Peter's Transformation Chapter 1

Story by Wolfman0121 on SoFurry

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#1 of Peter's Transformation


Peter's Transformation  Chapte...

Peter's Transformation Chapter 1

It was a warm summer day in New York and Peter Parker was busy getting ready for his day at the Daily Bugle. Suddenly his spider senses started tingling, warning him of the danger nearby. Now Peter has a secret, he is the superhero we know and love as the Legendary Spiderman. As of yet, he was only halfway dressed. Only in his pants, which were cut just right to show off his well-endowed package, without his shirt, showing off his spectacular pectorals and his 8-pack, washboard abs. Anyway, just as his spider senses went off he looked out the window and saw a strange creature standing in a copse of trees across the street. This creature was clothed entirely in white robes with strange runes decorating the sleeves and hems of them. Suddenly, the creature and he locked gazes. As if by magic, Peter leaped from the window down to the ground and started walking toward the strange beast.

"What the hell am I doing? I cannot control myself, it feels like he is drawing me toward him!" Peter thought.

"Welcome mortal!" the beast thundered, but only in Peters mind, for he could see now that the creature had no mouth for which to speak.

Continuing on, Peter noticed for the first time that the beasts' eyes were a brilliant shade of emerald, almost like they had a green fire burning deep inside. He stopped in front of the beast and stood there, like he was waiting for the beast to command him to do something else.

"That is exactly what you are waiting to do. Heh-heh-heh." The beast laughed inside Peters mind.

"What?! Can he read my thoughts?" Peter thought.

The beast said nothing. Instead he gestured and suddenly the robes he was wearing vanished. The being was tall, well muscled, extremely well endowed, with pure white skin and not a single blemish upon his body.

"I give you permission to ask me the questions that are running through your head, slave" the beast said.

"Who are you?" Peter asked.

"I am, in your tongue, Phallius Rexus. I am a scientist from the world Phallus Erectus, and have come here to gather slaves for my experiment. Our planet faces a great threat and we have need of inferior beings from other planets to... help us. You see, our species is all male and we cannot breed properly to continue our race. I have been sent to other worlds to collect specimens and inject them with our DNA to see if we can make a hybrid species that is able to reproduce continually so our people can continue on." Phallius said.

"Why have you chosen me to become one of your slaves?" Peter asked.

"I sense a strong power within you, and I have chosen you because with this power, I do believe my people can repopulate my world through you. Also, you were the only one that could see me after I materialized into your planet." Phallius said.

"Oh, great. My spider powers and natural curiosity have gotten me in trouble again." Peter thought.

"I wish to proceed with the experiment here and now!" Phallius instructed.

"I don't understand, how do you expect to inject your DNA inside me?" Peter asked.

"Why, by sexual intercourse, of course. I thought that was obvious." Phallius said.

"What?! You can't be serious! I'm not gay!!!" Peter protested.

"The spell you are under has changed all that. Look at the tent inside your pants, boy! You see, I know that you have had some sad relationships with the women in your life. Mary Jane disappeared, your crush on Felicia Thompson went sour once you found out that she was the Black Cat and she tried to have you killed. And all your other dates that you have been on haven't panned out. You do know that there is a whole other sex out there, don't you? In fact, I sense that you have had a man crush on one Eddie Brock at one time or another. Not gay indeed." Phallius stated.

"Phallius, I don't know how you know about my past relationships, but..." Peter started feeling some pull toward his captor, and couldn't think straight. He started moaning uncontrollably. "Please, unnnnnnnnnnn, make the pleasure, Ohhhhhhhh, stop."

Phallius's gaze remained fixed upon Peter's cock. "Let's see what you look like without those constricting pants on."

Suddenly, without warning, Peter's pants disintegrated and his 9-inch cock slapped his stomach, leaving a trail of clear precum hanging just above his naval, leading to the tip of his cock.

"Mmmmmm, you do look tasty." Phallius stated. "Now, get down on the ground on your hands and knees and spread your ass so it can accept my cock and what I offer."

Peter fell to his knees and presented his ass to his captor without hesitation. Suddenly, a thought enters into his head. "Won't we be seen by somebody?" he asked.

"Nobody will see what I don't want them to see." Phallius said. "_But you will be seen, moaning in pleasure while your asshole spreads wide from the invasion of my mighty cock into it, then the men that will crowd around you will fall under my spell as well, even though they cannot see me." _ He thought, insidiously.

"Oh, Master, fill my willing hole with your cock and breed me with your potent seed!!!" Peter practically begged. "I only wish to serve you and your people. My soul and body is yours to do with as you please."

"Heh-heh-heh, my spell is working well on this one. Soon he will infect others of his species and make them willing to be bred by my people. Oh-damn, his hole is tight. He is defiantly a virgin to gay sex. Uhnnn, his warm hole feels so good on my cock. I wish that I didn't have to change him, but his new form will be able to handle the task which I have given him."

Soon, attracted by the moaning coming from the copse of trees, a gathering of men of all ages stood around Peter as he was being brutally raped by Phallius. In a matter of minutes, they all stood naked and stroking their cocks, falling under Phallius' spell and pairing off to suck and/or fuck each other. One daring man went over to Peter and started stroking Peter's cock, then laid down and took the massive piece of meat into his mouth and started sucking ferociously, this man was none other than Eddie Brock. Peter gasped as his dick was engulfed into Eddies' hot mouth, and he opened his eyes to see Eddies' cock bobbing in front of him, begging for attention. Peter stuck his tongue out and wrapped it around the shaft and sucked it into his mouth. Having Phallius' cock in his ass, and Eddies' in his mouth, Peter reached his climax in no time. He exploded in Eddies' mouth, sending rope after rope of cum down Eddies' throat. As he climaxed, his ass muscles were spasming, causing Phallius to hit his first climax. Phallius unloaded a gallon of cum into Peters' bowels, which was quickly absorbed into Peters' body because of the effects of the spell. After Phallius removed his cock from Peters' ass, he used a spell that caused Peter and Eddie to switch places, because he wanted Peters' transformation to be unencumbered and to inject Eddie with the transformational DNA of his species.

Peter felt the transformation begin, and was instantly aroused by it. His 9-inch cock suddenly gained another 20 inches in length, and 5 inches in girth. His balls grew to the size of small watermelons and filled with cum, waiting to surge through his 29-inch dick. He also felt his muscles expand exponentially. His pectorals ballooned out and became huge slabs of meat that pushed his nipples down. Those, he noticed darkened to the color of rich chocolate and started dripping cum, which filled the copse of trees with the smell of his musk. He felt his skeleton undergoing a change as well. His skull broadened and became more animal like, pushing his mouth and nose into a muzzle shape. His human teeth fell out and in their place fangs grew in, sharper and more of them than his old mouth could hold. His ears rotated from the sides of his head and moved to the top. Lying on his back as he was, he felt a pressure above his ass as his spine grew out into a tail. He shifted positions and his tail popped out and grew out about 3 feet. He felt his hands take on a digigrade form and pads popped out of his palms, as well as his fingernails growing out into claws. The same thing was happening to his feet, and that was when he realized that he was becoming a werewolf. His cock then shifted into that of a canine, a flared point at the end, and a knot at the base. After these changes completed, the feeling of ants crawling all over his body indicated that hair was pushing out of his skin, covering him with the most luxurious coat of pure white fur. After this transformation finished, he opened his now amber eyes and fixed his gaze upon his new mate.

"Mate? Yes, he is to be my mate. I smell the seed our master is injecting into him to transform him into another like me." Peter was thinking.

"Peter, go among those who have gathered and inject them with your seed to help create your pack. After you have completed this task, then you and your mate shall copulate and you shall bare the first litter of my species and help repopulate my world." Phallius said.

"Yes Master. Your will be done." Peter said as he bowed to his Master. He then went among the men gathered there and sniffed out the one who was to be his second in command. It was none other than Doc Conners. Conners was attracted just recently and quickly fell under Phallius' spell of debauchery. He was fucking a smaller man that Peter recognized as Jamison, editor in chief of the Daily Bugle. Peter walked up to Conners and Jamison and started licking Conners asshole, probing his tongue deep into the sweet hole and lapping up the juices that started flowing from it. He prepared the hole for his cock and then, without mercy, impaled Conners upon his 29-inch rod. Conners, if he wasn't under the spell, would have screamed bloody murder and passed out from the invasion of his rectum, but being under the spell he only moaned in pleasure as Peters' cock entered into his tight hole. Peter pumped away mercilessly and intensely, losing himself in the pleasure of the rape. He gripped his cock, in front of the knot so as to not tie with the human, and felt the pressure building in his nutsack. Finally after such a long rape, he shot his load deep inside Conners, making Conner unload his wad deep inside Jamison. Conners' belly began to bloat out with all of the cum that was pooling inside his gut. He then looked at Peter and nodded his head, showing that he understood his new role in the pack. He glanced back at Jamison, seeming to ask Peter if Jamison was to be Conners mate. Peter nodded and Conners went back to Jamison and, as the transformation overtook him, started fucking Jamison's ass with renewed vigor. The cum in his belly getting absorbed into his body quickly turning him into another werewolf.

After hours of transforming the men in the copse of trees, Peter finally went back to Phallius and Eddie. Standing next to Master Phallius was the most gorgeous black wolf that Peter had ever seen. He noticed that this wolf had the same markings as his ex-enemy, Venom. It then clicked in his head that the symbiote, unable to leave his symbiotic partner, had become the black and white fur of his mate. Eddie ran up to Peter and embraced him in the strongest bear hug that he had ever experienced. Peter hugged Eddie back and took in his lovers scent, which brought on a wave of arousal instantly and his need for Eddie to mount him caused him to leak copious amounts of precum into his lovers fur. Eddie noticed this and without another word, let Peter get into position and mounted his lover. They mated for over an hour when Eddies' knot lodged itself into Peters' ass and Eddie climaxed, spilling his seed deep inside his mate. Peter never felt as full as he did now, and his own seed splashed under him, creating a massive puddle that all the other werewolves came and lapped up. After Eddies' knot deflated and he was able to remove his cock from his lovers tail hole, Peters' ass instantly sealed itself up to hold his lovers seed inside to fertilize the eggs that Phallius implanted within the walls of his large intestines so the next generation of hybrid creatures could be born.

"How long until I give birth to the little ones?" Peter asked.

"Our kind normally take 3 years to completely gestate and form, but with the biology of your human DNA, it should only take 15 months until you give birth. Of course, my species are born of eggs laid outside the body, so after fertilization, they need to be laid within a sheltered warren or den to complete their formation. They also need to be laid on my home planet so they can be accustomed to the atmosphere. I will transport us there momentarily." Phallius said.

Phallius gathered all his human hybrid creatures (werewolves) into a circle around him, creating a pentacle and started the transportation ritual that would bring them all to his planet. He drew several runes in the air and spoke several words, which Peter listened to carefully. Moments later they were gone from the copse of trees and on Phallus Erectus where Phallius commanded the werewolves to go among his people and allow themselves to be mounted by them. Peter and Eddie however were led to Phallius' home and shown their new warren. Immediately after entering the den, Peters' ass started to contract, he knew that he was about to lay his eggs and Eddie made him as comfortable as he could whilst giving counsel on what Peter shall expect. After hours of hard labor, Peter had laid 50 large, human sized eggs and his ass was recovering from the strain. Eddie went to Peters' ass and started licking along the sides, knowing instinctually that his saliva would heal his lovers ass and allow them to copulate again within a couple of days. Peter laid there, moaning at his lovers tender touch and became aroused as his lovers tongue probed deeper into his anal cavity.

Phallius entered into the den to examine the eggs, marking each one with a different rune to indicate what the kits initial coloring was, as well as the position of the head. He explained to Peter that each rune was the kits name and that they were meant to be raised by others of his kind. He came to the last two eggs and told Peter and Eddie that those were to be their first-born children. He expected Peter to name those two and raise them as his own.

Peter then noticed that Phallius' form had changed. Instead of being a tall, white, muscular, featureless creature, he was in fact, an anthro-wolf. Peter then realized the reason he and the others had become werewolves. He understood that anthro-wolves were wolves that had human like qualities, but were not human at all, and humans did have a lot more resistance to certain diseases that would kill off wolves on his planet.

"Master, is your planet dying of some foreign disease?" Peter asked.

"Yes my son, now that you have figured out the reason for transforming you and the others, I can now call all of you my children. The pestilence that now plagues us is a disease that originated on your planet when one of our scouting troops inadvertently exposed himself to a human that carried it. The human was named Octavius and our scouting troop had been captured by him and was subjected to this man's experimentation. While Octavius' back was turned, Clotho used his transportation ritual to return here, where the disease drove him to forcibly mount his mate to transfer it. Driven mad, they then ran into the middle of our fair city, and then committed a most grievous act. They spilled the blood of innocent kits, drank it, and then slashed their own throats to expose the disease to the community. All this happened near our town communal water source, so some of the infected blood wound up contaminating several homes. I found the infected ones and quarantined them all in my underground bunker, before they were all driven mad by the disease, and had them all humanely euphemized. Sadly that decimated our city to only a measly 50 families, and most of us are well past our childbearing stages. I am terribly sorry to have taken you all from your planet in the way I did, but until we returned here, I had to seem like a ruthless tyrant and sorcerer. Now, your wills are your own and you can stay this way and continue to repopulate my world, or you can return to your own world and start your new lives together there. But I warn you, you cannot return to your previous forms or lives on Earth. Also, you could potentially end up causing others to transform, either inadvertently or on purpose. The choice is up to you." Phallius said.

As Phallius was narrating, Peter suddenly realized that Octavius could be none other than Doc. Oc. Peter then realized that he had to go back, not only to save his new family, but also to prevent another species from being wiped out by this malevolent psychopath. He turned to Eddie, looked into his mates' eyes, and in that moment, Eddie realized what had to be done, and agreed.

"Father, we need to go back. Your species isn't the only one in danger of being wiped out by Octavius. He will find others and experiment on them too. We understand the risks and that our kits will need to be taught how to survive on Earth, and we accept our new destiny together. We won't let you down." Eddie promised Phallius.

"All right, I'll transport you back to Earth. I'll miss you two, but know that I do love the both of you, very much." Phallius said.

"We love you too, Father. But, I know the ritual and I don't want to put undue strain upon you. I'll send us back to Earth, you just watch over the others and make certain that Conners and Jamison become the next alpha of the pack." Peter said.

Starting the ritual, Peter spoke the words that he had learned from Phallius, drawing the needed runes in the air before him and Eddie. In a flash, they were back in the copse of trees just outside of the house of his Aunt Mae. All of a sudden, Peters' spider senses started tingling; he instinctually jumped into the nearest tree, avoiding the arrow shaft that was headed straight toward his heart. Eddie, seeing his lover leap to the side, dodged to the side and asked what was going on.

"Apparently, our transformational orgy this morning hasn't gone unnoticed. Those arrows are tipped with a tranquilizing substance that would knock out 10 racehorses. I think that that would be enough to stun us for awhile." Peter said.

"Look out!" Eddie said, seeing a SWAT team member slowly creep upon his mate.

"I see him." Peter said, dodging out of the way of the SWAT members' reach. "Just keep an eye on our eggs, we don't want them to be taken by these guys. Head to the clock tower while I keep these guys busy and whatever happens here know that I did my best to protect you and our kids."

"The way you say it, it sounds like you aren't coming back to me love." Eddie said. "I don't know what I will do if you don't make it."

Peters' eyes started to mist up at that moment. Eddie took the eggs and ran off into the forest, headed toward the clock tower. All of a sudden, blinding pain erupted in Peters' side, where an arrow pierced the flesh of Peters' abdomen. After about 15 minutes of hard fighting, the effects of the tranquilizer knocked him out. He struggled to fight it, but in the end, all went black.