Omega and Alpha (M wolf / M wolf) - Part 2

Story by Vaille on SoFurry

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Alpha and Omega (Part 1)

Alpha and Alpha (Part 3)


Omega and Alpha


Vaille Thibadeaux

The bed pounded against the wall. Among the mess of blankets and pillows, Jake was on his hands and knees, mounted, Jesse pinning him from behind. The large wolf bit down firmly but gently on the nape of his neck, holding. Hips rocked. The occasional snort or grunt punctuated the thudding of the headboard.

Jesse took his time. He caressed the small body beneath him. Reveled in the feel, the way parts of them would come together, touch and withdraw in rhythmic intervals. But most of all, he savored the heat that surrounded him. He loved Jake for sharing it with him.

Jake began to shudder. Jesse's grip tightened. His arms wrapped around Jake's front, locking him in place. Jake reached up, grabbed Jesse's forearm, bracing. "I'm gonna-

With a sudden buck upwards, Jake cried out. His entire body shivered as he released himself in thick, white streams onto the dark blue sheets of his bed. Then, as quickly as it came, it was gone. He dropped face first into the blankets. Jesse rode him down, holding tight and still inside.

"So, how'd I do?" the big wolf asked after a quiet moment.

"Answer's all over the bed," Jake replied through heavy breath. "Definitely hit all the right spots..."

With a kiss to the back of Jake's head, Jesse withdrew from under his tail and slid onto the pillows next to him. "Still feel kinda bad, though."

Jake rolled to his side and propped himself up onto an elbow. "Why?"

"Cuz I came so quick."

The small wolf nuzzled Jesse under the chin. "It's ok, hon. Really is. It happens. Besides, I thought it was hot."


"Yup. Let's me know just how sexy I am."

Jesse laughed, kissed, petted the sticky, plastered mat of Jake's chestfur. "Or just how horny I am. Man, you made a mess."

"That's just how sexy you are."

Another kiss. Deeper this time.

Jesse had spent the weekend with Jake. In their short time together, he'd lost his virginity and now found himself falling for the omega. His omega. Jake was warm, caring and personable. Cute. Surprisingly attractive. And he was good in bed. But more than anything else, Jake made Jesse feel wanted. Needed. Jake made him feel special, made him feel like an alpha for the first time in his life.

He loved Jake for that.

But Jesse knew the question was coming, sooner rather than later.

"You going home today?" Jake asked quietly.

Jesse didn't want to answer, but knew he had to. "Yes," was all that he said. He wished desperately to lay with Jake, to hold him and love him for every hour of every day for the rest of his life. But he also loved his father and was concerned about him. His sire had hurt him; he'd hurt his sire. Unlike Jesse, however, his father was alone.

"Want me to go with you?"

"That's probably not the best-

"I am going with you," Jake interrupted.

"My sire is rather...temperamental. When I come out to him, it'll be bad enough. If he finds out his only son's boyfriend's an omega, who knows how he'll react."

Jake held Jesse close, touching his cool, wet nose to Jesse's. He looked the larger wolf straight in the eye. "Doesn't matter. Good or bad, hon, I'll be there with you. I want to be there with you."

Jesse wrapped his arms around Jake and hugged, pressing his face to the smaller wolf's chest. "Love you," was all he could say through his tears.


"Dad? You here?" Jesse called out into the darkened house. "Dad?" He pushed the door open so Jake could follow. "Dunno if he's home," he whispered.

"If he's not, we'll wait," Jake replied.

"Eh, I'd rather come-

The heavy pad of footfalls above. The soft click of thick nails against the wooden floor. Thud-creak. Thud-creak. Thud-creak. "He's coming down the rear stairs." Jesse grabbed Jake's paw-hand and tugged. Jake followed.

The boys padded into the kitchen together just as Jesse's father reached the landing of the stairs. "Where've you been?" his father asked shooting him a stern gaze. In his eyes, though, Jesse could also see the worry. His father looked past him, eying Jake. "And who's this?"

"He's- Jesse started.

Jake stepped past his boyfriend. Jesse's father towered over him, but he showed no fear as he held out his paw-hand. "Jake Tyler, sir."

Tentatively, Jesse's sire took Jake's paw and shook. His nose twitched, working. He glanced from Jake to Jesse and back to Jake again. "My son's scent is all over you."

"He's stayed at my place over the weekend and-

"Dad, we need to talk..."

Jake's paw-hand was released. Eyes flicked to Jesse. Ears flattened. "About?"

Jesse reached for his father's paw-hand, taking it into his own. "Dad..."

His sire jerked away. His paw instantly rose to his nose. "This omega's smell is all over you. You don't get like that by simply visiting in his den..." Whiskers drooped. "Leave."


"Leave!" his father roared. And with that, he turned his back to his son and started up the stairs, tail between his legs; he swiped his large paw across his eyes.

Jesse watched him until he was gone. Unable to speak. Unable to move. Unable to think. He felt numb.

Paws settled on his shoulders. "C'mon, hon."

"I... I..." Jesse began to shake.

"C'mon, hon..." Jake whispered.


The doorbell rang.

Jake's muzzle lifted from Jesse's shaft with a final, teasing lick.

"Who's that?"

"No clue," Jake replied as he handed a pair of sweats to Jesse. "Their timing really sucks, though." He slid from the couch, pulled on his shorts and walked to the door. Opened it. "Mr. Pedersen?" Jake said, unable to hide the surprise in his voice. It had been a week since the episode at Jesse's house and Jesse's sire was the last wolf he'd expected to come knocking.

"Is Jesse here?"


"May I come in?"

Jake shot a quick look to his mate. Jesse shrugged, nodded.

"Uh, yeah, sure, if you'd like...." Jake said as he held the door for his Jesse's father. "Would you like anything to drink? Coffee? Water?"

"Water would be fine."

Jake turned to Jesse. "Hon?" He was in his own home now and made no effort to cover for the benefit of Jesse's father. Besides, he knew the scent of a week's worth of sex would have seeped into everything by now. There was no hiding it.

"Water, please."

The small wolf smiled, nodded and padded quietly off to the kitchen.

Mr. Pedersen walked to the couch and stood over his son. "May I?"


Jesse's father sat, sinking into the cushions. He pulled his tail out from under himself, looking awkward.

"Dad, I'm sor-

His father held up a paw. "You two are intimate. I can smell it. I could smell it last week..." He paused, collecting his thoughts before continuing. "This isn't what I wanted and it isn't how I thought things would turn out. I truly wanted a grandpup. A grandson."


Mr. Pedersen kept talking. "But I need to know, are you happy?"


"Do you love him?"


Jake returned from the kitchen, a bowl in each paw-hand. He passed one to Jesse and one to his Jesse's father. Jesse set his aside for the moment. Mr. Pedersen said "Thank you," lapped and set the water on the coffee table. He then looked to the omega. "Do you love my son?"

"I do," Jake replied.

"I'm being honest when I say I don't understand it. I don't know that I ever will. It'll take some time. As long as you're happy, that's what I need to know." Jesse's sire turned to Jake, speaking softly. "And as long as you're happy, my son treats you well and you're dear to him in kind, you'll always be welcome in my den. I just needed you both to know that and that I'm sorry."

Jesse crept into his father's arms and his father cradled. "I love you. You're my son."

"I love you too, dad."

Jake smiled.