Join in the Fun (Part One)

Story by Anakashar on SoFurry

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Chael - 18 year old male lizard, dark green skin except for a slightly tan-colored area starting from under his chin to the bottom tip of his tail, two sets of small horns going up at angles. Bisexual.

Aleora - 22 year old female lizard, grey skin, no horns, married to Jasq.

Jasq - 22 year old male lizard, tan skin, one large set of horns curving from front to back. Married to Aleora.

Written by Muddobbers.

Join in the fun (Part One)

"Could this possibly get any more fun?" Aleora laughed.

"Of that, I'm not entirely sure! This seems fun enough for me. I don't see how it could get any better," Jasq said, smiling and holding Aleora in his arms on their bed, resting his head on top of hers.

The previous half-hour was taken up entirely with a rather engaging and aggressive round of love-making. The sex that this couple had was enough to drive people that heard them into fits of jealousy. Everybody saw them as the perfect pair. Combined between them, they had enough money to live quite comfortably, and enough stamina that had people wondering what their secret was. "We love each other very much! We do everything together. One of us gets an idea, and we try it out. There are enough things out there that it hasn't yet gotten old!" Jasq and Aleora would reply.

As neighbors went, they were well-known in their community. They were actively involved in social events, from barbecues to parties at the Yinsk mansion. Everybody knew who they were, so when a car appeared at the apartment complex loaded with personal possessions, they immediately assumed it was a new couple moving in. When they went to visit, they found it was a male lizard named Chael moving in to a small apartment by himself. A friend of Jasq called and told him about the new person who had just moved in, and he said he would go welcome him to the neighborhood that night.

Later that night, Jasq went over to Chael's apartment and knocked on the door. When Chael answered, he had just finished taking a shower and was wrapped in nothing but a towel. Slightly embarrassed, he asked Jasq to wait a moment so he could get dressed. Jasq agreed, but he glanced at Chael's body before he went into his room. Suddenly he got a rather.. strange idea. He wondered what Aleora would think?

When Chael emerged from his room, he greeted Jasq with a firm handshake and asked him what was up. Jasq smiled and said, "My wife and I noticed you had just moved into the neighborhood. I felt that our duty as your neighbors down the street is that we should invite you over for dinner and tell you all about the neighborhood."

"Well, hey, that sounds like a very good idea," Chael said, "Do you mean for tonight? 'Cause I'm rather hungry from the trip." Chael laughed shyly.

Jasq smiled, "Of course! My wife, Aleora, is already preparing something for us. It should be ready by the time we get there." He looked around at the small number of boxes lying scattered about. "I see it appears to be just you in here. How old are you anyway?" Jasq asked.

"I'm 18. There's a .. story on why I moved here at this age. Mostly it was to.. get away, I suppose. To start someplace new away from anyone that knew me," Chael said, looking down at the ground then around the room a bit. "So far everything's going well. I even got a welcoming dinner to go to on my first night here!" Chael laughed.

Jasq shook hands with Chael again and said, "Alright, c'mon over and then if you want, you can discuss your motive to move. We're all very understanding around here! C'mon, let's head over there right now."

They locked up the door to Chael's apartment and then headed out, talking about different things along the way to Jasq's house. Jasq stopped walking for a second and looked at Chael.

"Hey Chael.. I don't mean to be too forward at this moment, but..," Jasq asked. Chael's gut suddenly tightened. He knew Jasq was going to ask about his.. preferences.

"You aren't running from the law or anything are you?" Jasq smirked. Chael stopped with a choking sound, then burst out into laughter.

"No, no, no.. Nothing like that, thankfully!" Chael was still chuckling, "No no.. Something else entirely."

"Ahhh..," Jasq said, having a better idea what it could be.

They reached Jasq's house and went inside. Aleora had prepared lasagna with a side of green beans. Jasq introduced Chael to Aleora, and they all sat down on the couch and talked at length about the community, its events, and different people in the neighborhood. After they had finished, they wanted to hear about Chael's life before he moved in.

"It was fairly calm. Nothing near as much happened over there as it does in this city. I have-..had a few friends over there since I was younger. Now they don't talk to me as much, but I can't blame them. The town was rather.. idealistic in their views, I suppose. I just didn't fit in well enough, I suppose." Chael said, looking down at the floor.

Aleora and Jasq looked at each other, having a very good idea what Chael was getting at. Aleora was the first to ask, "So, did you have a girlfriend over there?"

Chael looked up and said, "Well, yes.. I did.. At least, until we were sitting with each other and talking about what we are like. I.. accidentally let a hint slip out and she took it and ran with it. Ran away from me, as well. She told everyone in the town! I had no choice but to leave and decided this place was far enough away."

Jasq looked at Chael and calmly said, "Chael, I'm going to take a wild stab in the dark here, but I'm going to assume that your.. sexual preferences are.. diverse?"

Chael began to look uncomfortable, "Damn it, I said too much again, didn't I? Fuck, I just got here and already ruined it.." He got up to leave, but both Jasq and Aleora stood up and put their hands on his shoulders.

"It's perfectly fine, Chael! There's no need to worry about that in this city! So you're bisexual, correct?" Aleora asked.

"Yes, I am. I like females a lot, I enjoyed being with my.. former girlfriend quite a lot, even though we never did anything. However, I also like guys. I know it's not natural and is strange, but I just can't help but think of both." Chael said, looking up at the ceiling.

"It's perfectly natural, Chael. There's no need to worry! C'mon, let's go eat and we'll talk about it some more, ok?" Jasq said as he pulled Chael to the table.

Their conversation at the table centered around Chael's bisexuality and his experiences with it. It wasn't the usual chatter one would expect at a dinner table, but the openness of the couple provided ease to Chael and he described his feelings for both genders and his sexual wants and his small fantasies.

After dinner, it was getting very late, so Chael had to head on out to get back to his apartment before it got too dark. Jasq and Aleora escorted him to the door and gave him their phone number and said he could call at any time for any help he needed. He thanked them heartily and went on out back to place.

"He sounds like he really wants to start a new life here and get off on the right foot," Jasq said, hugging Aleora. They kissed and looked at each other. "I don't know about you.. but talking with Chael and his fantasies have really got me going," he said with a grin.

"I'm in the same boat," Aleora said, purring as they stood there looking at each other. Jasq quickly picked up Aleora and carried her back to her room and set her on their bed. He got up and stood at the foot of the bed and began quickly stripping his clothes. Aleora was in-line with him and was unhooking her dress, ending entirely nude at the same time. Jasq's cock was already fully erect and throbbing from his sheath. Aleora lunged out and grabbed ahold of his cock and stroked it up and down while kissing him. She pulled him back to the bed with him on top and he guided his cock into her soft, aroused cloaca. She wrapped her legs around him and pushed him by the tail straight into her to the hilt of his cock and ground her hips to his thrusting.

"I know.. this will sound.. rather crazy..," Jasq said between grunts and thrusts, "What if.. we 'invited' Chael.. to join in the fun?.. I don't have.. an issue.. with trying something.. new!"

The thought of having two cocks on hand instantly sent Aleora into an orgasm. After a few moments, she got her breath and looked into Jasq's eyes and smiled, "Two males at the same time, I don't think I could withstand that for very long!" She entertained the idea for a few seconds before saying, "Let's try it, let's have him try out what he was previously denied," Aleora said, envisioning a hard lizard cock in both her cloaca and in her mouth.

It was well into the morning when they finished. The sheets of the bed were a rather wet mess and the couple slept in each other's arms with a smile the entire rest of the night before waking up early the next day. They planned out how they would introduce the idea to Chael and what to say if he didn't want to go through it.

It was about a week later that they decided to enact the plan. They had talked with Chael a bit and he had opened up to them about his desires and wants. He seemed to enjoy talking about all of it. One night they called him over to ask him something. He came over and was greeted warmly.

They went into the living room and sat down on the couch and talked about how things went that day. He had finally obtained a local job with installing and maintaining a business's network and computer system. Jasq was amazed that the position was finally filled, as that company had been advertising for at least a month. Chael grinned when he heard that, as Jasq said that something like that would help install him into the community very easily, as the company services were used extensively.

Aleora and Jasq looked at each other and decided now to initiate the plan. "Have you found a girlfriend yet, Chael?" Aleora asked, putting a hand on his knee.

Chael looked over at Jasq with a quizzical look on his face, and Jasq simply smiled. "U-..well, no, not yet.. I haven't had much time to look around here for any hang outs yet," Chael replied. Aleora began to rub his leg up and down a bit. Chael looked a little set back, but remained calm.

Aleora moved over to sit next to Chael, and so did Jasq, with Chael between them. Jasq threw an arm over his shoulder and Chael looked at each of them with a look of astonishment. Suddenly, Chael gained an idea what they were trying to do.

"Are.. are you guys..?" Chael asked.

"Only if you want, Chael. We wanted to show you what you seemed to have missed and what you were rejected from before you left your old town. If you don't want to do this, that's fine," Aleora said.

"And you're both OK with that?" Chael said as he looked at Jasq again, only to see a broad smile in return. As Aleora's hand started moving closer and closer to Chael's crotch, Jasq moved his hand down to the base of Chael's tail and kept it there. Chael's excitement was becoming evident as his hormones kicked in and his cock was sliding out of its sheath into his pants.

Aleora leaned over and kissed Chael as Jasq began to unlatch Chael's pants and pull them down his tail and legs. He grabbed Chael's cock and squeezed it, getting it fully hard. Aleora started to move down his chest and reached the tip of his cock and slipped a hand on it. "Mmm.. both of you are about the same size, I see.." she said and she slipped out her tongue and moved it across the tip of Chael's cock. Chael responded loudly as this was the first time anyone had ever done that to him.

Aleora wrapped her tongue around the tip of Chael's cock and sucked lightly on it, eliciting loud moans from him. She was soon moving her head down, taking the full length into her throat and sucking hard on it, her throat gripping Chael's cock like a glove, then she pulled back, almost letting it slip out, but her tongue kept a firm hold of the tip. Chael felt like he was floating above his own body. The feeling of pleasure was almost too much for him to handle.

Jasq reached out and hand his fingers around the base of Chael's cock, and when Aeor got down to the base, he stroked up and down with her movement. "I am utterly amazed you have lasted this long, Chael.. When you get close, let me know!" Jasq said, chuckling.

Words would not form for Chael for a solid two minutes. Suddenly his orgasm started to build and he grunted, "Oh fuck.. I'm.. getting close.." With that, Aleora pulled off his cock, her tongue still wrapped around the tip but now with an opening for the tip, and Jasq started to masturbate Chael's cock until Chael shot his head back with a yell. His cock stiffened and pulsed once before erupting with a massive volley of cum that shot out into Aleora's open mouth, but a fair bit of the first shot went onto her head. Shot after shot of Chael's cum erupted out of his cock all over Aleora's chest and head. The last few spurts got on to Jasq's hand, and Aleora leaned in and licked it off, sucking each finger clean. She cleaned off Chael's cock as well, giving a long slow lick that brought up a small bubble of cum which she licked off.

Aleora sat stroking Chael's cock with Jasq assisting while Chael caught his breath. He reclaimed his senses and looked at both of them with a wide smile on his face. "Oh fuck, that was the best thing in the world.. the feelings were.. incredible. Damn Jasq, you're lucky to have Aleora!" Chael laughed.

"We're not quite done yet, Chael.." Aleora said smiling as she stood up and began to pull her dress off. She wasn't wearing anything underneath it and exposed her full body. Chael's eyes remained unblinking as he witnessed this scene. It was now Jasq's turn, and he stood up pulled off his shirt and unlatched his pants, dropping them to the floor.

Chael's cock immediately became erect and started pulsing as he witnessed a scene that had to be from one of his best dreams. Aleora grabbed ahold of his cock and moved to straddle him. She lined up his cock to her dripping cloaca and then sat down, impaling herself. Chael's mouth opened and closed a few times as he witnessed the feeling of a female on his cock for the first time.

Aleora began to move up and down on Chael's cock, twisting her tail around his. At this time, Jasq stood up and put one leg over the back of couch and had his cock inbetween the faces of both Aleora and Chael. Aleora reached down and picked up Chael's hand and wrapped it around Jasq's cock. She leaned over and wrapped her tongue around near the base while looking at Chael. Chael timidly squeezed the cock in his hands, before leaning over and licking it once to taste it. Realizing that the taste wasn't that bad, he closed his mouth around the tip and began to suck a little bit at a time.

"You're doing excellently, Chael," Jasq said. An agreeing hum came from Aleora.

Slowly, Chael started to take more and more of Jasq's cock into his mouth. His mind could barely wrap around what was happening. His cock fucking a hot female and a hard male's cock in his mouth. Within minutes, Chael had taken over the responsibility of sucking off Jasq's cock. He was enjoying every minute of it as the smile on his face showed. The scene was playing through everyone's mind. Aleora pumping up and down on Chael, Chael pumping in and out of Aleora, Jasq's cock pumping in and out of Chael's mouth. Soon, everyone was getting close.

Chael sucked harder on Jasq's cock as his orgasm approached, only able to muffle a growl as his orgasm hit. He erupted another round of cum into Aleora and sucked hard on Jasq's cock causing Jasq to cum in Chael's mouth. Chael was caught by surprise as his mouth was filling with cum, he tried to swallow what he could, but a shot hit his throat in a spot that caused him to open his mouth and release the still-cumming cock. The cum from Jasq's cock was shooting up onto Chael's face, covering it. The feeling of Chael cumming in her and the scene of what happened in front of her with Jasq instantly caused Aleora to orgasm on Chael's cock, causing him to moan loudly as Aleora's juices and his cum flowed out around his cock.

They stayed like this for a long while, basking in the moment and the euphoria. Aleora finally lifted herself off of Chael and sat next to him on the couch. Jasq followed suit and sat down next to him. Chael was looking light-headed as he was playing the scene of what just happened over and over again in his head.

"So, how was it?" Jasq asked.

"That.. was the best thing.. to ever happen to me.. tha-" Chael couldn't complete the sentence as he fell asleep where he sat.

Aleora laughed a bit then looked at Jasq and said, "Remember when you used to do that? The moment you finished, I had to struggle to keep you awake!"

They both laughed for a bit before Jasq said, "Yeah, I remember that. Remember what you did to keep me awake, though?"

"I sure do.. but I think he's had enough for now. Let's lay him down and let him sleep. Get a blanket from the closet, he needs his rest," Aleora said.