Stuck Chapter 2

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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#2 of Stuck...

Hey there! Yea you there with your pants down! This is an ADULT story filled with M/M Sexings that should not be read by those under the age of 18! Otherwise, enjoy the second chapter of the transformation story "Stuck..."


"I need more...." Said Chance as he looked down at his bare feet. For the past few hours, all he could think about was sex and cum, He craved it, he needed it, and thankfully for him, he had all the tools to satisfy his hunger right in front of him. Between the man's legs stood not a normal human shaft, but a bright red canine one, complete with pointed tip and knot, and seemingly endless stream of precum flowing from its tip. Chance's newfound flexibility allowed him to lean back down and take his drooling shaft into his mouth as he had done so many times that night, and began sucking on it as if his very life depended on it. He had been doing this exact same thing for what felt like an eternity, the cravings insatiable, and his need for more growing.

He felt the familiar pressure begin to grow in his balls as his orgasm neared, and after a few small jolts of pleasure, his shaft let loose another torrential gush of seed into his mouth, setting his taste buds on fire with the taste of his own spunk as it entered his mouth one shot after another. Finally after the flow of seed ceased, and Chance was left on the floor, satisfied for the moment, though he knew that the cravings would come again soon, and he would be back to feeding himself from his own cock in no time. Surprisingly enough, after multiple orgasms, he was still able to product a massive amount of seed to feed himself with, but as time went on, he began to realize that his seed would very soon not be enough; he needed to find another source before he went mad with hunger.

Chance glanced over at his long discarded pants on the ground nearby him, where a small piece of paper stood out from his pocket. "He said 10:00" Chance said to himself, "I've still got five hours to go...I hope I can last..." Suddenly Chance heard the front door of the apartment close, and the sound of large footsteps began to echo through the halls. . "Hey Man! I'm home! Trip ended a bit sooner than I thought, what have you been up to?" Chance cracked the door to his room slightly to see his roommate Steven, his shaven head reflecting the light in the room as he walked in the kitchen and began rummaging through the fridge. Steven was always a stocky man, usually sporting his usual leather jacket and driving boots, Steven inherited his family's bike shop once his father died two years ago, and he had taken to the role of a "biker boss" well, always talking about motorcycles and engines and whatever job he had to do that day. Though he had Steven had known each other since they were kids, and even underneath that rough and tough exterior, Steven was a good guy.

"Ohh nothing really, just studying for a big history test, how was the drive back?" Steven chuckled as he stood up from the fridge with a beer in one hand, and a leather bag in the other, "Ohh it was all right except for the dammed heat wave I drove through in Dallas, I was sweating like a dog!" Chance stifled a laugh at the irony of the situation as he watched Steven sit down on the couch with a thud and toss his bag to the side as he began flipping through the TV channels. Chance quietly closed the door and grinned to himself, his arousal building in his member once more, and a plan beginning to form in his head. He quickly put on some of his cum stained clothes and quickly rubbed any visible stains he saw into the fabric until it was unnoticeable, though he still reeked of the smell of his own seed, which only caused him to become more aroused. He quickly made himself presentable and walked out into the living room and sat in the chair next to Steve. "So, how was your fam?" said Chance, "Ohh they were good, up to their usual shit and everything...anything exciting happen while I was gone?" Chance smirked and calmly stated "ohh nothing..."

They both sat there in the living room for a while, watching TV and making brief small talk as the smell of Chance's cum soaked clothes began to fill the room. Its musky stench began to assault Steve's nostrils and cause a tent in his jeans. "Hey...hey man..." said Steve with a slight shaking in his voice, "I need to head off to bed, that trip took more out of me than I thought". Steve then got up from the couch, trying to hide his erection as he walked over to his room and closed the door behind him.

Chance smiled as he waited a few moments, he could smell Steve's arousal, and he knew he would be ripe for claiming, his cock throbbed out of its sheath and a small wet stain began to form at the bottom of his shirt. After a minute or two, Chance suddenly started to hear soft groaning coming from Steve's room and Chance knew it was time. Chance walked over to the nearby door and gently opened it, to see his roommate naked on his bed with his clothes hastily strewn around the floor, and with him pistioning his cock in one hand, and tweaking his pierced nipple with the other. "Having fun?" said Chance with a slight grin as he leaned on the doorframe. Steve gasped in horror and grabbed a nearby sheet to cover himself up. "Dude!! Don't come in here! We always had a rule about knocking first!!" Chance paid no attention and then let himself in the room and closed the door behind him. Chance then took a deep breath and took in the scents of the room, Leather...Sweat...Fear...and Arousal... it drove him wild with lust and Chance began to take slow steps towards the bed. "Ohh, I just saw how you were in the living room a second ago, and I thought I'd help you out..."

Steve then backed up slightly in his bed until he reached the backboard "Whoa whoa dude...I know how you are and everything, and I'm still cool with it, but you know I don't go that way! So just get out of my room and we can forget this happened...ok?" But Chance kept advancing forward, slowly peeling off his own shirt and then tossing it at Steve's face, giving him a face full of the cum soaked shirt. "What the hell dude? I... Just...go away!" and he threw a nearby pillow at Chance, who quickly dodged it as he climbed up onto the bed with Steve "Ohh don't worry so much about it...we are two guys after all, and you know what you are, and I know what I am, so who is going to say anything different if we just keep this between the two of us..." said Chance seductively as he began tugging on the sheets that Steve was holding.

" isn't right!" Steve suddenly reached out and grabbed Chance by the shoulders and flipped him onto his back on the bed, letting the covers that where hiding his drooling erection fall, and give Chance a full view of Steven's cock. "Snap out of it man!! You never did something like this before and I know you would never do it! We have known each other since kindergarten and if you were going to do this, it would have been a lot earlier!" Chance only grinned as he looked down at Steve's cock and began unbuckling his pants." "For someone who seems to not want this to happen, you seem to be enjoying this quite a lot...and as for the sudden change...well" and Chance pulled down his pants to reveal he had been going commando, with his red canine cock sticking out proudly from its sheathe. "I'm not exactly the same guy anymore...."

"Wa...what...what happened to you?" Chance took this moment of shock to break free of Steven's grip and flip him off the bed and onto the floor on his back. Chance then quickly leaped from the bed and pinned him to the floor. "S....Stop!! Dammit get off me!!" Steven squirmed underneath Chance's grip as he began grinding their two members against each other.

Steven moaned softly as he felt the alien texture of Chance's strange cock rub against his own, their pre began to mix together, and what resistance Steven had was slowly beginning to wane. The feeling of that rock hard, pointed red tip as it rubbed against his own mushroom tip excited him, and the musky smell coming from between the two of them began to cloud his mind. Chance felt as Steven began to relax, and the pigment of his cock began to darken, "That's feels good doesn't it?" said Chance as he took one of his hands from Stevens shoulder, and gripped both of their cocks. "Yes...I mean...guys do these sorts of things all the time right? We gotta get off somehow...and I have to admit, this does feel pretty goo...aww..." Steven moaned as he felt a tingling began to spread in his groin, racking his body with pleasurable spasms as the red coloration of Chance's cock seemed to spread onto his. "Ohh yea...ohh fuck man...whatever you're doing, keep doing it!" Chance only grinned as he continued his frotting, covering Stevens' member in his pre, and spreading the transformation." The red coloration of Stevens cock began to spread, causing his modest 6 inch cock to grow into a proud 8 inches and caused the mushroom shaped head of his member to re-shape itself into a red point. "Oh...fuck man..." Steven glanced down at Chance's and his cock, and his eyes opened in shock as he finally realized just what was happening. "Whoa! Hey man! Stop! It's...spreading...ohh god why does it feel so good..." Steven's resistances finally gave in and his whole body was washed in a wave of pleasure as the base of his cock began to swell into a fully formed knot.

Chance smiled as he looked down at his roommates fully formed canine cock next to his, and he knew that he was ready. Chance let go of Steven as he leaned down, and tentatively licked Stevens' new cock, causing him to moan in pleasure from his new sensitivity. After a few teasing licks, he finally opened his mouth and began to hungrily suck at his cock, making Steven gasp in pleasure and direct his attention to Chance's own throbbing need. The feeling of Chance licking and sucking on his new cock was nothing like he had ever felt before, his tongue touching every nerve on his alien shaft and sending him into a lust filled high like he had never felt before. But he felt as though something was missing, and he noticed that Chance's drooling cock was sitting only a few inches away...and although he had never considered doing something like this just looked so...appetizing. Steven then leaned over and grabbed onto Chances cock and began sucking on it to feed the own growing need to feed off his roommates cum.

The boys laid there in a 69 position for 4 hours, filling each other with load after load of each other's spunk, with barely a drop being missed, the newly transformed Steven had been given enough to sedate his new hunger, and Chance felt slightly proud for sharing something he thought was a curse with his best friend. Though after a while they finally sat up, with their faces covered in each other's cum, and shared a long, wet kiss, as they traded the remainder of each others canine seed in their mouths. "That was freaking amazing man...I never thought something could feel so good" said Steven as he laid on his bed. "Yea...when it first happened to me, I freaked out, but after I got to taste my own spunk...its only gotten better from there...I'm glad you're so open to it now even though I forced it onto you" Chance then laid his head on Stevens stomach, and Steven reached down and began playing with Chance's hair. "I didn't like it at first, but after I started changing it really opened me up to the idea, but I don't think we can think we can keep doing this forever though man...we gotta work, and you have school and everything, we gotta find some sort of cure or a way of controlling it" Chance then smiled as he climbed up next to him and began whispering something into his ear.


The sound of Steven's motorcycle roared in Chance's ears, as he hung on for dear life to Steven's back as they zoomed through the city. After Chance explained to Steven just what happened, they both decided that it was time to confront the person in the stall and see if he could help cure them. Although, as Chance held onto his friend's back, and felt his warm body through his thick leather jacket, he began to wonder if he wanted a cure, and if Steven would go back to the way he was after they changed. Chance sighed as they reached the park where the bathroom was, and Steven parked his bike and took off his helmet. "Are you sure this is the place?" asked Steven as he began to remove his gear. "Yes..."said Chance meekly through the helmet as he struggled to take it off. "Here, let me help you with that" said Steven as he took the helmet off Chance, their eyes locking for a moment and Steven beginning to notice the tears forming in Chance's eyes. "Hey man...what's the matter?" he said as he placed his hand on Chance's shoulder. "It's just...I've had a crush on you since we were little...and now that we are like this, you like me more now...the way I've always wanted you to like me...and I'm afraid that if we change back, you won't want to be with me anymore..." Chance then began to sniffle as the tears began to roll down his cheeks. Steven then quickly grabbed onto Chance, and pulled him into a big hug, and kissed him on the lips. "No matter what happens to us, you will always be my friend, I may not be a lover, but you mean more than anything to me"

Chance smiled and whipped his tears as they both began to walk towards the shaded area of the park, which was completely deserted, and the only sounds they heard where the car's in the distance, and sound of crickets. After walking the long, paved path, they finally saw the bathroom in the distance; its single, flickering light seemed like a beacon in the middle of the park. Chance reached over and grabbed Stevens hand as they both walked to the door or the men's room, and let out a sigh as they stared at the sign. "Are you ready?" said Steven, Chance gulped softly and took a deep breath and nodded as Steven pushed the door open.

The bathroom seemed about the same has it had before, it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in a day or so, some of the mirrors had small amounts of graffiti written around the edges, and plaster white stalls where covered in profanity and cell-phone numbers. Steven stayed at the entrance as Chance then walked down to the third stall on the row where the glory hole was and placed his hand on the door when he suddenly heard a voice coming from the next stall "Ohh...back for more? I bet you have had some fun..." Chance scowled as he placed his hand on the door "I want a cure...change me and my friend back!" The voice chuckled softly from the stall "Ohh...brought a friend now did you? You turned him as well? Well looks like someone needs to learn to control themselves...and as for a cure, yes I can do it, but I'll only do it if you let me feed from you one more time..." Chance grimaced as he thought about what happened last time in the stall, would he change him further? How could he trust this thing? Though he did have Steven standing nearby, and if he tried any funny stuff, it would be the last thing he would do. "Fine, but don't pull any shit with me..." said Chance as he took one last look at Steven, who nodded slowly, and entered the stall. Chance slowly closed the door behind him, and carefully unzipped his pants, his craving for seed had only gotten worse since he left the apartment, and going without it for over thirty minutes was hard enough, not to mention the vibrations from Steven's motorcycle didn't help. Chance's throbbing hard; red cock practically pulled itself out of its confined prison, and began drooling precum down his shaft. He slowly than slid his cock through the hole, and heard what sounded like a soft growl from the stall next to him. "Ohhh...someone really needs this..." The stranger wasted no time, and Chance felt that skillful tongue began to work its way up and down his shaft, causing him to moan in ecstasy as his hips unwillingly began to hump the stranger's mouth. Chance then felt as lips wrapped around the tip of his pointed cock and began to suck at his member, Chance let out another moan and the knot at the base of his cock began to swell. For a few minutes, the stranger teased and licked at Chance's cock, building his lust and arousal as his knot swelled to its full size on the other side of the stall.

Steven sighed as he listened to the sounds of his friend getting off, causing his own arousal to build, and his own shaft to begin to stain the front of his shirt with his pre. Not wanting to ruin it, he took off his shirt and slinged it over his shoulder, giving the tip of his cock from fresh air as he listened to the sounds of Chance's moaning. He wondered if this guy was as good as Chance said, and if he really was going to hold up on his end of the bargain. The thought of such a skillful mouth on his new, ultra-sensitive cock did excite Steven, but he knew a cure came first, and he can worry about anything else later.

Suddenly, the sounds of moaning coming from the stall where replaced by soft barks and Steven rushed over to the stall and began banging on the door. "Hey man! You ok in there? Answer me!" But his only response was more moaning, mixed in with barking. Steven then quickly opened the door, to see a bizarre sight in front of him. In the stall, instead of being the much shorter Chance as he was expecting, stood to be a massive mix of a Doberman, and a human, with long, triangle shaped ears, black fur covering its entire muscular body, and a nub of a tail, wiggling at the base of his spine as he humped the stall through the glory hole. "What the fuck...Chance? Is that you man?!? Goddammit!" The Doberman howled in delight as he gave the stall another powerful thrust. "Ohh god feels so much better than got to try this..." Steven backed away as the Doberman reached out with his paw and grabbed onto Stevens head, and shoved his face into his chest fur. Steven tried to squirm, but the much stronger Doberman kept him in place, until finally Steven was forced to breathe, and his nostrils where assaulted by pheromones. Chance then let go of the dazed Steven as he went back to humping the stall with his tongue hanging out and panting excitedly.

Steven felt an extreme amount of arousal build up within him, and he needed something to fuck right then and there, he practically tore off his pants, and his canine cock throbbed angrily out of its sheathe. Without giving the Doberman any kind of warning, he shut the door behind him, and positioned his cock towards the canine's hole. With one powerful thrust, Steven impaled Chance on his cock, causing Chance to howl, and Steven to moan in pleasure. Going completely off instinct, Steven began thrusting deeper and deeper into Chance, timing his thrusts alongside the Doberman until he was nearly able to shove his knot inside of him. Steven thrust again and again as short, black fur began to spread across his expanding body. His feet contorted and shifted as his toes became longer, and black claws emerged from his toenails. A small nub of a tail then began to sprout from his back, and then it began to explode with growth, until it practically reached his knees and was covered in the same black fur. Stevens stocky build began to expand, as fat seemed to be washed away and a layer of muscle underneath was revealed, only to be covered by the same black fur that was spreading across his body like wildfire.

Chance let out a loud howl as he let loose another load into the strangers mouth, and he felt Steven's knot graze his hole multiple times, after finishing with his own orgasm, began to grind his ass on Steven's cock which caused him to let out an animalistic growl as his face pushed out into a flat, square muzzle and his ears migrated to the top of his head. Finally, with one last powerful thrust, Steven forced his knot inside of Chance and let out a loud howl as his changes completed, now a much taller and muscular pit bull mix, with a long tail and slightly droopy ears. Chance leaned back and gave his new mate, and sloppy, wet kiss, and the two newly formed canines shared a loving moment together.

"Well, I'm glad you two had your fun, now wasn't this much better than being "cured"." Said the voice from the next stall. Steven and Chance smiled at each other, and then tried to leave the stall...but then realized that Chance's knot was locking him to the stall, and Steven's knot was keeping him locked to Chance. Both of the canines smiled goofily and let out a soft sigh as they simultaneously said...

"We're Stuck....."