Part 3 - New Life, New experiences.

Story by BLDR on SoFurry

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#3 of The Changing of Times and People

Part 3 - New life, new experiences.

Dani and Launi had just woken up after their first night in the cottage. Dani was looking through the kitchen to see what she could make for breakfast and decided on eggs and bacon. She started cooking as she heard the shower shut off.

"Breakfast will be ready soon." She called out to Launi who was busy drying herself off.

"Be right there!" Launi finished drying off and wrapped herself in a robe as she walked out to the kitchen to sit at the table. Dani put down two plates of food and sat down herself.

After eating their food they went to the couch and turned on the TV. The morning news was on. "Today, the Vatican announced its position on this now world wide plague. The pope announced today that the virus that has caused the plague is the work of God punishing the heathen."

Dani quickly looked at Launi knowing that if their parents found out what happened to them, it'd be worse then if they found out about them being lesbians. "This is bad."

Launi nodded. "But they might not be so mad if we call them now. At least they'd know we aren't dead."

Dani sighed. "I can hear my father now. 'You're not my daughter!' Or my mother, she'll probably just cry and refuse to believe what I tell her."

"I know, but at least they'll know you are still alive, and maybe they won't disown you." Launi said as Dani curled up against her.

"I don't know, may as well give it a try." Dani said as she looked over at the phone, after a minute she was connected to her parents and tried talking to them. After telling her parents about everything, including her being in love with Launi, she ended up hanging up the phone.

"Well?" Launi asked hoping for the best.

"They said they don't know me." Dani said before snuggling into Launi's fur. "I don't think they ever want to see me again."

"Sorry." Launi said before wrapping an arm around Dani. "I am going to call mine to see what they have to say."

A few minutes later she got off the phone. "Well, I guess we are on our own." She said before hugging Dani.

Dani woke up, from her dreams of her past, to a wet nose nuzzling her side. "Get down Claus." She said groggily before her face got licked. "Okay, okay, I'll let you out." She let out Claus and went back to bed, curling up with Launi and going back to sleep.

It was later that afternoon that the two finally got off the couch. It would be a week before the testing would resume, so they were given time to do anything they'd want. Dani decided it would be fun to go talk a walk around the lake. Launi drove their golf cart down the dirt path a mile until they got to the shore of the lake where they turned off the cart and got out.

"This is a pretty nice place." Dani said as she spotted a few boulders on the shore.

Launi saw them as well. "Great place to sun ourselves."

One boulder in particular caught their attention. While the others were leaning on their sides leaving angled sides exposed, there was one large boulder that was almost as big as their cottage, and had a nice flat spot big enough for a couple of people to lay down on. After taking note of the boulder they started on their way around the lake. Stopping every once in a while to look at the scenery.

When they were about half way around the lake Dani stopped and found a place to sit and rest her paws. While she wasn't tired, she wanted to take a look at the compound that was sitting on the hill on the other side of the lake. The main building looking more like an old hotel then a fallout shelter, and the cottages that surrounded it made for a beautiful getaway where no one would bother them. Launi joined Dani and the two sat there for a while.

It wasn't long before a lone wolf, hungry and separated from its pack found the two girls. Desperate for a meal it didn't waste time and went to attack. It went for the smaller of the two girls. Dani barely had time to react before she felt the wolf leap onto her and try to go for her throat. Launi acted in time and knocked the wolf away. Dani surprised got up just in time to react to the wolf's next attack. She grabbed its muzzle and held it closed.

Dani's stomach growled and she looked at the wolf before instinctively licking her lips. She opened her mouth wide and managed to stuff the wolf's head into her gaping maw. Launi looked at Dani surprised.

"What are you doing?" She asked not really understanding. But instead of answering, Dani just gulped, dragging the wolf's head into her throat. A series of gulps later, her neck was stretched out as the wolf's head moved down towards her stomach. It took her an hour, but she managed to wolf down the wolf. Dani leaned back against a tree and patted her stomach before letting out a belch. Her clothes laid about her in tatters from the stretching they just went through.

"Dani, what did you just do?" Launi asked amazed at what her mate just did.

"Had lunch." She said smiling as she patted her stomach. "Little wolfy here thought I was going to be his lunch probably."

"I didn't realize you could do that." Launi said as she went over to Dani and put her head against her stomach, hearing the wolf inside moving about.

"Me either." Dani said smiling as she felt the wolf stop trying to get out. "I guess we can do more then just stuff people up here." Dani said smiling before she slipped her hand under Launi's skirt. "Well aren't you the naughty one." She said smirking as she ran a finger along Launi's wet lips eliciting a shiver and a moan from Launi. "You know I could go for a little desert." She said before she managed to push Launi on her back, lifting Launi's skirt to give her clear access to Launi's moist nethers. Dani offered a slight lick, just barely touching Launi's pussy. Her hands went up under Launi's shirt to her lower set of breasts and started to work by feel, massaging those orbs making Launi moan and grind her sex into Dani's muzzle. Dani quickly licked Launi again, running her tongue up along and flicking Launi's clit with it. Launi's hands went down to Dani's head, pushing her head against Launi's snatch, wanting more then just her teasing. Dani quickly obliged and pushed her tongue in, lapping up Launi's juices while rubbing her nose against her clit. Launi moaned again as Dani kept licking all the spots that would drive Launi to climax the quickest. Launi felt the tightening of her sex as she drew near. It didn't take long before Dani hit that one spot that made Launi cry out her pleasure, sounding more of a tiger's roar then her normal voice. Dani quickly lapped up all the juices making sure she didn't miss a drop. Her hunger sated Dani moved so she could curl up against Launi. It took an hour before Launi and Dani were rested from their ordeal.

Dani's stomach had barely gone down in size making the rest of their trip slower, taking breaks every once in a while to let Dani rest. It took them until the sun was low in the sky, painting the sky a beautiful mixture of reds, oranges, blues, and even purple. They found their golf cart where they left it and sat down to enjoy the sunset in silence. As soon as the show was over, Launi turned on the cart and drove them back to their cottage. When they got there, Launi helped Dani up the stairs to the back door before sending her to bed to sleep off her meal of wolf. Launi had herself some food and then went back to their room and joined Dani in sleep.

The next morning, the swell of Dani's stomach had changed. Instead of going down like they thought it would of. It was as big as ever, just centered a little lower.

"What's happening?" Dani asked as she looked at her swollen belly.

"I don't know, maybe we should call the doctor." Launi said clearly worried for Dani.

Dani nodded. "Yeah, better safe then sorry."

A few minutes later the doctor was there. "What did you do to yourself?"

"Ate a wolf." Dani said matter of factly.


"Yep. It attacked me and Launi yesterday, and when I managed to stop it from biting me, I got really hungry. So I opened wide and stuffed him in." Dani said proudly of her ability to defend herself.

"He was still alive in there when she finished." Launi added.

"Oh my. We better get you to the clinic."

The doctor made a few calls and soon a gator was brought down with a stretcher on it in place of the utility bed. After a bouncy rid up, the gravid jaguaress was laid down in a hospital bed at the clinic that was set up. An ultrasound machine was brought in to see what was inside of Dani.

The doctor had a look of surprise on his face when he turned to her. "Ma'am, you're pregnant with a full grown wolf."

It was Dani's and Launi's turn to be surprised. "What?!" They both said in unison.

"You said you ate him, as in orally ate him. Right?" The doctor asked to which Dani nodded.

"You have the most interesting digestive system I have ever seen. No connections between your stomach and your uterus. But some how you managed to move a whole wolf from one to the other." The doctor said shaking his head as he sat down. "I really have to figure out how you manage these things."

"So I just have to push the wolf out and I'll be fine. Right?" Dani asked the doctor.

"I guess, considering fine for you is being able to eat a living animal and then give birth to it." He said still a little flustered over this discovery.

Dani nodded. "Can we go back to our cottage now?"

"No reason why you can't. I just wish I knew how you did these things." The doctor said as he shook his head.

"Well when you have all the right stuff to look at us with, I'd be happy to help you figure that out as well." Dani said as she sat up.

"I wonder if I can do the same thing." Launi said as she helped Dani sit up.

They were soon back at their house. "Okay, let's see if we can get rid of this extra weight." Dani said smiling as she got into the emptied Jacuzzi. After pushing for nearly an hour, a wolf was wagging his tail licking Dani under the chin.

"I think he likes you." Launi said laughing as Dani tried to push the over sized puppy off of her.

"I think so too." She said as she got the wolf off of her. She got out of the tub and the wolf followed, staying at her heels.

After trying to get rid of him by leaving him outside, it soon became apparent the wolf wasn't leaving Dani. "Alright, alright, you can stay." She said opening the door to be greeted by paws on her chest as the wolf jumped up her. "Down!" She said. The wolf quickly obeyed her and got off of her and sat down.

"He is a quick learner." Launi said laughing at Dani's position as the wolf's new master.

"Yeah yeah. What should we name him?"

"We? He's your pet." Launi said as she looked at the wolf, its eyes to different colors. One amber the other sky blue.

"Claus." Dani said as she looked at him. "He looks like a Claus." The wolf started to wag its tail.

"Looks like he likes the name." Launi said as she sat down on the couch.

"We are going to need dog food." Dani said as she went to pet Claus.

Claus got up and leaned into Dani's petting.

"He's a wolf; he'd probably be better off eating real meat." Launi said looking at Dani who started to walk to the couch, Claus still right next to her.

"Yeah, but we can't afford to pay for meat." She said forgetting that it was on the governments tab.

"We don't pay for it." Launi said smiling.

"Right. Claus, how about a steak?" Dani said smiling. Claus' ears perked up and he started to bark. "Alright." Dani went to the refrigerator and pulled out a steak and put it on the floor for Claus.

Claus demolished the steak and licked the plate clean in a matter of minutes. Dani cleaned up and put down a bowl of water which Claus drank dry before Dani refilled it.

"Hungry wolfy." Dani said smiling Claus looked up at her before knocking her over again and started to lick her face. "Hey! Knock it off!"

Launi started laughing again. "Claus sic her!" Dani said to Claus who immediately went for Launi, giving her a similar treatment. It was Dani's turn to laugh as Claus licked Launi's face.

"Hey! Claus! Sic Dani!" Launi tried in between Claus licking her. He ignored her and kept going for several minutes till Dani intervened.

"Claus down!" Dani commanded Claus got down off the couch and Dani got onto the couch, curled up against Launi.

"Not fair. He doesn't listen to me." Launi said as she started to scratch Dani behind the ears.

"Probably because it wasn't you who ate him." Dani said as she started to purr, enjoying the ear scratch.

"Well I wasn't hungry at the time." Launi retorted before she gave Dani's breast a light squeeze with her other hand causing Dani to moan slightly.

Dani turned around and went to plant a kiss on Launi's lips only to be stopped. "Nuhuh. It's my turn to play with you." Launi said before she slid down the couch so she was level with Dani's chest. She started to lick Dani's breasts, bringing her nipples to attention with slow licks and suckles, giving each one of Dani's six nipples equal attention. Dani moaned and went to play with herself, but Launi forced Dani's hands to her sides. "You stay still and enjoy."

Launi commanded while she sat up. Dani just mewled wanting more but Launi only offered teases as she started to only briefly touch Dani with her hands. Her finger tips barely grazing Dani's fur. To Dani it felt like an eternity while Launi only teased her. After a few more grazed Launi tweaked one of Dani's nipples, causing her to cry out as her juices gushed out of her pussy. Launi smiled as she brought the tip of her tail to Dani's cunt. She used it to just briefly graze those puffy lips.

Dani mewled again as she caught her breath from her first orgasm only for Launi to start teasing her again. Launi smiled and latched onto one of Dani's lowermost nipples and started to suckle again. Launi's tail kept its teasing as Launi went to bring a start teasing with her fingers as well. Dani arched her hips, trying to get more then just a brief touch out of Launi. But it wasn't helping as Launi anticipated and waited. She brought Dani back to the edge quickly with her teasing, but kept her there. Ensuring that when she did finally let Dani cum, it would be a big one. Launi finally repositioned herself with her head at Dani's crotch, smiling she, put a single finger in and let Dani cum. Dani's back arched clear off the sofa, causing Launi to put a second finger in, and then a third, followed by her whole fist. She soon felt her arm getting pulled in. Smiling she let it happen, Dani kept cumming, her juices pouring over Launi's arm into Launi's waiting mouth. Dani's passage rippled again and again, each time pulling more of her mate's arm into her. It wasn't long until Launi's face was forced against and then into Dani's passage, Launi smiled and let it happen, offering licks over Dani's more sensitive spots to further enhance her pleasure.

After what seemed like hours to Dani. Launi was securely in Dani's womb, bloating Dani out once again. Dani's pussy lips closing up behind Launi causing Dani to have one more orgasm, this time more of an aftershock after the big one Launi gave her.

"That was worth it." Dani said smiling not realizing at first what Launi did. But as soon as she did she smiled. "You planned this didn't you?"

"It's only fair." Launi said from inside Dani. "I got to carry you around, so now you get to carry me around."

Dani stroked her bloated middle and purred. "Thank you." She said as Claus hopped onto the couch next to her, cuddling into her side.

"Your -yawn- welcome." Launi said before falling soundly asleep in Dani's womb.

Dani soon followed, images of Launi swimming through her head as she slept.