The Northlands, Chapter II: Revelations

Story by Beowulf1990 on SoFurry

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#2 of The Northland

Ok, so I'm putting this into a series then. I've gone a bit silly at stages here, once again. As a matter of fact, I might have gone pretty damn silly indeed at some points.No worries about the spicy scenes though, I'm deadly serious about those! (You'll get the horrible joke if you read on.)

Please enjoy and by the Gods, any comments are more than welcome.

The Northlands, Chapter II: Revelations

Fenrir and Ulm walked through the greenly lit cavern, making their way towards the exit. They examined their new weapons more closely as they walked, trying the edges and weighing them in their paws.

Ulm looked up at his friend, "That guy may be the most complete lunatic I've ever met, but he's got some damned good hardware!"

Fenrir was about to reply when they reached the exit, blocking it stood an old wolf with a grey beard reaching down to his knees. He stood up straight and proud and held a long staff in his right paw. The pair of lupines froze.

The old wolf raised his paws in dramatic fashion and stepped forward slowly. With every step he adopted a slightly different pose, every one even more dramatic than the one before. He suddenly stopped and twirled around once, his red robes spinning around. He then finally lowered his arms and pointed his staff at the two friends.

"You! You have completed the mighty tests of the sparkly caves! You will be my Champions and deliver the world from utter ruination at the hands of almighty Bob!"

The wolves quickly found themselves trapped in a very familiar state of bemusement, astonishment and even a bit of bafflement. Fenrir sighed and shook his head slowly.

Ulm was the first to recover, "I'm going to guess you're one of that king's mages?"

The old wolf threw his arms up yet again, in the most dramatic pose yet. "I....AM NOT JUST ANY MAGE!!!! I am old Thrashbarg, son of young Thrashbarg! Master of the prophecies and creator of the time paradox!"

Fenrir rubbed his eyes gently at the bewildering nonsense, "Never heard of you....could you please step aside? We need to get going."

Thrashbarg waved his arms about in theatrical fashion, flailing about. "I cannot! I must guide you two great warriors to your destiny! You must defeat the great and powerful Bob, so that the world may be safe once more!"

Ulm lost it at this point, "SHUT UP! You're just as much a loony as the other guy! You were probably taking a nap, too am I right? You're speaking nonsense! Where are these demons you speak of?! I don't see any!"

Thrashbarg calmly...but dramatically...pointed at the remnants of the stone guardian. "If that is real, why would demons not be real?"

Fenrir shrugged and whispered, "He has a point there, let's just hear him out and see what happens, ok?"

Ulm nodded hesitantly, " old man, what is the situation exactly...and try to be quick about it."

Old Thrashbarg's brow furrowed in an annoyed frown, "You are asking me to be quick about explaining the doom of the entire universe as we know it? The invasion by demonic forces beyond your comprehension?!"

Ulm nodded, "Exactly."

Thrashbarg sighed, ".....ok then. Basically the world is going to be invaded by legions of Demons under command of an ancient Demon King by the name of Bob. You two are the legendary warriors that can defeat him, as per my own prophecy, which have never failed to come true...except that one about the giant wheel of cheese appearing over the king's head at killing him on the spot, but I was drunk that day so that doesn't count..."

He continued, ignoring the slap of a palm introducing itself loudly to someone's face.

"I will point you in the right direction and you kick ass."

Fenrir raised an eyebrow, "Sounds like rubbish to me...besides, what's in it for us?"

Thrashbarg sighed dramatically, "You mean besides saving all life as we know it?....Fame? Gold? A sense of fulfilment? (no reaction)....I could conjure up some ale?"

Ulm's ears perked up, "Ale?!"

Thrashbarg smiled widely and swung his staff slowly before them, a bright red light emanated from the tip, blinding them for a second. When the wolves regained vision, there were two large, foaming mugs of ale in front of them, with a small umbrella and a slice of lemon.

The friends glanced at each other and looked at the old wolf. They both exclaimed, "Deal!"

The ancient mage raised his arms once more, "Excellent! Then you must now follow me towards a den of evil, in which lies a powerful artefact that will provide us with great advantages against the demonic forces of Bob!"

Fenrir, having downed the mug of ale while the old wolf was speaking, looked up, "If we do that, could we have some mead?"

Thrashbarg slapped his own face. "...yes, you can have some bloody mead!"

"Alright then! Lead the way!"

Thrashbarg composed himself and breathed deeply. He then turned around and headed out f the cave with confident, inspired strides. His Champions followed close behind, in a decidedly less original fashion.

As they walked through a nearby wood, the pair whispered amongst each other.

"You do realise that he's actually a mage right? I mean that ale wasn't there when we got in!"

Fenrir shrugged, "So maybe he is a mage, doesn't mean he isn't a lunatic mage with funny dreams."

Ulm chuckled, "Well if he is, he's still a never-ending supply of ale and mead as long as we fight his imaginary friends."

Fenrir saw the wisdom in this and nodded, "Right then, follow the crazy mage it is!"

They continued on their way for about an hour, the forest grew thicker and the ground was eventually clear of snow. As the light dropped into a permanent twilight, Thrashbarg raised his paw.

"Halt! The lair of evil is just beyond that rock there. You must go on alone, enter the deepest halls and locate the stone of Eternal Damnation (rumbling echoes)! Kill anyone you encounter, before they kill you!"

The wolves shrugged and walked around the rock, fully prepared to see nothing at all.

Instead, they saw a large cave entrance carved into a cliff face, clearly made by tools and not nature. Red banners stood on either side, marked with strange looking symbols. Two figures stood guarding the entrance, wearing black and red robes which concealed their figures and faces, wielding sickle-like weapons. When they spotted the approaching wolves, they walked forward, one raised his hand.

"Halt travellers! This place will provide no shelter to you, turn away now lest we be forced to use violence."

Fenrir put his hand on his new blade, "Who are you to deny us entrance to this place?"

The robed figure raised his weapon, "Leave now, or be sacrificed in the name of the almighty Bob, the Destroyer of Worlds!"

The lupines looked at each other, astonished. Turned out the old wolf might not be insane after all, at least there were people worshipping this "Bob", even if he might not be real.

The wolves drew their weapons and charged.

Ulm swung his mighty axe, the blade turned into a streak of silver light as it cut through the air with unlikely speed. He connected with the nearest worshipper's neck. The blade passed through with virtually no resistance, in fact Ulm though he'd missed until he saw the stream of blood shoot upwards from the decapitated body. The head landed nearby, it was revealed to be a fox.

Meanwhile, Fenrir swung his own blade at the other figure. His opponent raised his large sickle to block the blow. The metal screeched as Fenrir's Dragonbone blade passed through it easily, cleaving it in two. The blade continued and struck the robed creature's chest. A massive gash was carved, a streak of crimson splashed out behind the blade as it swung away from its victim. He crumpled to the ground and convulsed a few times. Fenrir stabbed him in the heart and he stopped moving entirely.

The grey wolf turned to his charcoal comrade-at-arms, "Well...let's have a look inside then."

They walked into the cave, each picking up a few torches from an open crate near the entrance and lighting one. As they continued on they came across a T-junction.

Ulm looked left and then right, "We should split up, there's no room here to fight side by side anyway. I'll go left, you take the right."

Fenrir nodded and they parted ways.

As Fenrir walked down the narrow corridor, he encountered several rooms on the way. Most were storage rooms of sorts, with large crates or barrels stacked up to the ceiling. One or two were kitchens and one was a dormitory. He ran into three more worshippers, who died quickly while charging at him, screaming the name "Bob".

Eventually he arrived in a large hall. The ceiling stood four men high. The floor plan was rectangular, with the short side about 5 meters across and the long one 10. Torches burned in holders on the walls. There stood pews of sorts in strict rows, at the back of the room stood an altar. On this altar lay a brilliant red gemstone, which shone dimly.

"Right, that should be the mage's stone then."

He started walking towards the altar, as he got halfway he spotted movement in the corner of his eye. He swung around, holding up his weapon. His jaw dropped.

Before him stood a strange creature. She, for it was most definitely female, was completely naked. Her skin was as grey as stone, smooth on her belly, chest, neck and back but small scales ran over her legs and arms. Her face, which seemed more human than anything else, was a mixture of both smooth and scaled skin, fiery red eyes burned in there. Other distinguishing feature included a pair of short horns, curved back 90 degrees over her head. She had claws instead of nails, strong black ones, on both her hands and her feet. Those feet only had three toes, large and powerful, and a spike jutted out from her heel. Her legs were strong and her knees bent like a wolf's. A tail jutted out from above her perfectly rounded ass, ending in a pair of black spikes.

The creature smiled at him. Her legs were opened enough to see her glisteningly wet sex, bulging out just a bit. She ran her claws over her perfect tits, the stiff nipples demanding attention. Her eyes sought him out.

"My, such a strong looking warrior! I'm so glad to finally find a real man in this place."

She walked forward slowly, her hips swayed seductively and her tail wrapped around her stomach. Her flaming eyes held the wolf's gaze. Fenrir felt panic as he realised he couldn't look away, or move at all for that matter. He tried to gather himself and break free of whatever spell the Demon had put on him.

The creature laughed at his efforts, "No need to worry, my big, strong man. I won't bite." The Demon grinned...well, demonically.

Her eyes flared up and Fenrir's mind grew clouded. He felt a stirring in his loins as a wave of lust washed over him. He whimpered slightly, his primal instincts urged him to breed the Demon.

The Succubus grinned as she walked around him slowly, no longer needing to maintain eye contact. She ran her claws over his clothes and unhooked the claps. As the animal furs dropped to the ground, she ran her hand through his grey fur, wafting pheromones his way.

Fenrir was panting in pure feral lust now, his rational mind was shut off completely. His pants dropped to the ground and his cock sprung free. Pre already dripped down the engorged shaft.

The Demon smiled and ran a single claw over his length, which twitched in response. She looked at him, "Get on your knees for me wolf man."

Fenrir, whining in tortured lust, was compelled to obey. The Demon stroked his head gently and ran a claw over her dripping pussy. She pushed her sex forward, against his muzzle. "Pleasure me slave."

The creature grinned as the wolf eagerly pushed forward, his muzzle pushed her lips aside as he started lapping up her juices. She pulled his head closer, urging him to get as deep as he could. The lupine tongue soon lapped deep inside of her.

The wolf's cock twitched and spurted pre as he ate out the demonic cunt. His mind was completely blank, only trying to satisfy his new mistress. Her scaly legs clamped his head between them as she grinded her hips. She squeezed her tits and threw her head back in pleasure.

The Demon humped the wolf's face with increasing speed. A few moments later, she convulsed in orgasm. Her demonic pussy squirted a rush of juices, which were eagerly lapped up by her slave. She stepped back, rubbing her body sensually.

"Very good! Now lie down on the altar, slave."

Fenrir's clouded mind was thrilled with the praise and he ran over to the altar, lying down on his back. His twitching cock stood upright.

The Succubus climbed onto the altar on top of the wolf and guided his large length into her pussy. She pressed down until she hit the knot. She raked her claws over his chest and grinded her hips, laughing out loud.

"Such a lovely cock! Now fuck me with it!"

Fenrir immediately started thrusting upwards with full force, slapping against her perfectly rounded ass with feral lust. She placed her claws firmly on his chest and lifted up a bit, allowing him more room to move. The knot knocked on her entrance with every stroke.

"Yes! Good wolf, fuck your mistress hard!"

She threw her head back in pleasure and squeezed the wolf's chest, drawing a bit of blood.

"Play with my tits slave!"

Fenrir reached up immediately and squeezed the magnificent orbs of flesh, he pinched the nipples hard. The demon seemed pleased and moaned loudly. The knot pounding at her entrance started stretching her tight cunt open, he would soon slam it through.

"Cum inside me wolf. Fill me up with your strong seed!"

Fenrir thrusted up with all his might and rammed his knot inside, cumming on demand. He came harder than he had ever before, convulsing on the table while his pulsing cock filled the Demon with spurt after spurt of his seed. As it died down, the female impaled on his cock was screaming.

The Demon came herself, grinding her hips against him, digging her claws into his chest. She prepared to slit his throat and raised one powerful claw, the perfect way to crown an orgasm.

Suddenly, a loud growl was heard and silver flashed before the wolf's eyes. Blood sloshed down on him, the shock broke the spell and his mind was unchained. He looked up at the headless body, slowly falling to the side as it slipped off his cock. He felt a sharp tug at his knot as the dead Demon fell free and hit the floor. Blood covered his chest and stomach.

He looked to the side and saw Ulm. The charcoal wolf helped him up, looking over the wounds on his chest, they seemed shallow.

"You ok Fenrir? What the fucking hell happened there?! You figured you'd have a quick fuck with a monstrous Demon?! What the FUCK?!"

Fenrir shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts. He still felt...tainted in some way. "No!...I...I didn't have choice! took control of me!"

Ulm furrowed his brow, "Well at this stage, nothing surprises me. One more skald song of nonsense proven correct. Just be glad I got here when I did, she was going to kill you for your effort."

Fenrir stood up and got his pants back on, opting not to ruin his other clothes with the wet blood. He could still taste the sweet female juices on his lips...No! Dammit, she basically raped you and then tried to kill you! Shake it off!

He shook his head again and took a deep breath. He walked back to the altar and picked up the red glowing gemstone, the size of his fist. "Well I'm fine now, thanks. And we got the old wolf's stone...let's see what it's for shall we?"

Ulm nodded and they headed back out to the forest. They saw old Thrashbarg waiting for them outside. As he spotted the red gem in their possession, he made complicated arcane gestures, having probably made them up on the spot, and spoke in that ridiculously dramatic voice.

"The Champions were successful! We find ourselves one step closer to salvation!....ehm...why are you half naked and covered in blood?"

Fenrir shrugged, "Fucked a demon that tried to kill me, Ulm cut off her head."

Thrashbarg's palm met his face. "A Succubus? You let a Succubus near you? What the hell do they teach you in schools these days?!...well, there are worse ways to die of course, but still I'd really rather you didn't. Not before we slay Bob at any rate, then you can fuck a feral bear or a bleeding Dragon for all I care!"

Fenrir cleared his throat. "I believe we were promised some mead?"

Thrashbarg frowned and waved his staff, conjuring up a small cask of mead. "There, now give me the stone of Eternal Damnation (rumbling echoes)!"

The grey-red wolf tossed the trinket over. Thrashbarg's beard fluttered at the lack of proper theatrics and rituals. "Don't you realise what this is!? I shall unleash the stones power onto you, which will allow you both to survive in the barren wastelands of the Demon dimension, so that the evil Bob can be confronted!"

Ulm, having eliminated scepticism after killing an actual Demon...while it was literally fucking his best friend to death, spoke. "I thought it was the stone of eternal damnation? And besides, why would we go to the Demon's hometown, good way to get killed I say!"

Thrashbarg sighed, "The name is just to scare people off, it's perfectly harmless. And the reason you must go to the Demons, is because Bob will not appear in this world without a legion of millions of creatures around him. You must kill him while he is still mustering his forces and organising."

Fenrir, having even less doubt on the Demonic threat than Ulm, replied. "Makes sense I guess, and my...encounter has shown me that this is serious...I'll do as you say mage."

Ulm's brow furrowed deeply as he thought. A few moments later he looked up at Fenrir, "I suppose you're right. If we're really the only ones that can kill this "Bob", I guess we have no choice. I think we owe you an apology old man, for not taking you seriously."

Thrashbarg smiled, "Good! Glad you've come to your senses! Now let me get this spell working."

He placed the gem on his paw and stretched out his arm. He whirled his other paw around it in arcane gestures and muttered unintelligible words. That stuff wasn't really needed, but he felt it would do the situation injustice had he just broken the gem. He broke it.

A flash of red light emerged from the shards, strands of light sought out the warriors and touched their chests. They felt a soothing warmth wash over them as the magic did its work. The light swirled around them like tentacles and enveloped them in its magic. Suddenly, it stopped and the gem turned to dust in the old man's paw.

Fenrir patted himself down and looked at the mage, "I don't feel think it worked?"

Thrashbarg crossed his arms indignantly "Of course it bloody worked! The magic will protect your flesh from the evil powers that radiate through the Demonic plane! If you didn't have it, you'd explode in an instant. That's just how evil Bob is!"

Ulm finally asked the question that's been bugging him for a while, "Why is he called Bob?! I mean that's a pretty unusual name for an evil Demon isn't it? Aren't they usually called something like Drago, Magmar or Kronos?! You know, something menacing?"

Thrashbarg's arms flailed about in epic gestures, "His real name is unknown to us! To know it is to have power over him! Instead he goes by the name of.... (He takes a deep breath)...

Bobsrgyllanotonohoteprakataaaaaaaakawyylforkapshcytnor** !!!**"

The old wolf's voice conjured cracks of thunder and screams of anguish that were apparently integral to the name itself.

The lupines stood baffled, bemused and flabbergasted. Ulm's jaw made an especially inspired effort to dislocate itself and run away.

The old man composed himself after the effort and continued, "You'll agree that it saves everyone a lot of time, effort and pain to just call him Bob?....NOW! Follow me to the camp I prepared in your absence, let us eat and rest for tomorrow will be a day of much hardships and glory!"

They rounded the large rock in front of the cave and saw a neat little camp, with a burning fire. A boar hung over it, roasting on a self-rotating spit.