Gaming, Part 2

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((This story Contains Graphic sexual content between underage siblings, avert your eyes if such might offend you...what are you doing?! Your still looking! LOOk AWAY!!! ok, if your still looking such must strike your fancy, if so then read away and tell me what your for spelling and grammar errors...ya sorry, I'm kind of week in that aria, though if some grammar guru out there has a little spare time and a bit of energy fell free to shoot me a E-mail if you want to help with editing.))

"kids" there mothers voice called as she entered the living room on the main floor, Elissona was a tall slender wolf, her white fur was in stark contrast to her children whom took largely after there farther, entering the living room Trena and Tramer sat next to each other watching a TY program, Elissona looked at her children questioningly for a moment seeing them siting together, though quickly dismissed it, they always had been close, "I'm heading out, this week girls night is at Jolens" she explained as she grabbed her purse, "you two behave, I've ordered pizza for ya, there is money by the door for when it gets here" she added before hastily heading for the door.

The pair just smiled as there mother quickly exited the house, she was always eager for her 'girls night out' even after all her preaching about the horrors of alcohol, when she got together with her friends she really put it away, the pair knowing this from nights the 'girls night out' was at there house. Pulling out a pair of controllers from the entertainment center the screen quickly opened to the game menu, "time to kill some zombies!" Tramer said with a evil chuckle.

"hey! Tom and Sarra are on!" Trena yelled quickly sending invites, both putting on there headsets they formulated there strategy's with there friends. Before long the sound of fully automated machine guns and deep bass filled explosions shook the house, much as was habit in these high tempo-ed games Trena was off the couch in a almost crouching position, as her eyes darted about the screen killing anything with more...or less than the normal number of limbs.

Tramer soon found his eyes leaving the screen, watching as his sisters rump waived back and forth as she aimed and fired at zombi monstrosities. Standing up himself he came up behind his sister, not surprisingly his character quickly was quickly torn to shreds.

"Tramer! NOOOOOOO" came the comical voice of Tom, "I'll avenge you, I swear!!" he boasted as his character jumped down off a building and started mowing down zombies with a minigun.

Tramer had other matters on his mind, reaching around his sisters waist he started unbuttoning her pants.

"Tramer!" Trena stated, though she did nothing to stop him, simply biting her lip she continued fighting, "come on..." she said, though not willing to die she keep her attention firm on the large screen TV.

Pulling down her pants to knee height Tramer quickly did the same with her panties, leaving the girl completely exposed form the waist down, his arms warped around her waist he began to explore around her entrance, felling about he bumped a small mound.

Trena gave a eek of pleasure as Tramer by chance stumbled on her clitoris, the shock wave of sensation causing her to miss a very easy shot, agitated by her miss she put all her attention to the game, trying to push Tramer and his actions aside.

Pushing his middle finger into her entrance Tramer smiled Trena gave a subdued moan.

"you two ok?" Sarra asked, Tramer still having not revived, and Trena making weird sounds.

"...ya..." Trena replied biting her bottom lip, pulling her mic away for a sec she looked to Tramer, "Tramer..." she stated, putting the mic back in place she went back to massacring zombies.

Tramer however just smiled, though she did seem irritated, she did not in any way tell him to stop or take any action to stop him, starting to pump his finger in and out he smiled seeing her breath quicken, then an idea came to him, pulling his hands from his sisters crotch he quickly went about unbuttoning his own jeans.

Trena's eyes left the screen as Tramer's fingers left her folds, though part of her was glad to be able to concentrate on the game, a growing part of her was becoming rather aroused and longed for attention, though her eyes still widened as she saw Tramer's erect member, her eyes jetted back to the screen as she felt him brush up agents her rump, "your not going to?" she asked though she already knew the answer, bending over further as she felt his tip penetrating her she gave her brother better access.

"not going to?" Tom inquired, wondering what Tramer and Trena was up to.

"going to die..." Tramer stated holding back a moan. His arms wrapped around Trena's waist again he held his controller and started playing again while thrusting in and out of his sister well lubricated passage.

Trena wished to scream out in ecstasy though did everything she could to hold back, whimpering lightly, why did we have to get wireless headsets she thought to herself felling the peace of technology in her ear, with there old headsets the mute button was on the controller...though to turn mute on she would have to let go her controller...looking to the teams remaining lives she bit her tongue, Tramer had used there last extra life, if she died it would be game over, pushing back against Tramer's thrusts she continued her zombi slaughtering on the screen with surprising effect.

It took Tramer a moment to figure out why Trena was being so quiet this time, though seeing his own mic being signal being triggered just by his quickened breathing in the upper corner of the screen he quickly figure out what was going on, the thought of Tom and Sorra discovering them quickened his heart, thrusting faster he smiled as he joined up with Trena's, Tom's, and Sarra's characters on top a small building fighting off the final wave of zombies, " the helicopter?" Tramer asked trying to keep his voice as normal as possible.

"it should be arriving any time now" Sarra replied, her voice quickly fallowed by a large bang of a missile launcher echoing in pairs headsets.

"keep firing that..." Trena manged to muttered as she held back another moan, she hoped the sound would block out hers, as any attempts as holding back was about to fad, with another explosion Trena let a loud moan "Tramer! Harder!" she added no caring anymore if she was heard or not.

Tramer did not hesitate thrusting as fast and hard as he could, felling his member swelling he burying himself deep in his sister, if he hadn't left enough of his seed in his sister last night, he was surely going to tonight.

Trena moaned and bucked agents her brother cot up in shear bliss, felling him knotting her only sent her further into ecstasy, comply unaware of the game anymore the two were lost in pleasure.

"ha ha! You two got eaten by zombies!" Tom's voice registers over the mics.

Tramer took a moment to reply still basking in sensation as continued to pump his seed into his sister, "ya, well look at the kills...even being dead for half the game I killed more than you..." he said with a chuckle.

"ya ya....though you still died more!" Tom rebuked clearly not one to let anyone else have the last word.

"Trena, I don't think I've ever seen you play so well..." Sarra complemented, "500 kills... I didn't realize there were that many zombies in that level, what's your secret? A new energy drink?" she asked.

"ummm...breathing exercises..." she said trying to come up with anything, though her mind was taken by other sensations for the moment.

"that makes sense, you were making some weird sounds" Sorra replied clearly taking the explanation, "you'll have to teach them to me, they clearly worked"

Trena blushed at the thought, putting down her controller she quickly muted her mic, " much..." she murred slipping into another orgasm.

"so, you guys ready for another round?" Tom asked.

"shore" Tramer replied quickly, "though my wireless mic is dieing so don't be surprised if I stop replying..." he said quickly turning the device off.

"ok" Tom replied as he started up another round.

Trena quickly picked back up her controller, biting her lip it was hard to concentrate on the screen when such warmth was building in her passage, it was just as the night before she could fell his seed forcing access to her womb, moaning out she was glad she had muted her mic, holding back had simply been painfully, screaming out as she felt his warmth enter her womb she could fell his old seed mixing with the new, "so much" she murred again as she contented slaughtering wave after wave of zombies.

Tramer heaved for breath as he continuously pumped his seed, though he fared well in the game he was not doing half the killing as his sister, it seemed she was killing machine while having sex, the thought arousing him caused him to hump lightly, pulling Trena back and forth as his member refused to budge.

Trena's eyes were quickly pulled from the game as something worm started to lick at liquid leaking from Tramer's penetration, "Bruen!" she moaned trying to push the dog away with one hand while avoiding zombies with the other, biting her bottom lip she quickly gave up, it was unlike mom to leave the dog in the house though as both her and her brother was home she must have assumed they could keep an eye on him...returning to the task of riding the world of zombies the family dog licked eagerly at any fluids leaking from the siblings, by chance his tongue seemed to conciliate on her clitoris, sending the girl into orgasm after orgasm.

"Good dog" Tramer said with a chuckle seeing the reaction it was bringing to his sister as he petted the animal on the rump. The family dog, Bruen, a pure bread German Shepard was a beautiful animal, Elissona the siblings mother had decided not have him fixed as she always planed on studding him out, though never seemed to get to it.

The pair continued to play with there friends for a good hour, "sorry guys, though I have to go" came Tom's voice, soon fallowed by Sarra having to head to dinner.

With a wet 'plop' Tramer's member finally came free pulling a moan from the siblings as in unison they both started chuckling, "you almost got us cot!" Trena stated biting her lip as she felt Bruen lapping greedily at her wet entrance.

"me!?" Tramer stated stretching, his legs and back a bit sour having held such an awkward position for so long, "who was making all the noise, I was just minding my own business" he said with a smirk.

"your own busi...ness" she moaned as she lowered herself closer to the ground giving the family dog better access to clean her, his broad worm tongue felling simply amazing to her stretched and soar entrance. "the business Bruen is cleaning up from me?" she added her mind clearly becoming occupied by other more pressing matters.

Tramer was not about to back down, though his heart skipped a beat as the doorbell rang, "the pizza" he said bringing a hand to his face in relief. "try and be quiet..." Tramer said with a smirk as she exited the living room, just as his mother had mentioned money was waiting by the front door, "how can I help you?" Tramer asked as he opened the door.

"this is the Arindan resistance correct?" the delivery boy asked holding two large insulated bags.

"yes, what do I ow ya?" Tramer asked grabbing the bills from beside the door.

"one combination pie, cheese sticks and a salad, that will be fifteen dollars and seventy two cents" he quickly replied.


Handing the man a twenty he quickly took the food, "keep the change" Tramer stated as he quickly closed the door, a familiar sound reaching down the hallway. "so much for staying quiet..." he chuckled as he made for the kitchen, with practiced hands Tramer balanced everything in his right hand while quickly pulled a pair sodas from the fridge as well as grabbing a pair of plaits and silverware, "Cola!?" Tramer yelled, though not getting any response Tramer just shrugged grabbing a pair of the red cans. Tramer's eye brow raised as he returned to the living room, his sister was on all fours Bruen on top pounding feverishly in and out of his sisters well used entrance.

"Tramer...I..." she moaned as she looked back to her brother. She couldn't believe what was happening, even after having seen pictures and even a video of this kind of thing letting a nonanthro have its way with you! She had just been enjoying him licking her, by time she felt him stop, she didn't have a chance to react before he had mounted her, now he was deep inside her, so hot...that was all she could think about now, as a wolf anthro herself her body temperature was far hotter than most, though Bruen still had her beat. Suddenly he stomped thrusting, looking back she bit at her bottom lip as she felt the base of his shaft start to swell..."he's..." she moaned "knotting me..." she continued more thinking out loud recognizing the sensation from her brother's exploits.

"wow..." Tramer stated as he sat down the food and knelt down next to the pair, Tramer found it odd seeing his sister penetrated from a different perspective, is this what it looks like when I knot her? He thought to himself biting his bottom lip, no, I'm a lot bigger... he continued nodding "so...he...good?" Tramer asked seeing his sisters clear reaction he could not help but fell a bit jealous.

"not...bad..." she moaned looking over to her brother whom was examining her very closely, his eyes making her blush even more than she already was, "not as good as yourself...he didn't last long" she added sensing something in Tramer tone.

"well, if he is anything like me, this part might last a bit" Tramer said with a chuckle clearly his mood brought back by Trena's words. Grabbing a near by footstool he brought it beside his sister, "here..." he said as he pushed the stood up letting his sister rest her torso on the padded fabric. Quickly placing a plat with a single slice of pizza, a cheese stick and to the side a can of cola Tramer smirked as he watched his sister bucking her hips as Bruen continued to leave his seed deep in her passageway. "hurry up, as soon as we finish we should jump onto another first person shooter, start killing some people" Tramer stated as he tore into a peace of pizza.

"ya..." Trena moaned as she lifted her head, arching her back she let another moan as she grasped a hold her pizza. Taking a large bit she quickly fallowed it by another, "this..." she paused licking her lips, "is some good pizza" she added eagerly talking another bite.

Before long only a single peace of pizza remained from the box, both Tramer and Trena having eaten there fair share, the cheese sticks were only a fond memory and the salad, well, no one was really shore of what happened to it? Licking his chomps satisfied Tramer slumped back in the couch, "wow..." he muttered as he took note of a substantial bit of fluid dripping from his sisters swollen entrance.

"he's..." she moaned, "been...the entire time..." she bit her lip rocked her hips up and down clearly knowing what he was interested in.

knelling down next to his sister and the family dog Tramer decided to explore a bit, other than his blind fumbling with his hands he really had not taken much time looking about his sisters entrance, a strange nub he had felt several times stood out as a combination of fluids dripped down from it.

"O GOD!" Trena screamed as her brother began to rub about her Clitoris, "don't stop..." she added in a moan as another orgasm took her.

Tramer smiled a mischievous smile as she quickly figured out the strange appendages fiction, "humm...he said as he continued to rub about he nub, "what did they call it..." he thought back to one of the videos they had seen, "clit?" he muttered trying to remember what the older female fox had been screaming, "yes, clit," he added watching as his sister came down from her most resent high. Putting in a different game into his console Tramer gave the disc a moment to lade, "ok, lets see how well we do in PvP today" Tramer added placing Trena's controller in-front of her.

"Triple kill! Kill Tackuler!" the speakers bellowed, along with the sounds of endless explosions and and alien weapons. "two...u....u...O God..." Trena moaned slipping into another orgasm.

"above us, got it" Tramer stated as he switched to his sniper, though before he could do anything two clear sniper shots echoed.

"head shot! Double kill! Unstoppable!" the game announced.

"even while in a orgasm...your a better sniper..." Tramer said eying his sister for a moment, "you shore your not a robot?" he asked comically, "wait...never mind, I already tested that...and Bruen is still making shore..." Tramer finished chuckling loudly.

The pair continued there slaughter round after round manicuring the competition, pulling a long moan from Trena Bruen final managed to pull free, a mass of fluid dripping down her thighs further matting her fur, her breath coming in quick gasps it took all she had to concentrate on the game, her opening stretched open wide she could fell the cool air kissing at her insides, so much dripped down her she couldn't believe how much Bruen had left...even more than Tramer, though she wouldn't tell him that, knowing his ego would probability be bruised. Going though another round of gruesome slaughter not thinking about it to distracted by the game Trena remained prone on the footstool, her tail swaying back and forth leaving her rump held invitingly.

Tramer however noticed, pulling his erect member from pants he quickly knelt down behind his sister, she was dripping with her own, his own and Bruen's fluids, the cocktail having soaked her fur, panties and pants, curiosity getting the better of the young boy smelt at the cocktail, biting at his bottom lip, without thought he quickly took a lap at her swollen entrance.

Trena moaned not having seen her Brother's approach. "Tramer?" she asked not having expected his tongue, Bruen's would not have been a surprise, though Tramer's tongue was much softer, and felt rather pleasant on her rather soar entrance.

Taking a moment to register the exotic sensations on his pallet Tramer soon took another lick, definitely female...he quickly desired one of the flavored, then there was another clearly male, he soon decided was his own, then there was one clearly male, though...almost metallic...Bruen? He pondered, concentrating more on the flavors he began to lick quicker and deeper, trying to get more of the strange cocktail intrigued by sensation and flavor, before long though he struggled, his tongue not being able to venture any deeper. Pulling his muzzle away for a moment looking to the screen he had completely forgot about the game, though he chuckled seeing Trena was still winning single-handily. Unable nor willing to resist any further Tramer lined up his member and drove his shaft into his sisters well lubricated entrance, hilting in a single motion Tramer moaned holding in deep relishing his sisters worm passage for the secant time that day.

"Tramer..." Trena moaned, she was literally becoming soar from mussels spasming, milking at the intruders in her body, biting her her lip rocked her hips at Tramer's member, just one more time... she thought to herself as she could fell a familiar fire building inside her, quickly dismissing any minor discomfort her well used passage might have been felling. "Fuck me..." she said passionately as she grasped her controller tightly, "O...god..." she moaned biting her lip fought to keep her eyes on the TV screen.

"Double Kill! Triple kill, Kill Tacular!!" the TV's speakers echoed.

"Tramer..." Trena moaned as she buried her head into the footstool unable to contain the fire inside herself, screaming out in ecstasy the young antro wolf bucked her hips wildly as yet another orgasm took her. Coming down from her moment of shear bliss she looked back to her brother as she felt the base of his member swelling, "...Tramer..." she muttered her body nearly at the point of exhaustion.

Tramer heaved for breath, his sissters passage milking his member quickly pushing him over the edge, resting his waight on his sisters rump Tramer leaned forward on top his sister, "I'm beat..." he whispered with a light chuckle as, much to his surprise Trena was already fast asleep, her body exhausted by the rush of sensations it had been exposed to over the night. Tramer just smiled, his own body felling rather spent Tramer got as conferrable as he could being rather stuck in his sister and soon the pair were both sound asleep, held tight in the closes embrace possible in the center of the living room.