If you want to go to the woods...

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A gift story to Kumbartha.

Please do note that this story includes "pedophilic, murderous and necrophilic" content, using Kumbartha's own words, so to sum it up this story contains raping and killing of underage boys, castration and other pretty heavy stuff, so check the tags and if it's not your slice of cake, so to say, then don't read any further. In any other case, please do proceed and hope you enjoy.

Please do also note that it has been few years since I've posted a story of mine out for anyone to see and English is not my native language, but hope you can still enjoy the story none the less.

Also feel free to give me some feedback, so I know what to improve and what not... after all, maybe it's time for me to get back to story writing. Anyway, enjoy. ;)

If you want to go to the woods...

"Mom! Dad! I'm going now, I'll be back tomorrow!" A small seven year old lion shouted from the front door of the house, dressed up in green shorts and a yellow shirt along with his backpack hanging from his back.

This is Jules, living at the edge of a small town with his mother and father and today was a rather special day for him, since it was the first time he got to go camping alone with his friends. Of course he had gone camping before with his parents, but this was first time he had gotten a permission to go with other boys of his own age... and with no adults present!

"Remember to keep your phone on and call us if anything happens." Older male lion's voice could be heard from somewhere in the house, though Jules was gone already, running down the road and towards the edge of the forest where the road would eventually lead to. There were not wild animals there or so he had been told and besides, he had never seen even a wild fox, bear or any other animals, so he was not worried, after all his parents let him come to the forest, so that meant there couldn't possibly be anything bad in there, right?

Like a good boy Jules kept following the road through the forest, not wanting to get lost by accidentally walking off the road, not at least yet, but as he walked... he got a strange feeling as if someone was watching him... the feeling of a heavy gaze upon him, which made the young lion to quicken his pace, but the creepy feeling never left him... but he did do his best to ignore it, after all he was already a big boy!

Right about then he arrived over to a fork in the road, one road going left and other one going right, but the lion boy obviously had some other place in mind, since he now did a complete ninety degree turn into the forest and sure enough; just couple steps to the right from the road, there was a trail, barely noticeable, but it was a trail alright and it took Jules further and further into the woods.

In about ten minutes, Jules finally arrived to a little opening where there was a small wooden hut there... or well, it would have looked a pile of wood to anyone who passed through there, but to Jules it was a hut, since it was something he had built along with his friends. Yes, it was their own sort of tree house, except it wasn't in a tree... but it was built from sticks and twigs which they got from trees, so to them, that was all that matter.

As Jules made his way closer to the hut, he noticed four other backpacks just laying there by the hut, though this was no surprise, seeing how he was supposed to spend the night there with his friends, but the odd part was that his friends were nowhere to be seen. Jules walked around the hut for a few times, before he felt that very same heavy gaze upon him once again, making him stop dead on his tracks. For some reason it felt like whoever was watching him, was now much closer. This made shivers run up the spine of the little lion with his ears perking up as he heard sudden rustling coming from the bushes behind him.

Quickly the small lion turns around to stare at the very same bushes, right before something jumps out, making Jules stumble backwards and fall down onto his butt to the ground. "Please don't hurt me!" Jules screams out and brings his hands up and over his face, right before he heard a loud laughter of four other boys.

"Haha, come on Jules. If you get scared so easily, you should have stayed at home." A voice says, which Jules recognized, moving those paws off from in front of his face to see four other boys standing there in front of him.

"Shut up Mack..." Jules mutters as an answer to the Minotaur boy who was standing there with the other boys. Mack was the oldest of the group, just couple months older than Jules, but still he was oldest and of course did everything he could to show this to the other boys. Being a minotaur, Mack rather naturally had a pretty muscular body for such a young cub, having a six pack and muscles enough to make even some older boys as school to feel threatened by him.

Left from Mack was standing a black wolf, six years old and a rather quiet type of guy. His name was Ed and he had been the leader type of guy in their group before, that is until Mack moved to the town about half a year ago with his parents and ever since, Ed had just followed after the rest of the group. There were also two other cubs on Mack's right side; a cougar and a fox, both of them seeming to be getting along pretty well with each others. The cougar was named Nico, five years old and the fox was called Alex, four years old. The two of them had been neighbors for their whole small lives so the two of them spent a lot of time together and would play around almost every day.

"Come on Jules, get your butt off the ground and let's set up everything." Mack chuckles and offers a hand to the lion cub, who of course takes it to allow the minotaur to pull him up, before the group makes their way over to the hut... if you can even call it that... and start setting up their camp. Some of them had brought comic books, others games and some had brought candy for all of them to enjoy.

It was Friday which meant a free weekend for all of the boys, that's why they had agreed to meet there in the middle of the forest as this was a perfect moment for them to spend their first night alone in the woods, though to others except Jules and Mack, this was first time camping outside, but as long as they were with their friends, it did not seem to matter to them.

Of course time passed pretty quickly and before they knew it, the darkness had fallen over the forest and the boys had to dig out their flashlights to continue reading, but after a while... a strange feeling came over Jules again, the very same feeling that someone was watching him, but.... they were all here, all the boys, so who...?

"I gotta take a pee..." Alex whimpers out, making the other cubs snicker quietly, before Nico reaches over to give a flashlight to the young fox. "There you go, but return it when you get back. "Alex only nods, before the fox quickly runs out from the hut, leaving other boys to read their comic books, since that's what they all were doing.

It wasn't until five minutes later when they noticed that Alex had not came back yet and of course, being young cubs, they began thinking about the worst case scenarios. "What if he got lost... and something ate him?" Mack says, though they did not seem to be as much scared as fascinated by this, as if it was just another horror story.

"I'm going out to look for him." Nico says soon as Alex still did not come back, of course he got worried and saw it as his responsibility to go find his best friend. The cougar shortly picks up one of the flashlights and turns around.

"Watch out for the zombies!" Mack shouts after Nico and chuckles as the cougar disappeared from the sight and into the darkness, the rest of the boys continuing to read their comics... they were not really worried since to get lost in such an clear opening where they were camping, you'd have to be a complete idiot, not to mention, their parents told them that there were no wild animals there, so there was nothing to worry about.

"Alex! Where are you?" The voice of Nico could be heard echoing around as the cougar cub walked over the opening from side to side, not seeing the fox anywhere, but just as he was about to head to the hut, he saw a flashlight at the edge of the opening, the very same one that Alex had taken with him. "Alex?" Nico asks, before picking up the flash light from the ground and heading on... past the bushes and into the forest.

Nico wandered around for a good while, trying to listen to the sounds of the forest to pinpoint where Alex was, but there was nothing... not at first at least, but finally he did hear a voice from a distance, thinking it might have been Alex and quickly rushing towards the voice. Right before running out from the bushes, Nico stops to listen for a moment, the voice... it was not Alex and as he listened, he could hear something which was not meant for little cub's ears. "...and after that I'm going to fuck you so hard... I'll fuck your little brains out..." The voice said, making cougar's eyes widen from this as he hits the ground and quietly crawls closer.

As Nico finally got close enough to peek out from below the bush, it took a moment for him to understand what he was witnessing, since it was dark and he could only see two silhouettes in front of him, though it did not take long for him to figure out that he what he saw was a man, an adult standing there and in his big paw... he was holding Alex, holding the little, sniffling fox from his neck. "Noo... let me gooooo!" Alex whines in a rather high pitched voice, but it still wasn't loud enough to be heard all the way to the hut where the other boys were.

The longer Nico stared at the scene unfolding before himself, the more things he noticed, though one thing stood out the most, the adult... was naked! Nico could not really tell what species the male was, since he could only see the outline, but from that alone, he could tell that there was something rather massive standing from this adult male's crotch, a huge dick that was dribbling a clear colored fluid from the tip and to the hard, cool ground beneath their feet.

The cougar knew he should have been running away now, to warn the other boys or to try and help the young little fox, but he found himself staring at the man and Alex, too terrified to move... or too curious? Even he himself wasn't sure about it, but the whole scene in front of him made him lower his flashlight to the ground... the last thing he wanted to do was to point it at this male and blow his cover.

Then it happened. It all went down before any of them could even say anything. The adult male quickly lowered Alex down, those big hands gripping little fox from his shoulders and just as Alex was going to scream for help once again, the older male shoved his hips forth. Nice could see how the outline of that cock made the cheeks of young fox bulge as well as that tiny little throat. "Oooh... fuckin' hell..." A gruff voice says as all that came out from the young four year old fox were muffled gags from having such a huge dick shoved down his little throat and no doubt, blocking his air.

Nico watched this all in horror, his eyes wide open as his best friend kept gagging around the dick, choking and struggling with tears streaming down his face. It took a short moment for Nico to pull himself back together, but as soon as he did, he knew he could not just watch this any longer and he plunged out from the bushes. "Stop that! Let him go!" The cougar screams as he leaps towards the much bigger male's figure, but for his surprise, two paws grabbed him from the air. Nico was swinging his arms around with his eyes closed, hoping he would hit something, but soon he figured out he wasn't hitting anything and therefore opened his eyes.

What greeted the cougar were those two arms of the man extended as the adult was holding him up in the air, wondering what had happened to Alex so naturally he looks down. There he could see the smaller fox, the cock in that tight throat along to keep the small fox up in the air, seeming almost as if Alex was glued to older male's groin from his nose.

"What do we have here... another nice play thing for me... another eager slut, I presume? ...But you have to wait till I'm done with your friend." Nico was now closer, he could see that this male's mouth was moving as he spoke, but only barely... and he still could not tell what species this guy was! Before the cougar knew what was going on, he was thrown to the ground next to the bush with a -thump!- and suddenly he felt heavy weight on his shoulders. "Ahhh!! Please, don't hurt me!"

The shadow of the male was now right over his body, the adult had stepped up and was now standing right on cougar's shoulders, those big feet holding him down and pretty much forcing him to look up where he could see the fox hanging from male's crotch, the struggles and gags of Alex having grown weaker and he was barely moving anymore. "Just try to enjoy the show, kid." The same gruff voice speaks out once more, before Nico could see how those strong hands of the male took a hold from both sides of the small fox head and rather vigorously began pumping it back and forth over that cock. Sure Nico could only see the outline of this all, but he knew very well what was going on, he had stumbled upon his father's porn stash once.

"No... stop it... please!" The cougar squirms beneath the big male, but his efforts were in vain, he could not move such a massive male from on top of him, the least he could do was to close his eyes, but soon the sound of those wet squishes were echoing in his ears and what more, he could feel something dripping down onto his face, figuring out it must have been Alex's spit that was oozing from over those lips as the massive adult cock violated that tight throat.

"Ooommhh... god damn... your friend's got one fucking perfect throat..." The adult speaks up. "...and you're gonna be next..." Those words were enough to make the cougar freak out, especially since Alex was not even moving anymore, the fox was just limply swinging back and forth along with those thrusts that the older male gave.

Suddenly Nico's hand hit something, making him turn his head and spotting the flashlight right next to his paw, the very same flashlight he had left there just before his attempt to pounce this adult... his cover had been blown already, so quickly the cougar grabs the flashlight, turns it on and points it up in hopes of seeing who this mysterious child molester was. For Nico's bad luck though, adult's upper body was mostly hidden behind his friend's body, not able to see the face or even the chest, but he could see those strong arms and the lower body of the adult. The male seemed to have light orange fur everywhere on those muscular legs, arms and belly... though on his crotch, there was a patch of much brighter orange fur, right at the base of the massive, veiny cock which was stretching his best friend's throat beyond the point where it should have. This all did not tell much to Nico... he could figure out it was a feline, but was it a cat, lion or something else, he could not tell.

"Ah... oh you want to see more, huh... well just wait... till you see this... nngh... my little cumbucket... rrrgghh!!" Those were the last words the feline muttered, before growling out loud and Nico could only watch in horror how that flat for belly slowly began swelling with adult's cum... at least before the feline pulled out. This made Nico think now was his chance to finally see who this male was, but just as he pointed the flashlight up, a thick glob of cum splattered right down onto his face, getting to his eyes and making the cougar scream in agony. "Ahhh!!! It burns!!"

Nico was struggling to try and wipe his face clean, but at that very moment that feet on his left shoulder came up and kicked the flashlight away from his paw, leaving him to the darkness once again and it made him only panic more once those feet were replaced by paws, which held him down painfully hard... even harder than those feet had done. "Stop it... my father will be here soon... he'll... he'll kill you!" The cougar shouts, trying to intimidate the rapist, but all he got in return was a chuckle. "Old Joe, huh? He couldn't kill a fly... he'd be choking on my dick just like little Alex was a moment ago..."

This was enough to make Nico's eyes widen... does this man know his father? And Alex and... maybe even him? "Who... who are you, mister?" Nico asks and swallows hard, trying to play it nice to identify this child molester, but he did not get answer... not at least one he was hoping, since instead he was flipped around and onto his belly to the ground. "I'm the one asking questions here... and my first one will be; how tight is that little ass of yours?" The voice asks and that's when those big paws came down, pretty much tearing the clothes off cougar's body, the shirt, shorts and underwear... leaving the cub naked there with that round, young ass all exposed to the older male. "Actually... don't answer that, I rather find out myself."

Nico was about to scream for help from the top of his lungs, but the feline behind him was quicker... still nicely lubed from the throat fucking that the older man had given to the poor little fox, it did not take more than one rough shove to stretch that tight asshole of the cub wide open around his cock. It seemed to suck out all sound from Nico, since he screamed... he screamed for help, he screamed from pain and agony of his tailhole being split in two, but nothing came out from his mouth.

"Hhhnnnhhhh... fuck that's one tight cub slut!" Apparently the feline had not lost his voice, since he sure was celebrating, the older male seemed to be having the time of his life as he began thrusting into that young ass, able to feel those tight inner tunnels of the cub stretching around his dick and the swollen head of his cock probing against bones and cub's intestines.

Nico was almost like frozen by the pain and just from the feeling of having something like that inside him, able to feel that the feline most certainly had a cut, human like cock, since he could feel how that round, swollen head probed all over his insides. After a short moment though, his mind returned back to reality and to the world of pain, screaming as hard as he could from the top of his lungs as he could swear that cock had just done some serious damage to his poor butt.

The cougar did not scream for long though, since he felt strong jaws clamping down onto his neck, not cutting off his air really, but it did keep him from screaming or even speaking.... as well as finally turning his head to identify this mystery man. "Ohh... oh dam'... thish ish so mush better than that shlutty fhox..." The feline huffs out from around cub's neck. Those thrusts grew harder with each one of them... Nico being able to feel pair of sweaty balls smacking against his young, perky ass and the cock drilling it's way through his body, the pain just getting worse with each second.

There was no doubt that the feline dick was doing some serious internal damage to the cougar... making him feel dizzy and then there was a sudden crack, Nico's lower body going limp and soon enough, he was not able to feel anything... he knew the feline was still pounding his ass, but he couldn't feel it anymore. What's worse, the numb feeling began spreading; soon the cougar was not even able to feel his chest... then his arms and finally not even those jaws on his throat, the cougar was done for.

The feline did not even seem to notice this or if he did, he could not care less, since cougar cub's whole body was limp soon and was beginning to grow cold beneath him, not to mention that Nico was not even moving anymore. It did not take long for the feline to finally reach his climax and with a loud roar, he emptied his both balls into cougar's ass, quite a bit of it spilling out from around his cock and onto his crotch, painting that orange patch of fur with white cum which did have a bit of red tint to it. "Mmhh... toys aren't as durable as they used to be..."

At the same time over at the hut where the three other boys still were, they had all heard a faint scream coming from the forest, not able to recognize the voice, but being young and having overactive imagination, of course they began thinking about the worst, that something had happened to Alex and Nico.

"Wha... what should we do?" Jules asks with a shaky voice as the three of them peer at the darkness of the forest, while having their flashlights ready and looking around the opening over and over again, even if that scream from earlier had not belonged to either of their friends, it still did not explain why the two were taking so long in getting back to the hut.

"Maybe... they just got lost... you know? They're young and probably just took a wrong turn..." Mack tries to reason, though from the look on his face, it was easy to tell that even the young minotaur was scared shitless. "Come on... let's take a little closer look..." The minotaur stands up and slowly begins walking towards the edge of the opening with the flashlight in his hand. Not wanting to abandon his friend, Jules also got up and rather quickly followed after the minotaur, they were safer together than alone in the middle of the dark forest... though it did not seem like Ed, the black wolf, agreed with them there, since he did not follow the two.

"Y... you see... anything...?" Jules asks with a shaky voice as he looks around, pointing his flashlight between the trees.

"No... I told you, they just got lost..." Mack quickly answers, before the two begin backing off towards the hut once again, a step by step and inch by inch, until they would arrive over to the door of the hut when the young lion seemed to get an idea.

"Hey, you've seen those Home Alone movies, right? Ones where this kid lays down some traps to catch those two bad guys?" Jules suddenly asks with excited voice. "We could do that! Ed brought some rope with him too, didn't you... Ed?" The young lion fell quiet as he took a glance around himself as did Mack, only to find out that two of them were alone... Ed was gone and not only that, but so was his backpack which had been sitting on the ground next to their own ones.

"That.... that... fucker!" Mack shouts, rather strong words from a young cub, but those words were rather frequently used at Mack's home, so it was no hard task figuring out where he had picked them up. From the looks of it, Ed had grabbed his stuff and ran while the two other cubs had been out from the hut.

The two of them were right, since at the same moment the black wolf cub was running down the trail and towards the road a little further in the forest, once he would get there, he'd just have to follow the road to find his way home. Of course running in pitch black forest was not a good idea, since before Ed even knew it, he tripped over a rock or something else and was sent rolling down the trail, lucky for him he ended up crashing to a bush which softened his landing a bit.

"Ow... ow... ow... owww...." Ed whimpers as he slowly stands up, luckily enough for him it wasn't a spiky bush or anything, so all he got were couple bruises probably. The wolf cub was about to continue running when he could have sworn he heard something just from the other side of the bushes, quickly jumping up and trying to point his flashlight to the direction of the sound, but as he discovered, the flashlight had fallen from him as he had stumbled over and it had probably broken since he could not see his flashlight anywhere nearby.

That was least of Ed's problems though since as he kept staring at the darkness in front of him, a pair of yellow eyes appeared between two trees in a small distance from him. The black wolf did not waste his time by standing there for a second longer. All Ed did was turn around and begin running, but he did not get more than five or six steps, before he felt something heavy smacking against his upper back, sending the young cub back to the ground. Naturally Ed's first instinct was to turn around as he did, only to find those two eyes just above his body, staring down at him... or not at him, it seemed like those eyes were staring at his body.

"Please... please mister..." The black wolf sobs out, apparently somewhere at the back of his mind able to identify the dark figure as a male... or then it was the musk that was lingering in the air, though from the middle of it all, he could catch a rather familiar smell... a fox and a cougar? "Where... where's Alex... and Nico?" Ed quickly asks with a tiny spark of hope in his little body, but there was no answer... not yet at least, instead the cub could see how those eyes came closer and suddenly a paw grasped his throat and lifted him up into air. "Aacckk... hhrrgghh..."

While Ed was focused to the paw that was cutting off his air; those much smaller paws of his own trying to tear stranger's hand off from his throat, he did not notice that other hand which was feeling up his young body through those clothes. The cub because aware of that paw very soon though as he felt a claw cutting through his shirt... then his pants and at the same time his briefs, those tatters of his clothes falling to the ground... as well as his backpack which was also cut off and fell down to the ground, spilling all of it's insides to the ground.

"Well now... bringing your own toys along, aren't you a nice boy..." A gruff voice speaks up, it sure was a voice to send shivers down anyone's spine... especially in such a scary forest in the middle of a night.

Ed did wonder what the stranger had meant, but that became apparent to him very soon, since as his backpack had fallen to the ground, it had opened up and along with the stuff that came spilling out, there was a rope... the very same rope that Jules and Mack had been thinking of using if Ed had not taken it with him. But the next question was... what was this feline going to do with that rope?

This wicked child molester seemed to have his plans ready though as the paw on cub's throat was rather quickly switched to a rope and then Ed was dropped to the ground. Of course he took a run for it right away, momentarily forgetting he had the rope around his neck, but he was reminded by it with a hard tug which made him gag and fall backwards to the cold ground. Quickly Ed tried to make another run for it even though his throat was hurting, but he only ended up repeating what had just happened, to be yanked to the ground.

Couple moments later, Ed found himself taken to a different direction... instead of being yanked down, he was suddenly raising up, the noose around his neck tightening and cutting off his air in matter of seconds, leaving the poor cub struggling as he was hanged by the feline, those little feet kicking around in the air and trying to find something to stand up, but he was only hiked higher up into the air.

The pressure inside black wolf's head began building a bit; making his eyes push outwards some and his mouth to hang open as he was trying to catch his breath. Sure an adult might have managed to cut the rope or hold on for a little longer, but being a little cub, it did not take longer than about a minute for the wolf to pass out. His belly was still rising and lowering along with his breathing, indicating that he was still alive, but only barely, though it did not seem like the feline cared as he had so far been just watching the cub quietly.

"Time to get down to business..." The feline says to himself, before stepping up behind the unconscious wolf cub and spreading those asscheeks of the cub open with the swollen head of his cock, having gotten hard already while watching the cub struggling in the air and now he proceeded to sink that fat slab of feline meat into yet another tight cub ass...

Back at the opening further in the forest, Mack and Jules had tried up setting different kinds of traps, but apparently the cubs were not all too good at this, since only thing they had managed to build was nothing more than scattering some glass shards around the hut... guess they should have spent more time watching MacGyver, eh?

"It's useless... this kind of wimpy trap won't help us at all..." Mack almost cries out from frustration. "I'm going home... the road is just behind the forest after all..." The minotaur was trying to keep himself positive even though he knew the whole situation was hopeless... if there was something in the woods, a wild animal or something, they would not even make It to the road, before they would get caught.

"I'm coming with you... together we have a better chance to survive." Jules speaks up with his tail flicking from side to side behind himself, both of them knowing this to be true, so if they wanted to make it out of there, they would have to do it now.

"Okay, grab your backpack and let's go home." Mack smiles some as the two of them did just that, packing up their comic books and what not and then heading off towards the trail which was to take them out from the forest.

Both kept their flashlights up and ready as they walked, taking their time, but also checking their surroundings over and over again to make sure no one was following them or anything. They also kept real quiet as they did not want to be spotted by anything that might be lurking in the darkness of the woods, but after walking for couple minutes, they could hear a very faint squishing noise coming from nearby.

"Wh... what's that....?" The young lion whispers, before the two of them sneak forth and from behind a tree, take a peek with their eyes going wide at what they saw. It was a little hard to make out at first, but soon they could see something hanging there, swinging a bit in the air and sure enough... it was a lifeless wolf cub, Ed! Next to the wolf cub was standing just as dark shadow... a form of a feline with a thin tail, muscular body and something big and bushy around his neck and head, a mane, fluffy scarf or something maybe?

What caught two cubs attention though was that squishing sound though and naturally they looked for where it was coming from... until both lion's and minotaur's eyes fell down to that big, veiny monster cock which was protruding from feline's crotch and pumping back and forth from that cold and stretched out asshole of the little cub.

"Oommhh... nnnhh... aahhh!!" The pedo feline moans out, right before blowing his load up that cub ass right in front of two boy's eyes, letting them see how most of the cum came spilling out from dead wolf cub's ass and even more so once the feline tugged his cock out, allowing all that thick, white sperm come splashing out to the ground.

As if the feline had known someone had been watching him, those yellow, glowing eyes turned towards the two cubs who were watching him from behind a tree and the adult takes a step towards the two.

"RUN!" It was all Mack shouted and turned to make a run for it, but also cowardly using his hand to shove Jules down to the ground, he would rather sacrifice the life of his friend than his own one. The lion cub was surprised by this and did not even know exactly what had happened, but as soon as he pulled himself back together, he jumped up to take a glance around... only to find himself alone; alone if you do not count the corpse of his wolf friend, which was hanging from a tree right in front of him.

Of course this was no time to stand around and cry as Jules figured and began running down the trail, but something was disturbing him... where had the child molester disappeared to? Wouldn't it have been easy to snatch him and end his life when he was shoved down by Mack just a moment earlier and speaking of Mack... where had the young minotaur ran off to?

Where was Mack indeed, right now he had already left the trail and was running down the road and towards the lights of the town he could see up ahead, just five more minutes and he would be home... sure he had to sacrifice Jules to the pedo feline in the woods, but at least he'd get home alive. This was what Mack thought, at least before he felt something heavy slamming to him from the right and he was sent rolling off the road and against the fence at the side of the road... there was a pen of some sort, probably for keeping animals there at summer.

As soon as Mack got his eyes open, he found himself staring up and into those same yellow eyes he had seen in the forest, making the minotaur gasp for air, before panicking and going for a kick, which lands right to feline's leg, below the knee. It apparently struck to a rather weak spot, since it made the feline take a couple steps backwards and fall to one knee. "Hnnnrgh... fucking kiddo..." An angry growl coming from the feline, but Mack had already gotten back up and was running away once again, able to get about 5 yards... or 5 meters, right past an old shack next to the pen, before the young minotaur found himself pounced again.

"Ahh, get away!!" The minotaur cub screams with his rather low voice as minotaurs usually had, aiming yet another kick somewhere towards feline's legs, though this time he did not hit the legs of the child molester, rather he managed to kick right between those legs and his hoof came up, smacking the feline right at his crotch and making the adult let out scream from the pain.

"You... how the fuck dare you..." The feline growls as he had not let go of the minotaur who he was holding down on the ground now, somehow Mack felt like he knew that voice, but... he could not tell who it was, ringing only some distant bells in his head, but even those bells would be silenced soon as the feline took his revenge on the minotaur... of course in the exact same way he had been hurt.

Mack did not even have a chance to do much, before he felt a strong pain at the bottom of his stomach and groin, making the young cub bellow out in pain like an adult bull. It wasn't over yet though, because as Mack was trying to deal with the pain, those claws of the feline came down to slash at minotaur's clothes... ripping them to shreds to leave the young boy butt naked in front of him, holding his aching groin with his both hands.

"Oh I'll make you pay... no one hurts me and gets away with it..." The adult feline says with a growl as his hands come down to grasp the wrists of the minotaur, forcing them away from Mack's groin so he got a clear view at those young boy balls and a second later, he did the worst thing he could have... a simple knee drop, right on young minotaur's ballsac, able to feel them crushing between his knee and the cold ground.

"Ahhhh!!! Iiiieeeee!!!" The young minotaur screeches, almost like a little girl as his balls are crushed, both of those potent nuggets completely destroyed... having had a good chance now to look at this psychotic male's face, but his eyes were teary and his vision blurry so he couldn't make out even the things he had noticed before, all he could think was that his beautiful bull balls were gone... gone before he even had a chance to use them!

Mack felt almost like he was going to faint at any moment now, sobbing and not even noticing as the feline got off from him and grabbed him by the ankles to drag the minotaur towards the little shack next to the them, kicking the door open and dragging Mack inside to the darkness, before slamming the door closed. At the exact same time some footsteps passed the shack. It was Jules, running right past the old, dark shack without having any idea that a friend of his was no further than ten yards from him, so without a remorse the little lion keeps on walking towards the town.

Inside the shack it was so dark... darker than it had been at the forest, making it impossible for Mack to see anything, but as he knew, the child molester was a feline and had a perfect night vision. Mack had already pretty much given up hope, having been made into nothing more than a gelding at such a young age, it destroyed the muscular, young cub's self-esteem and most importantly, his will.

The minotaur could feel how his small, toned form was pushed down and bent over something hard and cold, probably a wooden table or something of the like, not sure since he could not see anything, but he could still hear whatever was going on.

"Mmmhh... such a sexy... big boy... nothing more than a gelding anymore..." The gruff voice speaks as Mack could feel a tongue touching his lower back, right above his ass, before the tongue slowly drags up his back, over those muscles and all the way up to minotaur's neck. "You hear me boy... you're nothing more than a slut anymore... a big cub slut for real male's with massive cocks..." Those dirty whispers made shivers run over the spine of the minotaur, not to mention the feeling of that tongue travelling over his body, leaving wet trails of saliva on his body.

Eventually the licking came to a stop and Mack felt the feline pulling away from him, not having any idea for a moment where the adult male was, before he felt something bumping against his nose and then against his lips. He rather quickly identified it as a nipple and for his own surprise, he found his own tongue slipping out and proceeding to lick and roll around the nub of that nipple, doing it actually several times and covering it in his spit. At the moment where his balls had been crushed and he was made into a gelding, something changed... his whole future had been altered, no more was he going to be a big, dominant minotaur like his father when he grew up, he would just be a slut, calling him anything else would have been way too respectful towards him now.

"Ooommphhh... damn if your father knew you were such a fag... hnngh... he'd fucking kill you... snap your neck and disown you..." The feline grunts, before tugging his nipple away from the minotaur, leaving Mack licking to his lips and wondering what was to happen next. A clinking and bumping of metal against metal could be heard from around the little shack, making Mack guess it was some sort of old toolshed or something of the like.

It took a moment for the feline to make his neck movement, seeming to be doing something in the dark for a moment, but soon enough he felt something thick and throbbing being pushed between his asscheeks, making the young minotaur lift his ass and present those muscular cheeks all the more to the adult behind himself. "Oh sir..." It was all Mack managed to huff out, though this seemed to please the older child molester, since unlike with the other boys, he did not go on and shove his cock straight in, no... he took his time with Mack, just slapping that swollen head of his cock against Mack's asshole and coating it in his slippery, sticky precum.

"Come on you little fag... I know you can do better... you've seen how those whores beg for your father's cock... now you do the same for me... be a good little filly for me..." The feline was obviously teasing the minotaur and how could he not, he had a muscular cub here, willing to take his fat cock like any other common slut.

"P... please sir... fuck me, fuck me with your magnificent cock... use my umm... use my slutty body sir, please... it's all yours..." Mack groans out, no normal cub would be able to beg like that, but since Mack had been living his whole life with his pervert father, he knew pretty much every curse word in the book.

The feline did not think it was all that good, but hell, he did not expect even that much from a seven year old cub, so as a reward the feline slowly brings that massive head over to the precum soaked pucker or the minotaur and begins slowly pushing forth. He does not thrust it all in right away though, just pumping the fat helmet head back and forth from that tight, muscular ass of the cub, until that asshole would pretty much suck his cock in and that's where he gave the hard thrust, to sink his dick all the way in till his balls would smack against Mack's own, destroyed ones.

"Ahh... god damn that's one good ass... worthy for any big male cocks..." The feline whispers with a small laugh escaping from him as he did not even give Mack a chance to reply to him, interrupting him by beginning to pound into that young cub ass while his paws could be felt sneaking onto Mack's asscheeks and pulling them apart, giving the nasty pedo feline a perfect view of how that tight ass of the minotaur was stretched wide open around the throbbing, veiny cock.

Wet slaps and squelches filled the whole shack as the feline kept fucking the eager minotaur boy, those paws of the adult male eventually wandering over Mack's back and up at the front side to rub those fingers over young cub's abs and up to his nipples, which he grabs between his fingers and slowly begins twisting them. Eventually it forces Mack to let out mixed sound of him bellowing and moaning at the same time, his tender young nipples being teased, until they are finally left alone and those paws continue their journey up to minotaur's neck, feeling up the muscles up there with the other paw, while the other one rubs at the adam's apple just beneath the skin.

All the while the child molester picked up his pace, thrusting harder and faster with the sticking precum spurting inside the cub and making that cock glide and push deep into minotaur's muscular ass, until those hands withdraw from Mack's neck. The feline knew he could not hold off for much longer while having such a tight cub ass working on his dick, so it was time for the grand-final. Once again there was the clinking and sound of metal bumping to metal, moans escaping from the feline one after another and telling he was getting real close now.

"Oh shit... here it comes... my boy bitch... hnnnghh!!" The feline growls, the first, heavy spurt of that cum jetting out from the tip of his cock and at the same time there was a loud -snap- and -thump!-. After that all that remained were the moans of the feline as he emptied his balls deep into Mack's ass and into his body, the tight ass holding all the cum inside and making minotaur's belly to bloat some from the amount of the cum that the feline shot inside him. What had happened though was that Mack's life had ended at the same time as the feline had came.

At the exact time when the first load of feline's cum had flooded those inner tunnels of Mack, the adult male had used the axe he had picked up and brought it down onto minotaur's neck, smoothly cutting off muscular cub's head and sending it flying off to the floor while the feline would take his time to finish his climax.

Not too much after this the door of the shack opened up and the feline was gone, leaving the cum dripping, dead body of the minotaur to the shack.

Without knowing what had happened to three of his friends, Jules finally stumbled to the front yard of his house, huffing as he was completely out of breath and quickly running up to the door. "Keys... keys... come on..." The young lion whimpers as he could not find his keys, remembering he had actually forgotten them home earlier today... to the table in his own room, but if his memory served right, there was a spare key to the garage door hidden somewhere outside, from there he would be able to get inside.

It took a short moment for Jules to search for the key, checking all the most usual places like above the doorframe, beneath the doormat and even from beneath the plant that had been set by the door, but finally he found the key... it was actually taped to the underside of one of the leaves of that same plant, pretty creative.

Never the less, Jules did not waste any time, but dashed to the big garage door to open it and push it up, away from his way, before quickly moving inside and closing the door behind himself, making sure it was locked when he closed it and sighing deeply. "I.. I made it..." He whimpers as he drops the key from his paws and slowly begins walking through the dark garage and towards the door at the other side.

Halfway across the way, he was suddenly hit on head with something heavy and hard, making the lion cub fall to the cold cement floor of the garage with a high pitched whine, slowly lifting his eyes upwards from the floor. The person was standing close to Jules; allowing the boy to see this dark male much better than he would somewhere else, say at a dark forest for example. As those eyes of the cub moved up, he could see light orange furred feet... then legs and moving upwards till they spotted a huge, floppy cock which was hanging between those strong legs with a patch of dark orange fur at the base... the upper body was harder to see from the darkness, but there was one thing he could see all too well, a pair of glowing, yellow eyes.

"How did you like the little camping trip? Had lots and lots of fun, I hope?"

That line alone was enough to make Jules lose his breath, that voice... that body... he knew from the first moment there was something familiar about this feline, but until now, he could not place it down. "D... dad?"

There was no answer, but instead there was a sudden flash as the lights were turned on, blinding the lion cub momentarily until he managed to focus his eyes in front of himself to find exactly what he had thought... that his father was standing there, all naked and smell of fox, cougar, wolf and minotaur mixed with his own musky smell.

"I do expect my own son to cooperate more than your friends did... they certainly were a pain in the ass or rather, I was a pain in their asses." The older lion speaks up with a wide grin, showing off his sharp, white teeth some, before pointing at the hood of the sports car that was parked there. "Pull your pants down and bend over... daddy has one more cub he has to take care of."

This made Jules just fall speechless, there was nothing he could think to say or anything he could do.

"Bend over the car!" The older lion shouts, making Jules to flatten his ears as he obeyed his father, almost like a kid who was just about to get spanking, but still, he did as he was told and slowly pushed down his pants... followed by his underwear, though he did keep his tail lowered to at least hide that tight pucker with it, even though he could not hide much else.

"There, there... daddy will make you feel good... just like I did to your friends... they just did not know it till it was too late..." The older lion whispers as he walks up to his son and slowly those big paws come down and begin roaming over his son's body, first over those asscheeks and up to his boy's side, beneath the shirt he was wearing and then slowly peeling that shirt off to expose the body of his son.

Jules was frozen from how scared he was, not able to force himself to move as he felt how his big, muscular father leaned over his back and leaned in to grind his floppy, fat cock up and against his young ass. It felt weird to have his father leaning over his body to lick and nibble at his ear as well as to have those big paws coming up and to rub at his throat, right at his adam's apple... even giving a small tug to it and making Jules to cough once.

"Let's see... I want to see your face when I fuck you silly, my son..." The older lion whispers and takes a short moment to flip his son over rather swiftly and holding his boy's lower body up with his paws as he leans closer and closer, bringing his slowly hardening cock upwards and very slowly letting it slide between his son's furry asscheeks, hotdogging his cock between them.

"Please... dad, don't..." Jules whimpers with his eyes glistening, still not able to recover from the shock that it had been his father who had raped his friends and killed them... and they were supposed to have just a nice little camping trip to themselves.

"Mmh... call me daddy, my son... it has better ring to it..." The older lion says with a smirk as he pulls his hips backwards some, lining up his cockhead with that tight pucker of his son and then slowly beginning to push forth. He took it slowly, but did not stop even for a second, not even as his son began crying as his tight cub ass was spread further and further open.

"Ooohh... daddyyyy!!!" Jules cries out and bends his head backwards, never before had he been in such a pain, but he had to push through, he had to survive to the end and he might have a chance to get away alive unlike his friends.

Unfortunately though it did not seem like the older lion was about to let anyone escape from him, almost as if he could read peoples thoughts, since at the moment when older lion's own son bent his head backwards, the lion slipped out his claws and with a quick slash... he had cut open his own son's throat, who began gagging and squirming around like a worm on that hood of the car, around his father's cock.

"Mmhh... sorry son, but nothing better than dead or dying cub working my cock... nothing personal, just pure pleasure..." The older lion smirks as the child molester lion began his rather vigorous humping while watching how his son was bleeding to death with the blood running down the hood of the car and finally dripping down to the cement floor.

Jules was not even sure what was going on, he felt cold, really cold... his vision was getting blurry and after getting one last glance to his own pedo father, his vision went dark... he could still feel slight pain at his lower body and at his ass, but his upper body... it felt warmer, probably from all the blood that was pumping out from his throat.

Slowly young lion's body grew colder and began getting stiff beneath the dirty old lion's body, just as he liked it the most as he could feel those tight muscles squeezing down his lion meat and working It for that hot and sticky cum which was boiling in his balls. At the same time that his son's heart gave it's last pump, the old lion came with a loud roar.

Even though it had not been the longest act of the night, just the thought of him fucking his own son made him cum like a fountain, cumming several loads deep into his son's ass... a load after another, some spurting out from his son's ass from around his dick, but most he managed to keep inside for now and watching how it made his son's belly grow somewhat as well as warm up his body for a moment longer, before it would grow completely cold.

The older lion huffs out quietly... he was done for the night now, but he still had some things he had to take care of... for example cleaning after himself, after all he could not leave such a mess behind himself, now could he? Rather simply he pulls out from his own son and lifts the boy to his arms to walk behind the car to dump his son's body to the trunk, which he closes afterwards, before heading to grab a hose and beginning to wash the blood off the hood of his car... at a rather good moment as well since a lioness soon appeared to the inner doorway in nothing more than her panties and bra.

"Oh seriously Max... your obsession with cars is just nuts... come to bed you idiot..." She says and rolls her eyes, before turning around and heading off, but she could be heard muttering quietly. "..washing the car at middle of the night... but can't even take me to the store..."

At the next day the disappearance of five cubs was all over the magazines of the town and of the whole country for that matter; the bodies had never been found, only clues were the backpacks that authorities had managed to find, but other than that, they had ran out of leads and had to quit their searches, because of the lack of evidence. Little did they know that if they had run a search to a specific house... they might have found five dead bodies from the basement, but the case remained unsolved...

1 Year Later...

The old tiger was just sitting at his favorite chair, reading the magazine and listening to the time ticking away. Not much had happened there since the incident last year, people still remembered it, but no one dared to speak of it, since the criminal was never caught. But even so, life was getting back to normal slowly... that is until this day when the old tiger opened up the magazine and was greeted by a little article, titled "Class heading to a field trip to local forest." The old tiger could only grin... maybe it was time to spend another night at the woods...