The Start of Something New Pt. 2

Story by Kerilus on SoFurry

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#2 of The Start of Something New

The Start of Something New Pt. 2

"Have a seat Mr. Forge." His manager instructed.

Like a scolded puppy he sat down in front of her. His ears were hanging low, and he stared at her without saying a word, finding it hard to breathe as she wrote down notes on her desk. Eventually she looked up at Forge, stopped writing, and placed her pen to the side of her desk. She leaned backwards in her chair and crossed her legs, still holding eye contact the same as before. Forge felt like an eternity had gone by before she began to speak.

"So Mr. Forge, I heard from a co-worker of yours that you decided to leave work an hour early today without clocking out. Is there anything you'd like to tell me?" She asked, not a single expression across her face.

"I didn't leave work at all Ma'am, I was here all day today." Forge replied, a little nervous.

"Someone called you on the intercom looking for help with fruits, and after fifteen minutes of no show she reported you left." His manager said, still no emotion.

"Well, if you're speaking of Clara, she hates me and wants me out of this job so she can have more hours. Besides her, within the hour I was gone it went something like this; I went to the fruit section, helped a customer, found a bouquet of roses and took them back to the floral department, helped the registers load up groceries, and unloaded the groceries for the customer because she needed help and I wasn't doing anything." Forge replied, his heart beating faster than it normally did.

"And this took you an hour to do?" His manager asked calmly.

"No, it took about 25 minutes, I wasn't gone for an hour. My guess is that Clara jus..."

"You don't need to give names Forge." His manager replied cutting him off mid sentence.

She uncrossed her legs and leaned in to the table, her cleavage almost falling out to the table as her tiny shirt struggled to hold back her massive breasts. She then began to smile at him as she placed both of her paws on the desk. Forge swallowed his saliva and leaned back, but kept his posture as his manager stood there oblivious of her rack. He broke eye contact and looked at the picture of her family on her desk, finding it hard to believe she had four pups and still such a great body.

"You know Mr. Forge, I looked at your files before you came in here, and I noticed you've been working here two years, is that correct?" His manager asked with a smile on her face.

"I believe so, yes ma'am." Forge replied uneasily.

"Your file within the past year shows you've only been late twice, sick four days, and has an outstanding report of good behavior and helpfulness. Do you know why I called you in here?" His manager asked politely.

"Honestly Ma'am, I thought you were going to fire me..." Forge said as his ears sunk lower.

"Well Mr. Forge, That was the reason I called you in today. However..." She replied grinning.

Forge looked up at her, his ears perked high into the air as he grew alert to what she would say next.

"However, I've been getting multiple complaints about whom you mentioned before, and I believe your story more than what she reported. So my question is this. Would you bring her in here so we can get this all straightened out?" His Manager asked, still smiling to him with her Dalmatian tail wagging everywhere.

"I sure will Ma'am. Thank you for not firing me." Forge replied as he stood up.

"I would have felt bad, considering I was the one that hired you two years ago. By the way Forge, I need to ask you of another favor." She said following him to the door.

"And what might that be?" Forge asked as he turned around.

She grabbed him by the shoulders and kissed him on the lips. Forge wasn't sure what to do, but he didn't want to upset her, so he kissed back. Her eyes were closed as she kissed him, and she seemed like she was really enjoying it, so he closed his eyes. Then he thought about the picture on her desk and how she had a family and husband, so he stopped kissing and opened his eyes. Slowly she stopped kissing him and opened her eyes halfway, smiling to the husky she had just kissed. Forge stood there with shock on his face, still not sure what to say.

"Don't tell anyone about that..." She replied as she backed away from him.

"I won't Ma'am. I'll go get Clara..." Forge said as he turned around and reached for the door handle.

"By the way Forge, I'd say that little kiss and your outstanding work earned you a raise, and the rest of the day off. And please, call me Gretchen" She replied as she winked at him.

"Th...thank you very much Gretchen, I'll send in Clara..." Forge replied before leaving her office, not sure to feel excited or awkward.

Two days had passed since his little run-in with Elly, and sure enough it was the weekend. He still had her number because he had posted it on his fridge when he got to his apartment. He was glad it was the weekend; mostly because maybe he could finish more of his game he was creating. He did think about how his boss kissed him, and what that was all about too. She was a pretty hot mom, but she was married, her kids were almost his age, and she was a little too old for him. Besides, one of the company's rules was not to have relationships with co-workers. Instead, Forge sat down across from his fridge and stared at Elly's phone number. Should he call her or not? What if she didn't remember him? What if she just wanted to suck his dick? What if she did want him and was waiting for his call because he didn't give her his phone number? Eventually Forge stood up, grabbed her number off the fridge, and dialed... his heart pounding.

One ring... Two rings... Three rings... Four rings.

"Hello?" called the voice from the other end of the line.

It wasn't Elly.

"Um... I was wondering if Elly was available to talk?" Forge asked, nervous as ever.

"Why? So you can keep bitching her out? Fuck man she doesn't like you anymore because you're a selfish prick and an arrogant asshole. Get Fucked." She said before slamming the phone.

Forge just stood there with an open jaw, not really sure what happened. The idea of calling her back popped into his head, but he knew she wouldn't answer. Hell, he didn't even know if that was the right number. Maybe she was on a computer or something, or maybe he could use his skills to find her and talk to her. He pulled out his laptop and searched her phone number. The phonebook registered her as Ellanay Watsig, so he then found her on Furbook. Her picture was beautiful as ever, single relationship, and a depressed mood. Her status wasn't too nice either; "Why are men so fucking stupid? And why don't the nice ones ever call back?". Her cellphone number was there, and it was the right one, but that clearly wasn't her. There were no other phone numbers, and she wasn't online, so he added her as a friend and put a note saying to please answer her phone. He tried again, this time listening to every ring as if it would be the last. After the third ring, he heard the same voice on the other end of the line.

"Hello?" The voice called out.

"Before you hang up, please tell Elly that this is Forge. I think you may have me mistaken for somebody else."

"Forge eh? That sounds like a made up na..." The voice replied before being cut off.

"FORGE?! Is that really you?!" Elly screamed from the other end.

"Yes? Hello Elly, I tried to call earlier but someone hung up on me.

"That was my friend Heather, she's been taking my calls because my ex won't leave me alone. I know this is kind of soon, but could you maybe come to my place for a bit? I could really use the company..." Elly replied, almost starting to cry.

"Well sure, I don't work weekends, so I can come by. Maybe we can actually go on a real date or something..." Forge said with his tail wagging excitedly.

"That sounds absolutely amazing Forge, my address is 4226 Maple Street, it's the light blue house with white shutters." Elly replied.

"I'll be there in a bit, hang tight Elly!" Forge said as he hung up his phone and grabbed his keys.

It took Forge less than five minutes before he was out the door of his apartment and into his car. He didn't bother typing in her address to the GPS because he already knew where Maple Street was. It was close to the old park where he used to play back in elementary school. He was nervous, yet very excited as he thought about going to see Elly. He had only had one real girlfriend, and it barely worked because they had so little in common. Deep down he hoped that him and Elly would become more than just a one-day thing. As he pulled into her driveway, his heart was beating a mile a minute. As he unclipped his seatbelt, the car door swung open and Elly almost climbed on top of him as she gave him a big hug.

"I can't believe you called back! I was beginning to think you had forgotten about me!" Elly said as they both got out of the car.

"I could never Elly! I was just...well...kind of scared..." Forge replied as they stood in her driveway hugging.

"There's no reason to be scared! Why would you be scared?" Elly asked curiously.

"I don't know, I've always been the shy type." he replied with his ears down.

"Well, There's no need to be Forge; I think you're a very nice guy." She replied holding his hand.

"Thanks Elly, that means a lot to me. Would you like to get something to eat, or maybe a coffee or something? Maybe we could actually get to know one another?" Forge asked as he gripped her hand in return.

"Coffee and cake sound nice! Want to drive?" Elly asked excitedly.

"Sure, hop back in!" Forge replied just as excited.

Forge watched Elly cross the front of his car, her beautiful body bouncing as she almost skipped to the passenger side of his car. As she entered, he watched her close the door and looked into her eyes when she sat down. He wanted to kiss her right there, but instead he turned his car back on and backed out of her driveway. Elly admired his good looks as he drove towards a coffee house in town. She didn't really care about coffee, but she didn't want to tell him that. She just needed the comfort and protection of a male. Her friend Heather was doing a great job comforting her, but as soon as she heard from Forge, she told her she wanted to be with just him. He looked so shy and sweet, and handsome at that. He was tall for being a husky, but still shorter than her. His coat was a mix of reddish-brown and white, and his tail was so cute and curly she just wanted to play with it.

Before she knew it, they had come to a stop and quickly they got out of his car and inside the coffee shop. She loved this coffee shop because they also sold veggie potpies and had the best apple crumb pie in town. Once they had walked into the restaurant, they found a little booth and sat down quietly, not a word spoken between each other. Forge only stared at her with his light blue eyes and admired her beauty as she looked back with hers. She placed her hands on the table and leaned in close, smiling to him as he sat there fiddling with his thumbs. He looked very nervous, but he looked happy and interested that she was there.

"So Forge, do you go to college?" She said, breaking the ice.

"Not anymore, I failed three classes and kind of lost interest. How about you?" Forge replied.

"I was going into cosmetology, but I feel that it's super lazy and I've really been digging nerdy things right now." She replied as she continued leaning forward on the table.

"Nerdy? Is that why you're so keen on me?" Forge laughed lightly.

"What's that supposed to mean? You're not nerdy!" Elly said giggling.

"I'm in the process of making my own video game! How is that not nerdy?" Forge replied with a smile on his face.

"Really? That's so cool! I'm taking a few coding classes right now, but I don't know enough about it yet." Elly said.

"Well I'm pretty decent with coding, so if you ever get stuck on anything I can surely help!" Forge said before placing his paws on the table too.

"You bet I'll give you a call sooner than later! How about some pie?" Elly asked politely.

"Sure thing." He replied standing up.

They walked to the counter and ordered two slices of pie, and Forge got a small cup of coffee. The older buffalo at the counter said they made a good couple, which Forge objected to out of nervousness. Once they had gotten their order, they sat in the same spot and quickly ate their pie. Forge knew she was interested, and he sure was too. She did come off very strongly towards him at first, but he knew she was in heat and she was really looking for someone. He wondered about her ex and what he had done to piss her off so much, but it wasn't his place to ask and maybe she didn't want to talk about it.

"Forge, what are you thinking about?" Elly asked as she looked at him intently.

"Oh, I was just thinking about stuff..." Forge replied shortly.

"What kind of stuff?" Elly asked, putting her fork down and leaning in close.

"Well... I was, thinking about... you, and your ex and stuff." Forge replied feeling awkward.

"Oh don't you start thinking about him. To sum it up, he wanted to get me pregnant so he could get benefits from work and I told him no and so he started cheating on me with another mare and got her pregnant. I got out of there and he's sorry and wants to get back but I said fuck him." She answered.

"I'm sorry Elly, that is a terrible thing to do to such a fine female such as yourself." Forge replied after swallowing some of his delicious key lime pie.

"Forge, can I be completely honest with you?" Elly asked shyly.

"Sure thing Elly, you can ask and tell me anything." Forge replied happily.

"I know we barely know each other, but I just feel so close to you already, and this little date was more than enough for me to realize you're a good guy. I hope you don't think I'm a slut or anything after what I did to you at your workplace, but I really want to see how this would go between us. Would you ever consider dating me?" She asked, the tension in her beautiful voice almost strong enough to break.

"Elly..." Forge replied not sure what to say.

"It's okay to be honest with me too Forge, if you disagree or want to say no, I'll understand." Elly said with her ears perked up waiting for an answer.

"I've only had once serious relationship and I wasn't any good at it. That's why I'm a virgin and why I'm so shy around girls. I have a fear of saying something wrong or not being a good boyfriend." Forge replied as his husky ears drooped.

Elly reached over the table and took his paw in her hand, and leaned over the table to give him a deep and passionate kiss on the lips. Forge was shocked at first, but closed his eyes as a new feeling and sensation overcame him. He felt as light as a feather, and all of his worries and troubles disappeared while her lips were pressed against his. He tightened his grip around her hand, never wanting to let go from this moment. She was a very beautiful mare, and she seemed so nice and caring. When she pulled away from him, he opened his eyes to find her staring at him with eyes wide open. He smiled and laughed a little before saying yes to her. He could tell she was almost about to cry tears of joy, but she held it in and pulled away from him.

"I know you're scared of screwing up, but I promise I'll be there with you no matter what, and if you fall I will be right there to help you back up." Elly replied with a sincere look in her eyes.

"I just hope I don't fall!" Forge said laughing.

"Forge, would you mind staying at my place for awhile, if you're not too busy..." Elly asked as she twiddled her thumbs.

"I don't work weekends, anything for you Elly!" Forge replied before drinking the rest of his coffee.

Forge helped Elly out of her seat and walked out the door feeling like a completely new dog. The sun was shining, the air was nice and warm, and he had a beautiful mare that was all his. This time he opened the car door for her and kissed her gently on the cheek before she climbed in. Forge walked to the driver's side and fumbled with his keys before opening the door. As he sat down, Elly placed her hand on his left cheek and turned his head so she could kiss him on the lips. Somehow he got lost in what he was doing and began kissing her back, his heart racing as he thought about going down on her again. Elly broke the kiss and smiled to him before she strapped on her seatbelt. She rested her hand on his upper thigh the whole ride back to her house, which made Forge incredibly horny, but he didn't want to act on his new feelings just yet.

By the time they had gotten to her house, Elly was almost running out of his car so she could lead Forge to her home.

"This is a nice little house! I can't wait to see inside." Forge said as Elly led him to her front door.

"I love this place, no other tenants, reasonable pricing, and not too far from the school. I know my house is a little dirty, so please mind my dirtiness just for this visit!" Elly replied as she unlocked her door.

Forge was slapped in the face at how much pink and purple there was. Purple walls, flowers, chairs, sofas, everything really. Pink dishes, lamps, T.V stands, pretty much anything else that wasn't already purple. She apologized for the dirty apartment, but all that was on the floor were clothes and a few dishes left on her kitchen table. She began picking up the clothes as he stood there waiting silently. She eventually motioned for him to sit on her purple couch while she ran all of her clothes to what he assumed to be her bedroom. It was then he noticed all the pictures that covered her walls. Pictures of her family and friends, a couple cool flower designs, and a small broken one that looked like it had been smashed on purpose. Then he noticed a shelf that was lined with trophies; Cheerleader trophies.

"I think I cleaned up enough! Would you like a walkthrough of my home?" She asked as she peeped around the corner of her hallway.

"You were a cheerleader?" Forge replied quickly.

"Was! How else do you think I was so flexible in the car?!" Elly giggled.

"True... I'd love to see your house Elly." Forge replied as he walked to her.

Elly walked out fully from her hallway wearing a pink nightgown and fresh make up. Forge didn't say anything, but followed her as she gave the tour around her house. One bed and one bath, 550 sq. ft., $550 a month including utilities with the exception of cable and Internet. She had a very nice kitchen with a table for three, comfortably. She then led him past the living room and down the hallway she had just came from. The left side of the hallway was one giant closet, and to the right were her bathroom and her bedroom. The walls were a light shade of purple here as well, but the borders of each room were still left white. Elly slowly turned around in front of her room, her bushy tail swaying effortlessly behind her curves as she faced her new mate.

"Forge, do you need to use the bathroom?" Elly asked as she slightly bit her lower lip in anticipation.

"Not really, why?" Forge replied.

"Good!" Elly answered.

She wrapped her hands around his shoulders with lightning speed before tossing him a passionate kiss. Forge was surprised at first, and then sunk into her arms. They held each other tightly as Elly slowly backed up into her room. Once her back was almost against the bed she turned him around and pushed him on to her pink and purple bed sheets. She didn't even bother to close the door as she slipped the thin straps of her nightgown over her shoulders. As Forge saw her garment drop to the floor, he instantly felt horny as his eyes rested on her luscious curves. She walked up to him with such grace, slowly climbing over the excited husky as they sunk into another loving kiss. She undid his pants and backed up as she took them off along with his boxers in one smooth motion. Forge sat up and took off his shirt, surprised to see that Elly had already gone to the other side of her bed and closed the matching curtains across her window. As he turned his body to lie on her pillow, Elly crawled on top of him with a slight grin. Forge was feeling a little uncomfortable as he felt his cock rub against her bare warmth, but deep down he really wanted to lose his virginity.

"I know you want to save your V-card, and I feel kind of bad for what I did last time, so I want to take us back a little while still having a little fun..." She said as she drew little circles in his chest fur.

"Oh it's fine Elly, I thought it was really hot. What do you mean by taking us back?" Forge asked as he shifted his body a little.

"You'll find out soon enough! This time I want you to tell me if you're going to cum okay? Unlike porn, most girls don't like it when males cum on their face or in their mouths..." Elly replied as she began kissing down his chest.

"I will..." Forge said as he felt guilty about his first encounter with her.

Forge stared at Elly's curly blonde hair as she kissed down his chest, amazed at how hard it was to keep his tail from wagging as she grew closer to his cock. Her light blue eyes met with his just for a few seconds before she licked the tip of his cock gently and lovingly. Forge felt a jolt of pleasure shoot up his body as she licked downwards, this time feeling her soft tongue against his balls. He let out a quick moan as she worked her tongue on him, amazed at how sensitive he was to her touch. As she kept her licking to a minimum, her hand slowly caressed his shaft; squeezing small amounts of pre and watching them slide effortlessly down his shaft. With one last gentle rub, she put his cock into her mouth and gently slid along his erection. Forge arched his back in delight and gripped on to the bed sheets, holding back moans from Elly's ears.

Elly slowly and gently bobbed her head on his cock; tasting his fluids on her soft, yet rough tongue. She was admiring the fact that he was actually pretty big for her, but not to the point where it would actually hurt taking him in. All she could think about was making him cum and waiting for the day she could ride him hard. She looked up and saw he was arching his back and holding on to the sheets, which made her suck even harder when she herself, was getting incredibly wet; After all she was still in heat and really wanted another orgasm. His panting was beginning to intensify, and in the heat of the moment she began to slow down her pace, swallowing all of her saliva and his pre before pulling off and wiping her lips clean. She crawled upwards on him, breathing heavy herself as she locked eyes with him as his cock touched her incredibly wet slit. She wanted him bad, and temptation was overtaking her.

"Elly what are you doing..." Forge said with great concern.

"I want you so bad Forge, I want to make you mine..." Elly said as she rubbed her slit along his erection.

"I want it too Elly, but this is our first date and I'm just not ready..." Forge replied as he tried to push her off a little.

Elly felt ashamed that she was willing to take advantage of him and his emotions, which almost stopped her from wanting to release. Then suddenly, Forge flipped her on her back and kissed down her beautiful curvy stomach. She wanted to tell him no and that she didn't deserve him, but before she could even suggest such a thing, she felt his tongue lick along her sensitive folds. She opened her eyes to find Forge staring back at her with his nose almost buried in her slit as he began lapping up her sweet fluids. He was in heaven. She was so wet and horny and he loved her taste as he worked his tongue over her sensitive clit. She let out a loud moan as he flicked his tongue over and over, feeling an intense sensation overcome his body as he watched her shift to his licking. He closed his eyes and pictured himself buried deep within her slit as he took one of his paws and slowly started masturbating while licking her clean. When he opened his eyes and wrapped both of his paws around her meaty thighs, he pulled her tightly in to himself and licked harder, focusing all of his concentration on her clit.

Elly almost screamed as he ate her out, feeling intense satisfaction and love as her thirst for an orgasm drew nearer. She could feel her tingling sensation take over her body every time she tensed up her muscles, which led herself to grip onto his paws and moan with lust as he kept licking her incredibly sensitive opening. As she felt herself about to cum, she pulled him away from her slit and up to her face where she then urged him to use his paws. Without a moment to waste, Forge slipped his paw between the two of them and proceeded to rub her wet clit with intense speed. She was bucking her hips and moaning very loudly as Forge laid on top of her while stoking her soaking wet pussy. He could feel her body shake under him as she drew closer to an orgasm, which in turn made him stoke harder and faster. She screamed in lust and grabbed his shoulders, digging her nails into his back as her orgasm rippled through her body, sending her into an ecstatic, blissful state.

Forge slowed down his paw and eventually pulled out from her, letting his beautiful mate gather her breathing as he wiped his paw clean on his fur and laid his muzzle next to hers. He could feel her heart pounding as she pulled him tightly to her chest, leaving him to caress her arms with his paws as he looked into her beautiful blue eyes. As her breathing became shallower, he kissed her on the lips as she moved her hands to his waist.

"Forge, you are an absolutely breathtaking lover... I wanted you to finish me by hand because that's usually what beginning couples do first." Elly said as she looked into his eyes.

"As are you Elly. I'm just amazed at how beautiful you are..." Forge replied as he put his nose to hers.

"Don't flatter me yet handsome, I'm not done with you yet..." Elly said as she gave him a quick kiss before grabbing ahold of his still solid erection.

She began rubbing her thumb on the top of his cock, feeling his body press upwards as she continued teasing him. She knew he was already close to climax, so she wanted to take him as slow as possible while still having some fun. They locked eyes for a moment as Elly began stroking his cock, which he quickly closed as her hand took hold of his erection completely. She started off slow, feeling his cock throb in her paw as she pumped gently; hearing him moan in delight as she got him closer to his peak. Eventually he sat up on her and began fondling her breasts, looking at her face and watching her hand do it's magic before closing his eyes and arching his back. She bit her lower lip as he teased her nipples gently, causing her to pick up her pace. He was panting and gripping the sheets next to them, which brought a smile to Elly's face. She continued working his cock and admiring his body as he slowly shifted his hips on top of her. He was sharing a tender moment with his new mate, and loved the feeling of her hand as it gripped his cock and worked its magic. He looked down again and held on to one of her hands as she continued her motions; the look in her eyes almost sending him over the edge in lust. A small string of pre began to drip from her hand to her stomach as she squeezed more out from him, which in turn made her pick up her pace. He knew he was about to cum but he tried to fight it off as best as he could. He looked down and saw her beautiful face and leaned down to give her a kiss as he panted and struggled to hold it in.

"Oh Elly I'm going to cum!" Forge whined with excitement.

Elly continued pumping viciously on his cock, feeling his body shake on top of her as she sent him over the top. He moaned very loudly and gripped the sheets next to her shoulders as loop after loop of his cum spurted all over her bare chest. Elly let out a soft moan as she looked at his face and then to his dripping cock and her soaked fur. Forge panted and struggled to regain his breath, but collapsed on top of her and breathed into her neck as she let go of his cock and held him tightly against her. She wanted to cry tears of joy, but instead she stroked the fur on his back as his breathing slowed down. He looked into her eyes and didn't say a word before kissing her passionately on her lips. Forge lost himself in her arms and quickly he collapsed next to her, still covered in his own cum. She held him close to her heart, feeling his heart beat on her arm as she cuddled up close to him.

"Elly, you are absolutely amazing in bed." Forge said as he rubbed his paw along her arm.

"If you think I'm amazing now, just wait until we start getting deeper into this relationship..." Elly replied as she kissed his arm lovingly.