The Love they Shared part 8

Story by musicallyinsane on SoFurry

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#8 of The Love they Shared

Hey guys, thanks for waiting. It's a bit long, but I hope you all enjoy. Rate and comment if you like :)

The Love they Shared part 8

The scars on my arms remind me how I got this way I can taste the stain of your sickness on my lips Of all the stupid things in my life I fell for this I fell for this

-Lie to my face By Carnifex

December 31, 2011

Frank just let the days in between become a blur. He went through those days like normal, hanging out with Aaron, checking on the developing mess his social life was becoming, and getting restless nights of sleep. The internet problem was not resolving itself. For some god forsaken reason that Frank could not figure out, people were still interested in his life. The comments on the topic that both he and Aaron were gay have long since stopped, but now it was just driving torment. It was the true assholes; the ones who just wanted to make Aaron and him feel like shit so that it made them feel better about them selves. The number one problem on Frank's mind right now was that the whole school knew and that many of the "assholes" that wanted to make him feel uncomfortable were in fact from his school. He let out a small sigh as he shut off his computer and leaned back in his chair. It was only around noon, but he was getting more and more anxious by the minute. He let his gaze wander to the window and began to trail off into deep thought. Tonight was the night that Frank had been waiting for all week. His demeanor had really begun to show it. The mail he was getting via Anthrobook was starting to draw out the more primitive and angry side of Frank.

"Enjoy getting made his bitch?"

"Did you enjoy your ass pounding like a bitch?"

"How did those barbs feel in your ass you bitch?!"


Frank was getting really fucking tired of hearing that word. It was like a knife in his side, just like his ex friend CJ. At the beginning of the week, Frank was angry with CJ, but he felt some pity on his situation. He knew how it felt to be in his position and he was having second feelings about what he had planned for tonight with Aaron. However, after the events of the other night his feelings are still mix, changing back and forth throughout the course of the week. Frank gritted his teeth together in frustration just thinking about what he's had to deal with. The tormenting was relentless, almost like his school wanted to see him curl up and die. Most of the school. There were still some who supported him, but they were not doing anything to stop the others from causing mass amounts of grief other then scolding them. No one could help him accept one person, himself.

He swiveled his chair away from the window and glared at the dark computer screen. All he had now inside was rage. He was losing sleep, he was getting threats from people about him going back to school, he was getting at least ten messages a day! Frank now realized why Aaron could hate CJ with such ease. He was feeling this way all along, the dark burning hatred that was growing in the pit of Frank's gut said everything. What ever pity he felt on CJ was now fading fast. This hell needed to be stopped, and CJ was the key. Frank gave his white chin a casual scratch as he pondered some more in fuming silence.

This party tonight, at Jeff's, Aaron's plan, is it really worth it? Of course it is! This son of a bitch needs to know what he's done. The nightmare that he's putting me and Aaron's got to end. That bastard needs to pay for what he's done. It may seem harsh, but the ends HAVE to justify the means in this case. Right?

Frank mentally cursed himself and began to massage his temples with his paws. He hated how much of a feeling, emotional guy he was sometimes. He wanted to make CJ regret his actions, and to get everyone to leave them alone, but the cost...

"Dammit! This is giving me a head ache! I just need to go down stairs and relax for a bit. I'll worry about this later."

As he stood up and began to walk down stairs to the living room he could not shake this small, dense feeling in the pit of his stomach. He felt sick and the television was what was going to be his cure for the next few hours.

It was around 9:00 at night that the doorbell gave off its familiar high pitch chime. Frank looked over at his father who was sitting on the couch with him watching the television. His dad, a husky just like himself, just raised an eyebrow to him. Frank let out a small sigh and stood, he got his dad's message.


Frank made his way to his front door only to find a lion standing out in the snow again with a smirk on his face.

"Hey, you look a lot better since the last time you stood out there."

Aaron could not help but give a tiny chuckle.

"Yeah I guess you're right, but this time I come in good spirits!"

Frank gave him a curious look.

"What's up then? You know we can't go to the party until later right? It only probably just started and no one is probably drunk enough yet. And..." Frank whispered to keep his dad from possibly over hearing them. "You know I can't leave till their a bit tipsy."

Frank had memorized exactly what he needed to do tonight to be able to get to the party. It needed to be closer to midnight because by then most people at the party would be pretty messed up. They wouldn't notice them slip in, avoiding eye contact with people and all they had to do was find CJ. And that was all. No brainer. He also had to wait till his parents were distracted to be able to get out of the house; however, Aaron's early arrival was unexpected.

"Actually, my mom went out to a New Year's party, I was invited but I chose to stay for obvious reasons. I wanted to know if you wanted to come over to my house and "celebrate" for a little bit."

Frank just raised an eyebrow and smirked. Their minds were definitely on the same page by the look that they were giving each other.

"Hey dad? Can I go over to Aaron's place for a while? You and mom can have some alone time this New Years." He put some major emphasis on those last words. It was enough to try and force the angle in that direction. Frank's dad thought about it, his forehead becoming scrunched up in wrinkles, and then he had this look. One that Frank instantly recognized as an "I'm only pretending to think about your question" look. He gave a smile.

"Sure Frank that would be fine with me." Frank quickly gave his dad a hug and tried his complete best not to squeal with delight, before grabbing his jacket, his ipod and phone and heading out the door.

The weather had defiantly taken a toll for the worst again. The snow was coming down pretty hard by the time Frank and Aaron pulled up to Aaron's house. Frank had been over here quite a few times, but he could never get enough of the cottage like feel of the house. It was an older home, with a "cozy but small" feel. Aaron let them both in though the enclosed white front door that sat nestled under a short entryway. The inside of the house however, was what made Frank instantly fall in love with it the first time he stepped foot paw inside. It had a high ceiling and was only one story. It was a wide house, spread out because of only having one story. The house had an almost cabin feel to it and in this weather it was beyond perfect.

"Hey Frank could you wait here for a minute, I have to get something? I'll be right back."

"Ok." Frank was slightly curious about what exactly Aaron was going to get, but he didn't care too much. Instead, he took a seat at the kitchen table and thought about how the night was going to work out. His train of thought was completely interrupted a few minutes later by an Aaron dressed in a V-strap with a sly smile on his face walking out from the back bedroom. Frank could feel his package begin to stir in a delightful response. Aaron took immediate notice.

"You like what you see puppy?"

Frank was in a complete state of awe.

"Y-yes I do...oh my god Aaron I am so turned on right now!"

Aaron gave him a very sexual inviting look.

"Well then, why don't you come get me?"

Frank stood up and skirted over to the almost naked lion. He immediately locked lips with Aaron, tongues dodging in and out of each other's muzzles. Frank placed his right paw onto the center of Aaron's chest before sliding it down slowly and groping his balls, giving them a gentle squeeze. Aaron tried his best, but still gave out stifled moans with each squeeze. Soon, quite a large bulge began to form in the tiny V-strap.

"Oh Aaron honey, I think it time you lost the V and about time we got to the real fun."

With dirty smile, Frank slid the V strap down and off Aaron's now almost fully erect penis, the tiny bards making a slight scraping sound as the V slid off.

"Oh my god hun I just wan-"

Aaron cut him off with another make out session. Then he pulled away.

"No words needed hun, we are going to do it right here right now."

Aaron grabbed Frank and pulled him over to the white leather sofa that was in the living room. The living room was connected to the kitchen, only separated by a railing, so it was not a far move. Aaron got down on his knees and began to slide down Frank's pants and underwear. It was not long before Aaron had Frank's dick in his mouth and was giving it nice long sucks. Frank could not help be let moans of pure pleasure slip out of his mouth. Soon, he was hard and starting to leak small drops of pre from his plump shaft. Aaron pulled off, leaving small strands of saliva connected between his mouth and Frank's penis. He stood up and whipped around, before bending over and spreading his cheeks, causing Frank to drool just a tiny bit.

"Come on Frankie, get inside me."

Frank did not even hesitate. He stood up and began using his pre as lube, while Aaron braced himself against the couch. He began to press his throbbing member up against Aaron's tail hole, and a few seconds later began to enter it. Aaron let out a moan as Frank slid his member in inch by inch.

"Almost all the way babe."

Frank became stopped by his starting to form knot. He began to slowly move his hips in and out nice and slow. Aaron moaned with pleasure as the canine penis knocked into his prostate. Then Frank reached his hand around and grasped Aaron's erect barbed pink boner. He gave it a light squeeze that just caused light pre to leak out. Only minutes passed before Franks bucking became more and more un-rhythmic. His breathing became heavy and his hand was moving up and down Aaron's shaft at quickening speeds.

"Aaron...I'm...getting close."

"Oh too...babe lets finish this."

Frank pulled out and slammed his knot into Aaron ass causing him to almost lose it, but them he gave a few more rhythmic pumps from his pelvis and it became far too much for Frank.


His dick gave a rather large twitch before releasing its payload into Aaron's rectum. Just the feeling of the warm seed coating his insides caused Aaron to nut as well.


Aaron unloaded several sticky ropes into Frank's paw, before grabbing Aaron and sitting him down with him on the couch.

This was the kind of sex that only happened in movies, or so Frank thought, but now it was a reality. It was a dream come true.

"So, I guess while we wait for your knot to deflate we can discuss the final plan of action for tonight?"

Frank knew if he tried to avoid this conversation he would only be fooling himself. Besides, they were bonded at the moment.

"Yeah sure go on."

"Ok, were just going to go up to the place, try and skirt past most of the people there. They should be drunk as shit, so it will be a lot easier. Jeff throws some wild parties according to CJ. Anyway, we look for him, confront him, use are newly found secret weapon and get our justice."

Aaron could see how uncomfortable Frank still looked.

"Hey look." He took his muzzle in his paw. "Everything will be ok, and think, after this night people should leave us alone."

Frank was still not fully convinced this was the right thing to do, but he knew arguing was not going to work and that Aaron was right.


Frank wrapped his arms around his love and held on tight as they cuddled for the remainder of their time.

"It's 11:36 right now, were right on time. Even with this snow."

There was a lot of snow coming down now and it was making this a picture perfect New Year's eve. It was going to be a really interesting night...

"This has to be the place."

Frank wiped away some fog from the passenger side window and stared out at the house before them. All the windows were lit up in this large two story house. Frank could see the multitudes of furs dancing in the living room with loud music playing, most likely by a DJ. Frank and Aaron both stepped out of the car and began to make their way up to the front door. Frank paused before they went up to the door.

"Wait, the front makes us too noticeable; everyone will have eyes on us if we go in this way. Why don't we try the back door instead?"

Aaron looked at the husky with a happy look.

"That's a pretty good idea hun, let's go around the back."

The boys made their way around the back of the house. Jeff had his back gate locked, but it was almost too easy to jump the fence to get into his yard. Jeff's yard was large and in the summer would have been very lush with grass. He also had a pretty large pool, which the party would have been at if not for the fact that it was December. They both made their way towards the basement door. As expected, it was unlocked because there was some vomit next to the door.

"Lovely." Frank spoke flatly.

Frank went up to the door and with a shaking paw and began to push it in. It didn't take much force to open the white door, swinging open to reveal a dark basement. Aaron placed a paw on Franks shoulder.

"It will be ok hun, I'll be with you the whole time."

They both wandered into the basement shutting the door behind them, trying to navigate the room in the dark till they could find the stairs. Suddenly all the lights came on in the basement as a figure walked out of the laundry room behind them. Both Aaron and Frank whipped around with terrified looks on their faces, almost certain that whoever was down here was going to give them trouble. It turned out to be the exact opposite of that. Standing in the door way was a very drunk, disheveled looking stag with hazel brown eyes and long wavy messy brown hair.

"He- Heyyyy! Frankie! Aaron? Aaron! That's right...what's up with you guys being here and such?"

Frank realized that he knew the young stag, it was one of CJ's friends.

"H-hey Kevin how's it going." Frank tried his best to smile at the inebriated stag.

"Ohhhhh...tonight's great man. Oh and a Happy New Year's to ya' how come you dudes came over to the party this late, or even at all. I mean...I don't want to make you upset or any of that stuff but everyone here saw those pictures two right?"

Frank and Aaron gave each other and unnerved look, but the stag, drunk as he was, picked up on it.

"Hey! No worries from me guys! I'm all for the free love and that shit I don't care if you guys swing that way." He stumbled over to them, went in between them and put his arms over their shoulders.

"I just wanted you to know that because some of the people up stairs are kinda being dickheads and will hate on you if they see you." He had a sour face now. "I can't believe some asshole did that to you guys... hey if you find them, let me know so I can kick the shit out of em' eh? Hahaha!"

Frank could smell the stale vomit on his breath. He put together in his head that is why he was in the basement laundry room. He was probably puking his brains out when they came in. Aaron was on the same page as Frank was.

"Dude you look so trashed, how much did you have to drink tonight?" Aaron seemed genuinely concerned for the stag's well-being.

"Ummm...I like had a shit ton of Sunny Delight and tequila. I'm pretty drunk right now..."

Aaron just shook his head.

"Alright dude, can you tell us where CJ is, we need to talk to him."

Kevin's long slender ears perked up.

"CJ dude? Yeah he's upstairs with his girlfriend. I think their "getting very close" in the bathroom upstairs.

Aaron slapped a palm to his forehead and shook it slowly while Frank's mouth hung slightly agape.

"Ughh...we just need to talk to him ok? We can wait for him to be done up stairs." That was a flat out lie.

Aaron began to walk towards the stairs before a tan paw clasped his shoulder.

"Hey, I might be really drunk, but I even know you guys are unwanted upstairs. If you want to talk to him put your hoods up and stick close to me. There are a lot of people up there and I'll keep them busy while you slip up the stairs."

Aaron had a large smile break across his face. He now had a new found respect for the stag.

"Thanks' man. We owe ya."

Kevin looked confused.

"For what?"

"Oh you'll find out soon enough."

Kevin just shrugged too drunk to think into their words. He began ascending the stairs to the best of his ability, being shadowed by the too hooded furs.

Reaching the top of the stairs and entering the party, the sight that was before fore them was not nearly what they expected. Gazing around, all that Frank could see was wall to wall dancing furs. In the kitchen directly to their left was nothing but party supplies, booze, food, the works. To the right of them was a large open space, most likely the living room. All the furniture had been pushed out to the sides creating a dance area. There was an elevated platform in front of them with a young fur, most likely a friend of Jeff's, on the sound system. There was some blasting hard style dubstep pounding out of the huge speakers that sat against the wall. Frank couldn't help but laugh, the music was just so dirty and the dancing was completing the picture. The stag gave him a quick nudge.

"Yo, follow me and just look down."

Frank didn't hesitate to obey. Both he and Aaron lowered their heads nonchalantly and headed across the floor. Everything had gone straight to plan for once, and after bumping into several drunken furs, they made it to the large wooden stair set. For a living room, it was pretty damn big and took some clever maneuvering across the floor to get to the far side of the room. The stairs were not much however. They were just plain wooden stairs that went up at a low sloping angle, making for a lot of them. There were a few passed out furs on the stairs, but because of their state, they were of no threat. As they started to walk up the stairs, the music began to change to something a bit lighter and the crowd seemed to head to the kitchen, probably for a refill thought Aaron. Frank was shocked by the shear size of the house when he reached the top of the stairs.

"It looks so much smaller on the outside, but there is like six rooms up here!"

Kevin just ignored him, to drunk to care and walked down to the far end of the hall to a locked bathroom door.

"He's in here; you want me to knock for him?"

He was about to knock when Aaron grabbed his paw.

"Hey, why don't you head down back to the party, they are probably missing you on the dance floor."

Kevin gave him a crooked smile, "Ok dude, after your done talking with him about whatever come down and join me for a drink will ya?"

The stag turned around and began to stagger walk back down the hall towards the stairs. Aaron turned and faced his boyfriend.

"After were done here, we might just need that drink." He joked. Neither Frank nor Aaron drank and had no intention of getting drunk at this party.

"You ready." Aaron stared into his partners eyes for a minute, Frank doing the same. They seemed to find strength and comfort in each other's gaze. With a shaky paw, Frank banged on the bathroom door. A mid-toned voice answered with slight annoyance.

"Hey this room is occupied, kind of busy in here so please go away."

"CJ put on some pants and open the fucking door before we kick it in."

There was a moment of awkward silence, before the lock clicked and the door flew open. CJ was standing in the door way, half naked, only wearing jeans with Chelsea laying on the floor behind him with a towel on. He reeked of musk and had a very displeased scowl on his face.

"What the hell are you doing? How the hell did you get up here with out anyone seeing you?"

Aaron spoke.

"Not important. We made a decision." Aaron pulled Frank close to him. Frank was just staring a Chelsea with a pained look in his eyes. CJ gave a little bit of an unnerved look and Frank could tell it was because Chelsea was right behind him. Aaron spoke again.

"...And our decision is that you can go screw yourself. We are not afraid of you and we are not going to be held hostage by your blackmail. You can tell our parents, because we don't give a shit. They would still love us anyway I know it."

CJ just remained quiet, face now pale as he could see everything he knew unravel in front of him.

Aaron saw a surprised and confused look appear on Chelsea's face. He began to piece it together.

"What? You're not going to tell her what your plan is? Your secret?" He turned his head and looked past CJ at Chelsea. "And're still having sex with him even after what he did to us? After you told us what he did?"

Now it was CJ's turn to have the look on his face. He stared at Chelsea with betrayal in his eyes.

Frank knew he was trying to turn them on each other and from the looks of it, it was working. CJ and Chelsea looked stunned with fear and embarrassment.

Aaron continued.

"You know what, why don't I just go down stairs and tell everybody about your little "incident" that happened with Frank? Why don't I just destroy your life instead huh? Because you already fucked OURS!!" He began to head down the hall and yelled behind him. "Who has who by the balls now?!"

Frank saw CJ charge at Aaron but he was unfazed by it. He knew this was how he would react and Aaron did too. They were ready.

Aaron began to bolt down the stairs jumping the drunken furs as he landed on the landing. CJ was close behind, giving chase into the crowd of dancing furs.

Upstairs, Frank gave Chelsea a scornful hurt look and ran after his boyfriend leaving her tearing up in the bathroom doorway.

When Frank got down stairs, the whole party was stopped. A small circle had opened up around CJ and Aaron who were pacing in the circle, growling at each other. Aaron's hood had fallen down during the run. Everyone in the room knew who he was.

"Whoa, look at the faggot go! He's really pissed!" A random voice shouted out from crowd. A few people burst out laughing but Frank ignored them. He knew what he had to do next. Frank marched over to the crowd, shoving his way through to the circle opening and into the open circle. He yanked down his hood hearing several gasps in the process. Frank marched straight up CJ and Aaron and inserted himself into the middle of them, forcing them apart with his paws.

"Enough!" Frank yelled, startling quite a few people in the room.

He stared CJ square in the eyes, blue to brown, with a look that could burn through walls. The tension in the air became dense.

"I can't believe you you asshole! You would actually say all that shit to me about how much you love me and still have the nerve to have sex with Chelsea! The hell is wrong with you CJ!"

By now, most of the room was around the arguing pair and looking very confused about that last sentence. CJ was starting to sweat.

"I actually felt sorry for you at one point you know that? I really thought you were just as confused as I was and I felt terrible for wanting to seek revenge on a person that was so similar to me. I've been in your shoes. But now... now I realize that your just a coward. You actually value the opinions of all these hateful jerks in this room? Care about how you truly feel, not how they friggin feel!" He let out a shaky sign, already hearing the taunting voices of some jerks in the room.

"I'm giving you one chance, and you're lucky to even get that at all. Aaron did not think so kindly about what you did but I'm willing to accept you for who you are...if you're willing to accept yourself."

Aaron had a look of surprise on his face, this was not going according to their plan, not at all, but maybe, maybe this is a better idea in general.

Frank noticed that most of CJ's friends were here including Jeff and Kevin. They were all asking the same thing of CJ. "What is this kid talking about?"

Frank could see the fear that was in CJ's eyes, it was a fear that was so great that it was unpredictable, and Frank could not have predicted what happened next. CJ curled up his fist and glared straight at Frank.

"Nothing you said here is true. You love that asshole and I never loved you. I don't even know where you came up with that idea." He said this and stepped closer towards Chelsea.

"Dude your messed up man cas I'm straight."

As he said that, the insults came flowing.

Wow, the queer loves two men get a load of this? What the hell were you pulling that shit for faggot? Wow that kid is so desperate for other men it's not even funny.

Frank's mind went into overload; he felt small hot tears forming in his eyes. As he looked over to Aaron for some kind advice, he let the tears flow out. He felt so betrayed inside and Aaron simply gave him the "now what" look which did not help either. Frank felt that sorrow turn to rage, it was a very hateful and deep rage that could only be expressed in one form: Revenge. Frank strolled up to CJ in the middle of the crowd, pushed Chelsea away hard with his left arm, grabbed his muzzle, and forced the two canine muzzles to meet.

The room turned into one big gasp as Frank forced his tongue into CJ's mouth and to his surprise, received one back in his. Their kiss was passionate, Frank using his free hand to feel around CJ's crotch. It only lasted for a few seconds when Frank pulled away from CJ giving him a hateful stare.

"Look, he's erect from that. I'm not lying about him. You know I'm gay, but so is he. He posted those pictures of us on the internet, he was jealous of me and Aaron and he lied to you ALL. He tried to make us break up because he was in love with ME. He tried to blackmail us into silence, it was all HIM!!" Frank was panting at the end of that rant. He was fuming over with rage.

By now, the room was in a state of complete shock. Nobody knew what to think, Chelsea just started to back away from CJ, not sure how to take in this. She was stopped by Frank's words. Frank turned on her next.

"And Chelsea, you knew he took those pictures, YOU told us he did. And you still have the nerve to have sex with him, even after how long we have been friends? How could you? You two face bitch..." Frank cried out that last part.

Chelsea's face was now very dark red with a mixture of shame, embarrassment and tears that were now staining her cheek fur. She tried to say something, anything, but her tongue was tied.

"I...he...oh my god!" She completely shut down and broke down, her tears turning into heart wrenching sobs.

"Chelsea I..." CJ began.

CJ was interrupted by her paw as she slapped him with the force of a semi truck. He took the blow quite well, only moving his head with the slap. Chelsea bolted up the stairs and towards the bathroom from which they had emerged earlier.

Now it was the rest of his friends turns.

"Dude what the fuck?" Kevin looked at him with absolute disgust.

The room was full of mixed emotions. Some thought that even if what he did wasn't ok, that maybe his reason made sense. He was in fact alone, afraid of his friends, and completely in love with someone who was with someone else. Others saw him for what he did. They saw him for someone who used his girlfriend, and destroyed the social lives of two others, one who he was in love with. Only one person spoke of what he truly was that night. That one person was Frank and he used the word in his earlier rant. A coward. The room erupted with drunken shouting. People were screaming at CJ, and then each other and it became total chaos. Some actually stuck up for CJ, god knows why; maybe it was the booze talking for them. It was all interrupted by a drunken lynx shouting about the ball dropping and the countdown starting. They all looked over to the large plasma screen TV mounted on the wall. A undying Dick Clark began to count out the numbers...


"Hun can you back me up on some thing?"

Aaron looked concerned toward his boyfriend who had suddenly became composed.


"What is it?"

"I believe a New Years resolution is in order for tonight."


Aaron still looked confused.

"I don't think this is the time and place babe, we need to get out of here."


"No, this is the place."


"Are you sure?"




"What is it?"



With all the possible might he could muster up, Frank whipped his arm behind him in a perfect 90 degree angle and let forth the haymaker. He punched CJ so hard in the face that he fell to the ground, nose now split open. Nobody in the room knew how to respond, until a large bull started to come at Frank.

"HEY! Paws off of CJ man!"

Before he got with in a foot of Frank, Aaron had already ran towards him and gave him a round house kick to the stomach. The bull fell back, hitting the DJ table, causing the music to turn back on and loud as hell. Kevin, now finally had the moment he was waiting for, he grabbed a glass bottle, broke it on the wall and came charging at CJ who was now climbing to his feet. Before he got close, a large panther attempted to tackle CJ only to get his arm slashed with the bottle. The panther yelled and kicked Kevin square in the face causing him to topple over the snack table. CJ stood up only for Frank to kick him in the stomach.

"How does it feel now you son of a bitch, now you know my pain!"

Get Down Lay Down by Ajapai was blasting from the speakers. The bass drop was making Frank's head spin, but he did not have time for a head ache. A major fight had just broken out.

A horse in the foreground of the room punched the tiger he was next to in the face after a heated argument. This led to most of the room to start fighting. It became an all out brawl. After a few seconds, someone hit the DJ light and the whole room became pitch black again, with flashing strobes going off. Frank couldn't tell who was being hit anymore. He called out for his boyfriend.


He heard a crash behind him and saw CJ throw Jeff off him through the glass coffee table that the drinks were on. Frank then felt an intense pain on the back of his head as he was sucker punched. He hit the ground hard, reaching to touch the back of his head. When he made contact, he felt the blood from a small spot, but he didn't care. He knew that this place was bad news.

Everyone here is drunk as shit and fighting. I have to find Aaron and get out. This is not good.

Frank pulled himself off the ground only to have a fist wiz right past his nose. He was never one to fight, that's why he was bullied so much, but tonight, tonight it was survival. Frank through a couple blind punches, not being able to see who he was swinging at. He felt his second and third punch connect with something hard and wet. The stranger recoiled and Frank began calling out for Aaron again.

"Aaron! Aaron please meet me by the stairs!"

Frank began to push people out of the way while staying low. He was almost to the large set of stairs when he was grabbed by the collar of his shirt and pulled backwards. He felt a set of claws drag across his back, tearing his shirt and ripping open his back fur. Frank struggled with his attacker, before he heard the voice of his hero once more.

"Get the hell off him!"

Frank saw a few flashes of Aaron. He saw him deck the assailant, and then kick him in the ribs followed by an elbow to the back of the head. As the tiger fell to the ground (Frank could now tell he was a tiger), Aaron ran over to Frank and pulled him up.

"You ok babe?" Frank could hear the panic in his voice.

"Yeah I'm fine, let's just get out of here." As they started to head for the front door, they both heard a noise that made their hearts sink in unison. It was the sound of police sirens. Frank had to think fast.

"Quick! Let's get out through the back!" They tried to make their way to the basement door, but it was blocked by people fighting. Frank thought quickly again.

"Up stairs, we can leave through a window!"

They began to bolt as fast as they could up the stairs. As soon as they made it to the far end of the hall by the window, they heard the loud crack of the front door being kicked in. They could hear the police issuing orders and they could hear the panicked screams of all who were down stairs. Frank didn't want to wait around for them to come up stairs. He tried to get the window open but it wouldn't budge. He could hear the police starting to make their way up the stairs. His heart began to beat harder and harder in his chest.


Aaron put his elbow through the glass, cutting his arm in the process. He used his paws to push out the other pieces before giving Frank a panicked look.

"Aim for his deck, jump!"

Frank knew that the deck was on the ground level and they were on the second story. It was not too high of a fall, but at two stories, it was going to hurt a bit. He did as commanded, jumping with a slight yelp. He landed in some of the snow on the deck. He heard the police officers up stairs start barking orders. He saw Aaron practically dive through the window, landing hard on his side and rolling. Frank scrambled over to him and helped him up, he heard the cops yelling from the window.

"Freeze, stop where you are!"

Aaron let out a smirk, before couching and holding his side.

"Fuck that. Let's get out of here hun."

Frank had Aaron's arm over his shoulder as the half sprinted-half hobbled down the street towards Aaron's car. Frank was too afraid to look back to see if any police were giving chase. He made it to the car and Aaron scrambled with the keys. As they got the door open, and were about to stop the car, they saw two cops running towards their car, guns drawn.

"Jesus Christ Aaron they have guns!" Frank began to physically shake, but not for long. Aaron started the car and floored it as hard as he could. Frank knew that the car did not have the best traction for icy snow covered roads but he did not care. As long as the cops didn't follow them it was all ok in his book.

Just to be safe, Aaron drove around a couple streets, making sure they were not being followed. He heard the sirens but he pulled into a random drive way and turned off the car. They just sat and waited while the cops drove straight past them, not even slowing down to get a look at the seemingly parked car. Once the sirens died down, Aaron started the car back up and began the ride back to his house.

"Oh my god Aaron that was not at all what I thought that would be like, we almost got arrested! And I...and you..." The jist of all the nights' events now began to sink into Frank's head. He needed an aspirin bad.

He could tell Aaron was a quite shaken up as well. They were both bleeding, from different spots, neck, arm, back, leg, mouth, nose, all over.

"That sure was one hell of a fight though." Aaron began to chuckle and looked over at Frank with a silly grin.

Frank could not help but laugh at the face he saw and they spent the remaining couple minutes laughing about the whole thing, hiding their true feelings under a mask of laughter.

January 1, 2011 (12:21 am)

The golden Ford Focus arrived back at Aaron's house early in the morning. Aaron was sure his mom would be there to bust them, but that was not the case. When they walked in, they found a message on the answering machine.

Hey hun it's mom. I just wanted to call to let you know that the weather is too dangerous for me to drive home at this hour. I'm staying the night at Sherry's house. I'll be home first thin in the morning. Love you. Oh and Happy New year honey.

Aaron was way relived to hear this. They went into the living room and turned on the TV. Frank walked into the living room and gingerly began to remove his clothes to examine his wounds. He could feel the bruises beginning to form on his body and face. He felt up his back and cringed with pain as he reached the middle. Who ever decided to rip his clothes also used their claws in his back. He could feel the individual claw marks, jagged and uneven, running down his back. Before he even had time to think about how to take care of his wounds, Aaron read his thoughts. He came into the room with a first aid kit and some water.

"You read my mind hun."

Aaron gave him a weak smile and sat down on the couch with a small cringed in his face.

"You and I might have to play doctor on one another. I'm pretty ruffed up too."

Frank smirked at the thought. That could have been taken a different way, but he knew he needed to get patched up before any other needs could be met.

Aaron went to work with the kit, cleaning all of Frank's wounds. Frank frowned at the fact that he needed butterfly stitches for the cuts on his back, but Aaron took care of him pretty well. When it became Aaron's turn to get cleaned up Frank was shocked at the amount of wounds Aaron had.

"Hun are you sure you're ok. You have heavy bruising ,multiple cuts and even some skin that was torn back on you leg."

Aaron let out a small laugh.

"That last one was from the jump, I landed kind of funny."

As he finished patching Aaron up, Frank decided it would be funny to actually play doctor with his love. He began to lick his two largest fingers.

"He babe, I think there's something I forgot to check out."

Aaron raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"What? What's the matter?"

Frank let a cruel smile spread across his face.

"I forgot to check your prostate..."

As he said that, he pushed his fingers slowly into Aarons bum. He let out a gasp and relaxed his muscles, letting the fingers slide in. Frank wiggled his fingers around for a minute, before pulling them out. Aaron was already starting get an erection from the fingering.

"Maybe we should check my tonsils."

Before Frank could respond, Aaron slid of the couch and removed Frank's underwear. He saw the pink head beginning to show itself in its sheath home. His moved his face close and let his large pink tongue begin to message the tip. Frank couldn't help but moan with pleasure. It was a feeling of pure pleasure, it was only something you could feel when you had someone giving you a blowjob and that was what Frank was receiving. His member was soon all the way out of his sheath, the large veins that fed it bulging, and his tip slowly dripping out pre. Frank decided it would only be fair if let his love feel this feeling too.

"Let me...test how sensitive you are."

Frank lifted his right foot paw and carefully used the space between his paws to gently message Aaron growing erection. Aaron gave many low muffled moans as continued to work on Frank's member. By now, Aaron had his muzzle over Frank penis, moving his head up and down rhythmically. Frank could feel the pre from Aaron's penis leaking onto his foot paw, but he himself was getting close to his edge. Frank knot grew pretty large and his penis began to twitch. He stopped using his feet and just let himself relax for the next thirty seconds. That's all it took for Aaron's tongue to send him over the edge. He shot a few large ropes of sticky sweet semen into Aaron's muzzle, which was eagerly ready to swallow its hard earned prize. Frank quickly pulled Aaron to his feet and dropped to his knees. That next thing Aaron felt was the same pleasurable feeling that Frank had felt moments ago. It did not take long for Aaron to give into his orgasm. Just the whole process of sucking Frank off made him extremely horny. When the moment did happen, it was an epic one.

" it comes..."

With a large lion moan, Aaron went over his edge and climaxed into Frank's muzzle. Frank felt the large amount of semen shoot into his mouth, making his cheeks slightly bulge. The flavor of the semen was salty, but not to an extreme where it was nasty. It was a pleasant saltiness that Frank enjoyed. He swallowed the load in one big gulp, feeling it fill his stomach. Aaron's knees gave out and he fell forward onto Frank and they both tumbled onto the couch once again. Aaron lifted his head off of the husky and smiled.

"I'm very proud of you Frank. What you did tonight took courage." He let his paw stroke his face.

"As long as I have you, courage is something that is easy to find."

Frank lifted his muzzle to Aaron's for a long goodnight kiss. He would spend the night with his lover, but he knew that he would be spending many more nights with him in the future.