Alpha and Omega (M wolf / M wolf)

Story by Vaille on SoFurry

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Omega and Alpha (Part 2)


Alpha and Omega

*by *

Vaille Thibadeux

"You'll do it because I told you to do it, do you understand me?" Jesse's father took a step towards him. A low growl rumbled in his throat. His upper lip twitched, revealing hints of white. Very sharp white.

Jesse stood his ground. He was smaller than his sire, but not by much. His father was the pack's alpha, a title, unfortunately, he would one day inherit. It was a title he did not want for reasons he was afraid his father would not, could not accept. "I'm not interested."

"I offer to let you mate this female. You say that. I offer to let you mate that female. You say that. You are the future of our pack, Jesse. You are the bloodline. The privilege of mating the best females belonged to my father. To his father's father. It belongs to me. I offer it to you and you throw it in my face. You throw it in the faces of our father's fathers!" Another step. The twitch of lip became a curl. Ears flattened. Fur bristled.

"I'm not interested in her!" Jesse repeated, yelling.

His father inched closer still, his golden-brown eyes little more than narrow slits. The nostrils of his broad, rubbery nose flared.

The smaller wolf backed himself to the wall, looked away as his sire loomed over him. He loved his father. He truly did. He knew that his father loved him. But Jesse also feared that love would not be enough should his father ever learn his secret.

A large paw-hand seized him by the scruff of the neck. A yank forward, away from the wall. "Get out. I don't want you here right now. Come back when you're ready to start acting like a dog. Like an alpha. You understand me?" A shove.

Jesse slammed the door behind him. The fur around his eyes was damp and his tail dangled limply between his legs. He stuffed his paw-hands into the pockets of his hoodie, glanced one last time at the den and turned away, walking. He didn't know where he'd go, but anywhere was better than home at the moment. Better for him; better for his sire.

As he walked, he considered going to talk with his mother. She was special to him. She'd always had a way of making him feel better, of making things right, even when they weren't. To Jesse's father, however, his mother was just another bitch to mount. Talking with her about dog matters, particularly those of mating, would be interpreted as an insult if it ever got back to his father. No, he could not go to his mother.

"Hey Jesse."

Jesse glanced up. It was Jake, a schoolmate and one of the pack's many omegas sired by dogs lesser than his father. "Hey," he replied, padding onward without giving Jake a second thought.

Jake noticed the wet fur of Jesse's muzzle. Welcome or not, he asked, "Everything ok?"


"You sure?"

Jesse stopped, grabbed Jake by collar of his shirt. "Look, it's none of your business, ok? And I'm definitely not about to explain myself to you, to a runt..." he snapped.

Jake held his paw-hands up, pads out and fingers splayed. Little shields. "Hey man, sorry..."

The sudden bite of guilt. Jesse let go of the smaller wolf's shirt. No reason to take my problems out on him, he thought to himself with a shake of his head. "Sorry, didn't mean to bark like that. I'm just...under a lot of stress."

"Hey, it's cool," Jake said as he pinched his shirt and tugged, straightening it out. "Everyone's entitled to be bit cranky from time to time."

"Still..." Jesse shuffled from foot to foot. The sidewalk was cold beneath his paw pads. Overhead, the sky was steel gray and threatened a cold, November rain. The wind whistled through the skeletal branches of the trees. It would be dark soon.

"My place isn't far from here. Wanna come over for some dinner?" Jake asked as if he'd read Jesse's mind. "My folks are out of town and my sister's back at university. If you do wanna talk, it'll be private. Besides, it'd be great haveing somebody to chat with."

Jesse considered. After a long moment, he shrugged. "Sure, I guess. Why not? Ain't got nothing going on tonight, that's for sure," he said as the thought of mounting one of his father's females, mating, flashed through his head. The large wolf shuddered; it wasn't because of the wind.



"Thanks," Jesse said taking the plate from Jake. Setting it on his lap, he picked up his sandwich and sniffed. Salami. Cheese. A dab of mayo. Two slices of whole wheat bread. "Smells great!"

Jake seated himself on the couch next to him. "Thanks," he said with a small shrug. "Really nothing special about it, though. Pretty much the standard fare when there's not much else in the fridge." He took a bite of his food. Swallowed. "So, wanna talk?"

"About what?"

Another shrug. "Whatever you want."

"Look, I don't- Jesse cut off with a sigh. "It's my father."

Jake cocked his head to the side, peering at Jesse. He remained silent, ears perked and listening. "Ok? He's a good dog, from what I've heard. A good alpha for our pack."

The larger wolf nodded. "Yeah, he is. But there's something he wants me to do that, well, I just can't..." Jesse dumped his half-eaten sandwich onto the plate in his lap. "I feel obligated to my family, to the pack, but I can't, if that makes any sense."

"And you can't talk to him?"

Jesse shook his head. "I tried. It didn't go well. Not at all. He kicked me out of the house for the night."

Jake quirked his muzzle as he set his plate off to the side. "That's no good. Can I ask what he wanted you to do?"

"Mate...with one of his bitches. He really wants a puppy. A grandson."

"And the problem is you can't. Because you're attracted to males."

Jesse rocked back on the couch, looking as if he'd just been punched. "Wait... How... How could... I didn't say that..." he stammered.

"I can smell it. Your father can't because his nose is filled with the scent of heat. It's there, though. Omegas don't taste vagina often, but most of us know the scent. When an omega like me runs across an alpha like you who doesn't smell of female, well, it's not hard to do the math."

The large wolf sat in shocked silence. Was it really that obvious? It had to be. Jake had nailed him, dead-to-rights. "Well, at least you understand my problem..." He pawed at his food.

"I do. I didn't have nearly the pressure you do and when I came out to my folks, they were pretty cool about it."

"Wait," Jesse said with a blink. "You're gay?"

Jake laughed. "When you alphas claim most of females for yourselves, what are the rest of us s'posed to do? We've got needs, too, you know." He scooted over on the couch next to Jesse. "Seriously, though, yeah, I'm gay. It's no secret. I've never been with a female. Never even seen one naked."

"Neither have I."

"Have you ever been with another male?"

Jesse shook his head. "My sire would find out. He'd smell it." The smaller wolf took his Jesse's paw-hand into his own. "I'd really like to, though," he continued. "I'd really like to. I'm at a point where I don't care what my father says or does. Fuck him." Tears began to well in his eyes.

Jake laced fingers with Jesse and squeezed. "You do care, hon, and that's good. It's something you're going to have to work out with your sire. Tell him in your own time, in your own way and on your own terms. You are who you are. There's no changing that. He's the one who'll have the tough choice to make. Not you."

"I know." Jesse rested his head against the smaller wolf's shoulder and sighed. "Gods, I wish things were easier."

"It wouldn't be life if they were." Jake reached up with his free paw and stroked Jesse behind the ears. Their eyes met. Jesse's were an incredible gold, deep and rich. He leaned forward slightly. Wet noses touched, then muzzles.

Jesse's lips parted and Jake's tongue met his. The taste, the feel - it was exquisite. Letting go of Jake's paw-hand, he wrapped his arms around the smaller wolf and pulled him close. Clawed fingers drifted to the button-fly of Jake's shorts. With a snap, the button came undone. Jesse tugged the shorts down. He felt between Jake's thighs. The fur there was soft as any pup's. His paw-hand traveled up to the bulge between the small wolf's legs. He cupped it. Rolled it. A little higher, Jake's firm sheath. He was already erect and a dark spot had formed where the tip of his penis pushed against his underwear.

Rolling to his back, Jesse pulled Jake with him, on top of him, kissing all the while.

Jake lifted Jesse's shirt, pulled it off. He worked down the alpha's sweatpants and underwear all at once. The scent of Jesse's musk was intoxicating. It was pure male. Pure sexuality. Pure wolf. Fire began to burn in Jake's loins. He sat up, opened his eyes and looked down. Jesse's shaft was a brilliant crimson. The tip was pointed, the shaft thick and long and laced with thin, blue veins. At the base, an inch or so above Jesse's sheath was his knot. He wrapped his hands around it, tugging lightly. He could feel Jesse's heartbeat with his leathery finger pads. Jake's erection was so hard it hurt. He freed himself of his underwear and pressed his smaller, pinker penis against Jesse's stiff member. Taking both into his paw-hand, he rubbed in slow, sensual circles.

"Oh wow, that's nice," Jesse said.

"Yeah. I've always loved fro- A sudden shudder. Jake giggled. "Frotting," he finished.

Jesse arched his hips up slightly so their balls touched. "Guess I'm officially gay now."

The smaller wolf laughed. "That you are." He paused, considered, then asked. "So do you wanna?"

Jesse nodded. "Yes," he said quietly.

"I usually bottom, but I'm going to top since you've never done this before," Jake said. "Chalk it up to experience..." He pushed off. "Put your head on the armrest of the couch and your leg up on the backrest. Other can dangle off the side." He patted Jesse on the legs, urging him to spread. Jesse did.

Jake leaned in between Jesse's legs and pressed his nose up under his ballsack.

"Damn, you have a cold nose!" the large wolf cried out in surprise. Surprise turned to ecstasy when Jake's tongue danced across his tailhole, then slid into it. He clenched. Still, Jake's tongue wiggled itself deeper inside, slicking Jesse, preparing him. It flicked in and out.

The large wolf squirmed.

Jake sat up again, spit into his paw-hand and gripped his shaft and stroked. When he was satisfied, he nudged himself forward until the tip of his member pressed against Jesse's tailhole. "You ready?"

Jesse nodded.

Jake's tip began to push into Jesse's star. Flesh parted. Jesse grimaced. Jake stopped.

"You ok?"

"Yeah. Just need a moment to get used to it, is all."

"Ok. I'm going to go real slow, ok?"

Another nod and the burning pressure under Jesse's tail finally gave way to muted pleasure as Jake slid easily inside of him. A paw wrapped around Jesse's shaft. Began stroking. Jesse thrust upwards, fucking into the smaller wolf's fist as the smaller wolf fucked into his ass.

"How's it feel?" Jake asked. "Want me to go slower?"

Jesse smiled, shook his head as he peered at Jake through half-closed eyes. "Nah, it's perfect. Feels really good. I'm happy you're my first."

"So am I," Jake replied. He crouched forward, driving his cock into and out as he kissed the tip of Jesse's nose. "Man, you're really hard."

"I shoulda said, though, dunno how long I'm..." Jesse gasped, then continued " long I'm gonna last. I usually cum pretty quick when I jack off and this is way more intense. I'm..." Another gasp. "...already close."

"It's ok. Not a big deal. Just want you to enjoy. But if you're close, watch this. You'll like..."

Jake let go of Jesse's shaft as he withdrew, leaving only his cocktip inside the tailhole. Grabbing Jesse's legs, he anchored them over his shoulders and pressed down. Slowly, but firmly, he drove his hips forward until his knot met muscle. Still he pushed. Resistance as Jesse's hole widened around him. "Gods!" Jesse cried out. With a final shove, Jake drove his knot into his partner. At the same time, the top of his cock stroked against the sweetspot deep inside Jesse.

"Fuck!" the large wolf yelled with a sudden buck of his hips. He began to thrash as the first shot of his seed flew over his head. The next hit him on the side of his face.

Jesse's sudden orgasm and the sight and smell of his cum pushed Jake over the edge. With a few final thrusts, he buried himself deep into Jesse's insides as he unloaded himself in thick ropes of cum.

The final few throbs of Jesse's cock shot wads onto his chestfur before ebbing off to a steady trickle just below his bellybutton. Inside, he could feel Jake pulsing. Finally, the small wolf collapsed forward, into Jesse's embrace.

They lay there, tied. Jesse's hard member pressed against Jake's belly. "Well, my sire wanted me to mate tonight. I did what I was told."

Jake giggled. "But I doubt this is what he had in mind. And with an omega, at that!"

Jesse shrugged. "He'll just have to get over it, won't he?"

"Yup," Jake replied. They kissed again.