Talk With Your Eyes, Howl With Your Heart

Story by BaltoWolf on SoFurry

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Two Wolves find eachother, and find love without ever uttering a word Please Enjoy

This story contains adult wolves eventually engaging in adult wolf situations. If this described in graphic detail is offensive to you then I hope you read this warning after you read all the juicy parts in the story;) If this is not offensive and you are over the required age for viewing such materials in your area, please enjoy! Any criticism would be appreciated as it has been some time since my last creation. Also, "Puppy" is intellectual property of BaltoWolf, "Wolfi" is the intellectual property of LadyWolfi and BaltoWolf.

This story is dedicated to my sweet and wonderful real life mate. She is my sweet Wolfi and I love her to death. I do hope that she enjoys this story though I know I will never have the correct words to really convey how gorgeous, sexy, and truly wonderful my sweet Wolfi actually is.

Talk With Your Eyes, Howl With Your Heart He finally sat down out of breath, his heart still pumping faster than it ever had. He looked around him, the forest was strange. His pursuers had stopped chasing him what seemed like miles ago, their scent now only in the memory of every waking moment of his life. He lay down and winced as he stretched back to lap at the slowly bleeding gash he had in his right flank. He had always known this would happen, it was instinctual to every male wolf, unless you assumed the role of the omega in the pack you were cast out before you could become a problem for the existing alpha. He stopped his licking and lay down completely, stretching out and leaning against the tree he had sat next to. He lay his head down on his front paws and looked at the world around him. He honestly had never thought his father would turn on him, nor did he think that his mother would be so loyal to her mate that she would cause him such a wound. He winced as the wound began to throb painfully. He sighed softly, marveling at the strength of instinct in his kind and as if on queue his stomach began to growl. His adrenaline had finally calmed and he finally noticed his hunger and thirst. He sat up and sniffed the air. He dare not go back, so his only options were forward and he needed to find something to eat and drink. To his left his sensitive nose picked up the scent of fire and roasted meats through the dense trees. He knew that smell and a pang of sorrow flooded his heart as he remembered his mother's warning. She had taken him through the forest one night when he was young, She had carefully shown him the human villages. He had seen their vicious nature when one of the younger pups of the pack had followed and gotten too close. He shuddered at the thought of his half brother's skin being hung near the fire to cure. He wouldn't go that way. He looked forward, his black nose quivering in the wind. It caught the scent of a far off wolf pack, he turned his head to the right, not wanting anymore violent run-ins and the breeze carried a brief scent that he thought he recognized before it was replaced by the smell of a river. The male wolf decided that was the direction he would try, just in case, he rolled in the dirt of the forest floor, making sure his fur was completely coated, he stood. The wound in his leg began to throb again and he could feel the dampness spreading as it began to bleed slowly. He looked back ready to clean the wound and noticed it had gotten packed with dirt. The dirt was absorbing the blood and easing the pain of the wound. He sneezed from the dust he had rolled through and began to trot towards the water. The dirt held as he broke into a run, finally functioning as a scab, stopping the bleeding and allowing the wolf free motion to exhaust the last of his energy. His tongue lolled out of his mouth, he barely held on as he smelled the cool crispness of the river he approached. He knew he was close , his leg burned and now bled through the mud, his lungs on fire as he tried with the last of his energy to make it to his goal. He knew it was just up ahead, just through the next bushes. He closed his eyes and threw himself through the bramble with the last of his energy. A whimper of surprise escaped from his muzzle as he felt himself falling. His eyes opened in shock and he had enough time to look down, realize he was higher and the river was bigger than he expected. He sucked in a deep breath and just managed to tuck his tail as he plunged into the frigid cold water. He managed to stay calm and surfaced, moving down the river, he tried to kick and screeched in pain, the rushing water having cleaned the mud from his leg wound and refreshed every one of the angry nerve endings made raw by his earlier altercation. He whimpered to himself, worried, barely able to keep himself afloat with his three good limbs. He struggled to the edge of the river and waited, keeping himself above water. As a clearing approached the male struggled and paddled, his muscles working on overdrive, fighting to get him to shore. He whimpered in pained joy as a paw touched sand and then lost its grip, his other quickly taking its place and grasping hold. He pulled himself onto the sandy beach, dragging everything but the soggy tip of his tail out of the water. He looked around him barely coherent and his head hit the sand, the male finally passing out, his leg twitching as it dripped blood freely into the sand of the beach. He whimpered in his sleep as his wound was carefully cleaned. He barely even stirred as he was dragged through the forest. He only awoke almost two days later with no idea where he was at. He stood on wobbly legs wincing, first remembering his leg, and then noticing his scruff was sore and bruised. He quickly realized that after his long nap he desperately needed to relieve himself. He stretched each leg gently, checking for any new injuries. He saved the gashed leg for last and whimpering softly as he stretched out the muscles. He slowly made his way out of the cave, right out the entrance was a small clearing completely and thickly surrounded by brush and tall thick trees. He walked off to his right and walked down a few bushes before carefully lifting his good leg enough to relieve his bladder. Having always disliked being watched, he walked around behind the same bush to finish his business. He popped out moments later feeling somewhat refreshed. As he stepped back into the small clearing his deep brown eyes locked on a gray and white wolf, she was sitting across the clearing from him, her thickly furred tail wrapped around her front paws. The only things moving on her body were her swiveling ears and quivering, studying nose. The male pinned his ears to his head and hobbled back into the cave. He huddled into the back of the cave, hoping the other wolf wouldn't follow him, he did not need anymore fighting. The young male's ears pointed to the entrance of the cave, his breath halted in his lungs as he waited. His whimper of fear caught in his throat as she poked her head around the corner of the cave and he was caught by her piercing blue-green eyes. He remembered himself and tried backing further into the cave. A sharp rock catching his wound and causing a loud yipe. He went to lick at his hip and only got two licks in before a slender gray muzzle took over for him. He pulled back, freezing, his brown eyes catching hers again, he tried to feign toughness and as he tried to growl, her tongue gently caught a sensitive area and he whimpered softly. He steeled himself holding still as she lapped at his wound, cleaning him carefully. Her touch reminded him of his mother before she had turned, and he held still, knowing it hurt him less and was done more quickly. He took the moment to study the other wolf, his nose quivering softly as he took in her scent. He couldn't help but feel a bit plain as he saw her gorgeously patterned gray and white fur. She even had swoops of black guard furs that made it look like her fur was alive with softness. Her long tail swayed gently out behind her as she cleaned his wound. He looked at her and couldn't help but think that she had to be the one who had drug him from the river and through the forest. He had no idea how far she had been able to drag him, but he couldn't smell the river anymore so he knew it was a distance. He figured that must be why his scruff was sore. He was not a small male and was amazed that she was able to drag him so carefully to safety and not take a giant chunk out of his neck doing it. The female stopped licking at his wound and then sat down, licking her lips a few times before perking her ears towards the male and simply staring at him. He turned and sat down facing her, surprised that her licking had actually helped to make his hip feel better. He moved to gently nuzzle at her neck in thanks and just as the tips of her furs brushed his nosepad she darted off out of the cave, gone in a flash of gray and white. He stared at the spot she had been in surprise, he had no idea what he had done to offend her. He curled up and lay down, letting his hip rest, staring out the cave, thinking about the female wolf and even wondering if she had been real. He was just dozing when in the distance he heard loud splashing and barking. It only lasted for a moment before he heard it all again. He nearly left the cave to see what was going on until he heard crashing and padding through the woods towards his location. He heard it getting closer and closer amazed at how far the water actually was from the cave. He couldn't help himself wagging his tail as he saw the female wolf step out of the brush, two very large salmon freshly killed in her jaws, her fur soaking wet. He woofed a soft greeting to her happy to have company back, company that didn't want to rip his hind end off. She trotted up to him and dropped the fish a few feet away, picking up the biggest she gave a quick jerk of her neck and tossed the fish right to the male wolf's feet. She lay down and began ripping into hers. He couldn't help but ignore his grumbling belly to marvel at her attractive muzzle, only now having noticed it now that it was coated in the fresh blood of the salmon. The male couldn't ignore it anymore and began digging into the salmon. It was the first he had ever had since his family had always hunted the plains, never the waterways. He ate everything but the head of the salmon and flopped over onto his good side sighing happily, his tail slapping the floor of the cave in thanks. He gave a large yawn, and a big stretch, his eyes very heavy, he closed them, listening to his savior finish her meal, her bites gentle and practiced. He only awoke once during the night, feeling warmth against his back. He turned and saw the female curled into a ball, her rump barely touching his back but most definitely making contact. He saw a shiver run through her body and without thinking curled his larger form around her, immediately falling back to sleep in her scent, her body tensing only for a brief moment before relaxing back into slumber, their breathing rhythms quickly falling in sync. A few months went by and the two wolves were inseparable. The male's hip healing with almost no scar due to the female's careful and consistent cleaning. He now joined her on hunts, even learning how to fish. One morning they woke, stretching their healthily fed bodies languidly. The male sniffed the air having gotten to know the smells of their home. He noticed a change in the female wolf, one that sent a prickle down his spine. He shook and stepped to the entrance of the cave, figuring it was just his imagination. The female wolf awoke herself and trotted quietly out of the cage and disappearing a bit back into the bushes and relieving herself. She came back out and shook out her fur, wagging her tail. She walked up to the male and dropped her chest to the ground, leaving her butt in the air. He had never seen her proposition him to play before, he had no idea what to do. She suddenly jumped up and licked him across the snout and ran off through the brush. His ears perked and he watched her sprint off. Something told him she wanted him to follow and he jumped to his feet sprinting off after her, somehow able to track her scent far more easily than normal, he even found that he was beginning to catch her. Something was going on, something was different, and something kept him following, seeking what it was. He caught up to her on the edge of a pool they had often visited. He came up behind her and nuzzled against her haunch gently, nudging her towards the pool of water, wanting to continue the game. She turned and nuzzled up under his chin, his tail going out stiff behind him. She rubbed her softly furred body along his, letting her tail trail under his chin slowly. As she walked past, tail held high, he caught her scent full on, his brown eyes sparking as his instincts told him that it was time to make her his mate. She turned around to face him, her eyes meeting his. He was certain that she felt the same nervousness he did when he saw the excitement and fear in her eyes. She quickly dropped to her chest, jumped from side to side and nuzzled back up under his chin. He stood there still not sure what to do, still trying to reconcile his recent realization. She turned away from him, her tail lifting off to the side. She knew she was inviting him, but had no idea to what. He approached her quivering form, his nose drawing him beneath her tail. The closer he got the stronger it was, the more his vision clouded and the more his mind melted into an instinctual puddle. His cool nose found the source of the scent in her swollen mound. She shuddered as his cool nose pressed against her vulva. She didn't know what was going on, but she knew that she wanted this male, her male, the one she had saved to make it better. His tongue left his muzzle and he gently began to lap at her swollen vulva. She gasped as electric pleasure coursed through her body with every swipe of his thick tongue. He couldn't believe the taste, it was better than the smell. He had to have more. He began to pay attention to her actions, watching as every lick made her jump in a different way, long firm licks across the top caused her tail tip to twitch softly. Licking her from the bottom to the top caused her entire body to shudder softly. He lapped at her until he was licking faster than her aroused juices could slowly seep from her slit. He pressed more and more against her slit until he felt her vulva give and his tongue slip up and into her body. Both the male and female opened their eyes in surprise. The male not able to believe how amazing she tasted from within, and the female never having known those parts of her body existed. She barely had time to get used to the feeling before he was slowly lapping deep into her body, over and over again, as if on autopilot. She panted as her abdomen began to contract, her heart sped up and she let out a plaintive drawn-out whine as her vulva clamped down on the male wolf's tongue, her first orgasm locking his tongue deep into her body. The male yiped and pulled his tongue out with a firm tug, the female sprinting off from the sudden rush of pleasure, yipping and yapping, chasing her tail and rolling around on the ground. The young male watched her, making sure his tongue still worked before savoring the last of her flavor. He watched her flip out and in those moments noticed the next step making itself uncomfortably known between his legs. He strutted up to her, knowing it was his tongue that sent her sniffling and snuffling off around the clearing. As she stood up and shook out her fur, his tongue went under her tail once again and she lifted it again for him, her entire body quivering with renewed lust. He gave her one last wonderful tasting lick before he found himself on her back. He didn't know what he was doing, but he felt it. His paws fit perfectly into the crook of her hips, holding him to her. Her slight movements beneath him aligned her back comfortably along his chest. He hunched forward and felt his swollen sheath press against her vulva. His inexperience got the best of him and he tried to thrust into her body in one motion, completely missing her vulva. She darted out from beneath him as he missed, sprinting a few feet in front of him and then back to him, repeating it, waiting for him to figure out what to do next. He recovered and returned to her back end, licking at that swollen flower for a moment before climbing back onto her back. He was able to keep himself in more control as he felt his sheath tip press up against his female. He stepped from foot to foot until his body told him to be still and push forward. He hunched his hips into her body and moaned. A new part of his body he had been unaware of awoke at that moment as he slid his partially swollen penis into his mate. He held himself deep inside of her body, stars exploding in front of his eyes, nothing existed but the feeling of her velvety walls gripping his growing erection. She gasped as he slid into her body, it sent a thrill through her as his wolfhood pressed through her hymen, taking her virginity. The sharp pinch of her body being de-virginized quickly faded as she felt her mate's heartbeat in his pulsing, swelling erection, his penis pressed against the itch she had felt building for days, he wasn't satisfying it, but he was somehow able to touch it. He was only able to be still atop her for a few moments as he calmed from these new feelings. His instincts resumed their course and his hips pulled that majority of his near full size penis from her body only to thrust it back into her with a deep swift stroke. He quickly developed a rhythm even if he did lose the tempo now and again. She whimpered in pleasure as his erection finally reaching full size spread her lips enough that she could feel every vein rapidly sliding against her swollen heated lips. She felt something building, something like his tongue had caused, but much bigger. Her body told her to meet his movements, her hips driving back against her male with each thrust, matching his speed and angle to increase the wonder of the moment for both of them. The male felt something big was beginning and started to thrust even harder. He ground himself against her opening with each inward thrust, something told him he needed to get it all into her as his knot swelled for the first time at the base of his penis. Something told her that she needed to meet him part way to get what she wanted, to get the satisfaction that her body so desired. They both rutted against each other, whimpering and moaning in their pleasure, the male's snout pressed into the scruff of his mate as he pounded away under her tail. It was beginning luck that their bodies both thrust together at the tight time, the female throwing herself back into her mate, the male thrusting as hard as he can against her and with a pop, his knot slipping into her waiting lips. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt something so huge press into her body, and then swell. Her countenance changed as the male above her began to jack hammer her vagina, his knot holding him deep inside of her, his penis only moving mere inches, but his knot dragging and rubbing against her swollen clit. Finally the male felt his testicles pull tight to his groin and pressed hard into his mate, squeezing her to him, trying to make them one being as his penis exploded deep inside of her body. His fertile seed filling her tight passage and womb, his knot pulsing against her sensitive nub of flesh with each powerful jet of wolf seed. The female only lasted a few moments with the knot wedged deep inside her body. The first thick shot of wolf seed against her cervix sent her over the edge, her entire body spasming and shivering as her orgasm finally came crashing down on her. The male whimpered as her strong vaginal walls milked his already spasming penis for everything that it could possibly produce. As their orgasms peaked both wolves reared their heads back and howled in unison. Letting every other wolf in the area know that they were now mates. They howled to the world that she now had her Puppy, and he howled to the world that he now had his Wolfi. After nearly 5 minutes of intense orgasm, the male's body relaxed enough to allow him to hop off of his mate and turn so they were butt to butt. Puppy looked back over his shoulder and Wolfi looked back, both had large smiles on their faces. Wolfi and Puppy tried to wag their tails, wanting to show their happiness and pleasure to their new mate, but both stopped rather quickly as the tail movement simply teased their sensitive genitalia. Puppy finally hung his head between his front legs as he let his testicles empty into his mate. Wolfi lay her chest to the ground, letting her rump stay in the air and spasm. After about 15 minutes the majority of the spasms died down and after another 30 the pair slipped apart. Both immediately lay down next to each other, wanting to investigate what was done to their bodies and where this all came from. Wolfi pushed her head between her spread legs and sniffed delicately at her vulva. She could smell her heat which she had barely noticed before today, she could definitely smell what had to be the male and something he squirted inside of her. She tentatively licked her swollen vulva mrring softly to herself as her tongue carefully cleaned up around her lips. She made sure her fur was clean before building her bravery and actually pressing her tongue into her slit gently. Wolfi whimpered as she accidentally ran across her clit. She kept up her exploration, until she was certain that she was not injured and then turned her attentions to the male wolf. Puppy lay down on his side and lifted a hind leg. He studied the large piece of his body that hung from his groin, still oozing a wonderful smelling and feeling liquid. He gently lapped at the extremely sensitive organ and quickly figured out what felt good against his slowly shrinking erection. He had been mildly aware that something was down there, having seen the pink tip on occasion and even caught it with a tongue once or twice. He had no idea what the swelling at the base was and paid some attention to that. He lapped around the swelling at the base of his penis and beneath where it sprouted from my sheath. He found that this felt fantastic and helped his penis to shrink back into his body. He kept up his licking and sighed as all but a pink inch was peeking from his thick black sheath. Before Puppy could finish putting himself away, he noticed Wolfi standing over him, watching him work on his groin. He immediately felt a pang of embarrassment before Wolfi moved between his legs and gently licked at his pink still exposed portion of penis. Puppy jumped as he felt her soft tongue against his shaft. He spooked Wolfi and she turned so she was straddling Puppy's face with a single startled jump. She didn't see a need to move since her head was still between Puppy's legs, his penis now even facing her. She leaned back down and began to gently lick at his pink erection, being sure to be careful with how she touches his penis. She wanted to know what it was he had put into her and what he had squirted, and she was determined to find out. Puppy's eyes lidded as the tongue worked over his penis and sheath, Wolfi even going as far as a few tentative licks to his large swollen orbs. It wasn't long before he felt himself beginning to swell once again. Wolfi was getting far more into it now that she was getting a response, Puppy's penis nearly erecting into her muzzle, her active tongue even working the sheath back over Puppy's knot. When he felt himself fully unsheathed he leaned back and sighed, Puppy's relaxed gaze fell on the bitch's swollen vulva straddling his head. He leaned up a bit and began to lap at her vulva once again. Her body hunched her most private areas closer to his nose so he was able to really eat her out. He obliged, the distraction helping him keep control of his penis as she lapped and loved on the thick hard shaft. Wolfi lapped against the head of Puppy's penis, causing him to jump from the pleasurable sensitivity; Puppy lost control of his tongue and rammed it deep into her orifice as he jerked from her licks. Wolfi gasped as the tongue quickly found its way back into her body and nearly gagged on Puppy's penis, his member accidentally making its way down her throat. She looked on in horror for a brief moment as she felt the long erection pulsing in her throat. Wolfi realized that she would still be able to breath with this in her muzzle and began to use her throat muscles to draw the salty juices from Puppy's erection. Puppy kept up his licking, stuffing his tongue as deep into his mate as he was able, making sure to rub over every spot within her vulva and to a certain depth within her body. Puppy began to find it difficult to concentrate as he felt that same feeling building in his body. After a few moments he whimpered pitifully as his penis unloaded into Wolfi's muzzle. For a first time she took it well, pulling back and collecting the thick musky fluid in her muzzle, savoring the virility of the cream before swallowing it, reveling in the warmth it gave her belly. She immediately went back to his penis, lapping at it, nuzzling it and suckling on it as Puppy finished spurting his thick seed. She panted softly as her face was quickly coated. Puppy somehow was able to keep up a semblance of a rhythm and as Wolfi's face became covered in her male's thick seed and his scent filled her muzzle more than it had before, intoxicating her, she howled out once again, her vulva once again somehow clamping Puppy's tongue deep into her vagina. He sent waves down his tongue, trying to move it as much as possible to continue her pleasure. He managed to continue pushing her and nearly drowned when she squatted, still holding his tongue and actually came. Puppy eagerly swallowed all he could, lapping at her to catch every missed drop once his tongue was set free. He jumped slightly as she licked gently at his penis and knot, carefully guiding it back into his sheath. He returned the favor, licking both his and her orgasms off of the soft fur of her rump and beneath her tail. He checked her elsewhere and got to her face. With a smile at the sight of his mate covered in his seed he leaned in and began to gently clean her face, lapping away his trails of completion. Once he was done cleaning his Wolfi, and she was certain that her Puppy was clean, they leaned against each other, tails entwined and walked slowly back to their cave. As the two mates approached the entrance the nuzzled into each other. Both moved to the back portion of the cave where they had collected fur and soft tree limbs and made somewhat of a bed. They lay curled around each other facing opposite directions. Wolfi lay her nose between her paws and Puppy did the same between his paws. Their noses were mere millimeters apart. Puppy's soulful brown eyes met Wolfi's deep, vibrant blue-green and for just a moment they shared their thoughts, "I love you always and forever my Wolfi." and "I love you always and forever my big bad Puppy." Both mate's tails slapped against the ground a few times before they moved the minute distance, their noses touching tails coiling, and eyes closing.

The End