Rite of Passage

Story by RandomWriter on SoFurry

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#1 of RoP

Another random ditty from my perverted mind. I get bored so easily.

Kilara was excited. The little diamond-scaled dragoness scrambled from her nest and galloped with her baby-gait to her parents' room deep in the cave. Slinking along the edge of their much larger, cushier nest she spotted a white tail with silver scale edges draped over onto the cold stone floor. A deep, sleepy grunt echoed through the room. Gathering herself like a kitten she wiggled her haunches and then leapt clean over the nest, landing square on the chest of a large white dragon.

"Daddy daddy wake up!"

"Rrnf..." he growled, shifting a bit and turning his head. Her tail wagged excitedly but then stopped when she realized he was just moving in his sleep.

"Daaaaaddyyyy..." she cooed, crawling along his neck. He didn't respond. With a huff she looked around, then smirked, crawling down his belly and seating herself at his crotch. The tiny little dragoness eyed the limp mast of flesh lolling on her father's belly from his sheath. With a content purr she nuzzled his penis, breathing deeply his spicy musk. It shifted and twitched at her touch, throbbing a bit under her muzzle. She giggled, crouched again, and then pounced, wrapping her legs around it in a cuddly hug, laughing as it pulsated under her and began to erect, solidifying in her grasp. The white dragon groaned and stretched, a few of his joints popping. He looked up at smiled at the sight of his little girl hugging his shaft.

"Hey Keelee," he chuckled, tensing his groin. The little girl giggled and shouted "Wheeee!" as his penis stood up in the air with her wrapped around it. He laughed and continued tensing himself, bouncing her up and down. She laughed and held on tight, nuzzling his penis again as he bounced her up and down. Finally he relaxed, his member flopping onto his belly and Kilara letting go and rolling off right into his awaiting paws. He chuckled again and held her up above his chest, tickling her with his dew-claws. "And how's my little baby today?" he asked.

"Today's the day daddy!" she squealed.

"Yes it is! Are you ready!"

"YES!!" she cried out with a laugh as he tickled her, but a flicker over her face made him stop. She settled down, smiling, but then blushed. "I...I think I'm ready...but I'm kinda scared."

He hugged her to his chest, his heart melting as she snuggled against his scales. "Don't worry, my little one. It's scary for all young dragons. Trust me." He nuzzled her little nose. "It's worth it. Now, is there anything you want to do before tonight? Remember, after tonight you won't be this small anymore, so if there's anything you want to do, take advantage of your size...enjoy it while you can."

"When will mommy be home? I wanna nap in her womb again."

"You'll still be able to do that, sweetie."

"I know, I mean I wanna do that if I get tired after playing with you."

He smiled and purred. "She'll be back soon. She had to go get the stuff for tonight." He rolled over and stood up, stretching himself again. "Rrf...okay, whaddaya say we get some breakfast?"

"YAY!" she squealed, hopping around him. He smiled warmly as he watched her prance around him like a playful fawn. As she dashed into the carved hallways he sighed, reminiscing. Kilara...their first child after 50 years of struggling to start a family. Dragons were a thinning species. Food sources that had once been plentiful were now decreasing rapidly. Being omnivores, this hadn't been a problem, but many of the old sources of nutrients had vanished rapidly, leaving many dragons with decreased fertility. Other races were suffering as well, but dragons needed a far greater intake of food. Kilara was his and his mate's miracle baby. They had been told Jade would never conceive, that she had completely lost fertility, but despite the "professional" medical prognosis, they had persisted and defied the odds. And now, the product of their hope and determination was bouncing around the cave, filled their ears daily with musical laughter and sweet innocence. He followed her to the dining chamber, smiling as she clambered up her seat at the stone slab they used as a table. After tonight she would no longer require that seat, she would be tall enough to sit normally at the table with them.

"My little girl is growing up...." he whispered, watching her paw at some of the engraving he and Jade had etched into the slab. These past 10 years had been the best of their lives, even with the limited food. Kilara was very bright and strong-willed. She had known hunger, but had understood the reason and withstood it alongside her parents. Now she stood on the doorway of adulthood.

"Daddy?" she asked with a cute tilt of her head. Lately he'd been zoning out like this, he'd be staring at her or off in the distance. It confused her. He shook his head and smiled at her once more.

"Why do you sit at the table, Kilara?" he asked with a smirk.

"Silly daddy! Because it's breakfast time!"

He sauntered over to her and nuzzled her. "But we haven't food to put on the table, how can we then have breakfast?"

Her stomach growled and she winced at his words. "What do you mean?"

"What do you think it means, Keelee?"

Her tail wagged excitedly. "We're going hunting?!"

"Yep! I think it's about time I passed my hunting skill down."

"But why to me and not to the other boys who asked?"

He sighed and sat down by her. "I know my hunting skills are the envy of many boys. But they do not need my lessons. They have secretly followed me and observed me. You however have been learning from your mother in the arts and crafts of food and sculpture." His eyes glanced to the other side of the room, at a slightly lopsided dragon head sculpted from clay. "Now that you are old and strong enough, I will teach you how to catch your own food and what to look for in nature, how to tell between poison leaf and edible berry."

"Why didn't you teach me before?"

"Because girls are not as physically strong as boys with hunting, it takes a few years more for girls to reach the age where they can safely attempt hunting and gathering. Males are built for hunting, protection and care of the family, and females are built for childbearing and childcare."

"Mommy told me that before." She hopped down off her seat and stretched. "Are we going now?"

"We need to drink and sun first, but yes." He led her outside into the rising sunlight, stretching his wings. She sat down by him and spread her wings, closing her eyes and feeling the sunlight's warmth on her. He peeped sidelong and grinned at the sight of her imitating him. After a few minutes she sighed and shook herself, feeling energized.

"Can I drink now daddy?" she asked.

"While I sun myself, sure." She sat down before him and watched as his penis erected from the pouch dangling between his hind legs. As it drew closer to her she leaned forward with her neck and lapped at his tip. He moaned softly, keeping his eyes closed as his daughter nuzzled and licked his shaft. After tonight he would once more be able to try again for another child with Jade. "This might be your last meal from me for a while, sweetie, so savor it."

She nodded and sat back on her hind legs, wrapping her forelegs around his penis and giving him rhythmic squeezes while she constantly licked at the head, lapping up the thick, syrupy cloudy goo seeping from him. It didn't take long before he groaned loudly, back arching and wings shivering as his cock throbbed. She opened her mouth, feeling his penis jerk as thick ropes of that cloudy syrup spewed into her mouth. She swallowed quickly, not missing even a drop. Until their child matured, a male dragon's semen would lose potency in exchange for becoming as nutritious as their mother's milk, at least if the father remained with the family. He knew that after tonight it would become fertile again but wouldn't be able to provide his daughter with an alternative if they couldn't find enough food. Panting in his afterglow he looked down at her, folding his wings and watching her wash her face with her paw.

"Let's go to the stream, then after I've had my drink we'll go."

"Okay!" She jumped off the cliff porch of their home cave, fanning her wings and sweeping up into the air like a sparrow. Behind her, her father gave a great sweep of his wings, lunging and sweeping into the air like a magnificent giant eagle. They glided down to the stream below; Kilara played in the water, chasing her reflection and splashing everywhere while her father stood still and drank his fill. With the amount he'd ejaculated for her, she would be good for most of the day. He swooned a bit though, the hormone rush was still clinging to him and making him drowsy. He dunked his face in the icy stream several times, then jumped out and shook himself off.

"Whooo that's cold! C'mon Keelee." She trotted out and shook herself off as well. "Now, we've probably scared off most of the prey around here, but that gives us a better idea of where they're going. In straight lines away from this location." With that he led her up high into the air, watching her flap up after him with faster strokes. "Focus your eyesight and tell me if you see anything."

"I see birds."

"Look closer, into the trees, through the trees, past the underbrush. Look for any motion, focus on it, study it."

They both hovered there, scanning the brush below. Without warning Kilara folded her wings and swooped through the air, keeping her wings slightly out to steer herself in a wide arc the way she'd often seen mommy do closer to the cave. Sweeping through the branches she flared her wings in a stopping gesture, both braking her descent and startling a rabbit. She landed clumsily with a loud "OOF!", tumbling and rolling to a stop upside-down against a tree trunk.

"Kilara!" her father called in alarm, descending after her and coming to a running landing in the clearing. "Oh my...don't scare me like that again."

"Sorry daddy..." she whimpered meekly, clutching something soft and warm. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Looks like your failure still reaped a reward, open your eyes."

She did, looking up at her forelegs to find a dead rabbit clutched to her chest, its head lolling grossly. "EEP!" she cried, startled. "Did..."

"You failed at braking, but...it still worked to your advantage. Had you braked sooner you would have scared it in another direction, had you done it later you could have broken a few bones. However...with your timing, the only bones you broke seem to be that rabbit's neck with your tackle." He grabbed her tail gently in his mouth and carried her as she protectively clutched her first catch. "Cunthider yurthelth luckee," he said around her tail, "tht wuth a wun in a milliyun chanth nd yu nailed ith."

"Heehee," she giggled, nuzzling the rabbit's fur, overjoyed at having caught her first prey on her first try. He smiled, proud of her. He set her down a little ways away from her landing area. "Now, take note, while you did manage to score that one by accident, what you did was wrong. You don't do that kind of sweep unless it's an open area, or else you could break or tear your wings on the branches. That's why you scared me. Your small size saved you."

"I know daddy, that's why I did it. You told me to enjoy my last day of being small."

He checked himself, then smirked. "You little smartass." He licked her cheek. "Alright. Let's hide this for later and go see if we can bag something to surprise mommy with. This time, I'll show you how to hunt in the woods."

After burying the rabbit he took her back up into the sky over their landing area, pinpointing some more animals. By swooping over them and making them change course as they fled he showed her how to force them out into the open for a killing lunge, or, when she was bigger, how to swipe them with the tail in an overhead pass and then loop around for the kill before the animal could get back up. He also showed her briefly how to hunt without flying, quietly creeping downwind of prey and then lunging. She was a natural at breaking the spine, but clumsy at actually catching. As the day grew hotter and faded into late afternoon all she had successfully caught by herself was that rabbit, while daddy had caught everything else. One deer, three more rabbits and a pheasant, letting her do the honors of killing them by snapping the neck. As he carried their prizes back home she quickly unearthed her trophy, then followed him up. Mommy had taught her how to skin, clean and prepare food, so she helped him get a meal going.

Just in time too; just as the meat began to brown over daddy's firebreath, another great sweep of wings echoed down the cavern followed by tired panting. "Diamant? Kilara! You here?"

"Here mommy!"

"Oh I smell something gooood," Jade chimed, walking slowly into the cooking chamber to find Kilara slowly turning the meat on a steel rod while daddy exhaled slowly under it. "Oh my, what is this?"

"We got lucky today," Diamant replied, then yawned. "Keelee caught her first rabbit, on the first try no less."

Jade beamed and nuzzled her daughter, getting a proud laugh from the little one. "You did?! That's wonderful!"

As Kilara took the meat over to the stone slab counter, Diamant nuzzled his mate with a loud purr. "How're you? How'd the trip go?"

"Fine, fine...I'm just exhausted. To be honest, I'm famished, I couldn't catch anything since last night. But I got the ceremonial supplies."

"Mommy, can we take a nap after we eat?" Kilara asked. Jade smiled and nodded.

"Of course. I could really use a nap."

They sat around the table and ate, but before Jade finished her portion of pheasant, Kilara went into the cooking chamber and came back carrying a plate in her mouth with...

"Keelee, what's this?" Jade asked in surprise as a plate of roasted rabbit was set before her.

"My first catch. I want you to have it mommy, because you didn't eat all night."

A tear welled up in Jade's eye and she leaned down to nuzzle and lick her daughter. "Thank you Keelee...thank you." The little girl watched eagerly as her mother ate the rabbit in no more than two bites. "Mmmm...that's the best I've had in a long time. Thank you Keelee...I feel much better now."

Diamant smiled proudly, his heart melting at the sight of his daughter so proud of her work. They finished their meal and retired to the nest, Jade rolling onto her side and patting the nest by her chest. "Come Keelee...have one last meal from me. I know you had one from daddy."

"Yay!" It was rare for both her parents to indulge her in one day. She plopped herself down by her mother and nuzzled her chest, the two sets of hard scales just under her forelegs softening. A pair of nipples appeared and the little girl purred as she suckled, slowly drinking her last taste of her mother's milk. Diamant curled up behind Kilara, gently pressing her between his belly and Jade's. The two mates purred to each other, twining tongues in a dragonish kiss while their daughter fed. After draining one teat she moved to the second, lulled by the rhythm of her parents' combined purrs, the melodic thrumming of her mother and the deep bass of her father. She giggled as she felt daddy's penis nudge her tail as it erected between their bodies. When she finished her mother's meal she yawned and crawled down their bellies, Jade rolling onto her back. Kilara nuzzled her fahter's penis affectionately. Jade moaned and bit her lip as Kilara nuzzled her labial scales, coaxing thm to part and soften. The little girl folded her wings tightly against her sides and gently pressed her nose into her mother's vagina. Jade moaned as she sread around her daughter's head, the little girl holding her breath. Her mother's aura surrounded her, replacing her need to breathe. Diamant watched, his penis throbbing with excitement as he watched his daughter crawl up into her favorite napping place, her mother's womb. After a lot of moaning and squirming, Jade sighed contently and stroked her bulging belly, feeling their little girl's instinctual breathing motions as her body dwelt in her mother's protective aura.

"Mmmm...I'm really going to miss this..." she whispered, running her green paws around her burgeoned middle. "It's gonna be harder when she's bigger."

"After tonight, we can try to give you another," he whispered in return, snuggling closer to her and sharing in rubbing her belly affectionately. She purred and shifted her hips as he drew his back, then she moaned and cooed as his penis slid deep into her pussy in pursuit of his child. Kilara smiled and purred to herself, she enjoyed feeling her mother's blissfulness when they mated with her inside. Closing her eyes she basked in her mother's warm confines, rocked and lulled to sleep by their purring and slow, gentle, passionate lovemaking.

It was only a few hours later that Kilara woke up with her mother. Daddy was snoring against Jade's belly; the little girl giggled at the sound.

"Keelee, time to get ready," Jade whispered to the bulge in her belly. The little dragoness turned herself around, nudged her way through her mother's cervix, and with a loud, stifled wail of pleasure from her mother, slid back out into the nest, covered in her mother's and father's juices. She inhaled deeply, getting her body to breathe again. Diamant woke up with a bit of a jolt, then ywaned and chuckled.

"Heh, had a nice nap?" he asked, he and Jade licking their daughter clean. He then turned and began servicing his mate. She moaned and squealed as he cleaned her, but rather than letting him continue, she gently pushed him away with her hind legs.

"Later, Aman. it's almost time, we should get ready."

Kilara sighed, her smile gone. "Mommy...daddy...I'm scared..."

Jade rolled over and nuzzled the baby girl. "I know you are...I was too. But after tonight you'll be able to do many things you couldn't."

"Like mate with daddy like you do?" she asked eagerly, little tail wagging. Diamant and Jade glanced at each other hesitantly.

"Errr...maybe. I would rather you find a guy outside the family to mate with...and I'd rather you wait on mating," he replied.

"Can I still drink?" she asked curiously, tilting her head.

"Of course. But it won't be the same after tonight. That's why I'd rather not mate with you. It will all be explained later."

"Okay daddy..."

Jade nudged her gently, smiling. "Come, my daughter, let's get you ready." Thunder rumbled outside as the two females headed deep into the cave to the warm subterranean stream. Jade grabbed a bag with her mouth, then laid it down on the floor. Kilara peered inside, then meeped when her mother splashed her with water and began to hum, scrubbing the little girl's scales.

"Mommy...will it hurt?" she asked.

"Yes, but in a good way."

"I'm scared..."

"I know you are. But every dragon must do this or else they will remain small and weak for life."

Kilara sighed. "Is it then right to do this, to get bigger, when being bigger means we need to eat more and use up more resources that the other races need? Wouldn't it be better for us to stay small until things get better?"

Jade paused, not expecting this kind of philosophizing from a ten-year-old child. "Keelee...it would, if there was a way to set the world right again. But if we don't grow...we can't defend ourselves. Evil creatures would wipe us out. If we do not grow and mature, we cannot have children the way we do. We would die out...there would be no more dragons."

"How do you have children? You told me it's what happens when a daddy puts his penis inside a mommy and he ejaculates in her just like daddy does, but if that's true then why haven't you had another baby this whole time I've been here?"

Jade giggled and rubbed her daughter's little hips. "We will tell you after tonight, because when you have grown, it will make more sense. We could explain it now, but you are not mature enough, bodily, to fully understand." She breathed softly over Kilara, the little girl shivering and purring at the feel of warm air drying her body. Jade went to the bag and pulled out some very small gemstones. "You must swallow these. They will defend you from harm."

The little one eyed the gems suspiciously, then grimaced and ate them. "EEEEwwwww....why are they bitter??"

"Because of these," Jade replied, pulling out some herbs. "You must eat these too, they are for your muscles." Kilara winced so hard tears rolled down her cheeks as she struggled not to gag on the horribly bitter leaves. After swallowing the last one she gasped and gagged a bit. "Very good, Keelee. For that, you get these." She then pulled out some rolls of bread.

"Are these...?!"

"Yep. The sweet rolls you tasted five years ago and keep asking for." Jade smiled and licked her cheek. "A reward for being the best little girl ever and doing your best with these weeds."

"Thanks mommy!" Kilara squealed, hugging her mom's nose. "But...can I save them for after?"

"Of course sweetie." Thunder crashed outside the cave, echoing through the cavern like a deep drum. "Now come...it's time. Mommy and daddy cannot go with you, but we will be right here waiting."

Kilara looked up at her mother, lip quivering. Setting her face she hugged her mother's foreleg, then turned and left the chamber, finding daddy waiting for her. She hugged his leg and continued with shaky steps to the mouth of the cave. The wind nearly whipped her off the cliff porch of their home, but she dug her claws into the stone and braced herself, eyeing the storm above. Her parents silently watched from the safety of the cave.

"Can she do it...?" Jade whimpered. Diamant wrapped his wing around her and held her tail with his.

"It's up to her...have faith in her." Kilara threw herself off the cliff, coming back up a few seconds later flapping up towards the clouds. "She's our miracle child."

The little girl struggled against the winds, climbing higher and higher, disappearing into the dark clouds. Immediately she was completely drenched in the cloud moisture, the wind chilling her to the bone. I'm gonna be grown-up...I'm gonna grow up! she told herself, gritting her teeth as she rose still higher. Through the clouds she caught faint glimpses and flashes of some other young dragons. Lightning flashed around her, the static making her spine tingle. The lightning continued to flash faster and faster. All at once they were all enveloped in the powerful surges. Kilara shrieked, straining to keep her wings going as she felt her whole body was on fire. It hurt! And it just kept growing! The electricity arced over her entire body. But then the intense burning pain suddenly felt...good. Pleasant. Warm, comfortable. She felt filled with power. She felt her body tingling all over, new sensations everywhere as if more muscles were suddenly awakening and making themselves known to her. Finally the tumultuous tempest abruptly ended, the sunset shining through with vivid colors in the skies as fifty new forms descended to their homes, their new scales glittering like jewels in the light. Jade and Diamant sat there with mouths slightly agape as their daughter alighted on the cliff.

"That...hurt," she grunted, shaking herself off. She took the chance to look herself over and gasped. Instead of the cute, tiny body round with baby-fat, she was a slim but strong teenage dragoness, now half the size of her parents rahter than being barely bigger than their paws. Her scales glistened like white diamonds backed with silver, and the scales on her chest now bore glimmering golden edges similar to her father's silver ones.

"Wow..." they all whispered. Kilara ran up to her parents, the three of them hugging each other, overjoyed. Their little girl was now an adult.