The Chronicles of Rogue: Chapter Five

Story by Axio on SoFurry

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#5 of The Chronicles of Rogue

Roguefever Productions

Proudly presents

The Chronicles of Rogue

Chapter Five

Disclaimer: I own the character Rogue and the plot to this story. Both are copyright to me. This story contains homosexual behavior and content. Reader discretion is advised. You have been warned, any complaints will happily be accepted in the box marked "Go Fuck Yourself Complaints". You will find it next to the "Back" button in your browser on your way out. Thank-you :3.

I braced myself to be ready for a fight, but all they did was tackle me and handcuff me. I tried struggling but together, they were too strong, even with it, which blew my mind. They but a blindfold on my head and held a cloth against my mouth. I struggled not to breathe, for I knew what it was... I gave in and inhaled, drawing the sickly sweet aroma of sleeping drugs into my nostrils. Some powerful stuff, for the world literally faded to black as I lost consciousness.

I awoke in a sort of jail-cell, no handcuffs, no restraints on me, nothing. I had been stripped of my clothing, save for my black boxer briefs, and the feeling of it pulsing through my body was gone. I couldn't decide which I was going to freak out more over, the fact that it did nothing, or the fact that someone undressed me and possibly even molested me in the process.

I glanced down at myself. Was I more toned than I used to be? Strange. I didn't quite remember my abs being quite so defined, nor did I remember the muscles in my arms being quite so visible. I dismissed those thoughts as I noticed that my boxer-briefs felt a little tighter than normal, especially in the crotch area, even though I had a lack of arousal.

Even my own somewhat logical mind can be fogged by arousal, and so I quickly stepped out of my boxer briefs to inspect myself. My sheath was bulging just a little bit more than normal, and even my balls seemed to have gotten a slight size upgrade. I realized what I was doing and quickly put my boxer-briefs back on. Half way through pulling them back up to my waist, I heard a voice in the cell I was in coming from right behind me.

"Do you really have to pull those back up? I was enjoying the show."

I slowly looked back, my tail curling under my legs to hide my private areas as I found myself looking at a naked Wulf, sitting down and relaxing on a chair with his hands behind his head, his red canine member visibly poking out of his sheath a few inches. I was instantly struck by how muscular he was. He had a body that looked like it should have belonged to a professional athlete, his abs casting small shadows onto his stomach, even in the dim light, and they slowly rose and fell with his breathing as his massive chest muscles copied their movements. His legs even looked like he could run for miles on them without even breaking a sweat, and his arms made it seem like he could easily bench press two hundred pounds. Slowly, my eyes were drawn down to the space between his legs, where he harbored two grapefruit-sized balls with a sheath that was clearly thicker than my fist, all covered in that same grey fur that stretched across his entire frame. Granted, I have fairly slender hands, but that was just his sheath, and it was massive.

Even in the dim light, every muscle was clearly defined, and I could see just the smallest glint of light where I guessed that his cock was leaking precum.

I was just stuck there, staring like a deer in headlights at what would have qualified as the best pornographic photography I had seen in my life, until the photograph started moving, getting up out of its sitting position and walking towards me, balls swaying rhythmically beneath its semi-erection that bounced just right with every step it took.

Wulf stopped right behind me and turned me around so I was facing him. He ever so gently brushed my hair out of my crystal blue eyes and looked into them for a moment that seemed to stretch itself into forever. I couldn't really tell what I saw in his eyes, and what I could decipher confused me... He looked... almost remorseful. He looked like someone who finally found their long lost love and almost couldn't believe that they were holding all that they cherished right before them.

It was strange. I immediately felt myself being to get the creeps from this. Then, as if on a whim, Wulf hugged me close to him, pressing me against his musky, well-defined chest. It was an instant turn-on. I could feel his heartbeat against my cheek and feel every bulge and dip of his abs against my chest and the upper half of my stomach. His erection was squeezed between us, slowly growing and creeping up my stomach. It was a real challenge to not get a boner myself. He smelled of wolf, sweat, and sex, and I found myself breathing deeply, trying to get more of that scent into my muzzle.

He sighed while hugging me, a long, relief-filled thing. I cleared my throat somewhat awkwardly, and he stiffened, letting me go immediately and turning away. I finished pulling my boxer-briefs back up.

"Sorry," He said, after a while. "You just remind me a little bit of someone I miss." He handed me my clothes, which he procured from the corner of the room. I put them back on and wondered how on earth I didn't see them there.

"Is that why you undressed me or something?" I asked him, my voice somewhat curt.

"What? Oh, no that wasn't me. That was the lead scientist in our intelligence and discovery department. Not only is he as perverted as the rest of us on the team, but he needed to see if you had any odd tattoos on you other than those two marks going horizontally across your muzzle, and those marks on your ears. He found what appeared to be a cross on the small of your back, with the bottom line of it extending down your tail a bit, and then on your tail just below where the cross ends, there's another mark like on your ears, and below that there are two rings that encircle your tail entirely, both around three quarters of an inch thick."

"You memorized that all from his report?" I asked him dubiously.

"No. I memorized it when you were naked right in front of me a few moments ago." He said matter-of-fact-ly. "Nice ass, by the way," he said while licking his lips.

I blushed a little, he was a little charming, I guess. "Mind telling me why you're naked too?"

He grinned. "I was hoping to seduce you into making love to me."

And there he went, destroying the small compliment I had given him in my mind. I couldn't even tell if he was joking in a good-natured way or if he was serious. He was kidding... Right??

He didn't say whether he was or not this time. I coughed awkwardly.

"Right... well... Where are we?" I asked him, trying to avoid looking at his incredibly sexy body.

"Somewhere safe," he half-answered me.


"You really could have hurt yourself you know."

"What?" I was getting confused.

"If you hadn't have used such a small portion of Influence, you could have really hurt yourself." He said this as if he thought I knew what he was talking about, which I didn't.

My blank stare probably told him enough.

"That black marble-like thing that was in your hand before those goons tackled you and made you fall unconscious? That's Influence. You've never heard about the news stories about it?"

I shook my head.

He bit his lip in a mild form of frustration. "Well... when the Sickness hit the world, a very small amount of those who changed ended up with a nameless power that was dubbed as 'Influence' because that's quite honestly what it did. It influenced either the world around the fur using it, or the fur who used it. There are two categories of Influence based off that difference, if it affects the user, or the environment. The first is called Physiological Influence, otherwise dubbed Mental Influence, the latter called Environmental Influence, or Physical Influence. All Influence is of a certain type. There are those who influence with fire, those with water or ice, those with earth, electricity, air, metal, plants, light, and the rarest of them all (according to our studies), shadows.

"Those eight types of Influences can again be split to match the Physical and Mental categories, except for the few Influencers whose Influence focuses on Shadows. The Physical Influences include those that can use their power with fire, water/ice, earth, and metal. The Mental Influences include those that can use their power with electricity, air, plants, and light."

My mind slowly digested all of this, and I wondered what any of this had to do with me.

"Now you are the first Shadist that anyone in this organization has ever had the pleasure of meeting, so don't be surprised if you're treated somewhat like a celebrity once we get you out of- ."

"A Shadist?" I interrupted him. It was very hard to take things seriously from a naked wolf standing in front of you.

"Yes, one who Influences with shadows." He nodded a little bit.

"Why put me in a jail cell then if they're so interested in me?"

"To prevent you from being overwhelmed and trying to escape before I finish informing you about what you are, also to give us privacy if we fuck like animals, which I'm not opposed to at all," he winked.

"Uhuh... right... So what can I do as a... 'Shadist'?" I asked him, raising an eyebrow.

He put one hand behind his head, apparently embarrassed. "Well, um... we honestly... um... we really don't... er... What I'm trying to say - ."

"You don't know." I interrupted again.

"No. We don't know." He looked somewhat sad at the admittance of it. "As I've said we've only heard about the existence of Shadists. We haven't actually ever seen one or met one. But we do know that they have particularly odd fur patterns and tattoos in their fur that they didn't have on their skin before they changed."

"I see." He was making sense, I'd give him that.

"So, how about we have a go?" He winked, pointing to his engorged sheath, where the very tip of his canine member was always poking out, as if it in its entirety was too large for the sheath itself, even when flaccid.

Around this time my body and heart craved for sex, while my brain maintained that I should save my virginity for someone whom I trusted with my heart, my life, and my sanity. And then my eyes flicked towards that plump sheath, that toned, sexy body, those smiling eyes, and I quite nearly said yes. I was indeed curious as to what sex was like... and felt something guiding my thoughts around.

I looked at Wulf and saw the slightest tint of red emanating from his frame. Suspicion blossomed to life and I thought about that tint for a bit, finally deciding to take a shot in the dark and blame him for it.

"Stop that." I felt myself regain control over my thoughts as he snickered. "What, so you can control minds or something?"

"No, not control. I can fan the flames of passion with my Influence over fire." He made a somewhat melodramatic pose.

"You're incredibly corny, you know that?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Yeah. I know. So whaddya say?" He got a crooked grin and chuckled a little.

"No." You know that face that people make on the internet where it's two periods with an underscore between them that signifies slight annoyance and possibly even a 'duh'? Yeah, I did my best to make my face look like that. It might have looked somewhat odd, but it got my point across beautifully, though. "So when can I get out of here? Looking at you naked makes me doubt my self control."

"Well you could always break the bars." He regarded me coolly as he crossed his muscular arms in front of him.

"With what?" I was getting really pissed by now.

"Your Influence. Duh."

"I don't even know how to use it!" I sat down and fished my iPod out of my pants pocket, fiddling with the tangled cord to give my mind something to work on.

"Just do what you did before! I can't coach you on this, I have Influence with fire, otherwise known as a Flamethrower. Experiment!"

I gave an exasperated sigh and put my iPod back into my pocket. I then proceeded to go looking around inside myself for that massive wealth of power. You know, for being such a massive piece of energy that seems big enough to create its own gravitational pull, it's incredibly hard to find. I finally found it after about five minutes of searching through my mind, immediately recognizing the giant, smooth-as-glass orb of what I guessed was Shadist Influence. It was the color of an inky black whose surface could double as a terrible mirror. I fixed my hair a bit before plunging my fist into the orb and pulling out a tennis-ball sized glob.

I opened my eyes and felt something in my hand that proceeded to become harder and colder by the minute. I looked down and saw a larger replica of that marble-ish thing that I was holding before I was captured. It, too, was the size of a tennis ball, though it was much heavier and felt incredibly dense. I looked up at Wulf with a raised eyebrow, wondering if I was doing the right thing.

"Don't look at me, I'm learning as much as you are with this. Go on, do what you need to do."

"If I knew what I needed to do I wouldn't be looking at you," I muttered. It probably stung, and I felt a little sorry about it. I let go of the ball. Once again, it floated up instead of dropping down, and turned into that mist that began to swirl around me. I tried doing things like pushing it, pulling it, swatting at it with my hands, even getting up and moving around, but it kept following me and sooner rather than later, I sat down again and let it envelop me.

It swirled around, condensing in my solar plexus, and I felt that surge of capability and energy coming back to my body, only this time it was massive. I didn't necessarily feel stronger, though, and when I pulled on the bars with all my strength, nothing happened.

Suddenly, I felt it start dissolving, spreading throughout my body and permeating every fiber of my being. I felt myself... growing? My muscles bulged out just a little bit, myself growing two inches taller as everything seemed to get just a little bit bigger. Well, everything except my cock and balls. They got a LOT bigger. Throughout the transformation, I found myself taking off my clothes and boxer briefs to fondle myself and watch as my cock slid out of its sheath. My normally six inch shaft slowly grew bigger and bigger, evening out at a full ten inches long. There was still a bit of power left, and that went into the girth of it, my barbed cock nearly doubling its thickness until I had a tool that would have made most men exceedingly jealous.

It felt amazing, and I openly stroked myself in front of Wulf, moaning softly as I pumped my fist up and down my feline shaft, teasing the barbs near the tip of it every time my hand went near them. I felt a building sensation in my balls as I continued masturbating, they seemed to churn and grow denser, stretching the skin around them until they ballooned from a somewhat average size to where it looked like I had a pair of kiwis swinging between my thighs.

I moaned loudly, and my knees gave out from the sheer pleasure of it. Before I went down I saw Wulf stroking himself as well, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he panted. His cock was huge, it went up to his chest, at least, and was so thick he needed both of his paws just to encircle it to masturbate. If I wasn't hard before, I sure as hell was now, looking at that amazingly huge cock belonging to the sexiest furry I had seen in my seven years of experience.

I rested my back against the cell wall and spread my legs out a bit, my eyes closed and me myself being lost in my own little perverted world. My senses were in overdrive, I could feel every fiber of fur on my body, every touch was electrifying... I could feel the pressure building, couldn't stop it... I felt my balls rising up towards my body, felt my entire being clench in what was about to come. I thrusted into my paw

And then I came, my thick, feline cum shooting from my cock rhythmically. It was the biggest orgasm I had ever had, doubling the most I had ever put out in one go easily, and then continuing to triple it. My eyes were half-closed in an expression of pure bliss as I purred, the sensations of releasing all of my cum undulating throughout my entire body.

Now us feline furs have a notoriety to have some of the largest orgasms out of most species of furs, based on sheer volume of cum ejaculated proportionate to body mass, and what can I say other than it's true? I normally cum around 300~350 milliliters with each orgasm, and that was before I used my 'Influence' and weighed only 130 pounds (around 56 kilograms). Yes, being the kinky cat I am, I measured it. Five times. In one day. Recently.

Needless to say, I had a fairly large puddle of cum in front of me when it finally ended.

And then I fainted.