Art Rocks

Story by Illiana on SoFurry

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** ** Mind racing, his heart beating faster than it ever had before, Asterix pushed. He pushed until even he could feel the lactic acid in his muscles. Though, even as he pushed himself to his outermost limits his mind continued to race. Why wouldn't the incessant nagging stop?! Running usually got Asterix's mind off EVERYTHING... What was so special this time around? The air mixed with the smell of what seemed to be his hard work. He stopped.

Panting heavily and shaking his head, trying somehow to shake the thoughts off of him, he squatted close to a pine. The smell entered his nose and closed his eyes at the familiar homey smell. Maybe the smell would shake his He was wrong yet again. He sighed.

A simple black wolf was all he was, with a white crescent on his chest. All throughout the males on his dad's side of the family had this special marking. His eyes a deep teal-green, the colour of the gulf. Ears were a bit bigger than most wolves, but that was another family trait, passed from his mother's side. Getting up to head back to his house, his mind continued to race.

"Damnit..," he muttered under his breath. This wolf...this old childhood friend of his...why did he feel like this?! It wasn' couldn't be...No it couldn't. Why would these thoughts even enter his head? He didn't think of this wolf like he was right now ever before so, what was the reason now?...

"Asterix! Dinner!" His mother seemed to below from the kitchen window.

Asterix picked up his pace and trotted back through the forever thick pines to his house. He opened the front door with a sigh of sarcasm and sadness,

"Yes mother dearest." Asterix seemed to be concentrated on something completely and utterly different than just his dinner.

"Don't you even get that tone with me! You being sixteen does not give you the right to be a smartass!" laughing out of spite, his mother, Cyan, named after the blue that coloured her eyes, pointed a spatula at him. "Trying to be a good parent just doesn't seem to fit me..." She sighed happily and turned back to the stove. Throughout their humble woodland abode, the smell of chicken and rice was everywhere. Smiling and ears twitching, the young wolf sat at the counter. Eyes traveling to the empty spot on the counter, the thoughts about "him" continued from where they left off in the forest.

"Hunny...Is something troubling you?" Her dark muzzle gently poked at his own.

Asterix snapped out of the blank stare and looked upon his mother, his eyes slightly shiny from frustrated tears,

"Yes, I'm fine Mom. I think I'm just going to go to bed..."

Cyan gasped and bit her tongue to keep from saying anything too prodding,

"Of course dear, if you need to talk I'm here!" She shouted the last part as her troubled son ran up the stairs.

Flopping down onto his bed, muzzle first, he groaned. Why was there this confusion? This wolf, his best friend since the age of five, Asterix was thinking of! Though, Asterix bit his lip gently as he thought this, Dominic was gorgeous, with an utterly sexy name to match. Dom, Asterix's nickname for his friend, was a cinnamon brown coloured wolf with gorgeous brown puppy eyes. You'd be surprised, but the soft eyes fit him even though his physique was not really...soft as one would call it.

"Oh...oh god..." Asterix's thoughts had led him into waters he did not want to tread in. These thoughts of Dom made his heart and mind race, and made his blood rush to his cheeks. With blurry eyes he glanced at the red digital clock. 8:30.

"Screw it, I'm going to bed." He slithered under the crimson covers. He tried to sleep, tried to keep his mind off this boy. Though as he entered the realm of dreams, trying his hardest to avoid his sinning thoughts, Dom was there waiting.