed a few more buttons, and placed the device in the wagon. He climbed on board and with a quick snap of the reigns the wagon moved forwards, we followed as I glanced back and saw the dome seal and just pop into the ground with a whiff of steam that quickly dissipated.

There was now no sign it had ever existed.

---10 Months 8 days 12 Hours 5 Minutes 00 Seconds( 00:10:08:12:05:00 PM )

We arrived... at a patch of low growing Ferns surrounded with large trees covered in lianas. The forest filled with the sounds of wildlife. Birds of every color and description were fluttering through the branches.

Drevon then pulled out a clear block of what looked like glass, pressed his palm on it and... nothing happened. Then it got real quiet in our part of the forest.

"Oh that's right, I need to be in my true form to activate the ship"

He pulled out the transmutation device, I don't think that's what it was called but it sounded good, so I called it that in my head.

Again the black cloud appeared, and lightnings flashed, when it cleared he was again his true form, Alotl, this time when he touched the block of glass something happened. The ground shook and we thought the volcano was going to erupt however it was just she ships entrance rising to the surface. Once it broke through, the Ferns were blown to smithereens and a black metal cylinder began to arise. Once full height of about 4 Meters high had been achieved a light went on at the top, one square portion went opaque.

"No sense standing there" Drevon commented "go on, It's the door to the ship, or have you decided to stay?"

Flo was first, then Elden took a deep breath, kissed me on the muzzle and entered. Next came Vrit, now just me and Drevon were left. I watched as he removed the horses pouches and unhitched it from the wagon.

"Are you just going to leave it here?" I asked.

"Of course not, it was born in Riobamba, it will find it's way home, as to this wagon, the forest will claim it, as well as remove any traces left by my craft."

I checked to see that Renai was well snugged into my carrying pouch and headed towards the opaqueness. I stopped at the entrance, held my breath and stepped through, and found myself standing on open air. Despite myself I let out a small yelp. Then I noticed I was not falling and quickly looked around hoping no one heard me. Drevon was right besides me, I got embarrassed.

"Do not fret, that was a very normal reaction, see Renai didn't even wake up" looking down I saw he was right.

"What am I standing on if there is nothing there?" I asked.

"A force field, simply put the atoms in the air have been re-aligned to have substance without visible matter" I looked confused and he continued as we started to descend.

"You see atoms have basically empty space between them, matter is in fact mostly made of empty space, well the force that holds the atoms together is what makes matter matter."

I must have looked more confused.

"Basically you are standing on the stuff between atoms, like any field it can be manipulated as it is now by lowering the charge on one side of the field, we go down, increasing the charge we go up."

Now that I understood "now I see I have a lot to learn of this Galactic Community and It's technology."

"Of course you do, there is no shame in that, Earth could have no way to know, but as an Alotl you will need to learn, again this will be easy as we have teaching machines" he smiled a secret smile after that and I felt better.

Arriving on the floor of the craft I saw Flo standing there shaking her head and looking like she had seen a ghost "are you OK Flo?, you look uneasy."

"No, No it's fine, just this old woman being introduced to a universe she did not know existed, thank you in advance Mr. Drevon, this is the most excitement I have had in 80 years."

"Happy to see your adjusting, how about you Elden?"

"Um, I think I will need more time to adjust, this is so mind blowing wow that I need time to just accept it's reality, changing forms and then sex was one thing, this..." his voice trailed off. Then I noticed Drevon was asking me a question "pardon?"

"I said and how are you and Renai taking it, Nuree?" He looked genuinely concerned.

"I am still trying to come to terms with it, Renai seems as happy as ever though" I looked down and noticed she was happily suckling and making num num noises.

"Very well, if you will follow me we will head to the Main deck, please watch your heads as there are some low hanging cables..."

We turned as one and followed him from the ships main entrance down a perfectly normal looking metal tunnel, being careful to avoid the cables, until it opened into a very large horseshoe shaped room.

We all stood there agape, except Vrit and Drevon, as we had never been on a spaceship before. This time Renai stopped feeding and just stared as well, if it was enough to impress her imagine how it effected us.

The walls were smooth shiny metal, no controls of any sort were visible. What looked like a window ran from left to right about half a meter from the floor. The floor itself was made of a springy material that liked to slightly grip our feet, Drevon noticed our discomfort and commented.

"The floor is made of an organically charged magnetic substance from the Planet S'wae, it will keep you from falling off the floor if the ships stabilizers were to fail." Fall off the floor? That did not sound comforting.

"Hahaha, the chances of that happening are almost zero, there are so many safety redundancies built into these craft that you would have to intentionally cause an accident, even then it would be very unlikely as you would be hurt."

"The Galactic Community has had many thousands of years to perfect space travel, it is now considered one of the safest forms of transportation there is, and this ship is of a very recent design."

Flo kept looking around "maybe the safest, but certainly not that superior when it comes to color schemes."

Drevon was nonplussed "color schemes? Come to think of it I don't know of any other species who looks at decorating quit like humans... I think you will have a profitable future with a skill like that."

"But I have one question Mr. Drevon, I am almost 85 years old, we humans don't usually live past 100, for me I don't see a long future ahead."

"Mrs. Uh... say I don't know your last name" non of us did, funny how we never thought to ask.

"Giggling like a school girl "it's Michelina, Flo Abigale Michelina."

"Well Mrs. Michelina " said Drevon in his most respectable voice "with the technology and knowledge we have at our disposal, the number of years you choose to live will be entierly up to you..." he let that sink in.

"You mean I can live more then 100? but what about my quality of life?"

"Madam, there are methods of regeneration and healing that would astound you, you have nothing to worry about."

"Well ain't that a kicker, better start thinking of what I want do."

Flo was going to be OK, she headed over to Vrit and started talking to him, Vrit stopped what he was doing and listened attentively.

Drevon continued.

"The ship was kept powered by the Volcano, a simple heat exchange coupled to set of super conductive field coils and... never mind" when he saw I had lost interest. I looked at the others, Vrit was against that far wall talking to it, I thought this was odd and said so.

Drevon looked at Vrit then us "You will have noticed by now that there are no controls visible, this is intentional. Mechanical controls can break down or fail, so this ship uses holographic controls that can be projected as and where needed by simple voice commands."

To demonstrate this he said something in an odd language and at once a group of transparent floating lights appeared in front of him at comfortable height, he proceeded to tap his fingers through them in a quick pattern and at once chairs began to rise from the deck.

At this point I noticed we had entered from one of three doors leading to the bridge, as we watched the chairs rise and form I asked him where the other two went.

"The one across from you leads to another exit, the one to your left leads to the rest of the ship."

Now the chairs had fully formed and were ergonomically fitted to Alotl, Human and something else... Flo hesitated for a moment then saying "shotgun!" she moved swiftly to a chair and sat down smiling, looking curiously over at the strange chair for Vrit.

"Oh that spot is for Vrit, as you know he is a sentient plant and his body is very different from yours in form and function" as if this was not enough Vrit was then engulfed in that cloud of black, but the lightnings were more intense, then what stepped out made us forget about spaceships, holographic controls and breathing.

I wont even try to explain in detail what he looked like as there aren't proper words for it, I will instead give a pale impression of what we saw, alien is an understatement. Flos' jaw dropped and she stared, but only for a moment.

Vrit was now three meters tall and resembled a giant walking Squash, mottled Green and Yellow. He moved on what appeared to be thick roots that wiggled like cilia. His front if you could call it that had glowing indents and what looked like numerous eyes.

He saw us three frozen, staring at him and turned to us "It is still me, this is my true form."

Elden licked his lips and poor Flo, she just sat there frozen, I must have looked like them because Drevon interrupted by clearing his throat, we turned to him.

"Well as introductions to the Galactic Community go this is a more extreme introduction then we usually give people from new worlds."

"The universe is a big place and people like Vrit are more common then bipeds or even quadrupeds that are easier for us to quantify."

Elden finally stopped staring and headed to the seat nearest him, I sat behind Flo.

Elden was the first to break the new silence, bless him "Vrit, is it still OK to call you that?"

"Yes, until you have had the translation surgery, that is as close to my real name as your vocal cords are capable of" we had no idea where his voice was coming from, this was a bit disconcerting.

"Humans are about as alien to us as we are to you, and for this reason I volunteered." "Our psychology is very xenophobic by nature and for this I was chosen to go, I was less xenophobic then the rest of my species."

"I can't tell you how I felt on Thanksgiving when I saw humans eating Squash, you can see why my race is like it is, when you look like food..." he trailed off and we let him be silent. Flo looked a bit embarassed.

"Your thanksgiving dinners were delicious Flo" hoping it would make her feel better.

Drevon had been fiddling with floating lights the entire time and announced with a loud voice.

"We are ready to depart, please everyone get comfortable."

Vrit sat... err coiled... um... well he relaxed in his designated spot near us, Drevon then joined us, and without fanfare we began to rise.

The entire room started to tremble and through the bridge window or screen or whatever, we could see the ground starting to move downward, layer by layer, then we broke free with minor jolt and I watched dirt and debris fly in all directions. The view was breathtaking, I could see the Volcano as we passed over it then checked Renai, something occurred to me and I had to ask.

"Drevon, I know where your ship was there were not many people, but don't you think they would have seen us depart and report us to the air force?"

"Perhaps, what would it matter? we would be just another UFO, this ship is made of material that does not show up on any type of earth monitoring equipment, I mean what good would it be if it could be easily detected?"

"I guess..."

"Anyway, we are now well away from your planet and the point is moot."

I had missed the departure from earth, goodby home at least for now. Renai started to cry and I held her close "don't worry little one, we will be meeting new people soon and you will have plenty of friends" this seemed mollify her and she fell asleep. I wiped the tears from her eyes and kissed her.

"Is anybody hungry?" this from Vrit "I am" Flo hooted.

No one else answered, I suddenly had to use the bathroom "uh... I have to answer the call of nature, where are the bathrooms located?" Great here I am in space on a spaceship and all I can think of is using the John.

"Middle exit, about midway between the end of the corridor and the bridge, there is a lift on the floor, step on it and ask for the restroom."

From this point on, Universal time will be used based on a 24 hour clock, since time is different in space. (1321 Hours) Ship Time.

I did so and found myself in a room that had about 6 blobs of what looked like jello evenly spaced around the room. "Um Drevon, I need your assistance" I felt a bit quesy.

His response came out of thin air "yes?"

"I am in the bathroom and it looks like someone forgot to clean up, there are blobs of goo in here" Renai looked around confused as well.

"Oh my! I forgot to explain, I am so sorry, those are not waste, those are the receptacles for waste, the toilets."

"Wa?, toilets?"

"Yes, there is of course not enough space or possible way to design a toilet and disposal system for each and every race, so a compromise is what you see, an organic waste receptacle."

"Looks like opaque blue-green Jello to me."

"It conforms to the shape of the user and is 100% efficient, the organic material can detect the biology of the user and immediately breaks down the waste and bacteria into usable nutrients for It's survival."

So it lives on waste, I should be shocked but after all that has happened...

"What about the ones that don't get used, how do they survive?"

"They go into hibernation."



I squatted over one of the toilets and it suddenly expanded and wrapped itself around my waist, I jumped and so did Renai at the unexpected motion, and for a moment had a vision of being devoured by the blob. Then I noticed it was just holding me in place, where it touched me was like gentle suction, so I used a spaceships toilet for the first time. Renai just poked at it curiously.

Once finished it suddenly shrank back to it's original shape and I found I had been cleaned and freshened, no smell, fuss or muss.

I took the lift back up to the bridge, I must have had a strange look on my face as Elden started to question me "you look odd, what happened?"

"You will have to discover that for yourself" I smiled a secret smile and left him standing there, confused while I headed over to Drevon.

"How fast are we moving in space? I recall from a science class that said the closer we get to the speed of light the slower time moves, I don't want to get back to an earth 1000 years older then me."

"Not to worry, this class of ships is designed for interstellar travel."

Renai started to fuss so I let her feed, she was quiescent.

"Could you tell me how it works?"

"Not precisely without your knowing a great deal about ether space, the stuff bethind the stars."

"Do you mean dark matter?"

"No, we have found all of that, we could not properly navigate space by not knowing where it was, etherspace or other-space as the wits like to call it, exists outside of Euclidean and Newtonian space. Though Newton argued against ether, his frame of reference was based on 17th century earth knowledge."

"We have since proved the existence of the ether and are currently traveling within it, well traveling as much as anyone can." "It will take about 1 earth week our time to reach your new home" only 7 days... he continued " on earth about 2 days will have passed, if we were to return to earth after arriving at Trihs 4 days would have passed on earth, 14 for us."

"Of course I am using earth time to explain."

"Thanks" I then wondered what Elden had been up to all this time and went to ask him.

"Oh I found out where we get food and drink, and even snacks if we wish."

This sounded tempting and with that thought my stomach grumbled, Renai stopped feeding, looked curiously at me then continued to suckle.

Things went normally like this for 4 days, in that time we all discovered much about space travel, and each other. I also found that the food packets in the galley were hit and miss as far as taste went. We wouldn't go hungry, just get bored eating.

(0132 Hours) Ship Time

At about 23 light years from earth I started to feel something I had not felt in a while, the animal heat of fertility. Oh I knew what it was now, I had had several talks with both Drevon and Vrit and they explained I would not be able to plan receptiveness.

Come to think of it both Drevon and Elden had been watching me closer than usual for the past few days; I chalked it up to making sure I was handling the new situation. Now though it seems they were noticing my heat even before I did.

Now there was a problem, Elden was my mate and Drevon had none on board, so how would we handle a situation like this on our species home planet? I needed more information and felt it best to simply look it up on the ships computer.

"Query, what does a female Alotl do when she comes into heat and more than one male is present?"


Not what I had in mind, better try this again.

"Query, when a female Alotl comes into heat and has chosen a male to mate, how does she prevent other males copulating with her?"


"Response, Yes"


I needed a computer to tell me this? Then again I'm not thinking as clearly as normal either. And the heat was getting more intense all the time. I needed to talk with Vrit.

I found him standing against a bare wall looking a 3-D Hologram of a star field, as he slowly rotated it I asked him "Uh Vrit, I need to talk with you"

Without turning around "yes how can I help you?"

"It's that time I asked you about earlier"

"OH, ah, well have you told Elden yet?

"No, but I am worried about Drevon, there is no one here for him."

"Do not worry about him, if it gets to be too much I'll remind him he can change his form and that should control it."

Why didn't I think of that, just have Drevon become something else, then my estrus won't affect him "thank you."

"Your welcome" did I detect a smirk in that?

"Elden I need to speak with you."

He quickly joined me "yes?"

A bit eager me thinks.

"I'm in heat again; we need to find a private place away from Drevon."

"Oh Drevon yeah, what should we do about him?"

"Thnks to Vrit he reminded me that Drevon could just change into a species that is not affected by it."

"Good idea, I'll go let him know then return, what about Renai?"

I had forgotten her for just a moment "I will let Flo take care of her" wow this must be a big one as I do not forget Renai, ever.

"That sounds fair enough, be right back" with a spring in his step.

I watched as he talked to Drevon, saw Drevon's face both light up and then look sad. Sorry Drevon but for now that is one part of my new society I don't feel like participating in. Elden quickly returned.

"Where to?" this from him "let me give Renai to Flo and I'll show you, just keep it in its sheath for now" then I turned away without waiting for a response and handed Renai to Flo who had been listening.

"She just ate so should be asleep for a while, if she wakes up I have supplement I keep in my bag for her, if she gets to be too much you know how to make her happy." I kissed Renai and thanked Flo, then turned to lead Elden to isolation, heh.

"Eager huh? Follow me big boy" I knew of the perfect spot, the conference room located in the observation dome.

We headed to the lift, I had one more glimpse of Drevon watching us leave "Observation dome" then with a gentle hum we rose up into the conference room.

Once there we both stopped and stared at the universe visible through the dome, the stars had shifted slightly to the red from the speed we were going, but still looked incredible. Then I felt Elden close and knew it was time.

Without thinking about it I leaned close to him and kissed him on the muzzle, he placed his arms around me and we just kissed for the longest time. Then I felt something nudging my belly and looked down to see his member engorged and twitching. The smell from him was almost impossible to resist and I found myself positioning for him before I realized it.

I looked over my shoulder and winked, and then he lost all control and grabbed my thighs, at this point much of my reasonable thinking vanished as well. It was like that first time but far more intense, I had learned what to expect and could control it a bit. Then I felt the tip slide into me and gasped, pressed against my backside he thrust hard enough to push me forwards. The pressure his penis exuded was intense.

I placed my paws on the conference table for support and we followed our instincts. A small part of me could feel him moving inside then conscious thought totally fled. This continued for over 4 hours but it felt like an eternity before awareness slowly returned. I started to notice him within me again and could tell he was nearing another orgasm; this triggered a memory of our other couplings where multiple orgasms were had by both of us.

I let that thought slip as he thrust up against me grunting, releasing his seed within. His orgasm was powerful and hot. Sex as a female is both the same and different then as a male. When I was a human male I recalled the feeling being centered mostly in my groin where as an Alotl female the feeling seemed to be all encompassing.

At this moment it did not matter as I orgasmed and shook, letting out a very animal like yowl, stars exploded and waves of heat washed over me while he lay against me shuddering with his arms around my waist and his organ twitching inside. Although he did not have a knot, he did not withdraw when finished, as we then both fell into a deep sleep, me still over the table.

I awoke about 6 hours later, the holographic chronometer on the wall said we had been at it for 10 hours, I groaned and stretched feeling him behind me. I turned my head around and nipped his nose, he awoke with a yelp, grabbing his muzzle and quickly slid out with a squishy sticky noise, I could tell we were going to need showers.

I leaned further back and kissed him passionately as his penis slid back into its sheath. We both quietly headed for the lift and the showers. The mess in the conference room was swiftly cleaned up by the service bots that waited for us to leave before their full programming kicked in.

-To be continued in "Starward" Part 2- ©2011 by thwale