Alpha and Alpha (M wolf / M wolf) - Part 3

Story by Vaille on SoFurry

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Alpha and Omega (Part 1)

Omega and Alpha (Part 2)

Omega and Omega (Part 4)


You always hurt the one you love,

The one you shouldn't hurt at all.

You always take the sweetest rose,

And crush it till the petals fall.

~The Mills Brothers and countless others.

Alpha and Alpha

*by *

Vaille Thibadeaux

"God, dude, you're such a fag sometimes, I swear..." Aaron said with a laugh as he slammed his locker shut. "But seriously, what is it with you? You've been acting really weird lately, like somethin's up or some shit." He punched Jesse on the arm. "Lemme guess, you're dad's letting you fuck one of his bitches?"

"Is that all you ever think about? Getting laid?" Jesse replied as he stripped off his singlet, folded it and dumped it in his gym bag.

"Uh, yeah..."

"Lemme know how that's working out for you."

Aaron grinned, licked his tongue across his broad, rubbery nose. "Oh, it's been workin' just fine. Like, you know, F-I-N-E fine." A couple of short, grinding hip thrusts punctuated his words. "Would you believe that Heather Thornton's twat is tighter than Kim Burton's ass? You better believe it! Hell, could prolly hook you up with some of that shit if you want. Those bitches are sweet."

Jesse's groin stirred reflexively at the sight of best friend shaking his male bits at him. He quickly diverted his eyes. "Not interested. Besides, who I'm mounting isn't any of your business..." His voice was quiet, guarded.

"I knew it! You are gettin' pussy! 'Bout time, dog!" The big wolf clapped him on the back. "I was getting' kinda worried there, you know, thinkin' you might be goin' some kinda homo on me or some shit."

Jesse growled, tossed his gym bag into his locker and turned back on his teammate. Behind him, his tail was arched. The fur on the nape of his neck bristled. His ears flattened. "And?"

Confusion shot across Aaron's face. "'And'? I don't get it. What the fuck's that supposed to mean?"

Jesse stared at him, upper lip twitching, resisting the urge to bare his teeth. Finally, he shook his head. "Never mind," the large wolf said. "You wouldn't get it..." Snagging his towel, he slinged it over his shoulder with a snap. Closed his locker.

Aaron's big-paw hand settled on his arm. "Dude, you okay? Seriously..."

Jesse swiped it away. "I'm fine. Just fine. Tell you what, though. If you're gonna shower, use the one on the other side of the locker room, cuz I'm gonna hit this one." He hitched a thumb at the nearby door. "I wouldn't want my dick to accidently slip into your asshole or anything if you happen to drop the soap, you know, being the fag that I am. Gotta take precautions."

"Dude, chill. I was just fuckin' around."

"Great. I'm not. Keep that tail down. Might not be able to resist the urge to knot that F-I-N-E ass of yours next time around..." And with that, Jesse shoved past Aaron and disappeared through the door to leading to the the showers.

The big, gray wolf sighed, palmed his face and rubbed. "Fuck..." he groaned to himself. "Why do I always fuck shit up?"


"Hey hon!" Jesse said, grinning.

Jake waved as he closed the car door. He trod up the driveway straight into Jesse's arms. They kissed.

"Took you long enough," the alpha remarked.

Jake shrugged. "Eh, bad traffic. Got stuck in construction over on Elmwood." He peered past Jesse at the darkened house. "Your dad home?"

Jesse's grin widened further. "Nope..."

"Oh you..." the omega said with a cute giggle. "You know I at least expect dinner first, right?"

The alpha took a step back, looking Jake over from his head to his adorable toes. Jesse's tail was wagging in wide, happy arcs behind him. "How about I make you some...sausage and cream? Huh? Huh?" A wink.

Jake snorted and rolled his eyes. "You know, you and your-

BOOM-BADOOM-BOOM-BOOM-BADOOM. Jesse looked up; Jake half-turned, looking over his shoulder. A bright yellow Mustang convertible rolled slowly into the driveway, pulling in behind Jake's Toyota. The gearshift clicked into park. The car turned off, killing the bass.

"Motherfucker..." Jesse muttered.

"Huh?" Jake looked at his boyfriend questioningly, then at the car.

The big wolf shook his head. "It's nothing. Just...stay here." He padded past Jake towards the car as Aaron stepped out. "Hey Aaron...

"Hey bro, just wanted to stop by and say sor-

Jesse continued over him. "'s really not a good time."

Aaron stuffed his paw-hands into the pockets of his jeans. "Yeah, no, I ain't here to stay. Just wanted to stop by and sorry if I said something to upset you earlier." He nodded towards Jake. "Who's the runt, your little bro?"

"Yeah. My little bro. Hey look, I need to go cook him up some dinner before my sire gets home or he'll kick my ass. But hey, I'll catch you tomorrow at practice, okay? And thanks for the apology. It means a lot to-

Small paw-hands grabbed Jesse's right arm. "Are you going to introduce me, hon, or just leave me standing there by myself?" Jake asked.

Aaron's gaze narrowed. "Hon?" He began to back away.


"Holy fuck. Holy fuck! I knew it! I just fuckin' knew it! This whole time!" Aaron glanced around in disbelief. "This whole time I've been your mat partner. We went to State together! I've been your best friend since grade school, for Christ sake!"

"Jesse?" Jake's voice was quiet.

The large wolf turned on the smaller. "Please, go inside! You've done enough, okay, just go inside!"

Jake quirked his mouth into a frown and trudged away, tail between his legs. Jesse's attention returned to Aaron. "Lemme explain, okay? Please?"

"Fuck you, Jesse. This whole time you been lyin' to me and I come over here all apologizin' and shit only to find out I was right 'bout what I said!" Aaron growled. "And I was feelin' bad about it, too!"

"I'm still the same guy I was five minutes ago!"

Aaron shook his head. "Nuh huh. You ain't. Five minutes ago, you were my best friend. Now you're just a liar and a faggot. I ain't partnering with you no more. Shit, it prolly turns you on. Wrestling turn you on, Jesse? Getcha hard rolling around on the mat like that, feelin' up all the other guys? Betcha jerk off at night thinkin' about it, doncha?"


"Lemme ask you a question, bro. How's it feel when you're getting railed by that runt? Betcha it feels great, doesn't it? Fuckin' alpha my ass. You'll never be an alpha like your sire..."

Jesse snarled and lunged at Aaron. Grabbed him by the shirt. Shoved him into the side of his car. The big wolf snapped back instantly, a fist smashing Jesse on the left side of his muzzle. Jesse staggered, dropped to a knee, then fell back, stunned. Aaron loomed over him. Stabbed a clawed finger at him. "Stay the fuck away from me!" he yelled. "Just stay the fuck away!"

Jesse watched as Aaron jumped into his car, slammed it into reverse and shot out of the driveway. With a squeal of tires and a cloud of smoke, he peeled away, engine roaring.

Slowly, Jesse took to his feet and stumbled to the house. His jaw ached. Adrenaline still surged through his body. Jake met him at the door. "Hon, I'm sorry-

"Yeah, thanks. That fixes a lot. I've only been best friends with the guy since 2nd grade..."

Jake arched a brow as he followed his boyfriend to the couch. "Really? That's how your 'best friend' talks to you? Excuse me for saying, but I was always under the impression that friends don't call one another 'fag' or 'faggot' or go out of their way to hurt one another."

"You don't know him."

"And I don't want to. Not after that. Not after the way he just talked to you..."

"He's a good guy. I needed to break it to him slowly. Not all at once. Not like that. He's always been talk. You know, 'gay' this or 'faggot' that. But that's all it"

"Tell that to the kid they found strung to a fence out in the middle of Buttfuck, Wyoming. Oh wait. You can't. Because he's dead. Because of assholes like your friend." Jake shot up and stormed away. "Rationalize it however you want. I'm gonna make something to eat..."


_I was right 'bout what I said! _The words ripped through Jesse's head.

Jake nipped playfully at Jesse's nose. He rocked onto his haunches, his small, red shaft poking up from between his legs. Its pointed tip glistened in anticipation.

"Turn around."

Jake shook his head, tongue lolling comically from his mouth. He held his paws limply in front if his chest, play-begging. "Nope. You gotta suck it first."

"I said turn around," Jesse growled.


Jesse's paws shot out. Claws dug into Jake's shoulders. Jesse pulled, spun Jake about and pushed him forward onto his hands and knees.

Jake yelped. "What are you-

"Be quiet."

The omega tried to scrabble away. Jesse rode him. Grabbing Jake's tail, he yanked it up, exposing the hole beneath it.


How's it feel when you're getting railed by that runt?

"Shut up!" The alpha smeared his cocktip against Jake's hole. No lube. Not even spit. He shoved himself in.

Jake cried out in pain. "Jesus fuckin' Christ what's wrong with you?!"

Jesse bit down on the back if Jake's neck. Forced his head down. Wouldn't let him up. His arms wrapped around his Jake's waist, pinning his bitch in place. Jesse began to plow him.

In Jesse's grip, Jake squirmed. Winced. He didn't mind rough play, but this wasn't play. He had no idea what this was, other than he didn't like it. "Get some fucking lube! Goddamn!"

Jesse ignored him. He thrust faster. Harder. His thick cock felt like hot lead as he fucked doggy-style into Jake's ass. The smaller wolf began to fight him in earnest, struggling. He easily held the omega against the bed.

Fuckin' alpha my ass.

Jesse rammed his knot against Jake's asshole. Pushed.

"God that hurts!" Jake cried. "Stop it!"

You'll never be like your sire...

The large wolf drew back and slammed his hips forward as hard as he could. Jake's tailhole stretched, giving way. Jake began to scream. To writhe. With a final shove, Jesse knotted him. He tugged backwards, triggering his cock to unload. Rope after rope of his thick seed filled Jake's insides. A low, deep growl rumbled in his throat as he came. The waves of pleasure were intoxicating.

Jake still writhed. "What the fuck is wrong with you! Fuck!" he screamed. "You fuckin' hurt me! Get the fuck out of me!"

Jesse relaxed his bite, let go of Jake. He sat up onto his knees. Held his head in his paw hands. What did I do?


"I can't. Not without tearing you..." His knot was still engorged. It would be at least another fifteen to twenty minutes before he'd be able to pull out. He laid forward, taking care not to hurt Jake further. He suddenly felt like dying. "Jake, I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

Jake grabbed a pillow and held it over his head. He was heaving. Crying.

"Jake, I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. It just happened. Please, believe me! It just happened. God, Jake, please! I'm so fucking sorry!" Jesse pleaded frantically. Driving his face into the padded palms of his paw-hands, he began to sob. He understood he was no longer the same guy he had been five minutes before.

And there they both lay, tied together, each crying alone.


The large wolf sat at a wooden picnic table on the south side of campus, cell phone in hand. He flipped it open and checked for messages. Nothing. It had been two weeks since he'd heard from Jake. Jesse hadn't the nerve to call him, so he texted. The replies never came. He didn't expect they ever would.

And Aaron. Aaron was avoiding him.

A paw-hand on his shoulder. He turned. Looked up. Sun. Shadow. Something heavy crashed against the side of his head just behind his right ear. The cell phone tumbled from his paw-hand, snapping closed against the table.

Jesse blinked. Looked around. Up. Recognized Toby Johnson, captain of the varsity wrestling team. Andrew Miller was with him. And Johnny Youngston.

Jesse wondered about his cell phone. Where'd it go? He reached out for it. His claws scratched across something else. Something heavy. It was wet. Red. A brick. What's this doing here?

"This faggot was on the team with you?"


"Bet it made him hard. Prolly the only reason he made State."


Jesse was stunned by the blow from the brick, so the kick to the back of his head came easy. He reeled forward, chest striking the edge of the table. Knocked the wind from him. Doubled him over. Strangely, Jesse found he didn't care.

He crumbled to his side. One of them picked him up, threw him down. He rolled about the ground. A kick to his gut shattered his ribs. A curbstomp crushed his muzzle. A punch to the groin and he lost his lunch.

Johnny Youngston hefted the brick over his head again. "Watch this!" he exclaimed gleefully.

Suddenly, Johnny jolted forward, tackled from behind. He slammed against the picnic table, almost knocking it over, and flipped head over heels to the ground. Aaron Henderson had him by the throat, choking, pummeling him in the face. With a final blow to the snout, Aaron knocked Johnny unconscious.

"What the fuck are you doing you motherfucker!" Toby Johnson roared. He launched a kick at Aaron's head, toes pointed and claws extended.

Aaron took the blow in the side and body checked Toby sideways, sending him spin-sprawling away. Andrew Miller grabbed him from behind. The big wolf's elbow connected with his nose with a sickening crunch. A gout of blood spewed from it. With a dip and a piviot, Andrew was across Aaron's broad shoulders in a fireman's carry. An instant after that, the smaller wolf was blasted to the ground. He didn't get up.

Aaron turned on Toby. "What the fuck were youz doing!? Jesus Christ, what were you thinking!?"

"I was thinking I was gonna bash me a fag, you shithead!" Toby growled as he backed off, watching Aaron all the while.

Aaron started for him but stopped. "You were gonna kill him!"

"If anyone would have appreciated that, I'd have thought it be you. Guess I was wrong! Guess you got a boner for that queer after all."

"He's my friend! He pissed me off, but he's my friend you sick fuck!"

"This ain't over."

"It will be when the cops haul your sorry ass in, asshole," Aaron snarled.

Toby ran. Aaron forgot him. He kneeled next to Jesse, unsure what to do. Spotted the cell phone underneath the table. He scrambled for it. Flipped it open. Dialed 911 and crawled back to his friend.

"God, man, you're gonna be ok. Help's coming. Stay with me," he said as he held Jesse's hand.

(To Be Continued...)