The Truth - Chapter 2

Story by A Shady Salimander on SoFurry

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#1 of The Truth

Chapter 2: A Night To Remember.

The Wolf And The Vixen.

The door creaked open and a steaming hot vixen walked out of the bathroom slowly, tail flicking from side to side. Alex covered her dripping wet body with one tight towel wrapped around her, adequately covering her cleavage but covering her lady parts not quite as well.

"Well that shower was especially hot today, wouldn't you say dear?" Alex asked Adam with an obvious tone of satisfaction in her voice as she slowly strutted away from the bathroom.

"mmurrrrrrrrr..." responds Adam, energy totally spent from a half hour of ravaging shower sex. Alex sighs then walks back to the bathroom with a semi-angry expression her face.

"come on gawjus... eeeeeeeyuppp you get." Alex grunts, struggling to get Adam's weak but heavy body onto his feet but smiles after, almost triumphantly.

"cheers babe, feel utterly spent right now. Shall we try this new invention out? Its called clothes haha" said Adam sniggering to himself as Alex glares back at him.

Alex walks over to the dresser and finds a lovely black bra with soft padding and an almost velveteen feel to the exterior. Adam strides up behind Alex as she is putting on her bra.

"would you like a hand with that my dear?" Adam asks innocently.

"im capable but I just love holding onto you while you do it so... yeah why not babe." Alex replies with a cheerful voice. Alex turns around to face Adam and as she holds Adam's warm, fluffy chest, she sighs as she listens to his heart beat. Adam clips Alex's bra together as tight as he can for the best effect, but as he finishes, Alex seems to have fallen asleep where she stands, in Adams warm embrace. The two hold each other for a few minutes then Adam finally decides too gently and slowly lift Alex up, as to not disturb her from her sleep, and carries the foxy angel to the bed. Adam gently sets her down, rests her head on her pillow and then gathers up the duvet to cover her with. Before Adam goes to get some lunch for them both, he tucks Alex into bed, kisses her forehead then utters but three words:

"...I Love You..."

These words echo around Alex's mind as she slowly drifts in and out of consciousness...

"...I Love You Too Baby..." thought Alex, a tear rolling down her furry cheek as Adam walks away from the bedside.



"...Baby, wake up. you have to get dressed soon, were going out to your favourite bar tonight 'The Raunchy Vixen.' Remember how much fun we had all those years ago last time baby?"

The memories began to stir around in Alex's mind until she remembered her favourite part of that evening, the very same one that Adam and Alex crossed paths in fact...

Year 2000,


"The Raunchy Vixen Bar."

"Gimme' another one Lucy! this time, make it a double!" shouted a drunken soul, sat at the bar.

"Make that two my gawjus she-wolf! im lookin for a good time tonight haha!" boomed the familiar voice of our Wolf Adam.

Adam was a common face to be seen at this particular bar nowadays seeing as his tour of Iraq is over. He spends most of his weekends at this bar getting plastered until he's eventually made his way under the skirt of another lucky canine and into her pants inside the nearby toilets. but this night was different and Adam felt deep in his dog bone, he was gunna get lucky this night. As Adam knocked back his 20th, 25th, then 30th shot, he gradually began to lose feeling of public embarrassment and really started to have fun. By 1.30pm, the DJ was on the decks and Adam was tearing it up on the dance floor, of course, Adam being the casual Wolf that he was, was completely and utterly stark naked.

But then a particular song came on, it was this song that would change Adam's night.

The record started playing, Adam start jumping with the rest of the crowd with his fist in the air to this epic song, then from out of nowhere, Adam was hit in the face by the fist of the person next to him, unfortunately because of the amount that he had drunk over the course of the night, he was a one hit KO. While Adam was unconscious, the one who committed the act had single handedly lifted Adam up and carried him into the toilets without anyone noticing.

As Adam began to regain consciousness, he saw a blurred silhouette before him. It was obviously a female as they were the first parts of the shady character that he saw, he rose his head a little and noticed she was a fox as she had to black marks on each side of her nose, then Adam saw this Vixens eyes, they were the deepest colour of red he had ever seen in his entire life.

Her hair was straightened all over, crimson red in colour with cyan blue tips and her fringe also lay over one eye.

"Are you okay sweety??" The Vixen said, worried that she had hurt him badly.

"Where are we... Who are you... why are you so hot..." Adam said, totally out of his mind.

"Oh dear, you've made me blush." she said covering her cheeks.

Adam begin to slowly pass out again...

"He cant stay here anymore can he now. ill have to take him home and clean him up, explain more to him tomorrow." She thought to herself, overwhelmed with concern for this poor, beaten young Wolf.

Once our mysterious hero had brought Adam back home, she immediately began to run a bath for him. she lifted Adam up without straining and set him down on a comfortable sofa. She went and grabbed a damp cloth from the kitchen, brang it back and began to clean his face. Once she had finished carefully cleaning Adam's face, she gathered Adam up into her arms once more to take him into the bathroom. She had found it easy to take his clothes off as most of his clothes he had taken off himself at the bar earlier that night. Safe to Adam's unknown knowledge, our mysterious hero had brought his clothes back home with her. Once she had taken off Adam's only piece of clothing, she stared, gob smacked, at the size of Adam's man-hood, she began to fidget a little as ideas came to her, but she thought: "His health comes first, now calm yourself dear." Once she had become calm and regained her composure, she lay Adam's Dance-Ravaged body down into the hot steamy bath water, being careful to keep his head above water. She grabbed a nearby bottle, squirting some of its contents into her paw. She set the bottle of shampoo down and began to rub one hand with her other to create a lather which she then rubbed into Adam's soaked fur. Our hero cleaned Adam all over, taking a little while longer half way through as she had to regain her composure once more from the area she was cleaning, but after that she was finished in no time. As our hero got down to Adam's feet, Adam began to regain consciousness.

"argghh.. my head is pounding" Said Adam painfully.

"it'll pass in a while hun, just lay back and relax okay?" She said gently pressing against Adam's shoulders to get him to rest back.

"Where am I? And who are you??... wait... I remember you from the bar... you knocked me out!?" Adam said with a raised voice as he remembered the encounter with large breasted women in the toilets.

"please, just stay calm baby boy... for me?" She said as two fingers came walking up the inside of Adam's thigh suggestively.

"...Guess you'lll be having to make up for my missed night of fun wont you ... umm ...Ii never did get your name hunny" Adam said, relaxing himself against the back of the bath once again.

"My full name is 'Alexia Vulpé Sierra Cannis', friends call me X, but you can call me whatever you wanna' handsome. And ive yet to find out who the strapping young Wolf that is laying naked in my bath" Said Alex, scratching the top of Adam's head from behind him while smiling to herself as she did so.

"My full name is 'Adam Kyle Findrel Stephens'. Friends call me AK47 but you can call me whatever satisfies that pretty little body you've got on ya' babe." Said Adam politely to Alex as he sat himself up in the bath tub.

"Okay then gawjus ill go get your towel for you 'cause ive already had fun scrubbing every parch of fur on your body" Said Alex as she walked out of the bathroom, swishing her tail from side to side as she took her leave from Adam.

Adam lay in his hot bath, totally perplexed by recent events, thinking to himself as Alex went to get a towel for him:

"...She is one fine looking Vixen... And damn, those eyes... there so... damn..."

Alex came back soon after she had left to find Adam had drifted off to sleep while in the hot tub. Alex watched on as the steam arose from the water and Adam's wet body, and Alex began to fidget again. She watched as water slowly trickled down Adam's bold, dark face and down onto his strong muscular chest, Alex bit her lip as she watched this happen, not realising that she had dropped Adam's towel and slowly begun to move a hand to her crotch area. Alex stared on at Adam as she rubber herself through her trousers, she raised her other hand to her mouth and began to chew her fingernails as her levels began to rise. She didn't want Adam to wake up to see what she was doing but she wanted a sexual release so badly right now, she finally made a decision: Alex quietly took off her trousers, under-wear and shirt as quickly as she could before she moved onto to removing her bra. Adam slowly opened an eye and was stunned as he witness Alex's bra slowly drop to the floor, he rapidly shut his eye again pretending to be asleep but a big part of his anatomy gave him away that he was instantly turned on by what he had seen.

Alex looked back up at Adam, supposedly still asleep, then slowly and quietly padded over to the side of his bath, then she noticed the sheer size of Adam's now erect cock; it was as big as a bottle of champagne yet as dark as coal fresh from the earth. Alex's jaw practically dropped at the sight that had befallen her eyes. Theres no way she could go back now, she was as wet as the bath Adam lay in and Adam's cock was fully formed. Like a ninja, Alex climbed into the bath, her feet either side of Adam. crouching above him, she gently grabbed the end of Adam's rock solid cock and positioned it to within centimetres of her readily dripping pussy but what happened next, Alex did not expect one bit. Out of nowhere, Adam thrusted his hips upwards, in turn burying the entire length of his 11 inch cock deep inside Alex's gaping pussy. Alex's eyes widened as she felt Adam's long hard member enter her pussy, rhythmically pumping in and out, in and out and all she could do was lay on top of Adam's furry chest as her pussy was pounded again and again by Adam's meat stick.

"Thought I was asleep did ya?" Adam said as he continued thrusting his cock into Alex's pussy, water splashing out of the bath with every push.

"OH GOD!!.. FUCK ME HARDER ADAM!!... HARDER AND FASTER BABY!! NNNNGGGG..." Alex screamed with every thrust, just managing to get a sentence out as Adam planted his dick inside her again after she finished.

Adam fucked Alex with every ounce of energy he had left from his night out, they went at it for a good half hour, Alex climaxed about 5 times in the time it took Adam to finally...

"Alex, im gunna cum real soon!" Adam shouted aloud.

As Alex heard this she got up off Adam, opened up her ass-hole and sat down on Adam's big black dick hard again.

"keep going now baby! keep fucking me hard and dump your white hot seed deep inside my ass!" Alex shouted back as she flinched from the small amount off pain but great amount of pleasure after.

Alex felt Adam's knot getting bigger and thicker now, she stopped Adam and pushed herself down until his knot entered her. Adam's face cringed and Alex began to pant deeply as she felt Adam's big black cock beginning to throb inside her tight ass. She then felt Adam's hot jizz being squirted inside her ass rapidly, she felt every single jet of cum exit Adam's big ball's and enter her insides. The pair stopped as this happened for a few minutes until Adam's cock slowly began to reduce the frequency of its pulses then it stopped completely. Alex slowly lifted herself off of Adam cock and as Adam's cock finally left Alex, a gush of cum came rushing out of Alex's ass down onto Adam's used dick, turns out Adam's Cock was a plug of sorts.

"best... sex... ever" Alex whispered as she collapsed on top of Adam.

"you can say that again... damn..." Adam whispered back.

after a while, Alex washed the cum off of herself and Adam then the pair dried off together, Alex holding onto Adam as he dried Alex and visa versa. The two walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom totally naked but holding hands, as if they'd known each other for months.

And so formed the beginning of a now long lasting relationship, 10 years in the making...

Back in the present, 2010...

Alex jumped out of bed, ran over to Adam just about to leave the bedroom and jumped onto him. Adam caught her in the nick of time and the pair kissed each other for about 3 minutes. After Alex and Adam had finished, Alex replied with 5 words:

"ill be ready in ten."

End of Chapter 2.

Chapter 3.

Where It All Began.