
Story by Taiko on SoFurry

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#1 of Sensual Saga: Nemean & Clone


Written by Danath, and editted by Taiko Akito. This story h...


Written by Danath, and editted by Taiko Akito. This story has been reposted with the permission of Danath; subsequent repostings must be made with the permission of Taiko Akito. The characters Nor, Nemean and the Clone of Nemean are the mental properties of Taiko Akito and may not be used without his permission. http://www.furaffinity.net/user/danath/

The red light flashed the proximity warning only a few seconds before one wall of the long, rectangular laboratory exploded in a shower of concrete and steel.

Nemean dived behind a long counter, leaving the Bunsen burners going. It was a long few moments before he lifted his head, but he couldn't see much through all the dust. Fluorescent lights flickered overhead irregularly and broken wires popped and sparked dangerously.

The large lion glanced behind him, where a bank of computer terminals scrolled endlessly upwards with real-time data from the many experiments occurring simultaneously in the lab. He quickly stood and made his way to the computers, ignoring the loud clopping from the other end of the lab.

After making sure his Kevlar body armor was snug around his huge frame, Nemean stabbed his finger at a large purple button on the console. He would have liked more time to finish his tests, but Nor had cut that short. It was now or never.

Nemean smiled as a small vial popped out of a compartment on the computer bank. He picked it up and flicked off the top with his thumb, then lifted the vial to toast the unconscious figure drifting in a large glass cylinder next to the computers. His naked clone, younger than he was, was connected with a riot of wires and electrodes to the computer banks. It had been grown in order to serve as a test subject for the serum, rather than himself, but now all it was was a waste of money and protein.

Nemean pulled up the bottom of his face mask and tipped his head back, drinking the potion in one go. It was designed to enhance his telekinetic abilities, but remained unstable despite his efforts. Nor forced his hand, however, and as the clopping of the superhero's hooves drew closer and closer, Nemean gagged down the foul-tasting serum.

He'd barely pulled his mask back down over his face when a massive white mule strode out of the billowing dust, bearing a new suit made specifically for the villain. He stopped ten feet or so from Nemean and put his large hands on his hips.

"Hard way?" Nor asked, raising one eyebrow.

Nemean sneered as he built an invisible wall of energy around him with his mind.

"What do you think?"

The lion shoved the barrier forward. Though his range was short, no more than a few feet in any direction, the power sent the beakers, burners, computers, and other debris on the counter in front of him flying towards the mule.

Nor frowned as he raised both arms in front of him and ducked his head. A toaster clanged off his forearms even as he charged forward. Powerful legs propelled the seven-foot mule across the counter and into Nemean's chest, sending them both tumbling. The lion's armored backside cracked into the glass cylinder holding his clone and a rush of thick goo flooded over both of them. The cloned lion fell on top of the mule's backside.

Nor, not realizing who the clone was, or that he was even a clone at all, pushed the still unconscious male away and grabbed for Nemean. Nemean was already up, however, and was about to aim a kick for Nor's head when he suddenly stiffened and fell, poleaxed.

The mule stood up warily, crouching, and backed away a few feet. Nemean was tricky and Nor didn't trust him for a moment. But the big feline's figure was still on the floor, though the clone began to cough and retch.

Nor ignored the naked lion, who was soon up on his feet and running away. His focus was only on Nemean, who had finally begun to stir.

An unearthly red glow shone through the black fabric of the lion's face mask as his entire body levitated into the air, then righted itself until he was facing Nor. The mule backed away slightly, fists up in a defensive posture.

"You were too late, Nor," Nemean said, though his voice was deeper and more resonant than before. "My serum worked!"

Nor's body jumped backwards as though hit by a truck. The mule sailed through the air, going into and through several counters before rolling to a stop halfway to the back wall. The tough male was on his feet quickly, however, and let out a roar as he charged towards the feline, still hovering in the air.

He felt pressure build up around him as he pushed forward. Nemean's laugh cut off suddenly, however, and he dropped towards the floor. The invisible barrier surrounding Nor faded and he rushed in, tackling the lion to the floor. They grappled together, rolling back and forth, until Nemean let out an enraged shout. Nor's head ringed as the lion's closed fist, covered in micro-chain mail, clobbered the side of his head. Dazed, he rolled onto his back with the lion straddling him.

Nemean laughed again, but this time his voice sounded happy and carefree.

"You can't stop me, Nor! Nobody can! Not even... even... arrrrgh!"

Nemean rolled off Nor and clutched his head, giving the mule time to recover. He tried to get Nemean's arms behind his back to cuff his wrists, but before he could the feline had knocked him away with a burst of psychic energy. Nemean's face mask stretched as the red glow increased in intensity.

Both sleeves of the lion's armor ripped away, torn off by invisible energy. Nemean growled loudly as he rose to his feet, arms hanging limply at his sides. He leaned forward and walked slowly towards Nor, ears twitching frantically under his mask.

Nor lifted his head in time to see Nemean raise both palms towards him. His white superhero costume ripped in half from the neck to the crotch, despite the micro fibres that it was made of to resist such actions, leaving his muscular chest and ripped belly exposed. The mule stared in shock as he watched the Kevlar plates covering the lion's chest fall away, revealing a muscular, grizzled, scarred chest and stomach. When the heavily-padded greaves on Nemean's thighs came off, the lion's sheath and balls fell out. His large pink shaft hung nearly to his knees, thick and half-hard.

Nor tried to back away and give himself time to stand up, but he was seized by a powerful field and flipped onto his stomach. He felt his suit ripped from his body, leaving his backside and rump exposed.

"Nemean! What are you doing?" he cried, arms and legs straining against the field holding him down.

The lion didn't reply and Nor remembered what he'd said about the serum just before. Was he out of control? Normally the lion was shifty and diabolic, not straightforward like this. The mule had come up against Nemean's psychic fields before and they'd never felt like this.

He was distracted from his thoughts on the lion's altered powers, however, when those very powers seized his cock and squeezed it roughly. His legs were forced to spread and the lion's large paws came down around his hips. Nor struggled, but there was little he could do as the swirling psychic energy around him increased in intensity at the touch of the lion.

Nemean had to be out of control. It was the only explanation. If the serum wasn't finished and he'd still taken it...

Nor struggled all the harder to break free, but he was stuck fast. His palms flattened against the cement floor, leaving imprints of his fingers as he tried to push away. Nemean's thick erection swung up and laid across his rump - Nor could feel warm pre-cum run between his cheeks like a river.

The invisible energy surrounding his shaft squeezed again, rippling up and down his length until he couldn't help but moan and push into it. His massive length extended in a long, smooth arc past his bulging pecs, thick and dripping as the lion's out-of-control energy massaged it ruthlessly. Nor's eyes went wide when he felt the tip of the lion's shaft press under his tail. The mule's hooves twitched, but then his entire body was seized and held as the lion pushed in.

Unable to even work his throat enough to moan, Nor felt the power increase considerably as the length was fed into his rump. Nemean's growls and moans echoed around the lab as debris was picked up and tossed about at random. Nor watched as dirt swirled around them, as though they were in the eye of a tornado.

The lion's grip tightened as he humped forward roughly. Nor felt the energy surge, then relax, and he was able to let out a huge moan as the massive feline's length wriggled in his guts. Nor's knees cracked the concrete below him as Nemean pumped forward again, shoving forward hard.

With every thrust, Nor felt the energy weaken slightly. The lion's mind had reverted to base instincts, the mule thought between thrusts. He had no way to control what he did, physically or mentally. That gave Nor the advantage, despite the circumstances.

Gritting his broad teeth together, Nor hung his head and squeezed his rump just as the lion thrust forward. He felt the male's fingers tighten around his hips and grinned. He suspected as soon as he could get Nemean off, the lion would be all but finished.

Nor's erection shot a few thick strands of pre-cum across the floor in front of him as the lion's heavy balls slapped against the back of his thighs. Again and again, the muscular lion pushed in. Soon Nor found he could move his arms, then his legs. He arched his back and pushed back firmly, grinding himself over the thick shaft. Nemean let out a roar of pleasure and leaned over the mule, chest to back, and rapidly humped his hips, keeping his cock buried deep inside.

Nor's bloated erection jerked upwards, slapping heavily against his chest. The mule kept himself up with one arm and used the other to stroke himself, too aroused at this point to help himself. There was a gush of warmth from behind and a loud moan in his ear. Thick cum sprayed from around the length plugging his rump and dripped down the back of his thighs, pooling on the floor beneath them. Nor tipped his head back and squeezed the tip of his erection, squeezing even harder around the lion as he joined in, shooting thick loads of cum across the floor.

The psychic energy ramped up suddenly, seizing them both and holding them together for what seemed like minutes but was, in reality, less than twenty seconds. Then Nemean let out a strangled cry and fell limply over Nor's backside. The lion rolled off, massive shaft pulling free as he fell to the ground. Around them, the debris swirling in the air paused and then fell.

Once the din had subsided, Nor leaned back onto his haunches and glanced at the lion. Definitely unconscious. Nor panted heavily and licked his lips. He'd fought supervillains plenty of times before, but this had to be a first.

As he stood, his half-hard cock drooped outwards, still dripping thick cum over the floor. He found his cuffs in the remains of his white costume and attached them to Nemean's wrists.

He was about to pull off the lion's mask - the only clothing the feline still wore - when the other lion, the one in the tank earlier, ran up to him.

Nor blinked and glanced from one to the other. Despite an obvious age difference, the similarity in their bodies was striking. Before the mule could ask about it, the second lion shouted at him.

"The whole place is going to blow up! Run!"

Nor, being a sensible kind of mule, didn't mess around asking questions when someone said a place was going to explode. He leaned down and hauled Nemean over his shoulders, then ran for the opposite end of the lab. The other lion was close behind, though Nor missed how he grabbed up several flash drives connected to the computer bank.

The three naked males barely cleared the exit of the underground lab complex when it exploded, sending them all flying through the air. Nor was up and moving in a few moments, but the second lion had disappeared. Nemean was still unconscious, however, and the mule couldn't afford to leave his prisoner to search for the other feline, no doubt a victim of Nemean's freak research.

With the flames of the lab lighting up the night, Nor could easily see the outlines of Nemean's face under his mask. He reached down and gripped the underside, then pulled it up. His eyes went wide and he stood, black mask dangling in his fingers. The second lion could have been Nemean's twin, ten years removed or so.

Nor reached for the bud set in his ear to call for backup, but before he could press it, there was a hiss and click. He slumped forward and fell forward onto his face in the grass next to the handcuffed lion.

"Sorry, Nor, but I need a little more getaway time," the clone said.

He tossed an empty hypospray onto the grass next to the mule and glanced at the flash drives in his other hand.

"A few more months and it'll be perfect..."

When Nor's teammates arrived, they found the unconscious mule and lion laying together, both reeking of sex. They had no reason to doubt Nor's story, though he was the butt of many jokes later. Of the clone, there was no trace...