Hunters and Prey

Story by foxie_xxx on SoFurry

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Just a story I wrote some time ago. I found an pic by RukiFox, from FA, and wrote a text based on that.

I tried to write something a little different than I'm used to, a little more violent, but do not think I will use themes like this again, although I liked the result.

And, well, I don't know if there's need of edit this story, so I appreciate the comments and critiques.

Apenas uma história que escrevi há algum tempo. Eu encontrei uma imagem feita por RukiFox, do FA, e escrevi um texto baseado nela.

Eu tentei escrever algo um pouco diferente do que estou acostumado, um pouco mais violento, mas não acho que vou usar temas como este novamente, apesar de ter gostado do resultado.

E, bem, eu não sei se há necessidade de editar esta história, então aprecio as críticas e comentários.

Hunters and Prey


That's my first story I post anywhere (I hope to write some more soon). If you are below the age of 18 or 21, you should not be reading this story. If you are offended by graphic scenes of abuse and sex without consent, this story is not for you. Reader discretion is advised. Otherwise, thanks for reading!


The fox ran through the forest so fast than he could, trying ignore his fatigue, the barks and shot noises that he hears behind himself. While his escape, the vulpine tried to wipe out from his mind the memories of his father; he couldn't have the same end, for the love of his mate and newborn cubs.

However, these thoughts took too much attention from the fox, who didn't see the branch on the ground and fell hard. Desperately, he tried to get up, but was already too late. A group of four hunting dogs was around him, showing the teeth and growling. Cornered and almost without options he growled back, while trying to think in how to escape from that situation.

"Well, Blaze... So, we meet again...", said a familiar voice that made the red fox look immediately to the Alpha of the pack with a mixture between fear and surprise in his face. "I never thought that one day I'd catch dad and son...", the dog completed before laugh louder. By hearing that, Blaze began to growling again, this time with tears in his green eyes.

"You... will pay for that!"

"Oh, come on, fox... You know you're not in condition to threat me...", said the Alpha, before turn his back and give the order to the other dogs. "Hold him!"

Quickly, the pack took down the fox, immobilizing him completely on the ground before the dog comes back.

"Let's go, so... kill me once for all...", Blaze said, already resigned, since he was already too exhausted to fight back.

"Well... I didn't hope you'd surrender so easily, Blaze...", said the dog, before get closer the vulpine's ear. "I can't help to think what will happen with that gorgeous vixen and your cubs...", he whispered.

"DON'T TOUCH THEM! I'M WHO YOU WANT!", the fox yelled desperately. "If you touch a single strand of fur from them..."

"What will you do, Blaze? Huh? I already told you, you aren't in condition to threat me, stupid fox!", the hunting dog growled, before turn his back to him. "Well, you are right. Are you who we want, for sure. Our master will be glad to know that the fox that robbed his hennery is dead...", he completed, turning his look to the fox's eyes.

"... Please... You can do what you want with me... just leave my family alone...", Blaze said with a low voice and looking away, kind of swallowing his pride.

"So, I think we can make a deal, fox..."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Blaze, we can let you alive... Maybe we can tell our master that you fled or something like that...", the dog said, while walking slowly around the fox. "There is only a condition", the Alpha completed, before gets closer the fox's ear again. "See these guys? Well... It's a long time they don't have a female, if you can understand me...", he said with a wicked grin on his snout.

"Oh, dear... no, anything but that!"

"So, should I assume that we can give to our master two new fox fur coats...? I'm sure that soft and silky fur of your mate would be well valuable to the humans, huh?", the dog said almost whispering, causing Blaze open wide his eyes. "And, well, our pack must be very hungry from the hunt... I wonder if fox cubs have a good taste..."

"SHUT UP!", the fox shouted, already with his eyes brimming with tears. "... Ok... you won...", he said in a faintly tone, so much the shame.

"Good boy...", the Alpha said, sitting before Blaze and opening his forelegs, showing his sheath to the young vulpine. "Lick!", he ordered.

Without option, Blaze began his efforts on the hunting dog, licking softly his genitals, trying to not believe that was happening. It took just a few licks to the red meat begin be exposed from inside the sheath.

"You are really very good in this, Blaze...", the dog said, before force the fox's muzzle to his dick, sticking all his length into the vulpine's mouth. "Swallow it, fox!", he ordered, "And watch out with your teeth... You know what will happen if you don't..."

With that said, the Alpha began to fuck Blaze's mouth, sticking all his maleness into the fox with quick, short stabs, before the poor vulpine begin to choke and gag, taking out his head from the way and coughing.

"Oh, yes... Maybe you aren't so resistant, but could be a very nice bitch!", the Alpha laughed, before get up and walk around him. "You! Lift his hips and take out the tail from the way!", he ordered to another dog, promptly attended. "Well, fox, let's see if you have other talents...", he said, before mount his prey and begin to humping, quickly hitting the point, making Blaze howl in pain from the subtle invasion before he could take any action.

The dog proceeded to pump the fox's ass, yet finding some resistance from his tight hole. Blaze, in that moment, already cried from pain and shame, feeling like being torn by the dog's big dick.

"Relax, fox... ughh... You could enjoy more if you try to open yourself to it...", the Alpha growled in his ear, still fucking and almost in his limit. It didn't took much time to the dog begin to tie his "mate", already ready to cum. Blaze could feel his bowels almost exploding from the painful sensation of the expanding knot inside himself, pulsing with each shot of the dog cum. For some reason, he could feel that he was already climaxing, spraying his own cum on the ground. Semi conscientious, the fox still felt, like a merciful hit, all that volume spinning inside while the dog turned his back to him.

That moment of relax was like eternity, until the Alpha's dick deflates and slip out the poor fox, who fell on the ground fainted, with the dog cum oozing from his violated tail hole.

Blaze woke up, moments after, still dazed and confused. He barely could remember of what happened at beginning, but his sore ass treated to show him that it wasn't a dream or a nightmare. The fox almost couldn't open his eyes, but heard the hard breathing of the dogs around him and feel their feculent smell. He knew they still were there, just waiting his recovery to continue with the fucking session.

"Wake up, fox! You didn't finished yet!", a voice barked in his ears, clearly the voice of the Alpha dog, the responsible for his sore tail hole. Blaze was exhaust; he couldn't take more of that. "I'll count to five, fox! I think you know what will happen if I end and you don't get up..."

Although he was entirely exhausted, the fox tried desperately gather what remained of his strength, trying to get up, but unsuccessful.

"One... Two...", counted the dog, while Blaze still tried to lift his body. "Three... Four...", the fox heard the Alpha, already over his four paws. "Good boy...", he said, walking around the young vulpine, who was breathing hardly. "You have still three left, fox, so, don't pass out yet", the dog whispered in his ear, before call the next dog. "Well, Blaze... He is our Beta, but, from our group, he's famous because his size, if you understand me...", the Alpha dog said laughing, fairly before the fox be mounted by the Beta.

Different from the Alpha, this dog took many tries to hit the fox's tail hole, but, when got it, he couldn't help to stick inside him in an only stab, causing the vulpine cry again from the pain. Although the violence of his pace, Blaze was already loosened by the Alpha, so the Beta could stick his rod easily and deeper into the fox.

Without warning, he still could feel the weight of another dog over his neck, facing, once again, a canine cock. Already aware that the Alpha was watching, the fox, although opposite to the idea, began to lick the sheath, making the dick leaves quickly. In that situation, it didn't took much time to both the dogs begin to fuck his both ends. Blaze, already lost into that threesome, even didn't notice that there was a dog left, the Omega.

The fox was remembered of his presence by feeling the hot, damp tongue of the dog on his foxhood. Quickly, Blaze was surrounded of dogs, fucking and sucking him savagely. He was already surrendered by that situation, until he feel that was cumming, promptly swallowed by the Omega. For a moment, he collapsed under the weight of the two dogs remaining, which were still mating the fox.

Some moments after, Blaze, again semi conscious, felt the cum of the dogs covering him entirely, on his face and his back, after the Beta untie from him. The fox blackened in just a few seconds, totally exhausted.

"Well, Blaze... You surely was such a nice bitch for a fox like you... Who knows if we can't do it again, huh?", the Alpha dog whispered in the fox's ear, laughing, before get out there with his pack.

It was almost darkening when Blaze woke up. He felt all his body sore, mainly his ass. It was like he has been knocked down by something heavy. Slowly, yet laid there, the memories of what happened came, making him cry of shame. In that moment, he was sure that, in fact, he hadn't the same end of his father, but worse. The hounds hasn't took his life, but, in exchange, took his honor.

Still thinking in what to do, Blaze slowly got up, walking stumbling, and going to wash himself and check if his family was already out of danger. Probably, the dogs would come back, so the fox concluded that the best to do was to move from there with his mate and cubs. The hardest thing would be, for sure, tell her.
