Friendly fun....Again!

Story by NescaF on SoFurry

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#2 of Fun with friends

This is part three of the event me and my  silly foxy mate Ayan have started in our free ...

This is part three of the event me and my silly foxy mate Ayan have started in our free time. We have a mutual best friend who we discovered we had both mated with before getting together which of course sparked the horn dog in both of us. Enjoy reading as much as we enjoy the writing!!

Part 1: fun with a friend- Nesca Part 2: Second time - Ayan Part 3: Friendly fun...again!

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"ah huh. Yeh. I know right?" Nesca sat and made the appropriate noises whenever her sister Jess paused for breath. The older wolf showed no signs of stopping in her rant gesturing wildly and pausing only for Nescas assent before continuing. The younger wolf sighed and checked her mobile again waiting for a text from her mate. She grinned when the phone vibrated and she opened her inbox. Ready to hang your sister yet? read the message from foxy boi. She giggled then looked up at her sister agreeing with whatever she just said before looking back down at her phone My self maybe lol what you up ta? she typed adding a little smiley face before sending. "Nesca are you even listening?" whined jess who snapped her fingers in front of Nescas face. Nesca slid her phone under her crossed arms and nodded. "Ah huh you were just saying how overworked your staff is." she recited dragging up the last topic she could remember. Jess launched into a play by play of her argument with her boss and Nesca looked at her phone screen again. Nothing much... our favorite husky turned up a few mins ago...^^ Nesca gasped and was rewarded with a approving smile from her sister who thought she gasped at jesses story. Using both paws she typed the fastest text of her life Do you think he wants to play again? If so wait for me!! You always get him started before im there and I only catch the end!!! she speed text and hit send before looking up and cutting into whatever her sister was droning on about. "well jess I better get going and all. Gotta work tomorrow and I need to sleep" she yawned widely and jesses eyes narrowed . "its only eight thirty?" she stated as a question and Nesca blushed rummaging for an excuse. Appealing to her sisters need for drama she leant forward and half glanced about encouraging her sister to lean forward to. "if you must know I want to get home because Ayan and Derek are there and they've got this new game I wanna play..." jess sniffed in disappointment as her younger sister stood stretching. She slapped her paws on the table and stood also excepting her sisters hug in bad grace. "what's so great about those game stations ill never know" she mumbled grouchily. Nesca giggled and walked to the front door letting herself out. She poked her head back in to say cheekily, "Of course you don't you've got kids!" Once outside she left via the garden gate and checked her phone. Can I at least get him warmed up? sent Ayan with a pleading smiley. Nesca scoffed and sent back If you must... she called a taxi and when I pulled up she got a single message I must ^^

Ayan placed the phone down and wiggled in anticipation. From behind the couch he could see the husky's grinning face. Derek feigned an uninterested air so his two sex buddies will work him up with as much enthusiasm as they can muster. He loved this time with Ayan and Nesca. Ayan was the one who introduced him to the wonders of a lithe young male could give before Ayan met Nesca. The wolven babe had also stirred a lust in him that was hard to slate. Even though he was not the one to take her virginity, they still had fun in other ways, Nesca growing addicted to his large warm tongue in places she had never before been licked. But having them separated was no where near as good as having both of them together. His grin widened and he forced himself to think of old men in the fur to stop the rising of his cock. He liked the couple to believe they had to work him up. Ayan stalked behind the couch sniffing the warm scent of the other male quietly and slipping his thumbs into the waist band of his shorts, working them down slowly. His member was halfway extended and fell out into the freedom of the air, his musk wafting over to the shirtless canine on his couch. Lightly Ayan stepped from his clothes and padded over to stand behind the husky, his shaft pressed against the couch leaving a small stain of pre. He slid his paws down the husky's chest and Derek leaned back until the foxes maw rested on the canines shoulder. Ayan breathed in the heady smell of Derek and likewise the husky breathed in the musk of the smaller male. Ayans paws sought what he most desired, slipping into the husky's boardies to discover like himself, Derek was boxer less. He ran a paw across the husky sheath, gently rubbing the thick husky cock from its hiding space. With the other paw he held the orbs of his friend, rolling them in his palm loving the weight of them. Derek let Ayan explore closing his eyes in pleasure as the foxes skilled hands worked over him. Gently his cock was coaxed from his sheath to buldge against the confines of his board shorts. Ayans paw stroked the length in his grip , squeezing with pressure to milk pre from that thick shaft and he brought his paws out of the shorts to sniff and taste the husky juice on his paw. "well someone is working themselves up in a hurry." commented the husky when Ayan walked around the couch to kneel before him. Ayans ebony length glistened with pre and throbbed slightly in the air. He drew the husky's pants down to his ankles and breathed deep the scent of musk. Ayan stoically ignored his own cock to take the husky in his maw. Trembling with desire he leant down into the husky's groin, both paws fondling the base and balls of the husky cock as his lips encompassed the head. He moaned with suppressed lust as he greedily licked clean the tip in his mouth of pre. Lips tight he lowered his head, filling his maw with husky cock drawing succulently on the hot meat. Derek suppressed a moan of his own, placing one paw on the couch head and the other on Ayans head, encouraging the fox to continue. Ayan drew back and forth on the shaft, his tongue running circles around the cock in his mouth. Enthusiastically he swallowed at the canine shaft, suppressing his gage reflex to slowly shove that canine cock down his throat. Derek shuddered out a moan and placed both paws on Ayans head slowly throat fucking the willing fox, pressing his shaft deep into the warm mouth until Ayans nose was pressed into the husky groin. He grunted in time with his short thrusts stoping every now and again so the fox could breath. In these pauses Ayan stroked the husky's full length keeping the small pants from the bigger male. The fox glanced at the clock and groaned with impatience. The husky followed his gaze to the clock then looked back down on Ayan. "will she be here soon?" he questioned caressing the fox cheek before drawing him back down to swallow his length again. After a few strokes of deep throating he let Ayan up to answer the question. The fox breathed a deep breath and tried to suck upon the husky again, licking the tip with his long rasping tongue, coating the tip with saliva and pre. Derek chuckled and drew him away, tilting the foxes chin up to meet his eyes. "well my little fox. Where's your partner in lust?" He grinned and Ayan chuckled. His tail curled around himself as he stood up, brushing against his own length tantalizingly. He extended a paw to the husky drawing him upwards to stand close, moving his tail back so their shaft brushed together. He cocked his head letting an ear droop slightly and looked up into the bright eyes of the horny male. "She's on her way... don't you want to play with me first?" he ran a finger down the panes of Derek's defined muscled chest. He stepped forward pressing against him and his eyes were in line with Derek's chin. He wrapped his arms around the husky waist and murred softly. Derek took a sharp breathe through his nose then with a growl he grabbed Ayans arms and unhooked the younger males grip. With a meep of surprise, Ayan was thrown down into the chair seat and he felt Derek move behind him. Meekly Ayan shifted his tail to the side baring his pink hole to the lustful gaze of Derek. Derek grasped the base of the foxes tail in one paw and let his shaft slip between the foxes thighs to rub against the ebony length of Ayans cock. He rocked there for a moment , pressing against the ass and groin of the fox until their combined pre slicked the husky dick. Smiling cheekily Derek moved back then set his dick against the rosebud of the whining fox. Ayan tried to move back against the canine but Derek teasingly drew back so always the tip of his cock pressed against the fox ass but never enter. Ayan whined and whimpered and begged with his body. He shifted trying to get the husky to slip in and fill him as he desired. The husky just chuckled and using the foxes tail, kept the smaller male from impaling himself. "Stop teasing him Derek, I want to see him squirm." came the soft cadence of Ayans mate. He looked up in surprise to see the wolf leaning on the arm of the couch, her breast bared and her eyes locked on his teased ass. She licked her maw and Ayan realised he had got so caught up he didn't even notice her enter. Now her female scent wafted through the combined musk of the males making him throb and ooze even more pre. Suddenly he was distracted when Derek pressed two inches into his waiting hole. He cried out and shuddered, his claws digging into the couch. "mind the upholstery!" notted Nesca and ayan had no chance to retract his claws before dereck grabbed the scruff of his neck and lifted him up onto the seat so his knees were on the seat and his arms and head over the back of the couch. Ayan yelp as the movment caused dereks cock to slip out then back in halfway before coming out again. Derek chuckled and placed a paw on the back of ayans head, pressing his snout into the couch and exchanging a glance with the wolf that watched. Her tail swished and her paw snaked down her belly fur to tease her mound. She nodded to him and he turned but to the trembling body of her mate. Derek leaned forward and whispered into Ayans erect ear. "Ask for it." he murmered softly and let himself press against that tight pucker. Ayan moaned and Nesca echoed it with a soft murmer of her own as she teased herself. Derek knew what they both wanted and grinned savagely. "Beg." he said loudly. To his surprise not only did ayan cry out "please put it in my! I want you to fill me!" but the wolven female also moved forward and beg, "Do it Derek! Please fill him, make him pant!" He obliged both his friends and with one hard thrust buried his nine inch length fully into the rectom of the yowling male. Without pause Derek started to pistion in and out of the fox with a hard abodon making Ayans ass slap against his groin, drawing sexy crys, muffled by the couch as ayan took that hard canine cock. Likewise Nesca started whining and panting, her fingers pressing and rubbing with expert skill in her slit making her moist and causing shudders of pleasure. The mating males rocked the couch as the husky grunted with every smack of the groin and ass meeting. Ayan was groaning and panting his cock twitching and oozing. He wanted to touch it but his arms were grasping the back of the couch and he couldn't recall how to loosen his grip. Nesca saw the poor foxes trouble and came forward, slipping her paw from her sex and wrapping it around the fox shaft. She lay down on her back on the couch, her head under the fox groin and slipped one paw between the kneeling legs of her mate to fascinatingly press her finger against the husky length. With wonder she felt the husky slide in and out of her mate and shifted her head to see. Red thick canine length protruded from the tight red abused hole of the fox, withdrawing part way before slamming back in, coated in pre cum juice. A long draw out whine from her mate made her remember why she was there and she licked the ebony shaft with greedy long licks, tasting her mates pre which was rolling and dripping down his untouched cock. Ayan cried out and tried to thrust into her mouth but Derek growled and grasped the males hips, keeping his sex toy where he wanted him. As Nesca locked her lips around the fox cock , Derek started to slow his wild thrusts, moving slower and drawing his length almost fully out then burying himself slowly until his balls bumped against the smaller males orbs. Nesca reached up and grasped the husky orbs and massaged them, feeling them pull up as the husky knot swelled and Derek fought back his climax. Nesca let ayan fall from her mouth to the disappointed cry of her mate. "Cum in my mate Derek, fill him up with your seed." she murmered and lifted her head to lick at both the males balls and where they were joined, coating the plunging cock and ayans ass with salvia. Both the males groaned and dereks thrusted started to speed up. Ayans own knot swelled at the punishment he was receiving and Nesca locked her lips on his length again. "not so fast my pets." grunted Derek and pulled out watching the newly empty ass twitch before grabbing ayan and throwing him to the side. He then grasped Nesca around the chest and heaved her towards him standing her before him. He grabbed her breasts in both paws and held her against him, her back to his chest. He narrowed his eyes and ayan and growled. "Sit with your knees wide." he ordered and ayan scrambled to obey. Lifting the wolf bodily he sat her down on the erect cock of her mate, his warm shaft stretch her and his knot pressed hard against her opening. This drew crys from both and ayan started to thrust upwards making her bounce against him. "wait for me." murmered Derek and pushed Nesca forward. She yelped with surprise and Ayan may have down the same but Nescas breast muffled any noise he made. Her soft tits encompassed his muzzle and he drew a ragged breath between her cleavage as Derek pressed against the joined couple. Nesca yelped again and howled as Derek lined his cock tip with her already stretch hole. Grunting and groaning it took a few moments for Derek to work himself in beside ayans shaft and Nesca howled with pleasure and a little pain as her hot sex was stretched further then it ever has before. Derek started to shove in and out of her used hole, his length rubbing against the fox cock impaled within her. Ayan groaned and grasped Nescas ass cheeks spreading them wide and started his own short thrusts upwards. Nesca yipped and yowled with every thrust as both males seeked to mate her, there knots contesting for the right of entrance. Ayans yiffs were muffled by her bouncing breast and Derek hungrily grabbed her shoulders, throwing his hips against hers, striving to be the male who knots her. He was howling and with a huge shudder, thick ropes of husky cum started to shoot up inside her as she started to orgasm, her already stretched cant throbbing and squeezing around the males wanting to fulfil the primal need for seed. The canine cum gushed up and into her womb as ayan grunted and thrust deep, Dereks still Cumming cock slipped out so the fox could knot. As ayan grunted again and finally came deep in his female, splashing her already filled inside with fox seed. He yiffed in surprise when Derek shoved himself knot and all to hilt inside the male, placing the last few spurts of seed in the foxes backside. Nesca slumped against ayans chest and Derek leant on her back. They all panted together and dereck wrapped his arms around Nescas waist as ayan likewise hugged her to his chest. Nesca grinned happily as both males panted in each ear and she snuggled happily between them. Ayan lightly licked her nose and she kissed him gently as Derek nuzzled her neck. She leant back into the embraces of the males and closed her eyes as the males started to chat over her head. The murmer of their voices were in the background of her thoughts. In the forefront was a new idea she wanted to try with her two males.....