In Space, No One Can Hear You Moan. Pt. 2

Story by Wutenwolf on SoFurry

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Finally, the second chapter. Sorry it took so long everyone, but better late than never right? Anyway, enjoy! Plus, Pt. 3 on the way as well, with even more debauchery! *Evil Grin*

Tom sighed heavily as he walked down the halls of the USS Wormhole, the United State's biggest military space station. He was bored. Sure he was a national hero, and people cheered his name everywhere he went, not to mention his promotion to sergeant major for his bravery, but it had gotten old rather quickly.

He had escaped his last station, the only survivor of a mass T-virus infection, but that was almost 3 months ago. And people didn't seem to care at all about the one who helped him, his personal hero and savior, Captain Sue Richley.

That really irked him.

The fox sighed again and shook his head, causing his rust-colored ears to slap against the sides of his head. Tom hadn't heard from the voluptuous wolf, nor her husband, Gary, in almost a month. What were they up to? The three of them had continued their sexual escapades almost every day since he'd been rescued, and now, he had a serious case of the blues. He couldn't even properly paw off in the showers anymore.

That irked him even more.

It was like he had to have one of the wolves help him get off every time.

"Just what the fuck happened to them?" He muttered as he stuffed his paws deep in his pockets, and then cursed as his claw caught on something. Frowning, he pulled it out.

It was a key.

'What the...' He stopped in the middle of the hallway. Where the hell had that come from? Frowning even more he turned it over and read what it was to. Officer's Lounge

For a full minute all Tom could do was stare at the small key in his paw. Then, slowly, the fact that either Sue or Gary must've slipped the key into his pocket the last time they met began to creep into his brain. It was obviously either a thank-you gift or an invitation.

He sincerely hoped it was the latter. And with that thought, he set off running down the hallway towards the officer's lounge.

The officer's lounge was located on the stations seventh level, two levels above the enlistee's quarters, so it took the young fox almost twenty minutes to get there at a jogging pace. Slightly out of breathe, but grinning ear-to-ear he stopped outside of his destination.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he wondered if anyone would object to his being here. Then his anxiety was pushed aside with the thought, "Who gives a fuck?"

He inserted the key and opened the door. Surprisingly, he found the room empty as he stepped inside. He has expected at least a few officers, but oh well. They were probably off at some special meeting or some such.

Tom started walking around. The lounge was larger than the enlistee's, and much better furnished. La-z Boy chairs and couches were scattered across the room, and an 80" plasma screen took up an entire wall.

He continued his exploration, walking into an adjoining room. A locker room. The young fox weaved in and out of the rows of lockers, thinking that Sue's and Gary's were here among the rows.

Richards... Richardson... Richley!

Tom halted, looking intently at the captain's locker, and right next to it was her husbands. Tom's eyes widened as he saw Gary's rank.



Tom quickly spun around, nearly falling over as the voice caught him by surprise. But he relaxed as he saw who it was; Gary. Gary smiled gently. He was sitting on the bench that ran in between the rows of lockers, his dark gray fur was groomed so much that it seemed to gleam in the light, and his eyes were sparkling almost as much as the golden lapels that adorned his dark blue uniform.

Tom just gaped at him, or more specifically, at the bird on the wolfs chest signifying his rank as a colonel. Sure it wasn't the highest rank, but it was damn difficult to attain these days. For crying out loud he was just one step away from general!

"Impressed?" Gary asked again, an amused look on his face, one side of his muzzle pulled up in a sly grin.

"Y-yes sir." Tom stammered, still struck a bit from surprise.

Gary waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. "There's no need for 'sir' Tom." He got up and walked up to the fox, "We're way past that," He licked his lips seductively. "Aren't we?"

Tom was stunned; Gary had never been this forward before. In all the weeks Tom had known him, literally and metaphorically, he had always taken the submissive role, letting Tom fuck both him and his wife. This was totally unlike the wolf, yet, somehow, Tom didn't mind. On the contrary, he had often wondered what it would be like to be the submissive one instead of his normal dominant role. He decided to test Gary to see what he wanted; he lowered his ears and looked down.

"Y-yes sir. I-I mean Gary."

Gary looked the fox up and down, thinking that he had a few minutes before Sue showed up. The wolf couple had set this up a week ago. Every Friday night, the officer's lounge was cleaned, and no one but the cleaning crew was allowed in for the last 12 hours of the day. Gary had some strings pulled however, and had been able to get the room to themselves for an hour. Both he and his wife had thought that they wanted to try something new.

Gary breathed in the fox's scent, and felt his cock begin to stir as the familiar smell invaded his nostrils. He reached up and traced his foreclaw down the fox's jawline. "I've missed you my little fox, and I'm so glad you got my little gift."

Tom shivered at the wolf's touch. He couldn't believe how much this was turning him on! Already his dick was straining for release in his pants. It was torturous! "I've missed you too," he said and raised his eyes to find the wolf's muzzle just inches from his own. Without hesitation he leaned forward and captured the wolf's lips. Gary moaned as he felt Tom's tongue swirling around his. Oh yeah, he had really missed this.

Gary pushed the young fox back into the lockers, while simultaneously deepening the kiss and quickly undoing Tom's shirt, whose entire body felt as if it were electrified. Every muscle in the rust-colored fox's body was flexed to the maximum. He was enjoying it so much that he actually whimpered and tried to lean forward as Gary pulled back. The wolf only chuckled at the youngling's eagerness.

"Now, now Tom," he scolded, one hand on the fox's chest, the other pulling off his own shirt. "You need to calm yourself. Otherwise this will be over far too quickly." He grinned savagely. "And we don't want that do we?"

Tom only wriggled under Gary's paw as the wolf pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the ground. The two males stood across from one another, wearing only their pants, their eyes lustily roaming over the others body. Tom's build was slight, his body more suited to be a runners or a swimmers, while Gary's was more muscle, like a wrestlers.

The smile grew on Gary's face as his hands lowered themselves and began undoing his pants, loosening the button and zipper before placing his thumbs in his waistband and slowly pushing them down.

Tom's breath caught in his throat as he watched the wolf undress before him, until he was finally naked, his whole body covered in that luxuriously thick, gray fur that Tom loved, and that deep-red wolf cock standing straight up, pre-cum already glistening at the tip. He still couldn't believe how excited he was getting from just Gary. He felt his own cock twitching and jumping as he looked the colonel up and down.

Guess this makes me officially like guys as much as girls. Tom thought.

Gary stepped backwards and sat down on the locker room bench, spreading his legs and leaning back on his paws, causing hi wolf-meat to stand up even more. "Well little fox?" His deep, growling voice teased at Tom's ears. "It's your turn."

Tom was quick to oblige, practically tearing off his own pants in his rush. His cock was pulsating madly, jumping in time with his heartbeat.

The wolf had a hungry look in his eyes as he licked his lips. "Good," he said softly, "Very good. Now come and have a seat on daddy's lap like an obedient little fox."

Tom's smile faltered. He knew what Gary wanted, but he didn't know if he wanted to let the wolf fuck him. Even the thought of it seemed a bit... off.

His uneasiness was obviously picked up by the wolf, who frowned slightly, his eyebrows furrowing. "Come now little fox," he scolded, "Haven't you at least wanted to try it? It's really not that bad I can assure you." He turned his head and sighed. "But if you really don't want to, then I guess we can't continue this can we?"

The look on Tom's face was priceless. He couldn't believe that the wolf was blackmailing him! His eyes and jaw clenched in frustration. He desperately needed to get off, and he had to admit, being the fuckee and not the fucker had indeed crossed his mind before. He opened his eyes to see Gary idly stroking his cock, and sighed deeply before walking over.

"I promise you'll enjoy it." Gary grinned, turning the fox around. "You have a very nice ass Tom," He said, his voice like silk before taking two fingers and putting them in his mouth, sucking and licking them thoroughly, making sure that they were well lubed.

Tom cringed as he felt the tips of Gary's fingers begin to push into his tail-hole. It felt so... different. The feeling of something so foreign and taboo being done him was too much to bear. With a low moan, he felt the wolfs fingers plunge fully into his ass.

"See?" He heard Gary say as the two fingers started working in and out of him. "I told you it would feel good." Tom could only gasp and moan as his body, seemingly on its own, started to rock back onto Gary's digits. But he knew the truth. How could he not? It just felt too damn good, so much so that he actually whined as Gary pulled his fingers out of his ass. Then he felt the wolf pull up to his ear, his breath caused him to shudder as he heard, "Time for the real thing fox."

In one smooth motion, Tom was pulled backwards and down, down onto the thick throbbing wolf cock. Gods! It was good!

Tom's eyes were wide and he was panting slightly as he was repeatedly picked up and lowered down onto Gary's member. Unconsciously, he clenched his hole, clamping down on the invasion thing that was in his ass, in turn causing Gary to lift his hips up in time to Tom's downward moves. Their opposing motions forced them to slam into each other, the sound of cock slapping into ass reverberated around the locker room, mixing in time to the moans, gasps, and panting of the fox and wolf fucking in the middle of the room. Gary drew in a deep breath as he felt his balls begin to tighten; he was going to cum in this young fox.

"Get ready," he managed to grunt, before he slammed into Tom one last time, pushing himself in as deep as he could go, and gasped as he felt his knot slip into the fox's ass.

Tom howled, the feeling of the wolf tying him, plus the thick strands of hot cum that were being shot into him forcefully was too much, he could himself beginning to cum, only to be stopped short by the feeling of something pinching the base of his needy dick.

Tom opened his eyes and looked down. There, kneeling in front of him, hand around his cock, wolfish grin in place and bare breasts exposed, was Sue.

"Godammit Sue!" He cried, and held up his thumb and foreclaw apart by a half inch. "This close! This fucking close! You couldn't wait one minute?!"

Sue giggled in response. "What? And let all that tasty fox cum go to waste?" She licked her lips seductively. "I don't think so."

In an instant she had her breasts wrapped around his cock and was sucking on the tip, wrapping her tongue around it as she squeezed and bobbed her tits around his hot dick.

Tom sighed in satisfaction as he leaned back onto Gary's chest, feeling content as the wolf's arms came around and started teasing his nipples.

Sue let her breasts fall as she finally took Tom's entire length into her muzzle. Her bobbing was becoming faster, slurping and sucking as if her life depended on it, and as she cupped the fox's balls in her paw, she felt them tighten and forced Tom's cock as far down her throat as she could, waiting for her prize.

Tom howled again as he came in Sue's mouth, his seed bathing her tongue in a white wash. She made sure to swallow every drop. After what seemed like an eternity, Sue pulled back, licking her chops hungrily. She smiled up at him. "See? Now wasn't that so much better?" Tom could only nod as he fell over on the bench, Gary's knot having finally shrunk enough for the two males to separate.

Gary walked over to his wife and kissed her deeply. "Thanks for the fun time little fox, but I think you should leave now before you get in trouble."

Tom only nodded again and got up to change, but stopped halfway through and looked at them. "So tell me something guys. Why'd you make me wait so long?"

The wolves smiled at him, making him a little suspicious.

"Oh, we have our reasons." Sue answered. "Well," She turned and began pulling her husband towards the showers, "We'll be seeing you." She gave him one wink before they vanished around the corner.

Tom sighed and walked out of the locker room. Now what was he going to do? His thoughts wandered back to what had just happened as he resumed walking the halls. I should've taped it for myself for later. He chuckled, disappearing into the dark halls.