The Love they Shared Part 7

Story by musicallyinsane on SoFurry

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#7 of The Love they Shared

Omg its late, I should have gone to bed awhile ago, but i think you all derserve a new chapter. Also, I'm going back into the story to insert the dates for the time line. There may be more than one story 0_o latter on and it makes it less confusing. ill get on that...not tonight. I hope you enjoy. Comment and rate please :)

The Love they Shared Part 7

"Aaron, do you remember that first day when we met?"

Aaron just let out a small nostalgic chuckle.

"Yeah, I thought you were a totally creep at first, the way you kept stealing glances at me."

Frank lowered his head in shame forcing a light laugh. He let his head hang for a few seconds. Just then he felt his head being lifting up and he was just staring at those big, beautiful eyes, those jewels centered in the lions head, such a vivid green. His stare was compassionate and sincere. He gave Frank a light lick on his wet nose.

"You act like such a puppy sometimes Frank... and I just think it's so cute."

Frank's mouth curled up into a shy smile and he licked Aaron on the nose in response.

"I'm so sorry for creeping on you like that hun I-" Aaron cut him off with a warm kiss that Frank could not help but get into. Frank just indulged in his scent, that sweet, clean scent that was like candy for Frank's senses. His lips were smooth and soft and his fur...Frank just wanted to run his finger through it all day. Aaron broke the kiss.

"Babe, you have nothing to be sorry for, I so glad that you did."

This time, Frank pulled him into a deep romantic kiss. It was a kiss that seemed to make the small brown bed room melt around them. Suddenly, Aaron pulled away from the kiss, his face, starting to become a fuzzy blur. His voice sounded strange, not off, but almost changing.

"Frank? Frank honey? You have to wake up now, come's time to get up..."

December 26, 2011

Franks blood shot glassy eyes shot open as he looked around trying find out whose voice he had just heard. As he started to adjust his position to stand he felt a warm gray paw place it's self gingerly on his shoulders. He jumped a little before spinning around to be sitting muzzle to muzzle with his mother. He gave her a sleepy look, everything he had just happened was a dream.

"Damn... he thought to himself_. I really wish that was real_."

"Good morning mom..." He reached his paw to the right to place at his side to balance himself. His heart froze as he grabbed a soft, furry leg. He quickly spun his head to the right and looked down in shock. Aaron was still asleep, almost naked in grey blanket on the floor. Now he just realized where exactly he was. Looking around quickly he noticed he was on the living room floor. They had fallen asleep on each other on the floor. He then looked back at his mother who was giving him a somewhat worried look. Tears started to fill up in the corners of his eyes. He knew that his mother knew about him and Aaron. The look on her face said it all.

"I...we were just...uh..." His lips moved but no words, just choked back sobs. Aaron began to rise out of his slumber but before he sat up, he could tell something's wrong. His eyes still fuzzy with sleep shot open, wide, as he saw the Frank was sitting only about half a foot away from his mother. Aaron was about to stand up but before he could move, the she wolf grabbed him by the wrist along with Frank and pulled them into a tight embrace. Frank had no idea what to think. He knew his mother knew he was gay now, he knew they would react poorly upon hearing he's gay, but...this is not at all what he was expecting. Aaron just sat there quietly, too embarrassed to say anything, his eyes drifting down towards his feet in shame. Frank could not hold it back any longer and let the dams break, silently weeping into his mother's soft neck fur. Almost five minutes passed before he withdrew his face from the comfort of his mother. His eyes, now blood shot from the stinging of salty tears locked onto his mother trying to understand what was happening.

" know I'm..." It was so hard to say to his own mother. She was always there for him and just muttering those five words, was like a knife in his heart. After a short pause he choked out the last words.

"...I'm gay..."

He just closed his eyes, waiting for some kind of retaliation, some kind of harsh response. What he got in response was nothing close to what his mind was portraying.

"I know...and that's ok..." Both Frank and Aaron had no idea what to say. They both just sat there, half naked and stunned. Frank let the questions come out.

"How did you..."

"I saw you two last here...making out and singing." Frank felt all the blood leave his head.

"At first I was...well I was shocked and very surprised. I didn't know what to think, but then I saw you two singing to each other and the way you were holding each other, well, it reminded me of your father and I back when we were dating."

Frank looked confused now. His mother gave both of the teens a warm smile.

"Frank honey, I don't care that you are gay. You and Aaron both have such a strong relationship, that I don't believe it's my place to say who you can and can't love. To do that...well a true parent would never do that."

She adjusted here grip on them, still holding both Frank and Aaron in a loose hug.

"Besides, it's my job as a parent to love you unconditionally, no matter what. You boys seem to love each other very much and that's a good enough reason for me. I will love you no matter what."

Frank's heart was overcome with the sensation of joy and relief and it forced its way up into his head and out his eyes as tears of joy. With a shaky paw, he flicked them away and gave the warmest smile he had given to his mother. She gave him the same smile back. Aaron, hearing these words, slid out of his state of shock and looked shyly into the wolfs eyes.

"T-thank you Clair." He wrapped his large arms around her and gave her a light hug. The wolf beamed as she held both boys in her arms.

"Now then, I came down to wake you up because I still have not told your father and I'm not going to."

They both gave her worried and confused looks.

"So...does that mean you want us to tell him?"

She nodded.

"When you feel like you're ready to tell him, and I'll be there to help." She quickly added, " but I think he will be fine."

Frank gave her an agitated look.

"But mom, you know I'm his only son and I'm just not sure he's going to take that I'm gay too well." His eyes drifted to floor.

She reached out a paw and took him gently by the muzzle.

"Honey, you know I will do everything in my power to make him understand, it will be alright."

She stood up and began to leave, before tilting her head in looking back.

"Also Frank, you were having some dream before I came down. You might want to change."

Frank looked down and immediately saw the dried white stain on his briefs. He could feel the heat permeating up his body shooting to his face and ears. Aaron let out a slight giggle before standing up himself.

"Come on Frank, let's get this stuff up to your room and get changed."

Frank, still bewildered by his embarrassing moment, just nodded his head and began to gather up the blanket on the floor.

" can we talk about something?"

Both Aaron and Frank were getting changed after stripping Frank's bed and tiding up the room. It had been a quiet walk up the stairs into the small room. Neither had any idea of what to say to the other in response to the events that occurred down stairs. Frank was almost relived that Aaron wanted to speak with him. He hated always starting the conversations.

"What's up?"

"I was wondering if...if we could pay CJ a visit today?"

Frank's furry eyebrows perked up slightly in a look curiosity.

"Today? After what happened yesterday? And last night? Are you sure?"

Frank knew he had a valid reason, but he knew that confronting CJ would bring nothing but more shit into their lives. This week had had a lot of excitement, too much for both of them, but he still wanted to get this over with as well...

"Yes, I'm sure. This needs to be resolved. We need to get control on our lives again."

Frank was afraid he would say that.

"Alright Aaron if we go to him and tell him now, he's going to flip shit and I want you to be mentally prepared. I do not want a repeat of last night understand?"

Aaron bit his bottom lip, and Frank could tell he was fretting over some inner turmoil. It was just something he had to decide without Frank's help. After a minute or so of pondering, he came to a decision.

"I can do this. With you there and with what you said last night, I can control it. I have to start sometime."

"Damn, he has a good point."

"Alright, after were done here, we'll head over his house. I just hope he's home..."

After a nice breakfast of frosted Flakes and a hot shower, Frank was ready to confront hell itself. His parents went to work; his Dad none the wiser about what took place in his sitting room. They both gave each other understanding nods and made their way towards his front door. Stepping out into the frigid 11am air, Frank started to get a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Frank could tell that Aaron knew he was nervous, but he had good reason. CJ was his friend or at least he thought he was and now he had to go and confront him on something that by his standard was cruel and unusual. He took a deep breath, letting the cold fill his lungs with the clean winter air.

"Are you ready hun?" He stared at the lion who was already beginning to walk.


The two furs made their way down the shoveled path and out into the street. The roads had been plowed, but a lot of ice still remained gliding and shifting over the whole landscape. CJ's house was only about 4 blocks away, but Frank wanted to make sure that Aaron was ready for this new stress.

"You know I always love this time of year."

Aaron turned his head and gave him an interested look.

"I love it so much because it's like life's reset. It's the plants, they all die or go dormant, but no matter what they come back again in the spring."

Aaron still looked confused.

"But if the plants all die in the winter, why do you like it so much?"

Frank let out a small chuckle.

"I like it so much because it's so peaceful. It's quiet but in a nice way, like...sleeping."

Aaron also gave out a little giggle upon hearing those words and Frank gave him a warm smile before locking hands with him as they walked down the sidewalk towards CJ's house.

CJ's house was not much different looking Frank's. They did live in a development, so most of the houses had the same central blueprint layout. A small "little boxes" reminisces of the late 1950's. As they made their way towards the large oak door in the middle of the stone inlaid house, Aaron stopped.

"Give me a sec Frank, I just need, you know what I'm good, let's do this."

He began to stroll up the path, pride in his step. Before Frank even had time to respond, he was already knocking on the door, before taking a few steps back to be standing next to Frank. The door swung ajar revealing a disheveled looking German Shepard with short black hair. His gaze went cold as soon as he saw who was at the door. Before he could react to anything, Aaron walked up to him and gave him a palm thrust as hard as he could at close range into the Shepard's sternum. The German Shepard stumbled back, wind completely knocked out of him. He slipped on the linoleum floor and landed on his rear in a daze.

"Aaron what the fuck!?" Frank could not find any nicer words to come up with at the moment.

He whipped his head around and looked at Frank dead in the eyes. To Frank's surprise, he seemed calm.

"Relax Frank, I got this."

There was just something about the way he said those five words that was almost reassuring to Frank and he gave a small stunned nod.

Both Frank and Aaron took on large step forward into CJ's house; Aaron slamming the door shut with his hind paw.

The lion just glared down at the panting dog, who quickly scrambled to his feet and several feet back from where the lion was standing.

Before CJ could even speak, the lion was in full rant.

"We know what you did CJ. We know it was you who took those pictures and put them on Facebook. We know you're the one who let EVERY fucking person we know see them. What we want to know is why? WHAT THE FUCK DID WE DO TO YOU!?"

CJ's face went pale and weak looking, like he already knew he was screwed. Just a blank lifeless face, and then... it came alive once again. CJ walked straight up to Aaron, hatred in the form of tears leaking from his eyes. He stared into the lions eyes; he was taller than the lion. His voice was low and crackly and full of repressed rage.

"It's because you stole my heart from me... and I want it back."

Frank's face was dumbstruck, not a clue as to what he meant by that. Before Aaron or Frank could process what CJ had meant, CJ grabbed Aaron's head with both paws, reared his head back and delivered a bone breaking head but to Aaron's muzzle. Frank watched as CJ's skull split Aaron's lip in half. Little trickles of blood flowing down his jaw. He reared back clutching his mouth. CJ slid into a sideways stance and gave a violent twist of his hips. Frank watched his foot connect with Aaron's head and Aaron tumble into the side of the wall in front of the tan staircase. Aaron just laid there, in a daze and unable to stand. Frank was in a state of shock, he could not process what he just watched happen. CJ walked over to Aaron and pulled him to his knees before dropping him in front of Frank, tears now streaming down both their faces.

"See what it's come to!" He choked out. Frank just shook his head slowly, unsure of what to say. He let him continue.

"Yes, I took those damn photos, after seeing you getting screwed in the ass!" He bloodshot eyes moving around in panic. Aaron, was about to get up when CJ threatened him.

"Keep your ass planted on the floor before I smash you jaw and listen to me!" Aaron, curious as to what he had to say just obeyed.

"After all the shit I managed to keep you out of, all the little things I did for you that you never seen, and this is what you do!" Franks just raised an eyebrow in pure confusion.

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

CJ just rubbed a paw down the side of his face in discontent.

"There were more, many more bullies. Ever wondered why Mitch and Dylan stopped harassing you. They didn't get bored if that's what you thought. No, I put Mitch face first into the shower room wall. Broke his nose and a goddamn wall tile; he said it was football remember?"

Frank thought back for a minute and he did recall him, his tormenting and that mangled nose.

"I found Dylan in the smoking spot behind the school and introduced him to the creek and my fists." He said he had a biking accident, don't you remember?"

Frank could see that CJ was pleading with him with his eyes, but Frank was still shock that CJ would actually do something like that for him.

"I watched over you, I knew that you were harassed, and I did all I can to protect you. I was your secret guardian angel. What I didn't know was that Dylan told John about me and you. That's why he was so secret; always beating you in such a way that you had to hide it or it was out of site. He wanted to hurt you under my nose." He glared down at the lion, who was staring back with the same face.

"I found out after your "hero" here saved you." His face became distressed again.

"I watch over you the whole time and he saves your ass once, and now you're having sex!? What the hell!?"

Now it was Franks turn to get some answers out of CJ.

"So fucking what, he's my boyfriend, I fucking love him what does you beating up assholes and me having sex with my boyfriend have anything in common!? And why the hell were you keeping that shit from me?! Why be such a creep about it and not just tell me?!"

Frank noticed that he said boyfriend, the Shepard would flinched, almost as if the word hurt him.

"You really haven't a fucking clue do you..." Frank watched as the German Shepard sunk to his knees and put his paws to his muzzle. Aaron began to stand, one paw on his bleeding temple. Frank helped pull him to his feet. They watched as CJ pulled his paws away from his face and began to half speak, half sob.

"You never...picked up on it...did you? You...never saw...all the hints... I tried to tell you..." CJ was speaking in broken sentences.

Frank was thinking back hard about just what he was talking about, but nothing seemed to come to mind. Just then CJ sprang to his feet and locked lips with the startled husky. For almost a moment, Frank enjoyed it, now sure what to do either but realizing who it was began to pull away. CJ reluctantly withdrew, know that it was an unwanted kiss. They all stood there unable to speak, until Frank's paws clenched into fists.

"The..the fuck man!?! You...your gay!? You love me!?" Frank had only a moment to take in what had just happened before Aaron lunged for him. He watched as Aaron delivered a swift kick to his ribs, before grabbing the vase on the small end table and breaking it over CJ's head. Frank had to intervene or somebody was going to die.

"AARON STOP!!" Frank screamed at the top of his voice. It worked, they stopped and stared. Frank could see that Aaron was on the verge of losing it again. He was almost on the verge of tears; the sight coupled with the reason was getting to be a bit much for him. Aaron needed to know more, this was just not enough.

"Aaron please, I...I want you to stop, think about what I told you...please don't lose it this time..." His face pleading with all the emotion he could put into it. Glistening tears softly rolling down his checks creating small little splatters onto the white floor. Those tears seemed to do something inside Aaron. It just made him realize that he was hurting someone he loves. It brought on his own tears.

"Your right Frank, I'm...I'm so sorry, just he kissed you I...we have to go" As he began to walk towards his love, he was interrupted by the crumpled form on the ground behind him.

" have no idea how much I love you Frank..." He clasped a paw onto the table and began to stand.

"But you have a girlfriend for god's sake! Why would you put such devotion into the relationship with her if you were in love with me?"

CJ had thought about that for a long time, maybe longer than should have been allowed. He really was just not one hundred percent sure why he was going out with Chelsea.

"I...I think I was just too afraid that everyone, my friends would find out. Frank, they would destroy me, Mick, Jeff, Diana, Jack all of them. And...and she really was crushing on me and I felt sorry for her."

This time it was Frank's turn to lose his cool. His paws clenched into tight fists again and the tears became nonexistent.

"How could you be so damn heartless?! Did you really just date her so that others would accept you?!" Aaron was very surprised in the amount of hate that was steaming off of his boyfriend. I was like a more new and brave side of him that was dormant, waiting for something strong to bring it out into the open. CJ's face went blank again, lost in a deep trance of thought and guilt. A minute passed before he spoke again.

"No, I dated her because I didn't want her going through what I was also going through." Frank looked shocked by this response.

"She was crushing on me bad when we first met I could tell. I knew that all I ever wanted was you, but to destroy her too... I just couldn't let myself do that. I...I honestly just wanted to be her friend, to comfort her, but just got out of hand. She was so kind and sweet to me I just...said yes when she asked. I don't know what I was thinking, but deep down...all I wanted was the one person who didn't even register that I loved them. I had to make you love me eventually." There was a long quiet pause in his speech. "...But you never fell for another guy. I thought you were straight for the longest time, do you know how much it hurts to love a straight guy!? It put me through so much grief, knowing that he would never feel the same way you do about him about you! And then "he"," Pointing a clawed finger at the lion. "...showed up, and I just knew something changed in you. You were no longer miserable like you always were. When he was around you, became so beautiful I couldn't believe it. I knew...I just had that feeling that he was going to be a closer friend than I ever could be. I just...could not...let you go..." CJ had broken down into tears again, and Aaron and Frank sat there absorbing every word that left CJ's lips. He however was not done.

"I...I put up the pictures to make the two of you break up. I was so broken by seeing you and Aaron together...I just wanted your relationship to die and deep down...I still do."

Frank's heart began to race as he quickly approached the German Shepard.

"How dare you! How dare selfish piece of shit! You wanted to break us up!"

All pity that the husky had for the Shepard was now converted into hateful rage. He just wanted to watch the dog curl up and die. He was about to punch CJ when he said something that made his blood run cold.

"If you lay another goddamn hand on me I swear to god I will... I will send those pictures to your fucking family. I mean dad, mom, aunt, uncle, cousins, friends. I will destroy what little relations you have left. I will break you."

Even Aaron's face sickened with fear when he heard those words. He still had something on them, even if they didn't want to believe it. Frank tried to act unaffected, but it showed clearly as he spoke, his voice slightly quivering.

" wouldn't I mean... besides, my mom already knows and she's fine with it." Frank gave a great effort, but CJ looked both unimpressed and un-amused.

"She might not care, but does your dad? Or how about your family Aaron? How would your Mom react to hear her only son was gay?" For once, Aaron had nothing to say, neither of them did, he got them.

"Nothing to say? No charging me or trying to kill me? GOOD! That's fucking right; I have you both by the fucking balls. I know you're never going to love me Frank, that's been made clear to me today, but now...for the rest of the year, until your eighteen, your mine to exploit. If you truly love him, then stay with him and both of you will have to be my lap dogs and I WILL send those pictures. could leave him and those pictures will, suddenly get destroyed, leave him... and never look back, just like I'm going too."

Frank and Aaron's jaws hung slightly agape with what they had just heard. They had just been given an ultimatum. Before they could even respond, CJ walked up, opened the door and shoved them both out into the cold snow.

"I will give you some time to think about your choice. Come find me when you've made the decision. Oh, and this will go into effect as soon as school starts again, so that gives you a week. OH...and if you ever come into my house and assault me like that again, you'll regret it."

He just slammed the door and they both heard it lock. Frank was now emotionally crippled. He could not even find words to describe how he felt anymore. It was like a mass of hatred met with his hollowness and left him with a new feeling. A feeling of impending doom. He turned toward Aaron, too broken inside to even shed a tear.

"Well...I don't think we can win this time..." Franks voice had become just as melon collie as his emotions, becoming low and pained. His raised his head, looking at the lion who was zoned out in though. A small trickle of blood still remained on his temple and lip, but he seemed to ignore the fact that he was even wounded. Abruptly he spoke up in a surprised and astonished manor.

"Hey wait a minute we not screwed!"

Frank didn't know what to think about that statement; maybe his boyfriend had really taken a plunge off the deep end.

"What? Did CJ kick your brain loose or something?! He's going to use us for...for whatever the hell he wants! He has dirt on us!"

Aaron let a small smile slide across his face.

"Ok...what is it?"

Now it was Aarons turn to partake in the insult throwing.

"Maybe his kiss fried your brain, think about it. When he spoke at the end he was in a panic, because he wanted to put fear into us can you guess why?"

Frank thought a minute, Aaron was right about the strange, abrupt and fear inspiring conclusion to the events of last minute. He thought about it, and gave himself a mental face palm for not thinking so simply.

"He's trying to threaten us into silence, because now we know his secret too."

Aaron nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"He slipped, he admitted to loving you, only to realize that what's stopping us from doing what he did to us right back at him. And we will."

Frank already did not like where this was going, but talking on his doorstep does not help their situation.

"Why don't we go back to my house and fix you up before we get into this. Besides, I am freezing."

Aaron gave a small nod and they quickly set off back towards Frank's house. The walk there was dead silent, both furs lost in thoughts far from what each other expected. Aaron used his phone a couple of times to text an unknown party, but Frank was to broken to care. It was only after they had gone into the house, cleaned and bandaged Aaron's wounds and made some hot chocolate could they express their inner feelings. Aaron and Frank were both seated at the large cherry wood table in the kitchen, mugs in paw. Frank was about to speak, but Aaron just made this face that said he needed to get something heavy off his chest.



"When CJ kissed you, hesitated before throwing him off you. You just had this look, not a surprised one, but an almost sad one...did you...did you enjoy it?"

Frank was appalled by that last part of the sentence although his first part may have sorta been correct.

" no no, I think..." He let out a small sigh, trying to find the correct usage of words.

"Look...I think you misinterpreted that. But you are right about my expression being more than surprise."

The husky reached across the table and gingerly took his lovers paws in his own.

"I love YOU Aaron, just you and only you. I was just... it was more than surprise that made me pause. Deep down...I think there was another feeling, but it was not love, I think it was pity. I think I truly felt sorry for him for a second."

He lowered both their paws to the table and looked away from Aaron's gave, trying not to imagine his reaction face.

"You actually feel bad for the jerk?"

Frank just looked up with sad puppy eyes, he knew Aaron would not find symphony but while Aaron might have had a traumatic high school experience, it was not like Frank's...and CJ's.

"Look..." Frank spoke firmly. "I understand why you can hate him, he's done some terrible...unforgivable things to us and others around him but... he's been in a hurtful situation for a very long time..."

Aaron gave a narrowed eyed puzzled look.

"What do you mean hurtful, ok...I was hurt, you were hurt-"

Frank cut him off before he started going off.

"LISTEN, you and me might have taken some mental and physical pain, you more than me, but me and CJ have something in common...we were both in love with "straight" guys."

The lion took in those words before leaning closer to the husky and playing with his right ear slightly.

"Explain hun."

Frank took a deep breath.

"Remember how I told you how I was crushing on you since the day I met you?"

"Yeah...I said I thought you were cute too so?"

"Yeah, but you were not sure if you were gay 100 percent, and it was killing me that I thought you were straight. I was literally sick to my stomach because of how bad I wanted you." He took another breath to calm himself.

"But that was for only about six months, and those six months were pure agony for my heart. I loved you, but you didn't love me...yet. For CJ however, he's been that way he said since he met me. Hun that was eighth grade. I had to tell you after six months because I thought I was going nuts, he waited 5 years and I think...I think he truly did go nuts."

Aaron just sat and took in each word, processing it without interruption.

"Love makes you do crazy things. Something's that we can't forgive him for, but you have to understand why I feel some pity. It's because that was how I felt about you." Frank's tone changed. "But, my course of action was in fact much more direct. I put our friendship at risk, but I could not have lived with myself if I didn't at least ask. Look how that worked out. You turned out to be a bit sexually confused, but that's ok, because we worked that out. Hell, I was gay the whole time, and instead, he pretends to be who he's not. That is what makes us different, and why I can't forgive him. I could not live with living a lie."

Aaron gave an almost impressed and astonished look.

"You know, I've never heard it that way. I didn't realize how torn you were inside over me. CJ was just like you, but for longer. But that still does not excuse what he's done. Also, you were right about me, I was not sure whether I was gay or not, until I met you." He placed a happy lick across Frank's nose making him giggle.

"Your right though, I can see why you have some pity on him."

"Yeah, but what he's done...Aaron, he tried to break us up with those pictures. He was going to just dump his girlfriend for me; I mean that...that's just heartless."

There was a long silence in which the two furs quietly drank the hot beverages that rested next to their paws. After Aaron finished his cup, gave Frank a serious look before speaking.

"You know what I said earlier right? We have dirt on him now, we can break him with this."

Frank gave him a sad look and lowered his gaze to the table.

"I don't know Aaron, should we really lower ourselves to his level? Do we need to make him suffer like we have? Will that make things right?"

Aaron took hold of Franks paws this time and gave him an empathetic stare.

"It was his fault we felt this way in the first place. We can't just let him get away with this. He's destroyed any rep we had at school. He's threatening us with our families! All of the kids are laughing at us, and you don't want any justice?!"

Frank gave him a guilt ridden look.

"I do want to make him regret what he's done, this really right?"

Aaron gave a small sigh.

"Look...I love you Frank and I never want to see you get hurt in anyway, but if we don't make him pay, we can't fix this or even make it go away."

Now frank was curious.

"Wait what? How does getting revenge fix this?"

Aaron let a tiny grin come across his face before answering.

"On the walk home, remember I was texting someone?"

Frank hesitated before giving a small nod.

"Well, Chelsea said that there's going to be a New Year's party going on at Jeff Bariman's house, you know CJ's friend?"

"Yeah I know Jeff, not personally, but he's the puma that CJ sits at lunch with most of the time. Where are you going with this?"

"Well, Chelsea told me that most of the people at our school are going to be there and that maybe it would be a good idea to try and "make peace" with all the people who now "frown upon our relationship"."

Frank's face scrunched up and was repulsed.

"Why the hell would we do that, I know she's just trying to help but I really don't want to be in a room full of assholes. She does not even know that he boyfriend is gay man. Give me a good reason we should go there"

Aaron nodded.

"OK fair enough. We're not going for the party. We are going to do something else at that party. That's my reason."

Frank raised yet another furry eyebrow.

"Aaron...I know that face, what are you up to?"


Frank listened to each word that Aaron spoke. Frank had to hand it to him. He knew CJ was smart and all, but this was an almost ingenious plan. It was simple, but the way it would pan out; he was thinking at least ten steps ahead.

"So...that sound good? I know this might bother you, so...if you really want to just ride out this storm we can together, even if it means facing our parents."

Frank was really deeply touched by those words. Aaron really did have a very loving and caring heart under all that misaimed hatred.

"'re right...this has to end before it even starts, otherwise this will hang over our heads for the rest of the year. And I'm never breaking up with you."

Aaron leaned forward and planted a kiss on Frank's forehead before leaning slightly back in his chair.

"Ok's the twenty seventh today. We just have to wait five days. Will you wait with me love?" He extended a large soft paw. Frank took it immediately.

"I was afraid you wouldn't ask..."

Frank pressed their lips together in a long emotional exchange. For once that day, he could care less about the world outside their lips.