As Easy As breathing Part 3

Story by Timelord216 on SoFurry

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As Easy As Breathing

Part 3

By Timelord216

Omega is © Omegawolfj

The sun rose over my house and shined in through the window like a floodlight. I winced at the brightness and slowly opened my eyes, then I felt something around my shoulders move. I looked and John was holding me in his arms! I panicked at first, but settled down and smiled when last night's memory came back to me. I snuggled closer and thought about going to the bank to pick up what the bastards who took my kids told me to. In my mind, I ran through different scenario's where it went wrong and we'd have to take it. In one scenario, we took it by force, but I shot that idea down. In another, we did what we were told and just walked in with it.

"*yawn* You look ready for war." John said waking up.

"Oh! I didn't know you were up." I said. "I didn't want to wake you."

"That's okay hon." He said, kissing my forehead. I gasped a little at him doing that.

"Sorry. I forgot you don't trust men yet." John said.

"It's not that John. It's just I don't want to be hurt again." I said.

"You know I won't hurt you." John said, looking in my eyes.

"Yeah. I do know." I said, looking back.

Once again, we kissed. Only this time, there was a little more passion from both of us. I reveled in the bliss I felt, and I prayed to god nothing ruined it. His hands reached up my back and Then...

My cell phone rang.

"Damn it!" We both said together. I got up from the couch and answered my phone with a rather jaded "hello".

"Greetings Omega." A voice said. "You've got Fargo this time. And I have someone you wish to speak to. Go ahead kid."

"Momma?! MOMMA! Where are you?! I wanna go HOME!" Adam cried over the phone.

"ADAM! Oh baby don't worry! I WILL find you and bring you home! You and Amy both!" I cried back, the tears starting again.

"Listen very carefully to what I have to say Miss Omega. I don't have much time, as Hagen will be back soon. I didn't sign on to kidnap children, so I left a little present inside the box at the bank to help you find us. I have a baby girl of our own and the only reason I agreed to break out was to see her again. The device inside the box has something only a computer specialist can find. I wish you good health and I swear to keep your kids safe until you come for them. I must go. Hagen has returned." And Fargo was gone.

I fell back onto the couch, aghast at what I had just heard. Fargo was helping me?! No way. It had to be a lie.

"Well?" John said, anxiously. "What?"

"Fargo's helping me. He said he left a present for me inside the box to help speed things up. The only reason he broke out was to see his daughter. He's big on his family so I know he's not lying about that." I said, staring a hole in the wall.

"Then we better get to the bank. The sooner we do this, the sooner we get your kids back. I'll call X-ray and get him ready." John said, flipping his cell phone open.

I grabbed my gun and badge and holstered both, then john and I made for the car. The engine roared to life, then we sped off and on our way.

The bank was busy with people taking out loans, depositing money, taking out money, setting up accounts, you name it. One bank teller was open so we pulled him aside and told him of our problem. He said he was waiting for us, and that Hagen had called ahead and that the box was ready and waiting.

The bank teller lead us to a private room where the box was waiting. He closed the door and gave us privacy, which was kind of him.

I drew my gun nervous at what was inside. John clicked the latch open and opened the box slowly. Inside was a small disc. On the back of it a small USB drive was taped to it. John pulled the USB off and put it up his sleeve when I wasn't looking after we heard commotion down the hall.

"The FBI must have caught up." John said

He was right. Agent carter, The bobcat burst, gun drawn on me and john. I rolled my eyes at his idiocy.

"Officer James! Officer Church! May I ask what you're doing here?" The bobcat asked.

"I got a call from the bastards who took my babies. He told us to come here and pick this up." I said with spite.

"This is FBI jurisdiction miss. You not authorized to-"Agent Carter started.

"Fuck jurisdiction!! They took MY kids. Not yours. I have more right to this than you." I growled.

"If you continue to interfere I will place you both under arrest!" The bobcat said.

"I would love to see you try!" John laughed.

"Give me the disc. And you can leave." Carter said.

"Fine." John said. Throwing him the disc.

"John NO!" I said.

"Thank you for your cooperation, but you must leave the premises while the forensics team checks the place." Carter said, smiling at me.

I stormed off down the hall, pissed off as I could be, with John close behind. We got in the car and drove off after pushing through reporters who wanted to ask me about my kids.

"I cant believe you gave them the disc. And the USB! Now we'll never find my kids." I roared.

"Oh my dear wolf. Appearances are deceiving. I slipped the USB up my sleeve after I heard the bobcat in the hall way." He said, pulling out the USB. "See?"

"John you sneaky devil!" I said, then kissed him.

The drive to Donny's was short now that I was happy with our new lead, but when we got there, there was a van parked out front, and the men inside didn't look happy. We got out and made our way to Donny's apartment but the guard outside was dead. Someone had shot him. John and I both drew our guns and burst into Donny's room. Donny was lying on the floor, one gunshot to his heart.

"DONNY!" Johns cried.

"*Cough* it's...a!" Donny sputtered.


All hell broke loose in that instant. John pulled Donny out of the way and opened fire. The first two bums went down. I took cover and fired round the corner. Two more dead. The other five got smart and took cover.

"JOHN! You alright!?" I hollered.

"Yeah...this just got personal. Donny's dead." John said. "I hope your ready! Whoever you guys are!"

The five men opened fire all at once. One stopped to reload and I killed him easily. Another's gun jammed and john pegged him in the neck. The third and fourth tried to pull back to better cover but john and I ended them with two shots each. The last one panicked and fired a widespread of gunfire. I got clipped in the arm and went down in pain. John Roared and killed him with a head shot.

"GAH! This is not how I wanted to spend our first date!" I said.

"The wound's not that bad. I can fix it at your place." John said.

"We can...OW! the USB on my computer at home." I said, cradling my arm.

I held my arm on the way back to my place, wincing at every pulse of pain. John pulled a first aid kit out of his trunk and helped me inside. I sat down at the table and let him go to work.

"OW! Easy!" I yelped.

"Oh stop it. It doesn't hurt that bad." John laughed.

"Then let me shoot YOU in the arm sometime!" I said, wincing again.

After about 5 minutes and some stinging, my arm began to feel better. We decided to insert the USB and see what was on it. There was only a single file.

"What is it?" I said.

"A video file." John said. He opened it and there was Fargo, sitting with my two kids.

"Miss Omega, if you have received this, then you are on the trail I left for you. That's very good. Your kids will be safe with me, as I can keep Hagen on a leash till you get here. The goods he recently bought, the computerized security? Its in an abandoned building basement on the north side of town. The Computer virus is there. 7687 upton avenue is the address. And the code to the vault is 7258. Don't worry about Adam and Amy. They'll be okay. Good bye for now."

"Let's go." I said.

We jumped back in the car and sped off for uptown. The building was rundown and worn, and looked ready to fall. A "condemned" sign was hanging outside, so nobody would be around. John grabbed a kit from his trunk and hauled it with us. The door was open, which was odd for a condemned building, so we drew our guns and went in. The basement door was opened as well. We didn't pay it no mind and proceeded downstairs.

Downstairs was another matter entirely from the other floors. No signs of damage, no wear or tear, nothing bad at all. It was all pristine. And what was worse, there was so much security, fort Knox would be jealous. Lasers, motion sensor, camera, you name it. On the west wall was a keypad.

"Here it is." I said, then walked toward it.

"WAIT!" John said grabbing me.

"What?" I said.

"It's NEVER this easy." John said taking out a bottle of cologne. "Look."

He sprayed some in the air and their in the refractions of light, were invisible laser sensors. I almost walked right into it.

"Damn. I could have screwed us!" I said.

"Its okay hon. Easy mistake." John said taking out a mirror. "This is an easy trick to get past. Just move through when I tell you."

He took out two mirrors from the kit he had hauled in with us and found a laser beam near the bottom. He then used the mirrors to make a space large enough for me to wiggle through.

"Go now. And watch your tail!" He warned.

I wiggled through and made it to the keypad easily. I put in the code "7258" and watched as the security shut down with a click.

"Nice job. Now let's get that virus." John said.

The short walk down the once buzzing hallway was eerie, in a word, and my nerves were on edge. SOMETHING was wrong, I just couldn't place it. This was too easy, as john said. The virus was on a pedestal, just sitting in front of me. My instincts roared at something behind me.

"Oh thank you so much omega! This system was such trouble." A voice said.

I whipped around and there was Hagen, holding my daughter with a gun to her head. I noticed that Fargo wasn't with him, so I knew my son was safe.

"Fargo's dead, just in case your wondering." He said, to my shock and dismay. "I caught on to his little clues to you and hoped he would give up the code. He did so and I let YOU get it for me. Now pick it up and bring it to me or baby girl here gets a lead implant."

"You son of a bitch!" John growled with malice.

"Ah, ah, ah! No sudden moves alley cat. Now give me the virus." Hagen said.

"Only if you give me my daughter." I said.

"Fat chance, wolfess. As I said, she and your son are my insurance." Hagen said with a laugh.

"Take me. I'm the one you have a problem with." I said.

"Hmm...tempting!" Hagen Said. "Alright! Take the brat. Come here pretty one."

He released my daughter and I gave her a hug that was enough for a lifetime. I whispered in her ear that john would take care of her and kissed her forehead.

"Omega! No!" John said grabbing me.

"Take my daughter and get her home. Ill be fine" I said kissing him. "I love you." He hugged me and I felt a tickle on the back of my neck but I paid it no mind over my tears. I was sure I would never see him again.

"Get out of here lion! Take the brat too or Omega dies now!" Hagen roared then fired a warning shot, making my daughter yelp.

"If you hurt her, I will hunt you down and kill you like the monster you are." John Growled then picked up Amy then ran off.

I picked up the virus and handed it to Hagen. He then led me at gunpoint to a van around the corner. The last thin I remember before him hitting me and knocking me out, was the thought of John and Amy safe.

I felt a tear fall from my eye, then I passed out.