Omega and Omega (M wolf / M wolf) - Part 4

Story by Vaille on SoFurry

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Alpha and Omega (Part 1)

Omega and Alpha (Part 2)

Alpha and Alpha (Part 3)


Omega and Omega


Vaille Thibadeux

The nurse had pointed him to Room 1142 in the ICU wing. His paw-hand rested on the door handle. There was a plastic sleeve with a chart in it. [Name: PEDERSEN, JESSE T. Age: 18 Sex: Male Genus: Canis] was written across the top in heavy block script. Jake scanned the nurses' notes and doctors' orders. Half-way down, he saw them. Those two words. The two, simple words that had caused Jesse's sire to break down over the phone. Life support.

Jake's gaze drifted to his paw-hand. Anger. Fear. Love and loss. It was all there, churning inside him. But mostly, he just felt numb. Anesthetized. And in a strange way, he was thankful for that. With a sigh, Jake slowly opened the door and stepped through it.

The room, like the rest of the hospital, was sterile. It played hell with his nose. It reeked of sickness and infirmity. It stank of antiseptic and medication. Against the far wall, a bed. The foot of it jutted into the middle of the room. Jesse lay in it. The ECG beeped rhythmically. The IV dripped slowly. The ventilator hissed as it compressed, then relaxed.

A huge wolf sat cross-legged in the room's only chair, a magazine creased open on his lap. Jake suspected he'd been staring at the same page for hours. "Mr. Pedersen?" he said quietly.

Randolph looked up. "Jake..."

The small wolf crossed the room, offering his paw-hand to the pack-alpha. Instead of shaking, Jesse's father surprised him by standing and wrapping him in his arms, holding tight. Jake hugged him back. Neither let let go for a long while. "How is he?" Jake asked finally.

Randolph combed his paw-hand through the fur between his ears. He was disheveled, one of his shirt-flaps untucked and hanging limply against his belt buckle. His face was haggard from lack of sleep and his fur was dull, lifeless and matted. "The surgeons had to amputate his right ear and removed part of his skull where the brick hit him," he said with a tap to the right side of his head. "They did it late last night. I guess that's supposed to relieve some of the pressure on his brain, but I now they're also talking about a shunt to help control the swelling. His jaw is broken in two places and his left lung collapsed." Randolph's voice was monotone, almost rote. "The doctors say it's too soon to tell if he's ever going to- He choked up, turned away.

Jake took the Randolph's paw-hand into his own, clasping, but the alpha gently pulled it away. He swiped a sleeved arm across his blood-shot eyes. Rubbed at his muzzle. "I'm sorry," he gruffed.

"For what?" Jake replied. "Caring about your son? Don't ever apologize for that."

Jesse's sire smiled weakly at the omega. "The next twenty-four hours are critical. At least that's what the neurologists are telling me. God, I don't know what I'm going to do if he never wakes up."

"Have you told his mother?"

Randolph nodded. "I called her last night, after I called you. It'll be a few days before she can come. She's in heat."

Jake nodded, understanding. "Is there anything you need? I can-

"Besides a shower, a meal and a few hours' sleep, no, not really," the alpha interrupted.

"Then go eat. There's a cafeteria on the first floor. I passed it on the way up. You're not doing yourself or Jesse any good by making yourself sick. Go. I'll stay here and watch over him while you're gone."

Randolph's huge paw-hand squeezed Jake's shoulder. "I appreciate it, Jake. I just feel like I have to be protect him."

"Go eat," Jake repeated softly.

"Want me to bring you anything back?"

"Only another one of those," the omega said, pointing a clawed finger at the chair.

"Sure," Jesse's father said. He padded towards the door.

"Mr. Pedersen?" Jake called after him.

Randolph turned back to the small wolf.

" know...for calling me. I know you didn't have to..."

A smile. "Of course I had to, Jake. You're my son's mate." The huge wolf then padded from the room, closing the door behind him.

Jake sat in the plastic chair, unfomfortable. He fiddled. Flipped through the magazine. It was three years old. He picked at his toe claws, rubbed his achy paw pads. Setting the magazine aside, he stood up. Gripped the bed's safety railing as he peered down at Jesse. His face was so swollen he was unrecognizable. His right ear was missing. A mesh of wires and screws wrapped around his muzzle like scaffolding. He'd been intubated with a feeding tube.

Jake stuffed his paw-hands into the pockets of his jeans. "You know, I've tried to hate you," he started softly. "After what you did to me, I have every right to hate you. God knows I do. God knows I should be standing here, at the side of this bed, telling you that you deserved every broken bone in your body; that you deserved to be beaten within an inch of your life. But I can't and you don't. What I need you to understand, though, is what you did to me. You hurt me, Jesse. You raped me. You raped me of my pride, my dignity and my self-respect. Those are things can never give back, no matter how much you wish you could..." Jake took Jesse's paw-hand. "But do you know what hurts more than anything? You took what we had - something beautiful, something wonderful, something ours - and you destroyed it because you were angry. Angry that you are not your father. I didn't want your father, Jesse. I wanted you."

Jake paused, searching. A tear streamed onto his cheek fur. He brushed it away. His fingers locked with Jesse's, intertwining. "And do you wanna know what's really fucked up? I still do. I still love you. Even after what you did to me, I still love you. How fucked up is that?" he snorted with a shake of his head. "When you wake, I'll be here for you. Just understand things won't be like they were before. They can't. What should have been; what could have been - that's gone now. I'll always love you but I can never forgive you. That's the price you'll pay for what you did to me. You owe me that."


"At least grab something out of the fridge," Terri Hamilton said as she wiped down the counter with a damp rag. "A sandwich. Some pizza. Something. I worry about my pup."

Jake dumped his backpack onto one of the kitchen chairs. His hoodie followed. So did his hat. "You know..."

Terri arched a furry, wolven brow. "What?"

"I'm 19. Can you please stop with the 'pup' crap? It was old ten years ago..."

His mother draped the rag over the dishrack in the sink. "You're living in my den," she said firmly. "And as long as you're living in my den, I'll call you whatever I want, including 'pup'."

Jake rolled his eyes. "Whatever. I'm beat. I'm going to go lay down for a bit before I head over to the hospital. I'll grab something on the way out."

"'Kay, sweetie. How's Jesse doing the way?"

"About the same. I don't really feel like talking about it right now..." And with that, Jake jogged up the stairs before his mother could waylay him with another question. He padded into his room. Shut the bedroom door. After stripping down to his briefs, he climbed into his bed. Jake lay there, on his back, debating. He was tired, sure. But for the first time in a month-and-a-half - since the incident Jesse - he was horny. Jake sighed. Sleep always lost out to pawing. Always. "Might as well get it over with..." he muttered under his breath.

Slipping from his underwear, Jake kicked them to the foot of the bed. He reached into the gap between his bed and the wall and snagged the towel he kept hidden there. His cum rag. It was well-stained from use. He placed it to the side but within reach.

With his right paw-hand, he began messaging his sheath; with the left, he gently fondled his balls. Rolled them. Images, both memory and fantasy, flooded through his head. He was sucking off Billy Stevens in the garage. He was spying that hint of red peeping out of Gary Nichol's sheath in the locker room. He was getting railed by that really cute buck-boy from that TV reality show. What was his name again? Jake decided he didn't care. In real life, social taboo prevented a predator like Jake from ever associating with prey like the buck. But this wasn't reality. It was Jake's imagination. And in it, anything went. Anything at all. Like being slowly plowed by that buck, his white, fuzzy deer-balls brushing against Jake's taint and furry sack. That pink, slender deer dick dipping in and out of his ass. It was all fair game in here. The small wolf gasped.

He was at Jesse's house, his muzzle shoved hard against the floor. Teeth stabbed into the back of his neck, gripping, forcing his head down. He was being fucked from behind. Beneath his tail, it felt as if he were being torn apart.

Jake grunted. Opened his eyes to let the images fade. Closed them. Started stroking his sensitive red length again.

The buck-boy was between Jake's legs, muzzle tight around his shaft, lips nibbling at his knot. With each languid bob of his head, the deer's nose tickled into the tuft of fluff between his sheath and navel. Jake tilted his head back, mouth opening slightly. A moan escaped his throat. "Oh yeah, that's nice. Keep sucking it. Keep sucking it just like that..." A shiver. He could feel himself leaking. His paw fur was wet and his cock was slick.

Jesse held him down, biting. He crouched over Jake, his hips ramming furiously into the omega in quick, sharp thrusts. Jake could feel himself being stretched. "God that hurts!" he cried out. "Stop it!" But the alpha kept going. Kept pushing. Jesse knotted him dry. Jake had struggled, tried to fight him. It did no good. He was too small and too weak. Jesse had him tied and with a jerk of his hips, the alpha came inside him, filling his insides with his superior seed.

Jake growled in frustration. Fought away the images as he rolled onto his side. He lifted his tail for his sexy TV buck. The buck's long, sensual tongue poked teasingly at his hole as he gave the wolf a reach-around. Jake panted, hips thrusting. Beneath him, the bed softly squeaked. The deer's odd hoof-hand was so smooth, so soft against his wolfcock. Jake's knot was swollen. All it would take is a tug and-

Jake was writhing in pain. "What the fuck is wrong with you! Fuck! You fuckin' hurt me! Get the fuck out of me!" he screamed. Jesse let go, let him up but still remained inside. "I WANT YOU THE FUCK OUT OF ME!"

"Fuck!" Jake grabbed his pillow and whipped it at his dresser. The lamp crashed against the floor, its light bulb shattering. He grabbed his knot. Yanked it hard. He grimaced as he arched up, his legs spread wide. His thick dog-dick shot milky strings of cum onto his chest and belly. Spurting became a leak. Seed pooled in his bellybutton. A leak became a dribble. Jizz dripped onto his pubic fur. Spent, he groaned.

Knock-knock-knock. "Jake?" his mother called through the door.

Reflexively, Jake reached for the bedspread to cover himself but stopped. He found he just didn't care. He let go of his erection. It thwacked wetly into the slime coating his belly. "Yeah?"

"Everything okay in there? I heard something break."

"It's fine, mom," Jake lied.

In fact, the thing that was broken was him.


Jake was sitting next to Mr. Pedersen, lapping from a bowl of water, when Jesse cracked open an eye for the first time in over a month. The drink tumbled from Jake's paw-hand, spilling to the ground, as both wolves shot to Jesse's bedside.

Jesse glanced around, confusion in his eyes. His muzzle was still wired shut. Worse still, he couldn't move. Atrophy had taken its toll.

Randolph clasped son's paw-hand. "Jesse, you're not going to be able to talk for a while so I just want you to try to nod. Do you know who I am?"

The large wolf could barely nod.

"Do you know where you are?"

Jesse's eyes roamed the room. He tried to shake his head "No."

Jake quietly left to fetch a nurse.

Over the course of the following week, Jake and Randolph learned that Jesse had indeed suffered a brain injury. While pad tickle and prick tests told the doctors that their patient had not suffered a spinal compression injury as they'd initially thought, they did suspect that he'd lost much of his motor control, particularly in his legs. "We won't know the severity of it until he starts physical therapy," the neurologist had explained.

It was now Friday evening. Jesse's father had since gone home for some much needed rest and for the first time in almost two months, the boys were alone together.

Jesse had a pencil in one paw, a pad of paper in the other. "This sucks. Another two months of this thing..." he wrote, then tugged at the wire harness holding his mouth shut.

"I dunno. I think I kinda like it. Keeps you from yapping so much..."

The large wolf swatted at him. "So I was really out for over one month+?"

"Yeah. Put your father through complete hell. He wouldn't go home." Jake grinned, waving a paw-hand in front of his nose. "He wouldn't even take a shower half the time 'cuz he wouldn't leave. Talk about nasty."

"LOL. I don't remember anything. I just went to school and BAM, I'm here. Talk about trippy."

"You have Aaron to thank for that. He saved your ass."

"I heard. How's he been?

"Worried about you, mostly."

"Told you he cares!"

"I still think he's an ass," Jake replied. "But a lovable ass. Did you know he actually thinks you attracted to him?"

Jesse rolled his eyes. "He wishes. I'd do a chick before I'd do him."

The omega smiled. Laughed.

Jesse watched him, unable to smile, unable to laugh. He couldn't flick his missing ear. "Jake, I think I heard you."

"Heard me?"

"Heard you. You know, talking to me when I was in coma." Tears welled in the crippled alpha's eyes. Jake started to speak but Jesse waved him quiet while he wrote. "I don't remember much. It's like a dream. Whispy. But I know you were there, whispering. You were there for me even though I wasn't there for you. You were there for me after what I did to you. I know you can't forgive me. I don't want you to.

"Jesse..." Jake looked down at his footpaws.

"Let me finish. You don't need me; it's me who needs you. I lost my dignity that night, not you. I was angry and upset because of what Aaron had said to me and I took it out on you. I took it out on you because you were convenient and vulnerable. I took it out on you because I know you are the true alpha and I'm your omega. You're a better wolf than I could ever hope to be and I'm lucky to have shared even a second with you. Jake, I'm sorry. I love you so, so much. I'm sorry."

Jake quirked his muzzle. Fought back tears. He gave up and let them go as he leaned over the bed and wrapped Jesse in his arms. He nuzzled gently against the side of the large wolf's neck. "I love you too, hon. I love you, too."