
Story by Chitzkoi Keaton on SoFurry

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this was a request from someone i know... so this is what i wrote for streetdog...lol... so enjoy... also... if you find a spelling error.... just know... i can't spell if my life depended on it... >.<

It was like any other normal day in the city of miami. the sun was bright and the heat was almost a hundered... normal weather. anyways i was hanging out with a couple of friends at a chinese joint in the middle of the city. as we stood in line to get our food, my friends were trying to help me get a man for my own... seeing how they had their dates with'em.

" aww com'on chris! your a keaton for christ sakes! who wouldn't want to date you?" my friend sam said.

" umm... lets see... god... my mom... and dad...." i replyed back, a grin on my muzzle

"pfffft... we know this... listen... your going to have some one by the days end... or i will die trying!" christina said

my best friends since grade school... christana... who was a fox like me... but normal... without golden fur... or three tails... like me. and sam... a white fruit bat whos' orentation was like mine... but we agreed not to do anything serious.

" hey sam! since your flamin', do you know any good places to find a guy for him?"christana asked as she held on to her boyfriend... who was a grey wolf... named david.

"no... seeing how i found mine here in the same resturant" sam said as he looked at his lover, who was a white dragon..... named seth. they nose bumped and then kissed.

" well... we could scope the place an-"

" hey its our turn!" david said as he pointed to the racoon behind the counter... who was waiting.

we had ordered the buffet and a waiter had taken us to our table. as we sat down in a table in the middle of the room, christina was soon trying to find a guy for me.

" hey chris what about that guy? would you tap that?" she asked as she ducked her head down and pointed to a german shepherd... who was surrounded by three female foxes in a booth.

" maybe... if he wasn't straight..." i responded quitely.

"well what about him?" she said pointing at a human... sitting with a female wolf.

" again... maybe... if he wasn't straight"

"ugh... okay... hmmmm... what about him?" she asked as she pointed to a blue dragon who was sitting by himself... with a bunch of roses sitting next to him... bearly makeing out the name on the card... which was amy.

" no... he has someone already."

"awe... well... who else...?"

" don't worry about me... i will be fine... love or not"

" don't say that! everyone needs love!" christan said quickly

" well yeah..." i said as i saw sam and seth return with food." but i need food right now... be right back" i said as i got up and walked to the buffet.

i grabbed a plate and looked at the buffet in front of me. as my muzzle began to fill with siliva, i started to grab as much as i could fit on the plate. with my plate full, i began to walk back. as i looked at the table we were sitting at , i saw christina laugh as he held her lover's paw. thoughts began to rush my head as i didn't pay attetion to where i was going.

i smashed up against someone and the food i had went flying because a paw had smack the underside of my plate. a lot of it went over me, covering my face in diffrent sauses and bits of food, my shirt getting covered as well. i shook my head and looked at the person i had run into.

" oh my god! i am so sorry!"

i looked and saw it was that german shepherd that was surrounded by the females. " im... fine." i responded

" no no no... look at what i did... i wasn't paying attetion and i did this... here, come back to my place and let me get you cleaned up, its the least i can do"

" no no... im fine, i'll-"

" i insist... i need to repay you... "

" chris! what happened?!" sam asked as he came running up, seth behind him.

" i wasn't paying attetion and i ran into him" i said as i looked at him, then myself as i saw the damage i had done to myself.

" no, it was my fault..."

" no it wasn't" i replyed to the german shepherd.

" but at least come back to my place with me so i can clean you up and give you a new shirt"

" go on chris... like he said, it's the least he could do" seth said as he gave a wink.

i blushed and looked to the side, thinking about what i should do... but i gave in and nodded to the shepherd.

" thank you... i will repay you in full" he said as he motioned me to follow him.

" don't do anything i would do!!" sam called to me. i blushed even more...

i knew there was no way anything was going to happen of that nature.

Me and the german shepherd walked out of the resturant and walked down the side walk. as i followed behind him, i could see him messing with his paws. i noticed the digital army pants he was wearing and the red shirt to go along with it. he looked back and gave a smalll smile, me giving a smile in return as we walked across the street.

" i live not far from the chinese place... i can walk back and forth in a matter of five minuits" he said as he continued to look back.

i nodded and continued to follow him. we walked up to an apartment building and walked throught the main double doors, beginning to accend the stairs. after three flighs of stairs, we stopped at a wooden door with a number " twenty-two" above it. he pulled out a key out of his right pocket and inserted it in to the top lock of the door. as the door opened, he gestered me into the room. as i followed him into the apartment, he closed the door behind me and ventured off.

i stood there and looked around the room, seeing nothing much but a tv on a stand and a couch in front of it. looking to my right i saw the kitchen, a counter seperating the living room from the small kitchen. i looked to the left and saw a hallway that the german shepherd had gone down, and open door at the end of it.

i saw the german shepherd walk back out with a red shirt, slightly darker to the one he was currently wearing. he padded up to me and looked at the neon green shirt was wearing.

" it seems that it will take a while for the stains to come out of that shirt" he said as he inched a foot closer " i tried to find a shirt that would match the black pants you are wearing... i hope you don't mind blood red" he said as he opened the shirt infront of me, a skull on it with a huge gear behind it.

" n-no... i don't mind"

" good, now lets clean up you face" he said as he pointed to my chest " the shirt must come off first"

i hestated before nodding, takeing my shirt off.

" you okay? i won't bite" he said as he smiled.

i looked down at the inside-out shirt i was holding infront of my slender body, hideing my chest and belly.

" if it will make you feel better, i'll go ahead and take mine off too" he said as he slipped the red shirt over his head and tossed to the side, it landing on the couch. i blushed hard and looked at the chizzled form infront of me. the shepherd had a well defined six pack and his arms were buldging with muscle. i also saw dog tags hanging around his neck, the lettering to small for me to read.

" okay... so i need this so i can put in the wash and try to get the stains out" he said as he pulled the shirt out of my paws. my face flushed with a deep red as my front side came into veiw of the shepherd, my underbelly fur lighter than the rest of my fur.

" slender... you don't eat much do you?" he asked

i shook my head"i-i only eat when im hungry... which is like...n-never"

" you need to... you can get sick that way" he said as he walked off down the hallway. " hey! come into the bathroom!" he called out.

i went down the hallway and enterd the first room on the right. it looked like a normal bathroom... with a washer and drier in it. i watched him put my shirt in with a lot of other clothes and close the lid. he turned it on and looked back at me.

" i was planning on doing laundry today anyways" he said as he padded to the sink, pulling a wash rag from a cabnit under it.

he turned on the faucet , makeing the water warm. he put the rag under the water and soaked it. after he pulled it from under the water, he looked at me and smiled.

" i am going to clean your face, alright?"

i nodded and closed my eyes. i felt a little warmth from the rag as it touched my face. as i felt it rub around on my forhead a little bit, it moved lower, moveing across my eyes,muzzle, and cheeks. i opened my eyes and watched him get my jaw line and my chin.

" you have beautiful fur... i can tell you take excelent care if it" he said as he washed out the rag and hung it on the side of the sink

"i-i do my best to keep it groomed and clean" i said as i looked into a mirror above the sink, seeing my face and muzzle clean of anything that was on it before.

"you okay? you seem really nurvous" he said as he gave a look of concern.

"well... i know nothing of you... and you know nothing of me..."

"well... they call me street dog... for my street smarts, and i know your name is chris, i heard your friend say it a few times before we left." he said as he pulled a towel form a bar hanging on the wall next to him.

i closed my eyes again as he dried off my face, giggling lightly as he did so. after he was done, he hung it up again and looked at me


"w-what?" i asked, my paws searching my face for anything unusall.

" how did i end up with someone as sexy as you?"

my cheeks went on fire as i blushed really hard, looking to the side. then i rememberd the females that were around him. i looked at the shepherd " w-wait... i thought you were s-straight..."

" im bi actually. i like my females too, don't get me wrong..."

"n-no, im fine with it... b-but..."

" but what?"

"well... im gay..." i said as i looked down,turning around,and going light headed as panted for air.

"really now... well well... i would really like to get to know you better..." he said snakeing his arms under my arms and around my belly as he embraced me in a hug from behind.

i gasped as i leaned back onto the shepherd, murring as i felt the warmth radiate on my back from his bare chest.

" would you like to get to know me?" he whispered in my ear.

i could feel the lust over power me as i nodded, closeing my eyes. he grinded into me from the back, his crotch rubbing into my behind. i let out a small moan as i felt the grind, my sheath growing warm with excitment. then i felt him kiss and lap at the right part of my neck, i leaned my head to the left so he could have better access to it.

he grinded into me again, this time i could feel something pokeing from his pants. i blushed hard as i felt his buldge against my behind, my own member peeking from its sheath in my pants now.

" would you like to bury your bone into me?" he whispered.

i reached back as grasped the back of his right leg in my right paw as i shook my head "no..... i want you to bury your bone in me"

he broke the embrace and turned me around. " well... lets go to my room... i want you in my muzzle first"

i blushed as i nodded, following him as he left the bathroom. walking down the hallway, we entered his room and he shut the door.

i turned back to look at him. he was looking at me already as he closed the gap between us, putting his paws on my cheeks and placeing his muzzle against mine. our tongues began to dance to some beat that was playing in our bodies, which deepend the kiss even more. soon he broke the kiss and went for my neck, kissing and laping at it once again, his paws on my shoulders now.

he stopped what he was doing and undid the button to his pants, but not pulling them down. he slowly went down to his knees and then sat on his behind, scooting back a little, and resting back on his paws. i continued to blush hard as he scooted back, his pants going lower and resting on his legs as i now saw the tip of his member free from his sheath. he was looking up at me, licking his muzzle as he smiled.

" don't be shy, take a step closer and you will enjoy what my muzzle has to give" he said as he used to fingers, his index and middle, to motion me forward one step.

i nodded slowly as i took one step closer to the shepherd. he reached up and groped my crotch, a light moan leaving my muzzle as my member grew at a faster rate now, hardening very quickly. i felt him go for my pants button, feeling the waist band of my pants lossen when he unbuttoned them. i felt him pull them down to my knees and i felt my member pulse in the air, my knot already swollen at the base.

i felt the wet muscle of the shepherd's maw run across the bottom of my member, from base to tip. i let out a quite moan, my hips bucking forward abit. i looked down and saw the shepherd had his eyes closed as he continued to lick from base to tip very slowly.

he stopped licking after awhile and looked up, a grin now on his muzzles as he took the tip of my member into his maw, his tongue rubbing in circles around my tip. he closed his eyes as he slowly decended on my member, the tightness of the warm and wet maw makeing me moan out now. as my inches slowly slipped into the shepherd's muzzle, i closed my eyes and felt him grab my wrist. he guided my paw to the back of his head, also feeling his nose bump my knot.

he closed my paw around his head fur. i looked down and saw him looking up, nodding as he gave me freedom to do as i please. i slowly pulled his head back and pushed forward again, feeling the effects of his muzzle around my member again. as i murred out, i had closed my eyes again, takeing over on how fast i wanted him to go.

it was slow at first, but as i sped him up, i could feel pressure on my member that he was putting on. as i felt my climax rise from the depths of my pleasure, i was panting hard, my tongue out and sliva slowly dripping out and hitting the top of his head. as my climax neared its peak, i looked down and saw him looking up. he stopped and took as much of my member into his muzzle, then started humming. i moaned out again as i felt my climax reach its peak and exsploded hard into the shepherd's muzzle.

as i came into his muzzle, my mind was on that exsplosive move he made. when he started humming, the pleasure increased ten-fold and just let loose. as the shepherd swallowed the rest of my seed i had to offer him, he pulled off and stood up. i could see if fully erect member pulsing as he stood there, just something about it wanting me to reach out and grab it.

"mmmm... that was great... so my little fox.... do you still want me to bury my bone?"

i reached out and grabbed his member with my right paw, slowly strokeing it " yes" i said.

i stepped out of my pants and saw him kick his to the side. he turned me around and embraced me in a hug again, his paws solwly closeing around my member. " mmm... you ready?" he asked as he grinded his erect member against my behind, causeing me to murr lightly.

i nodded and felt one of his paws let go of my member. he lifted my tails higher and proded my tail hole with the tip of his shaft.

" i want to hear you!" he said as he forcefully pushed his member member into my confines.

i let out a yelp of pain as he fully hilted me, his knot against my tail hole now. i panted heavly as he slowly pulled out untill the tip remained inside of me. i cringed as he pushed back in, hearing him moan out as he rested inside of me once again.

"ooohh... so... tight..." he said as i heard him pant for air now.

i felt him pull out and push back in with a little more force, a little pleasure comming from it now. i reached back with my left paw and held the back of his left leg as he started a smooth rythem with his humping. he rested his head on my right shoulder as he sped up even more. i could feel the force of the thrusts now as he sped up.

he stopped, pulled out and turned me towards the bed in his room. " go on and lay down"

i nodded as i layed down on the left side of the bed. i watched him crawl into the bed as well, laying right next to me. i turned onto my left side and heard him murr. i felt him grab the base of my tails and positon himself at my tail hole. as he slipped back into me, he began to kiss my neck again. i used my right paw ans placed it on the back of his head as i moaned out, feeling him pull put and push back into me. i closed my eyes again.

he soon again sped up, but a little faster than it was before. he had bit down on my neck as he sped up even more now, me now knowing that he was close to his climax. he sped up more, murring and grunting in my ear now. soon he was at full speed, his knot hitting my tail hole over and over again.

he bit down hard as he gave one final thrust, his knot poping in and filling me with his warm seed. i gasped out as the knot went in and the seed filling me full. he let go of my neck and panted hard in my ear.

"g-god... that was fucking... amazeing" he panted

i panted hard also as i nodded, opening my eyes and turning my head to look at him. he connected his muzzle with mine for a deep kiss again, our tongues now daceing to the beats of each other's hearts. as the kiss broke he pulled me close to him and held me tight. i murred as i felt him still inside of me.

" i guess your staying the night" he said.

i giggled lightly and nodded, seeing it would take awhile for his swollen knot to deflate and slip out of me.

i closed my eyes, smileing as i thought what christana and sam might say when i saw them again.

sam would be so jelous... heh heh.