The Beginning of a Legend Prt. 1

Story by Cyra on SoFurry

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This is my first story using Yiffstar, so bare with me. There might be a few grammatical errors, but I have experience in writing. This story contains violence, if you are uncomfortable with that. Please leave. Any character other than the man are for free use. First of all, Cyra and most of the main characters in this story are Dragons. I will say so if otherwise. Cyra is only 11 in human years, and Miya is 10.


Cyra copywrite. July 18, 2007.


The beginning of a Legend - Part 1 (Not sure if this will be a chaptered story)

In the forests outside multiple caves, Cyra tried her best to weave from tree to tree. She and her friend Miya were playing hide and seek in the woods while her mother and father prepared her meal. Normally, they were not supposed to be in these woods, but being young and knaive, they decided to anyways. Today might be one of the last days they are able to play in these woods.

Cyra ducked low as Miya wandered by the tree she was hiding behind. Her best friend was so oblivious when it came to hide and seek, and Cyra couldn't help but giggle.

She held her breathe as she noticed her mistake, as Miya turned to investigate where the noise came from.

''You better do better than that Cyra'', said Miya as she advanced towards the tree.

Cyra crouched low as her friend neared closer, and remained as silent as possible.

''Found you!'', shouted Miya as she spotted her friend pressed against the tree, but was cut short as her friend threw herself at her, knocking them both to the ground.

''You may have found me, but I got you,'' she exclaimed. She began to tickle her pinned friend, finding delight as her friend squirmed and squealed.

''Stop! Please! Ok, ok you got me'', Miya said as she tried feebly to roll her friend off of her.

''Thats what I thought'', Cyra remarked and slid off of her friend. Cyra had always been good at what ever she had done, and was always confident in her skills against the other females (around her age ofcourse) in the village.

They both perked up as they heard Cyra's mother calling them from the edge of the wood.

''Dinners ready Cyra,'' said her mom. "Come in and wash up", she said as she walked back to the house.

Cyra and Miya both lived in a valley between two large mountains. The area was populated with mostly Dragons and Dragoness, but the occasional traveler passed by. Entrances through the mountains were guarded by the Elite Dragon Guard, who warded against invaders or people that wished to do the valleys residents harm. No one had dared attempt to attack the area, but that would soon change.

As the two hurried back out of the woods, Cyra said good bye to her friend and they departed, Miya heading for her house. As she opened and walked through the front door, the smells of roasted beef and steak wafted towards her, as she hurried to wash up before getting ready to eat. Her mother and father exchanged looks as she expected them to lecture her of going into the forests. Her father was the first to speak.

"You know your not supposed to venture into the woods," said her father bluntly in a deep voice. Her father was one of the leaders of the village, being among one of the strongest and most influential. He was tall with red glistening scales, and long tail with shorts spikes like a flail. Her mother was considerably smaller, with a lighter red color to her scales, and a short tail with studs that could crack your skull open. What bothered Cyra the most, was that she was the only dragoness in the valley, that had the hue of blue her scales were. Her scales were a lovely dark blue, that shimmered in the light, and were always cool to the touch. The thing was, she had two siblings, a brother and a sister, who were both younger than her by two years. Her brother, Mika, took after their father with the same glistening red, when her sister, Lyn, had an almost pinkish hue to her scales. No one made fun of her because of her scales, but it bothered her that she didn't take after her family.

"I'm sorry, I wont go back into the woods again, I promise," she replied, since her father was easily satisfied, he dropped the matter and went back to eating. Her mother never went against what her husband said so she let the subject drop. Mika and Lyn finished their meals and were lead up to their room (they shared a room) and tucked in and put to bed by mother. Later, Cyra eventually retired to her room (she believed she was to old to be tucked in and or share a room with younger siblings) and prepared for bed. Even though she told them not to. Her mother and father still came up and told her good night and that they loved her always, as they did this night.

Her mother was the first, as she opened the door and peaked inside. "Good night sweety, your father will be up to tell you good night in a minute. Love you." And with that, she closed the door and left. Cyra grumbled to herself about how she wasn't a child anymore as her father ducked through the door way and walked to the side of the bed. "My my, you look like someone ruffled your scales, you may think your too old to be told good night by your own father, but thats never true. Good night little one." he said as he kissed her on the fore head and abruptly left the room.

Not long after her father left, that Cyra started drifting off thinking of her friend Miya. In the dream, she and Miya were playing hide and seek in the woods just like before, and as she tackled Miya, she felt the impulse to hug her friend, but what happened in the dream startled her, as she kissed her friend on the lips and jolted awake.

Cyra shook her head as she recounted what she was just dreaming about. "It was just a stupid dream...we're just friends after all", she murmured as she layed back down, soon feeling drowsy again and falling asleep, later to be awoken by screams and the crash of steel.

Not sure what was going on, she kicked off her blanket and rush down stairs. It was empty but out the windows a fire was blooming high from her neighbors house, she was scared, terrified, and barely able to move. The room she was in was dark, and her mother nor father were to be seen, should she go outside? She shouldn't, but...what if someone needed her help? What if her mother or father were in danger? She couldn't just leave them. Stumbling to the door, she grasped the handle and slowly pushed the door open, as it swung open, the crash of steel, and the screams of the wounded or dying assaulted her, it made her dizzy, sick. She felt like she could just throw up right there.

Get a hold of yourself, your eleven, your a big girl, she told herself trying to gather courage. What she saw next didn't help, as one of her classmates at school, a boy dragon by the name of Thomen, collapsed infront of her in a pool of blood, neck cut open and arm hanging by nothing but muscle tissue, she gasped and shrieked at the top of her lungs and ran, running and running through the village.She thought about just running and getting away, when she spotted her father, fighting against one of the biggest human like forms she had ever seen, he could have easily been 8 feet tall. She wanted to go to him, and cry, but she knew she couldn't bother him, not now. As she started to back away, her father spotted her out of the corner of his eye, unable to go to her, or tell her to go to saftey, he parried his opponents blows, and backed away, as he did so, he took those few precious seconds to tell her to get to saftey, and ducked as his opponents sword went through the space where his neck had been. Cyra couldn't look away, she couldn't just abandon her father, but what happened next, chilled her to the core with despair. Her father brought up a parry to late, and was gashed across the forearm, made to drop his sword, then her father was kicked to the ground, and then there was the sickened crunch of scales and bone as the sword penetrated her fathers chest cavity, shuddering and coughing, he lay still.

She couldn't look as her father was killed infront of her eyes, so she kept running, dead forms laying in the street, human and dragon alike, the fire had stopped in the part of the city, but there were still skirmishes going on through out the area. She slowed to a walk, tired and confused as to what was going on, who were these people, why were they killing everyone, and who killed her father. Her thoughts were cut short, as one of her dearest and closest friends, Miya fells from behind a wall with a thud.

Cyra rushed to her side, to find she was still alive, but was bleeding badly. They had to get out of here, and now. Not even thinking of her brother, sister, or mother, only her friends life was of importance to her, she lifted her unconcious friend, and made a run for it, the village raced past her as she ran as fast as she could, past humans, dragons, and fights all away, until he finally made it to the shelter of the woods.

The woods were quiet, but she didn't know where to go from there, no idea where she was or where the next safe village might be. Her thoughts were cut short as she felt a stinging in her ribs. As she placed her hand to her side, she felt it was warm and slick, and a long shaft was protruding from it, not long after she realized this, she felt light headed. Had she been hit? Why was she so dizzy all of a sudden. Her head hurt and her arms and legs felt like the weighed a ton. Not remember when she hit the ground, she stared up at the canopy of the trees. Why was it so cold. It was absolutely freezing. Was she dying, she couldn't remember anything, but then the outline of a dark figure obscured her vision, was it help or someone come to finish her off? Her last thought before she lost all awareness. "Miya".

This is the end of part one, depending on what people think of it, I might write a part 2. Even without comments, I still might make a part 2. And ideas on how to make my stories better or idea on how to continue it would be great. You can email me at my aim address, [email protected] Constructive criticism is welcome, but if you just want to utter diss me, try not to crush my small ego. Thank you.