Join in the Fun (Part Three)

Story by Anakashar on SoFurry

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Chael - 18 year old male lizard, dark green skin except for a slightly tan-colored area starting from under his chin to the bottom tip of his tail, two sets of small horns going up at angles. Bisexual.

Aleora - 22 year old female lizard, grey skin, no horns, married to Jasq.

Jasq - 22 year old male lizard, tan skin, one large set of horns curving from front to back. Married to Aleora.

Izah - 19 year old female lizard, dark tan skin with bright markings on her face down her back and tail, green eyes. Daughter of the Yinsk family.

Jakon - Izah's father, head of the Yinsk family.

Written by Muddobbers.

Join in the fun (Part 3)

The phone rang a few times before Jasq heard it. He was in the middle of taking a shower and was irritated at the impeccable timing of everyone that calls. He turned the water off and stepped out of the stall, not bothering to wrap a towel around his waist considering nobody could really see him through a window. He was sure Aleora wouldn't mind the sight anyway, if she were home at that time.

"Hello?" Jasq said, answering the phone.

"Jasq. You said I could trust that new neighbor of yours? The one that just moved in a few weeks ago?" Jakon said flatly.

The blood in Jasq's veins ran colder than usual when he heard that. "..Yes, I stand by what I have said. I take it he's getting along well with Izah?" he said, waiting for the reprisal.

"Getting along well? The boy appears to have just lived every male's dream! I went to go check on the two of them when they came home a few hours ago. Ayden told me that they had rushed inside and ran up to Izah's room and closed the door. Of course, you can assume what I assume happened in there?" Jakon said.

"I can assume what can only be naturally assumed, yes. ..Something seems to be more to this story, though.." Jasq said, wondering aloud.

"Well, imagine this. After Ayden informed me of what he saw, I went to go check on them. Of course, at this time I heard familiar noises coming from in there, but what surprised me was that there seemed to be more than two voices coming from in there.." Jakon said, trailing the last part on purpose.

Jasq thought for a second before he grinned and said, "More than two voices with familiar noises, eh? Well, go on, keep going!"

"Well, an hour later I go back to check on them, and they're still going at it! Youth these days, I swear. Anyway, another half-hour later I go back to check again, and all was quiet. I knocked on the door but didn't get any response, so I opened the door, and oh what I saw.. Jasq, this new boy sure did something right," Jakon said, laughing.

Jasq joined in with his laughing, "So, what was his luck? What did you see?"

Jakon's voice gained a sense of pride and he said, "I saw before my eyes a most magnificent scene. Chael lying in bed with Izah in his arms. They were holding hands and facing each other, cuddling in each other's arms. That's not all, however..," Jakon chuckled a bit before continuing, "Also lying on the bed I see Izah's friend, Asyl.."

Jasq could hardly believe it when he heard it. He knew Izah was bisexual, but did not count on the possibility that when Chael got the chance to make love to her that he would also get such a special affair! "No way.. Chael and Izah.. AND Asyl?" Jasq said excitedly to Jakon.

Jakon laughed loudly and said, "Yes, indeed. She had her arm draped over both of them and her tail coiled around Izah's. It was the most magnificent thing I've ever seen." He paused for a moment before sighing a bit then said, "I wonder what this boy has over any other male in this town. Izah had so many chances with any other male she could get her eyes on, but none of them were ever dragged home like Chael was. To top it off, I'm sure that was her first time, as well."

"I'm sure it must have been something completely special enough to Izah that caused her to make up her mind. Surely for her to commit herself to him, given the choices she has for mates around here, it must have taken a supreme act of either will, infatuation.. maybe even love? I say we see what happens with the two, eh? They do seem to be quite happy with each other," Jasq said. He knew, though, what could have possibly caused Izah to bring Chael home for sex. They both were the same and had quite a bit in common. However, they have only one thing in common over anyone else.

"Yes, I agree. I am quite taken by surprise with what I've witnessed, but the past is the past now. They-..," he started whispering, "wait, the door opened and I think they're coming down.. They're moving pretty quietly.. Maybe.. I'll call you later, Jasq, I have an idea," Jakon said, chuckling quietly into the phone.

Jasq hung up the phone, wondering what Jakon was going to do. Suddenly, he knew what was going to happen. "Oh, crap! Chael, don't ruin it, now!"

Chael and Izah had put their clothes back on and were walking out of her room. Their arms were around each other's waists and they were smiling to each other, remembering their night so far. It was getting late and Chael had to get home. Otherwise, they figured, Jakon might not be too pleased with an overnight male guest in his daughter's room!

They moved quietly down the hall, trying to avoid making any bumps or noises. The stairs were carpeted and stopped any creaks from occurring as they got closer to the first floor. They descended the stairs and turned the corner to the front door and almost made it before a loud voice shouted from behind them, "Now, now! What do we have here, huh!?"

They ducked their heads like someone had smacked them, before slowly turning around. Jakon was standing there with his fists at his waist, his nostrils flaring, and an extremely agitated look on his face as he stared at the two before him. He sniffed the air, an obvious gesture to smelling the scent of sex on them.

"Mister Chael! Explain yourself! What did you do to my daughter? What violations did you perform against her pure being!? I hope you can answer!" Jakon said, stomping a foot forward with his finger raised on each statement.

Chael's knees were nearly giving out on him as Izah's father drew ever closer. He knew he was sunk, as even he could smell it in the air. He was paralyzed with fear as he could only stare at the accusing finger.

"Daddy! It wasn't him tha-," Izah shouted as she moved toward her father, but Ayden came out and held her back to keep her out of the way.

"I'll deal with you after I've finished with Chael, Izah! For now, I want you to watch the entire thing!" Jakon said to her before turning back to Chael, "Now, man up and explain yourself this instant!"

Chael looked at Izah who was sobbing loudly, then looked back to Jakon. He straightened his legs and stood up straight. Making sure his throat was able to channel the words, stared directly into Jakon's eyes.

"Your daughter, Mr. Yinsk," Chael said.

Jakon stomped up to him, facing him eye-to-eye. "Yes, Mister Chael? What about my daughter, hmm?" he said, tilting his head a bit.

A defiant feeling came to Chael. He knew he had to make this good. "Your daughter, Mr. Yinsk, is special. She's special to you, and she's special to me. If I could have had anyone else, it would not even come close to how special Izah is. I would have not chosen any other than her. She is everything I have searched for," he said.

Jakon looked at Chael for a moment then said, "What are you saying, boy?"

"I'm saying: I love Izah. Your daughter. My best friend," Chael stated without a waver in his voice. It was true, after all.

Jakon turned to Izah. "What about you?" he asked her.

"Daddy.. He was the only one that accepted me as who I am..," Izah said, looking back and forth to her father and Chael.

Jakon turned back to Chael. He took a step back and lunged at him.

"Daddy! No, pleas-" Izah said.

Jakon picked up Chael in a hug and smiled. "My boy, that was the most sincere thing I've ever heard in the longest time! Jasq truly was right about you, after all," Jakon said, holding a very confused Chael up in the air.

"Jasq had even more in this than before? Two weeks ago he told me to go to the park to see if I could find a girlfriend.. That was when I met Izah.." Chael stood there, shaking but thinking out loud.

Ayden let go of Izah and she ran and wrapped her arms around her father and Chael. After a moment they all separated and Izah said, "Two weeks ago, my father told me to go to the park to get some fresh air.. Is it possible that Jasq..?" she looked at Jakon.

Jakon burst out laughing and said, "Yes, it was Jasq that called me to tell you to go to the park that fateful day. I imagine he told me after he told Chael, here. I have no idea how that man does it, but it appears to work! I am extraordinarily happy for the both of you. You two appear to have something worked out between each other. Whatever it is, it's working. However, it is getting very late and I haven't really arranged a guest room for you tonight, Chael.. I know this will sound callous considering, but if you could sleep at your apartment? I'm very sorry I didn't plan for the possibility."

Chael's original plan was to go back to his apartment, after all, but after the display a few minutes ago, he was ready to go back to sleep with Izah in his arms. However, her father had asserted himself enough, even in a practical joke, that he was still shaken. He turned to Izah and said, "Well, I would have preferred staying the night with you, though this is your father's house and we aren't yet married, so it is his rules." They kissed each other and said their good nights.

Izah was led to her room by her father as Ayden led Chael out. "That took some courage and guts there, young man. I am impressed and I look forward to seeing you more often to be with Izah, you hear?" Ayden said, quietly laughing to himself. Chael grinned and assured him he would be back.

Chael was floating on the way back to his apartment. He wasn't sure how much time it took for him to get there, but he couldn't care less. Even after only two weeks with Izah, he was in love with her and every word he said to Jakon was the truth. He remembered, though, that Jasq had set him up to meet with her. Perhaps tomorrow he would go visit him, and thank him.

He showered but could only stand there under the stream of water. Everything that day had been surreal. "There's no possible way this could get any better. Not in a hundred years," he said to himself. He finished his shower and didn't get dressed as he fell onto his bed and quickly drifted to sleep.

The next morning he awoke to his doorbell ringing a few times. He sleepily stood up and opened the door to see Jasq standing there. Jasq looked down at Chael's crotch and remarked, "So, what, you were expecting me?" He started laughing as Chael looked down and noticed he wasn't wearing any pants, but more noticeably a few inches of his cock were poking out. "Must've been a good dream," Jasq said as he poked it. Chael grumbled and threw on a pair of sweatpants and invited Jasq inside.

"So.. how was yesterday? I heard quite a bit of yelling for some strange reason. Did you hear any of it?" Jasq asked him.

"I.. heard some yelling, yeah. Jasq, I have to ask you something. Did you set up Izah's and my meeting with each other? Something like that happening by chance is.. well, improbable," Chael said.

"I see you figured it out. Yep, I sure did. What, are you upset about it?" Jasq asked, putting a hand on Chael's shoulder.

"Oh, no, not a bit! Everything worked out better than I could have possibly anticipated. I owe you, one of these days. But I can't see how I can do anything for you, considering that you appear to have everything in the world going for you. You seem content with your life..," Chael said.

"Ah, something will come up and you can pay me back later. Tell ya what, come on over later to my place later and we'll have dinner. Judging by the pizza boxes you have stacked up near your trashcan, it seems like you could use a good meal. We can talk about what happened last night as well," Jasq said, winking his eye at Chael.

"I would definitely enjoy a decent, homemade dinner. Consider me coming over! You won't believe what happened with Izah and myself.. It was incredible," Chael said as they walked to the door.

"Oh, I think I'll believe it," Jasq said, shaking hands with him as he left the apartment.

Izah and Chael spent the remainder of the day together, talking about the previous night and the antics Jasq and Jakon pulled on them. Chael wondered what would have happened if he had answered any other way, but she assured him that her father makes up his mind first through other people's opinions, then through the first impression. It would take quite an event to change his mind.

Chael turned toward her and said, "Izah, I have a slightly personal question if you don't mind my asking?"

"I'll answer anything for you," she giggled.

"I've met your father.. Did.. something happen with your mother?" Chael said, trying very cautiously to approach the question.

Izah put her head on his shoulder and sighed, finally saying, "She died after laying my egg. The process was rough on her, as different complications kept arising. My egg almost broke at one point. I only have pictures to know what she looked like. Other than that, it's only been my father and me. You can see why he's usually been so protective, and why I got so worried from what he was doing to you last night. I figured he would kill you.. But he didn't, and we're still together, so I'm happy." She looked up at him and smiled, then put her head back on his shoulder.

They went out and got something to eat, and contemplated their futures together until Izah said she had to go home early that night. Jakon wanted to talk to her and only her, so Chael agreed and he walked her home, dropping her off back inside. They kissed before parting ways, and Chael shook hands with Jakon on the way out to his apartment.

Chael got to his place and put on a different shirt for his visit to Jasq's. He ran through his details on the events and how everything fell into place in his mind. The phone rang, startling him. He answered it a moment later.

"Hello, this is Chael," he said.

"Hey, Chael. This is Jasq. Aleora got caught up at her work today and isn't home yet. If you want to come over and just chat until she gets back, you can fill me in on all of the lurid details," Jasq said, grinning to himself.

"Ah.. ok, well, I suppose so. I'll head over now, then," Chael replied.

They hung up and Chael left his place and a few short minutes later arrived at Jasq's house. Jasq invited him inside and they sat on the couches in the living room. Chael started first with him and Izah sitting in the park, when she told him that she was bisexual. He said he calmed her down and told him he was bisexual, as well, and that it was nothing to worry about. All the while he explained the story, he did exaggerated hand motions and gestures when he said how she pulled him along to her house and up the stairs.

Jasq was listening rather intently. To hear about anyone's real first time with anyone else was simply amazing. They remember everything down to the finest detail and don't let anything slip by. He was also amused at how livid Chael's body language was. It was almost as if he was watching the entire thing happen in real-time. When Chael was looking away, Jasq looked up and nodded.

"And then, right when I was close to cumming, she pulled her mouth off and they both licked it at the same time. It was the most amazing feeling in the world! I'm not sure what happened for a minute or so after that, but when I came to, they had a lot of my cum spattered on their heads. I know I usually produce a lot more than what I saw on them, so I assume that one of them swallowed the majority of it.. I'm not sure which one, though, but-," Chael said, but a pair of arms wrapped around his shoulders and someone was hugging him from behind the couch.

"That would have been me, and I would gladly swallow your tasty cum any day of the week," Izah said as she stretched over the back of the couch, her face upside-down to Chael's.

Chael smiled and twisted in his seat, pulled her over and laid her down with her head in his lap facing up at him. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear that. You didn't taste too bad yourself, and I would gladly return the favor any day," he said, giving her a quick kiss.

Jasq smiled and said, "A healthy sex life.. I guarantee you it helps keep the relationship together. You two have a lot of time for fun in your lives. Look at Aleora and me, we screw each other practically every other day! The other thing that keeps us going, though, is our want to try out different things, as well as see different things."

"Try out and see different things? I figured we covered all of the bases on our first time," Izah said, trying to think of what Jasq meant.

"Surely you're still curious about some things? The world has a lot to offer and lot to see," Jasq said, nodding.

Izah perked up a bit, then slyly looked back and forth to Chael and Jasq, "A lot to see, hm? Chael, do you know what I'd like to see?"

Chael's expression alone portrayed about a thousand words, "Wuh-oh..," he thought to himself. He looked at Jasq who shrugged. "This may turn out interesting," he thought again. "Well, what would you like to see, Izah?" he asked her.

"I'd like to see how guys do it. Is that too much, too soon, Chael?" Izah asked.

"Do-... do what, now?" Chael stammered, not sure if he heard her correctly.

"Er, what do you mean, Izah?" Jasq said right after.

"I want to see how guys do it. You can start slow, you and Jasq, if you want," Izah said, looking at a bewildered Jasq and Chael. Suddenly she turned to Chael and said, "If you don't, I won't have sex with you for a month!"

Chael was severely taken aback, "Wha-.. oh come on, that's just grabbing a guy by his sheath, there Izah.. Besides, Jasq doesn't look like he wants to," he said.

"Oh, I dunno, Chael. I don't think I would mind," Jasq said with a small laugh.

Izah sat up and put her hands on Chael's lap. She looked him in the eye and said, "So, how about it? Hmmm? If it looks good and fun, I'll join in, ok? Have you ever sucked a guy's cock before? I'd like to see that first!" Her eyes were glittering and her tail was flicking side to side with excitement.

Jasq was watching the scene when Chael looked over at him and said, "You set this one up, too, didn't you?"

"Oh, no. I swear this is all her idea. We were talking and she came in through the back door of the house. I saw her and waved her in when you weren't looking. That's when she came up behind you," Jasq said.

Izah looked like an over-stimulated little girl as she pounced to the floor between Chael and Jasq. "Come on, I'll help get things started. Come on, pants off!" she said, looking up at Chael with big eyes.

"You don't have to do this, Chael, if you don't want to," Jasq said. His expression changed to a sly grin when he remembered something. "Actually, Chael, you did say you owed me one earlier this morning," he said.

"Fuck," Chael thought to himself, "I figured that he would have wanted a free computer or something."

Izah jumped up and sat on Chael's lap and looked him in the eyes. "For me, Chael? Will you do it for me?" she asked.

Chael sighed and said, "Alright, alright. I'll do it."

Izah purred with joy as she got up and pulled down Chael's pants in one motion. "Whoa," Chael exclaimed before Izah put a hand on his crotch and started to provoke his cock out of its sheath. She looked at Jasq who nodded, stood up, removed his pants and then sat next to Chael. His cock was already erect as Izah wrapped her hand around it.

She stroked them both until they were completely hard and then released them, looking up at Chael before saying, "Alright, now get to it!"

Chael looked over at Jasq, then at Jasq's erection. He shrugged and reached out and grabbed ahold of it before leaning down and extending his tongue, licking the tip.

Jasq and Izah moaned at the same time the moment Chael's tongue touched the tip of Jasq's cock. Izah was watching with wide eyes as Chael licked the cock up and down. Chael looked her in the eyes as he went up and took in Jasq's cock in one motion into his mouth, then he smiled and moaned. Jasq was leaning his head back, taking in the feelings as Chael worked his cock exceptionally well with his mouth and tongue.

Izah set her head down on the arm of the couch as she watched the two of them go at it. Chael's head was moving up and down, reflecting in her eyes, and the sound of both of them moaning filled her ears. She found herself getting excited by it and adjusted herself, moving her legs apart a little bit and massaging her slit through her clothes. She started to purr as she casually stroked herself to Chael's rhythm.

The two males heard a rustling noise and looked over to see Izah with her eyes closed and her hand playing with herself down her pants. Chael stopped sucking the cock in his mouth and leaned over to Izah. She opened her eyes and the two kissed each other, him giving her a taste of Jasq. She increased the frequency of her rubbing as Chael smiled and moved back to Jasq's pole.

"Chael, this is getting overwhelming.. I'm gonna blow soo-," Jasq said, but stopped when Chael released his mouth and slowly stroked the cock in his hand. A moment later, Jasq chuckled and said, "Alright, well, you successfully made the feeling go away.. I suppose I can go a little bit longer, now. I'm not sure about Izah over there, though. She's in her own world, it seems."

Izah truly was in her own world. She remembered the feeling of Chael's tongue licking everything inside her cloaca, causing her to get a rush with every lick. Then she remembered his cock sliding into her for the first time. She never felt so full and so good at the same time in all her life. Even after eating too much for breakfast when she was younger!

Her pants were getting soaked with her fluids practically dripping from her cloaca. She slowed her rubbing down to massage both sides of her slit; every now and then she slipping a finger inside to find the spot that Chael had found, but she didn't have too much success.

She finally opened her eyes and noticed the two of them staring at her, Chael stroking Jasq's cock, smiling at her. Chael kept one eye on her as he went back down on Jasq a little faster than before. Jasq groaned and said, "Now you've successfully brought the feeling back! She has an invigorating effect on you, it seems. Fuck, Chael.. it's coming and it's coming fast.. Fuck, I'M coming!"

Chael clamped down on Jasq's cock as it erupted in his mouth. Izah looked up and saw Chael's throat moving as he swallowed Jasq's cum, with Jasq gripping onto the sides of Chael's head. This sent her overboard as she yelped and shut her eyes hard as her orgasm blindsided her, digging her face into the arm of the couch. She felt her inner walls clamping down on her finger she had inside of her at the time.

When she recovered, she saw Jasq sitting there smiling as Chael came up and kissed her, but he had kept a little bit of Jasq's cum in his mouth and she took in a quick breath as she tasted it. Chael stood her up and smiled at her, laughing a bit as he noticed her pants were entirely soaked in her fluids. "Let's get those off of you," he said.

Chael dropped down to his knees and pulled down on the waistband of Izah's pants and pulled them off completely. He glanced up at her face before he leaned in and did a long lick of her slit. She moaned loudly, but her knees buckled and she began to collapse to the ground. Chael caught her in time and set her down on the couch. She looked up at him with the same glittering eyes as a few moments ealier then said, "Chael.. there's one more thing I want to see tonight. It's between you and Jasq again, if it's not a problem."

"Izah, I would do anything for you. No matter what it is, I will go along with it," Chael said, grinning at her.

Izah looked over at Jasq and said, "I hope you're up for more. Though, I can see that may be a moot figure of speech." She reached over and gave a tug on his cock, bringing out a low moan. "Chael.. take your cock and penetrate me, long and hard, but don't move after that," she said.

Chael obliged her and slid his cock along Izah's slit, getting it slick enough before aiming it and gliding it into her. Her walls contracted around his cock and she purred a moment, enjoying the pure rapture of being filled. She looked at Jasq, and then back at Chael.

Chael caught on and looked at her, "Are you.. are you serious? You want us to.. do that?"

"Just once, Chael. I've seen it in magazines and on the Internet.. but never in real life.. I just want to see it once, is that ok?" Izah asked.

Chael looked over at Jasq and said, "Would you go through with it?"

Jasq shrugged then smiled, "Hey, I've done it with Aleora. Multiple times, actually. I would probably be the best bet for this moment. All you have to do is relax.. Though, that may be difficult with the situation!"

Izah looked back at Chael and rubbed her hand across his snout. "Just once, ok? If gets bad, we can stop, ok?"

Chael sighed and thought for a moment before saying, "Alright. I always kinda wanted to know what it felt like, anyway.. Up the ass and all that.. seems strange, but rather exciting."

Jasq leaned over and put a hand on Chael's shoulder. "Just concentrate on the feeling of your cock inside of her. It will be smoother, I promise."

Chael sighed again and nodded his head. Jasq stood up and got behind Chael, who lifted his tail up to give him easier access. "Now, relax," Jasq said. Chael felt a hand searching around for his tail hole, then took in a breath as he felt a finger jam up into him.

"I thought you said you'd be fucking careful!?" Chael turned and grimaced at Jasq.

"And I told you to relax. Now, just relax!" Jasq said, returning the words.

Chael growled, then Izah took his head in her hands and started to lick his neck. While she distracted Chael, Jasq slid in another finger and finally a third, waiting a moment between each one for the muscles to relax even further. Finally considering him ready, Jasq lifted Chael's tail up and slightly to the left.

Jasq lined up his cock at Chael's tail hole and then slowly pushed. Chael grabbed onto Izah's arms as he felt the cock slowly entering him. She smiled as she watched his reactions, then she leaned over and watched Jasq slide his entire length into Chael. Her inner walls throbbed when she saw the scene, which brought Chael back to her.

Chael gasped for breath as he felt the cock fill him up. Jasq leaned over and asked him, "Are you doing alright?"

"Just.. peachy.. Go easy on me, Jasq, seriously!" Chael pleaded.

Jasq laughed a bit, then started to pull out a little bit. Chael moaned louder than he ever thought possible, before the cock rammed back into him. On the second outstroke, he followed it out a bit, sliding out of Izah's cloaca at the same time. When Jasq rammed back into Chael, Chael's cock also rammed back into Izah, making all three of the moan at the same time.

They repeated the pattern for an extended period of time. Jasq pulled his cock out of Chael's tail hole, Chael pulled his cock out of Izah's cloaca, before Jasq pistoned himself back into Chael, causing Chael to piston himself into Izah. Purrs, moans, and wet noises filled the air.

Around this time, Aleora came back home from work and opened the front door. She heard noises coming from the living room, and as she turned the corner, she stopped motionless at what she saw. The three of them together on the couch.. and Jasq was screwing Chael in the ass like he does her!

"Oh, my .. wow, now that's incredible!" she thought to herself. They didn't notice her at all, since they were so wrapped up in what they were doing, that they were a little surprised when she climbed up, nude, onto the couch and positioned her slit over Izah's snout while facing toward the males. "That looked like so much fun, I figured I had to get in on it, or at least, on top of it," Aleora giggled as she said that.

They resumed their affair, but Chael and Izah were now busy servicing Aleora's slit; her juices coating both of their faces. A few minutes later, their paces quickened. Jasq was practically a jackhammer to Chael's ass, while Chael was responding in kind into Izah, both of them releasing their aggressions on Aleora's love hole.

Jasq growled loudly and slammed his cock into Chael, cumming deep inside him and filling him up. Chael's new experience with the warm sensation of the cum inside him overtook him and his orgasm hit him hard as he emptied everything he had into Izah. Izah took her turn as she came hard around Chael's cock. Aleora finally reached her climax as her juices poured over Izah and Chael's faces.

The entire crew was completely exhausted. Everything for the past few weeks had worked up to that point. Jasq pulled out of Chael, a small trickle of his cum following out, and moved to sit next to Izah and Chael. Aleora recovered and sat down on the other side of the two. Chael and Izah were breathing heavily onto each other, before they separated and rolled over on the couch.

"I suppose I should confess something. I planned for this night to happen.." Jasq said, nodding to the other three.

"I figured you did. That's how it seemed to come out so perfec-," Chael started to say.

"..The day you first came here, Chael. That was when I first planned it," Jasq said.

Chael glared at Jasq then said, "So everything up to now was just a fabricated experiment?"

"Do you think it is? What if I didn't tell you to go to the park? Chael, we did this all for you and Izah. You were new and were completely rejected by everyone you loved and you thought loved you. Izah needed a companion in her life because she felt so alone with just her and her father. It only seemed necessary to try to get you two together, and it was even more perfect as you two shared more in common than usual! As the mayor of the town, I just couldn't stand by and watch anyone look so gloomy," Jasq said, nodding to them.

"..Thank you, Jasq," Chael said.

"I never knew.. yes, thank you, Jasq," Izah said, hugging him.

Chael wondered for a moment then finally said, "So, what about all the sex? That was planned, too?"

"Well.. C'mon, I had to throw in some fun with Aleora and myself at some point, right?" Jasq said, then he burst out laughing. Chael reached over and punched him in the shoulder. "Oww.. not like you didn't enjoy it, though!" he continued, laughing some more.

"Intelligence, wit, cleverness, and an overactive sex drive.. Yeah, that's Jasq," Aleora said.

They all started laughing a bit before they all moved closer together and drifted to sleep.