Fav Teacher: Chapter 1

Story by CitanOsumi on SoFurry

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#1 of "Fav Teacher"

Hello everyone. This is my first story so I hope ya like it. If at least one person likes it I will continue the story. The main charector is modeled off of yours truly, myself.Once again this is my first story so be gental with you responses * Hopes every likes the story*

Ok ok, just have to run the standard drill. This story contains Yiff and you should be 18 or older to read it blah blah blah. Well you know the rest by now, I am pretty sure this is not the first yiff story ya have read.Oh! And if you don't like Yaoi then you'r in the wrong spot buddy.

First, a little setting explanation so noone is confused about when and where my story takes place

The world was at peace for a time. Kingdoms have been made and are spread out through the land. But now kingdoms have once again began to fight amounst eachother for power of land. Our story takes place in the kingdom of Aria. It is a mainly peachful kingdom wich untill now has had no problems with other kingdoms. The kingdom of Tranius has attacked Aria for a while now. Due to that fact, Aria students are trained in the upper classes in order to defend themselfs. And so our story begins.

"Just great, he's in this class still." thought Citan as he stood in the doorway to his Defense class. Citan, who is a grey and white wolf furson. Standing at about 5'6" tall and 18 years old. With has a slight build, just enough to show under his fur. He had finnaly got into defense class and Reno was still in it. Reno, a grey panther had been in the class the past three years and he hoped that he would have left the class by now but his hopes were crushed. Every furson must take defense class there finnal year, but if your lucky you can sign up for it early and take it as many times as you wish. Citan tried every year to get in but never could and Reno got in everytime.

Reno was a school bully and loved to pick on Citan because he is an orphan. His parents died when he was young, how they died he does not know. He has lived in orphanges all his life untill his 18th birthday when he was old enough to claim his inhertance from his parents. The only thing they left him was a mansion that looked more like a castle. Citan moved in there and has lived by himself for 3 months now. He consideres himself a lone wolf because he does his best to stay out of things and stick to himself.

Just then Reno looked at the door way and saw Citan standing there. "Look who we have here, it's little wolf boy."

"Shut up Reno just leave me alone ok?"

"Listen orphan boy, since this is my fourth year I have more oportunities than you and am considerd better than you so I can do whatever I want ya little punk! I can talk to whoever I want you got that orphan"

"Do what you want Reno, I could care less, now excuse me but I am going to sit down now"

With that Citan walked to the back of the room and took a seat He hated being called an orphan and reno knew that, but he held his anger back. Reno just gave him a smirk and went back to talking with his freinds. About 5 minuts later a lion furson walked in the room and stood at the teachers desk. He was tall and very built, his robes and shirt were shaped around his muscles He looked like he would be in his 20's but Citan was unsure about that.. He had a long gold mane tied behind his back Citan could not help but stare at him and his atractiveness. He shook his head to get a thought out of his mind.

"Welcome class, for thouse who are new this year My Name is Seigfreid Kraden. You may call me Mr. K or just Kraden. Now every take a seat." He then took his over robe off exposing his shirt streched by his chest, Citan once again ignored the thoughts in his head.

After a minute every one was seated an Kraden began to speak again. Reno said something to his freind, laughed and sat in the desk in front of Citan.

"Now as you know, this is Defense class. You are here to learn how to defend yourself in close combat. You are trained in case our kingdom is every attacked.. Today I will test each student indavidualy to give them a rank on there current skills, and divide the class by the ranks given. Students who have had me before already know there rank. Lets begin."

Kraden called out the first student and began the test. Kraden grabed a weapon that matched the students type off of the wall and began to spar with him. Citan was too caught up in in the sparing he did not even catch the students name. Citan has always had a love of fighting. His own weapon is a sword he found at his house. He was exploring the grounds when he found his sword in the garden. It was slightly burried next to a statue in the center of the garden. The second he saw it he knew thats the weapon he would use, he always carries it with him althouth he never has really used it before.

The students had been called up one by one and tested. Kraden defeated them easily every time and gave them a rank. Citan just stared at the teacher as he moved with such skill and grace. He again thought of how old Kraden was. He moved with skill that seems like it took years of trainging. He once again cleared his of that and put his mind on Kraden fighting, so into it that he did not even here his name called out.

Citan! Citan Uzuki! Kraden shouted after calling Citan for 5 times now.

"Hey orphan boy your up!" Reno elbowed Citan hard on the shoulder

"What? Oh. Sorry sir, I'm coming". Citan got up and walked past Reno.

"Don't die little wolf boy we wouldn't want you parents to get sad OH wait you don't have any" Reno said with a laugh. Citan griped his fist and did his best just to ignore him and steped in front of class.

"Please pay more attention Citan. Reno watch your mouth. Ok, what weapon are you using?" Citan opened his rope and unsheathed his sword. " A sword sir" Citan said with a bit of shyness. He couldn't help but just stare at Kraden.

"Now you probally didn't hear me instructions did you kid?" Citan shook his head, "Sorry no I did not sir".

"It's ok, just next time pay more attention. Ok, you are to defend yourself as best as you can, I am going to try and hit you but just enough to Knock you back, don't worry I won't cut you." With that he took a large sword off the wall. "Ok do your best now."

Citan was surprised bye Kraden's strength. He was holding the huge sword with one hand as if it were a short sword. Just then Kraden charged Citan and swung sideways at him, he swiftly blocked the attack, Kraden quickly turned and slashed again but Citan easily avoided it.

"Good your fast, faster then most students" Kraden continued to attack and Citan blocked or dodged them all. The rest of the class was amazed at Citans skill. Reno just acted cool.

"Beginers luck" Reno said with a cuckle.

"Ok now Citan, just one more test, I am gonna come at you and not hold back ok? Try and attack me back. But you must try your best or you could get seriusly hurt." Citan nodded.

Kraden jumped at him with a downward slash. "Ok I need to get him" thought Citan. He rushed him and slahed sideways at his exposed chest. After a second both Kraden and Citan were past eachother. Citan got up and turned to face Kraden keeping his eyes closed but halfway around he felt dizzy and pased out and fell to the floor.

"Shit! He's hurt." Kraden rushed to Citan ingoring the bleeding gash on his own chest. Kraden had hit Citan downwards across Citans right eye and it was bleeding really bad.

"Class dismised." Kraden picked up citan and left the room."

3 days later.

Citan slowly opened his eyes to find that only one would open, his left eye. He looked around and found himself in a room. He was laying on a big bed A open door led to a bathroom across the room. Suddenly another door opened and Kraden walked in.

"Where am I? What happend?" Citan asked in a confused way.

"You are at my house Citan. I took you here after we spared. I accidently hit your face across your eye and you passed out from blood loss. You have been unconsious for 3 days now. The doctor said your eye will be fine but you'll have a scar there."

"Did I hit you?"

"What? Kraden was caught off guard by the randomness of the question. Oh, yes, you got me across the chest." Kraden lifted his shirt and exposed a scar along his chest. Citan stared at his muscles more than the scar. He couldn't get them out of his mind.

Kraden lowered his shirt and walked over to Citan, who started to blush.

"I was very surprised Citan, your the first student to hit me since I started a year ago."

"A year ago?" thought Citan, maybe he is not that old after all."Uh, thank you sir"

"Please call me Kraden, you have are very skilled, have you took lessons before?"

"No that was my first time ever fighting with a sword."

"Really? hmmm thats interestion, you must be a natural born fighter then."

Citan just smiled with joy, he had always hoped to be a fighter.

"You will have to stay out of school for the rest of the week, if you want to go back to your house you can."

"Umm I would prefer to stay here, it gets lonely in my house, can I just stay here for now?"

"I'd imagine being alone and all, sure you can stay" Citan's heart jumped, he really likes being around Kraden."Thank you very much"

"No problem, I have to get back to teaching, I took the past 3 days off to watch over you." This made him blush even more, he liked the feeling of someone caring for him so much, even if he did not care for him the way Citan felt for him." I have to take a shower first then I have to go, you should be fine for the day by yourself now. There is food in the Fridge down the hall if you get hungry." With that Kraden walked over to the bathroom door.

He walked in and closed it but it opened enough that Citan could see Kraden start to get undressed, He quickly turned and faced the wall. Citan thought to himself "No, I can't look, he's my teacher. I can't fall in love with a teacher I don't even know how old he is. And besides he's probaly not like me,." He tried not too, but could not help but look. He turned and looked though the crack in the door as he began to watche Kraden take his robe and shirt off. He felt a buldge in his pants start to grow. Kraden then took his boxers off showing his tight butt with his tail haning over it slightly swaying back and fourth. He wished Kraden would turn around so he could see more and his wish came true. Kraden turned around exposing his sheath and balls. The tent in his pants grew even more. Kraden had a large sac hanging under his sheath which was covered by a short yellow fur. Kraden then walked out of sight and Citan herd the shower go on.

All the 10 minutes Kraden was in the shower he could not stop thinking of his teacher naked. His sheath buldging in his pants, Kradens musclar body was driven him crazy. "No I can't fall in love with him, he would hate me if he was not gay. I could never show my face in class again" Suddenly the shower stopped. Citan turned on his side to hide his buldge. He saw Kraden get dressed and it drove his more crazy untill. Kraden walked out in new clothes.

"Ok seya later kid, I will be back around 6 or so" Kraden grabed his keys and walked out of the room. He herd a car pull out and he got up. His member now fully exposed from it's sheath. He thought of what to do now. His member was fully erect and his knot already starting to grow. He walked over to the bathroom door and caught a scent. The scent was intoxicationg to Citan. He sniffed around the bathroom and found the smell was coming from Kradens Boxers next to the shower. Citan picked them up and sniffed them. He was smelling the front and getting Kradens male musk scent. This threw him over the edge, he needed to paw off and he needed to do it now. But where to do it not to make a mess. He looked around and decided in the tub would be best. He undressed and steped in the tub and layed down.

Kradens boxers still in his hand he bagan to stroke his member. His tail swaying at the tip. He kept smelling Kradens musk coming from the boxers. This increased the speed of his hand. Starting to become overwhelmed by pleasure he panted heavily thru his teeth. Soon his mouth fell open and he began to let out moans everytime he stroked the full lenth of his member. His pace went even faster now. Pre started to emerge from the tip and dripping over his paw adding to the intoxicating smell. He set the boxers on his chest and used his free hand to fondle his sac. His moaning grew loader as he closed his eyes and thought of Kraden. Wishing he was the one given him the great treatment. He felt his orgasm coming soon. His pace grew faster and his moans grew even louder. The extream pleasure was overwhelming. Groping his sac, pre dripping over his paw. He took another huge smell of the boxers and it threw him over the edge. He grabbed the root of his cock right under his knot and he arched back. His orgasm hit. Shooting his load all over his chest and paw, some landing on his tail He let out a loud sound like a moan mixed with a howl as he continued to shoot his load. After was seemed like eternity of pleasure his orgasm ended. Cum all over his chest paw and tail. He lay there for a while trying to get his breath back. He thought the only thing that could have been better was if Kraden was there with him. He wondered if he should ever tell him how he felt about him.

Even if he did not tell him, he deniyed it no longer. He was had a crush on his teacher. He set the boxers outside of the tub and licked the cum off of his hands and what his tougne could reach off of his chest. He the stood up and looked over himself. He still had alot of cum on his fur and he needed to get it off so he closed the shower curtan and turned it on and washed himself off. The water felt good over his eye which he still could not open. He wondered what he should do. "should I tell him? What would he say" the same line went through his head over and over again. 30 minutes later the shower turned off. Citan got out and dried off. He put his boxers and pants back on but left his shirt off and laid down on Kradens bed. He rolled on his back and thought of Kraden again. He closed his eyes and a while later fell asleep.

6 came around, a car pulled up and Kraden walked into his room. "Hey kid I am ba...." He stopped when he realized Citan was asleep. He wondered why his shirt was off but then thought he just must sleep like that. Kraden looked around and noticed the bathroom light was still on.

"Huh, I thought I turned it off, oh well." He walked into the bathroom and caught a strong scent coming from near the bathtub. He walked over and picked his boxers up. He sniffed and found a white substance on it. He coudn't make out the other scent from his own very well. He looked back at Citan.

"Did he .....nah I must have spilled some shampoo on them and it mixed with my scent."

With that He tossed the boxers into the hamper walked out and stood by the other door.

He looked back at Citan with a conserned look "I wonder, if he is...", He shrugged it off, turned the light off and closed the door behind him.

Well there ya go folks. My first story ever. I hope ya like it. If even one person e-mails with with a compliment I will continue this story. I had fun writing it so i would love to make another one, And if only one likes it that is good enough for me lol. But if ya have any compliments or things I should improve on, or if ya disliked it, e-mail me at [email protected]
