Becoming a True Stallion - Chapter Two: Normal Teenage Behaviour...?

Story by DaBlackStallion on SoFurry

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#2 of Becoming a True Stallion

Becoming a True Stallion

Chapter Two: Normal Teenage Behaviour...?

Author's Note: Hello everyone! It's DaBlackStallion once again. Thank you all SO much for making the first chapter of this story a huge success (at least in my eyes ^^). I thank you all for the feedback and all the criticism and I will be trying my earnest to implement it into my writing. I would also like to thank all of the artists who took up my offer and created some pieces for me. Don't feel discouraged, I'm a huge fan of art, so if you would like to draw any of my characters, feel free to do so, just contact me before you do so :). I would like to apologize for the huge gap in between the first chapter and this chapter. I am sorry, but as all of you know, life happens, so I've barely had time to sit down and write this out. With that said I hope enjoy this chapter. Don't forget to rate and comment!


"Fuck!!!" I moaned loudly as I came for what seemed like the millionth time in a row. I felt my sticky cock juice splash all over my slender body as I tried to recapture my breath. It's only been about an hour since Derek had introduced me to this gift from heaven, "jacking off", and I just could not pull myself away from it. I opened my eyes and stared in amazement. The pale off-white wall in front of my bed had turned completely white, along with my sheets and the floor that fell immediately in front of my bed. An hour's worth of cum had been effectively covered my half of the room. Derek would be pissed, but I could care less.

I could feel my cock harden once again, merely from the sweet smell of the white substance, but I could not find it in me to stroke it once again. I was just too tired. I gently rested my head against my favourite blue pillow, readjusting my body constantly, rolling in my cum as I tried to find a position where my throbbing dick wouldn't bother me. Finally, I found a comfortable position and closed my eyes, feeling the warm cum against my skin as I drifted off to sleep.

The room was dark, actually pitch black. I couldn't see a thing, no matter how hard I strained my eyes. I walked forward, taking small step by small step as I tried to make sense of where I was. There was no smell, no sound, nothing to even feel--wait. There was something, and it was touching me. Whatever it was, it was rubbing against my chest, caressing it almost as it gently glided up and down. I reached out to touch the foreign item, slowly feeling it out. I knew what this was, it felt...familiar. I continued to explore this...thing that was touching me when it clicked. It was a hand.

_ I tried to scream, but nothing would come out. My mouth stayed opened as I tried to force something out, a scream, a yell, a word, anything! Nothing ever came out. The hand continued to massage my muscles as it slowly creeped upwards, resting on my chest. It stayed on the centre of my chest, feeling my heartbeat faster, and faster, and faster. I couldn't help but be scared. As if the hand could feel my fear, it started to move again, making its way slowly to my right pectoral. It circled the middle of my pec and grazed a fingertip over the top of my nipple. That's when I realized, I was naked._

_ I wanted to scream again, shout for help...but my body, it betrayed me. That's when I heard my voice. "Ahhh..." I moaned. I moaned? I tried to scream over and over again, but all that came out of my mouth were moans. "Uggghhh..." I groaned. Groaning now? I continued my efforts to try and call for help, but only moans and groans of pleasure escaped. I felt another hand against my left nipple, pinching it slightly. "Aahhh!" I moaned in pleasure. That's all that escaped my mouth. Actually, that's all I wanted to say. It just felt so good._

_ "More...please." I heard myself beg, in a weak tone, as if I had already given into the enemy. The hands stopped at my plead for more. A laugh filled the air. It wasn't menacing, but it wasn't friendly. It was hard to describe, but it sounded kind of sexy yet dangerous._

_ "I knew you'd like it Ty." The mysterious voice whispered. That voice...I knew it from somewhere! I racked my brain, trying to match the voice to a face, scanning everyone I knew: friends, classmates, even family! I tried so very hard to register the voice before I was cut off by a loud moan...from my mouth._

_ "Aaahhhh!!!" I yelled as the hands made contact with my horsehood. I could feel the heat radiating off of the mysterious hands as they rested on my now throbbing organ. How long had I been hard for? I didn't know, and I really didn't want to find out. For some reason, all I wanted was to have those hands pump my meat. And they did. "Faster..." I whispered in between pants. The hands complied, stroking my cock faster. I was struggling to get air. The pleasure was just too much._

_ "Ty, I--"_

BRRIIINNGGGG!!!!! I sat up quickly, slapping my alarm cock on its head to shut the nuisance off. I tried to open my eyes; the sun shining in strongly from the window beside Derek's preventing me from doing so, reducing me to only a squint. I could feel something warm on my stomach. I could feel whatever it was trickling down my slender body as I ran my hand through it. It felt like...cum. I slowly opened my eyes to see a new batch of my juice all over my stomach. I was confused. I don't remember jacking off, so when did it happen?

The covers crunched slightly beneath me as I shifted my weight around trying to figure out this dilemma. The cum had long dried up and now everything felt very crisp as my body made contact with it. My body in itself felt very sluggish. As I moved my arms, I could feel the dried cum breaking on my skin. Other areas felt sticky...almost like the substance was restricting my movement. There was a loud banging in the door, making my head ache at the sudden increase in sound.

"Hey! Ty! Get your ass up! Flare's downstairs waiting for you!" Derek yelled through the door. Shit, Flare was here?! It wasn't strange for my friends to show up when I was sleeping. Most of their parents left early for work, so they would usually just hang out in the kitchen or living room as they waited for me to wake up. Now, it was just inconvenient. I got up, feeling heavy as I made my way to the door. Man, maybe jacking off so much wasn't such a good idea after all. Or maybe I should have just followed Derek's advice and cleaned up instead of falling asleep.

I opened the door and stepped out into the hallway. Thankfully, the second floor was not visible by anyone on the first floor. The only way anyone would be able to see the naked horse right now is if they were ascending the staircase. "Yo Flare, I'll be down just now! Gonna take a quick shower first!" I shouted.

I heard the fox sigh. "Fine. Hurry up though! The others are already outside playing!" He replied.

"Kay!" I shouted back, walking into the bathroom. The frigidness of the white bathroom tiles beneath my feet caused me to jolt a bit as I entered. I gripped the faucet, twisting it to the right, releasing the hot water. I dipped my toothbrush underneath the water and squeezed some toothpaste onto the bristles. I pressed it into my teeth, brushing up and down to make sure to get every crevice in between my pearly, white teeth. Once I felt like my mouth had been cleansed, I spat out the toothpaste and rinsed my mouth out with mouthwash.

I placed my toothbrush back onto the counter, pulling the plastic shower curtains back afterwards. Twisting the knob to the right once more, I released the hot water into the shower as I stepped inside, letting the water hit my skin. I kept my hand on the knob, constantly readjusting it until I found a suitable temperature. Soap, I needed soap badly. I grabbed the deteriorating bar of soap on the side of the shower and rubbed it endlessly into my hide, trying my hardest not to leave a trace of cum on me. Arms, legs, stomach, chest, I rubbed the soap everywhere to make sure I was clean. Lastly, I turned my attention to my package. I lathered my balls with the sudsy substance generously.

I never realized how nice it felt to hold them in my hand. I cupped them and lifted them up, my ballsack hanging low due to the warm temperature of the water. I ran my thumb over them slightly, feeling the twins move beneath my touch. I moved my hand to my cock, letting my balls drop against my thigh. Slap! It made an interesting noise, enticing to say the least. I moved my hand to the tip of my cock and pulled the foreskin back--wow. There was a lot of cum. I pulled the foreskin back farther back, farther than I ever remembered as I rubbed my thumb over my pride, making sure to clean it thoroughly.

Finally, I grabbed the shampoo and massaged it into my scalp and tail. I always loved the way my mane and tail glistened in the light. Once I had rubbed it all in, I washed it out, running my fingers through it, making sure it was silky smooth. I twisted the knob again, shutting the water off as I grabbed my towel. I stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my waist. I headed into my room, drying my skin and applying lotion to every inch of my body. I slipped on a pair of boxers and a pair of basketball shorts. I grabbed my deodorant and rubbed it against my armpits, putting on a generous amount. Body odor was something I always was cautious of, especially when I spent most of my time in the sun. I opened the top drawer of my dresser and grabbed a plain, white t-shirt as I headed downstairs.

I could hear the voices of one of my favourite cartoons as I made my way to the living room. "Hey, let's go." I said, grabbing some water off the table. I heard the TV shut off as the flame-furred fox stood up. He had that look in his black eyes, that look like he knew something. I grabbed my keys, tossing Flare a bottle of water as I locked the door behind me. It was such a beautiful summer day, and we were going to soak up all the fun it was offering us. I peered down the street, only to see two individuals playing basketball...well one really. The other was standing off to the side, watching the first person practice his shots. Had to be Justin and Eli. We made our way over there.

"I thought everyone was outside." I said to Flare.

"I just said the others." He replied, "I didn't say everyone." He was right.

"Today's the day, I can feel it." I smiled at Flare as I watched him give a small laugh. I always told him that, "Today's the day." We always joked around that one day Justin's team would lose. We said that every day before playing basketball.

"For sure." Flare replied in that tone that sounded serious to most, but sarcastic to those who knew him.

"Hey guys!" The bunny shouted as we became within yelling distance. He waved "hi" to us enthusiastically. We waved back. We finally reached our makeshift court, which really was just a cul-de-sac. Flare grabbed the ball as it sunk through the basket once more. He checked the ball to the tiger as they started up a one-on-one.

"Where's Alex and Will?" I asked Eli.

"At Alex's. Alex got some new fighting game last night and invited Will over to play it last night." The bunny turned and watched the match between Justin and Flare. "I didn't see Will leave last night, and I stayed up pretty late." The bunny said adorably. He was so naïve. His late typically meant our early.

I nodded my head to acknowledge that I heard everything Eli said, regardless if he saw me or not. "I guess I'll go call em' out." I took the bunny's advice and headed to Alex's house. Eli lived in between the two wolves, and his room had a clear view of the front lawns of his house and the others', so if he didn't see Will leave, he probably didn't.

I placed my water bottle on the curb and ran to Alex's door, knocking loudly. The door opened, revealing a small brown cub.

"Heya Ty!" the cub said to me.

"Hey Jesse," I reply, flashing a friendly smile to the small wolf. Jesse was Alex's little brother. I believe he was 9 years old, but I might be wrong. He was an adorable little cub, so full of energy and so mischievous. He was like a little Alex. "Is your bro home?"

"Yeah. He's upstairs in his room with Will."

"Okay." I pet the cub on his head, roughing him up a bit before slipping my sneakers off and heading up the stairs. It was weird, I couldn't hear any sound effects or any of the usual video game noises coming from their room. Maybe they were still sleeping? The door was cracked open just slightly. I leaned against the door, making sure not to open it further as I peeked into the room. I could see the bed and the air mattress on the floor Will slept in...but there was no one inside of them. The covers were still all ruffled up, which meant they were there recently.

I decided to open the door slowly. As I did, my mouth dropped, unable to comprehend what I was seeing. The two wolves were seated in front of the computer, Alex on the right and Will on the left. That wasn't the odd part. The odd part was that both of them were naked, and both of their cocks were hard! I couldn't believe it...but there was more. Not only were they holding their cocks with one hand, but with the other, they were stroking the other wolf's cock! It took me a while to comprehend what was happening, but then I realized...they were jacking each other off!

I couldn't help but walk forward, slowly and silently, making sure not to alert them of my presence. I got a better view of the computer. They were watching these two hot chicks make out. One was a cat with black hair that draped down to her shoulders and the other was a mouse with blond hair down to her waist. They both had huge tits and nice, round asses. For some reason, I couldn't help but stare at the wolves, or more specifically, their cocks. They were a lot smaller than me, but they looked nice. I could hear their breathing pick up as they took deeper and deeper breaths with each stroke.

_ CREEEAAAK! _ The floorboard creaked beneath my foot as I made my last step. Fuck. I watched as both of their heads quickly turned in my direction.

"Ty!" they both shouted in panic. I didn't know what to say back to them. How was I supposed to explain myself? My mind and my heart were racing fast. Say something! I had to say something at least!

"I-I..." I started to say. That's when I noticed their eyes weren't on me, they were looking lower. Much, much lower. I decided to turn my attention to their point of interest. My cock was hard, and it created a pretty big tent in my basketball shorts. How did I notice this before? Maybe I was too engrossed in the two girls making out...or my two buddies jerking each other off.

"Holy shit Ty!" Alex said, almost in amazement.

"You're fucking huge!" Will said, matching the tone of Alex's voice. I couldn't help but blush. That's when they looked at each other, each with a wide, troublemaking grin on their face.

"W-Why were you two jacking each other off?" I asked nervously. They both looked at me.

"You wanna join?" Will asked. Did I want to join?! Of course not! They're my friends! I don't want them touching my cock! It's weird enough having them see me hard like this.

"N-No." I responded.

"Ah well, suit yourself. Be a dear and don't say anything while me and Will finish up." Alex said playfully, turning back around and clicking play, making the two girls make out with each other once more. They began to stroke each other again. They seemed comfortable with each other's cocks in their hands, like it was natural. I couldn't take my eyes off of them, and their cocks.

My cock was throbbing inside of my shorts, begging me to set it free. I needed too; it was getting so hard that it was starting to hurt a bit. I pulled my shorts down, along with my boxers and decided to toss my shirt along with it. I walked over to Alex and Will with my cock standing at attention. "C-Can I join?" I asked. They both looked at each other before looking at me and my cock.

"Sure." They said in unison. Will got up and surrendered his seat to me as he squeezed into the same seat with Alex.

"So, what do I--"

"Just watch. Your hand will do the rest." Alex told me. I turned my attention to the monitor. The two girls were now getting heavier. They were oiled up and the cat began to suck on the mouse's nipples. I found my hand reaching over to Will's cock. My hand formed a tighter circle, adjusting to the smaller cock as I began to pump away. Will's hand found its way to my cock shortly after. Shit! It felt so nice having someone else touch my cock.

"Ahhhh...." I moaned softly. I tried my hardest to hold back my moans. Alex and Will stayed silent, so I tried to as well. I moved my hand faster up Will's cock, trying to massage it like it was my dick.

"Hey Ty...can I...can I touch your cock?" Alex asked. It was the first time I had ever heard him stutter like that, like he was actually nervous.

"Yeah, but how are we-"

"Let's move to my bed." Alex responded, cutting me off. We got up off of the chairs and relocated to the bed just a couple of feet away. We sat in a line on the edge of the bed, Will on my left and Alex on the right. I felt both of the wolves place their hands on my cock.

"Shit, it's huge." Alex said.

"I know. So jealous right now." Will added in. They began to massage my cock. Alex rubbed the head of my cock while Will stroked the base. I fought back a moan as I placed my hands on their cocks and started to stroke their wolfhoods.

"Damn Ty." Will moaned.

"Your hands feel so nice." Alex groaned. I couldn't help but blush as I picked up the pace on their cocks. I could tell they were enjoying it because they breaths became more like pants and they started to stroke my cock faster.

"Ahhh...guys." I moaned. I cursed myself for moaning, but it worked in my favour.

"Tyyyyy...." Alex slurred.

"Aahhhh...." Will slurred as well. I stroked their cock even faster, jerking those cocks off like my life depended on it.

"I'm coming!" Alex said.

"Me too!" Will replied. I was confused by what Alex said, but my confusion was soon replaced by astonishment as the wolves came all over my hands. As their cocks shot out cum, their hands tensed up on my cock, causing me to cum as well.

"Aaahhh!!!" I moaned as I shoot a huge load into the air, the rope of cum landing on my cock, dribbling down onto Alex and Will's hands. I continued to shoot my load as the other's released my cock, wiping my cum onto Alex's bed sheets. We sat there for a few moments, recovering from what had just happened.

"Ty, I thought only porn stars had cocks like yours." Alex told me.

"Yeah dude. Your dick is pretty huge. Your load was too." Will chimed in.

"Guess it's true what they say about horses."

"Yep." The two looked at each other and nodded. It felt kind of nice being admired like this.

"I'm just surprised you knew what jacking off was." Alex said. I looked at Alex, feeling kind of insulted.

"What? You can't blame us. You're almost as innocent and naïve as Eli." I looked down. It was true. Most of the time the guys made dirty jokes, it went right over my head. I pretended to laugh just so they thought I understood it. Clearly, that didn't work.

"Well, I only learned how to do this yesterday." I told them. They both looked at me shocked.

"Whoa!" They said in unison.

"So you mean you haven't busted a nut until yesterday?" Alex asked. I assumed he meant jacked off.

"That's rough dude. I can't imagine that. I've been jacking off everyday since I was 12." Will said.

"Same here!" Alex replied. They high-fived each other as if it was some accomplishment.

"When did you two start jacking each other off?" I asked. They looked at each other, as if they were trying to confirm their answer.

"About a year ago." Alex said.

"Alex walked in on me watching porn," that's what we were watching, "and I saw the bulge in his pants. I should have known sooner that we would like the same porn."

"Yeah. At first I was a bit hesitant like you Ty, but you should have seen the stuff on Will's computer. Pretty fucking hot. I just had to rub one out."

"I was the one who suggested we jack each other off. I figured since we shared the same interests in everything, he might like to be touched in the same places as me." Will told me. "And I was right." Will smiled.

"Doesn't that make you gay?" I asked. They both laughed.

"Nah dude." Alex responded. "Tons of dudes jack each other off."

"It's like normal teenage behaviour." Will added. "When you have good porn, you just have to share it with your buddies. Or else that's kind of selfish."

"And everyone knows that having someone else jack you off feels so much better than your own hand." Alex said. I was still confused.

"What's porn?" I asked. They looked at each other once more, shocked.

"It's short for pornography." Will explained, "It's like anything that has to do with naked chicks. You know, seeing their tits and their pussies. Watching them make out and have sex with each other."

"It doesn't have to be videos though. It could be photos as well." Alex added in. "There are tons of dirty magazines out there. I got a couple underneath my bed."

"Thanks for lending me those by the way."

"No problem." I was starting to understand a bit. I wonder if that magazine of those naked guys was porn as well. I was quickly snapped out of my daze by a Kleenex box. "Clean up. I'm in the mood for some basketball right now." I pulled some Kleenex out and wiped my dick off and my hands. All of this was so weird to me, but Alex and Will really did help out a well as confuse me even further. Maybe sharing stuff with my friends would make this a lot easier. I looked up at Alex, smiling,

"Today's the day." I told him. He laughed, pulling up his basketball shorts. I got dressed as well and headed out the bedroom door, waiting for Alex and Will. Once we were all ready to go, we left the house.

"Jesse, lock the door!" Alex shouted before slamming the door shut.

"Race you there!" Will yelled before darting off to the basketball court. Alex and I quickly followed suit, as we all headed for basketball court to join our three other close friends.