Fates of the Unicorns 50 - Rounds

Story by DragonTalon on SoFurry

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#50 of Fates of the Unicorns

Fates of the Unicorns - Chapter 50 - Rounds

_ SPOILER WARNING : If you are new to the story, this chapter contains plot and character development spoilers for the over all story. This is an onging story, and this chapter assumes you know the story and characters_.

Tamira woke as she normally did, coming quickly awake but nor moving a muscle. Years of military training and sleeping in makeshift camps had trained her to wake quickly and assess her situation before moving. It served her well today, as she was not in a tent sleeping among the rest of her patrol but sleeping in the bed of her Master, and the longer he slept the longer she could have to herself. Cracking open an eye she saw that she actually was in a tent of sorts. She was curled up between the legs of her dragon Master, and one of his legs was propped up which lifted the covers and blanket over her head. It would have been cozy, had the dragon been a unicorn, and female. She wrinkled her nose as she looked down, seeing his limp cock laying over his balls. She had a good view of it, as she was using the dragon's thigh as a pillow. Movement caught her eye, and she now heard the sounds of rustling sheets and felt the bed shift as someone moved outside. That must have been what woke her. Before she could decide if she should move or not, a familiar skunk face pushed itself into the opening.

The skunkess made eye contact, and then looked down at the dragon cock that lay between them. Smoothly she nuzzled up to the tip of his cock and took it into her mouth, pressing her lips tightly around it.

Tamira winced, knowing what she was doing. He had done this the last time she had stayed the night. A deep groan came from the dragon and Tamira felt him shift a bit, then let out a long ahhhhh as he stretched under her. At the same time she watched the skunk's eyes narrowed and she began to gulp loudly. Tamira looked away, not wanting to watch the skunk drinking their Master's pee. The sound was awful and she wished she could only imagine the taste, but he had made all his unicorns taste him in that way and she remembered exactly what the skunkess was tasting. It seemed to go on forever, but finally stopped and her Master settled back into motionless rest. Now the skunkess had pulled off the cock and was looking at Tamira with an odd expression. Tamira looked back quizzically, seeing the skunkess looking and making quick nods down at the dragons limp shaft. Finally the skunkess gave Tamira an exasperated look and made an o-shape with her mouth and bobbed it. Tamira finally got the hint but didn't like it. She knew that her Master could fuck her, and make her do whatever he wanted, but as long as he wasn't making her do it, why should she instigate it? She gave a tiny shake of her head.

The skunk frowned and leaned in slightly closer and whispered, "A morning suck puts him in a good mood all day, and less horny too." With that she pulled her head back out from under the covers.

Tamira let out the tiniest of sighs. She suspected her Master was going to demand a sucking as soon as he fully woke, so if it would make him more pleasant and less horny... well it might save the other mares some pain. If only a hand job would work. She was a lesbian for two reasons. She loved pussy, and hated cock. Especially dragon cock. Dark red, covered in bumps and spines and hard as rock when erect. She loved a good dildo, but likes them smooth and featureless and soft and pliable, and not in her mouth! Resigned she parted her lips and slid her head forward, mouthing the tip before reaching up to grasp the shaft and hold it as she slid her lips down it. If only it would stay like this, soft and small. But it was already getting bigger, and fast. Her eyes bugged as it filled her mouth and she had to open her mouth wide to accommodate it. She felt the tip sliding and pushing at the back of her throat and soon was choking on the huge length. Maybe she shouldn't have taken it all in at once like that!

Rahmor groaned in pleasure, laying on his back in bliss. He loved the feel of a good hard piss in bed, knowing a slave was there to take it. So relaxing to just lie in bed like a lazy lizard. Even better when he felt the hot mouth of his unicorn slave sliding over his cock to lick and suck, and choke. He smiled as he heard her struggling. She had much to learn about the art of sucking dragon cock. The first time had been great fun, watching her struggle and choke and fumble. It had been the first time she had ever touched a cock, let alone had one in her muzzle and he had enjoyed watching her deal with it. Now however, it was time for her to learn some skills. Perhaps a day of training with his harem. He groaned as the choking stopped and he could hear the soft slurping and sucking sounds coming from under the covers. He mrrrred and squeezed Tamira's ass hard, feeling her jump and shiver. A talon slid between her cheeks and teased at her sex, but nothing more. This was time for her to please him. Her pleasure would come later... and so would she.

Squirming, Tamira felt her Master's hand on her rear, then the talon at her sex. It wasn't a good feeling. She knew how sharp and dangerous those claws were. Trying not to lose focus she bobbed her head as much as she could on the dragons now fully erect cock. Eating pussy was SO much easier. Her jaw already hurt from being forced open so wide. With a mare she never had to worry about her teeth either. She stuck out her tongue to shield her Masters cock from her bottom teeth, but the top she just had to keep out of the way, sometimes using her lips. She knew she should try and take all of it, but that meant swallowing it and she just couldn't do that on her own. She was not about to ask Master to hold her head while he raped her throat either, so she used her hand to stroke the bottom half of his shaft that she couldn't take in. She sucked hard on the rest, hoping that would do.

The big blue dragon sighed in pleasure as he felt his slave work on him. She was methodical but uninspired. He could feel her trying to get him off, but she clearly was not enjoying her task. Not like the loving suckle of one of his harem girls... mmming their pleasure as they worked on him, loving to suck as much as he loved to be sucked. Tamira's clumsy licking and rubbing did have a charm of their own. It gave him a rush of pleasure to know that even though she hated males, and dragons in particular, she knew her place and did it anyway. Both willing and unwilling blowjobs had their pleasures... and which he liked best depended on his mood. Maybe he wouldn't have her trained after all. Something to decide later. Right now he had other thoughts to fill his mind, and shortly, no thoughts at all.

Tamira rubbed and sucked and glared in humiliation as she worked the dragon. She had always been the kind of girl to make the first moves, to take the lead (and the strap on) when with a willing mare. It rankled her to be forced to submit. It was even worse when she wasn't even being forced, but was doing it on her own like this. She almost preferred to be raped. At least then she had no choice in the matter. Could still fight and struggle. There was less shame in going down fighting. But she had made her choice, and given this dragon her word to serve him. She had done it to save her friend, and to try and make things better for the other mares, but in the end she had surrendered. Given in. Focused on her inner thoughts she missed the signs of her Masters rising arousal and was surprised with an explosion of cum. She gluuuuurged as it blasted into her muzzle and twin streams jetted out her nose. It was all she could do not to yank back, bite or thrash about. The thick coating of cum at the back of her throat kept her from inhaling, and she held her breath as the dragons cock throbbed and spurt. She couldn't swallow with a huge cock in her mouth and had to wait for him to finish before pulling back. Urgh. It felt like there was an ocean of cum in her mouth and with difficulty she swallowed several times before gasping for breath. She sneezed once, clearing her nose and then snorting a few times, coughing.

Rahmor laughed as he lifted the covered and regarded the mess below. "That was just terrible, slave," he said as he looked at his cum-spattered cock and legs and the embarrassed face of his mare, cum covering her nose and lips and chin. He smirked at her messy muzzle and expression, loving it and just staring in amusement for a bit.

"S... sorry Sir" said Tamira, flushing in embarrassment and humiliation and discomfort. She sniffled once and winced as the dragon let out a loud laugh. The taste was bad enough, but having it in her nose was worse. She swallowed, trying to at least get the taste out of her mouth.

Rahmor threw off the covered and woke to his skunk maid who was kneeling in a corner of the room, "Take care of the mess, maid."

The skunk nodded, "Yes Master!"

Rahmor slid out of bed, standing and stretching. "Come, Tamira. Today I'll give you a tour of my lair. It's time you began to learn the layout, how it works, and what your place in it will be."

Tamira noted that only now did he fully retract his cock back into his sheath, and his balls tightened up as well to make a much more compact package. She watched as he began to collect his clothes, selecting a black leather harness that had loops and pockets for various items. These he gathered up. A small knife, a writing quill, a compact (but painful!) flogger and other bits he found useful. He strapped a large sword to his side, and piled the rest on a folded kilt which he then handed to her.

"No sense in dressing before I've been cleaned," he said, indicating his messy state from the waist down.

Tamira flushed and again apologized, "Sorry Master."

Rahmor said, "Don't drip on my clothes slave. Now come!"

Tamira bit back her shame and licked her nose and lips with her tongue, making sure she didn't drip on his kilt. She didn't know what he would do to her if she got them messy, but knew it wouldn't be pleasant. She bowed her head and waited for her Master to take the lead. He often used his tail as a leash. Sometimes around her wrists to lead her, others by her neck. When it went around her neck she knew that meant she was to crawl. She hated that. It hurt and was terribly offensive to her. With her hands occupied she wondered if he would still try and take her wrists or maybe an arm with his tail. She let out a loud and sharp whinny as his tailtip pointed up and quickly pressed up against, and then into her sex. She rrrrged as she felt the pointed tip impaling her. It wasn't extremely deep, only a few inches but she was NOT ready to be penetrated and it hurt. Groaning she stumbled along behind him as he led her intimately, struggling not to drop anything and to keep up with the dragons much larger and faster pace. She wondered where he was taking her. She lifted herself up onto the front edges of her hooves as she walked, a unicorn tip-toe to try and escape the worst of the tail, but as soon as she lifted up, the tail followed, staying in place. Until she got tired and sank back down, gasping as the tail pushed even deeper into her. She caught a look from her Master as he glanced back at her with a chuckle. She got the message. Trying to escape or squirm out of anything just made it worse. Now the tail was even deeper inside her, a very uncomfortable lesson.


Bitch and the rest of Rahmor's harem were gathered around the breakfast table when the door to their chambers opened. Just a glimpse of blue scales was enough to stop their conversation cold and send them flying to greet their Master, literally throwing themselves to their knees before him with a happy chorus of "Master!" to greet him. Bitch was at the forefront, as was her place as the head of his harem. She was focused on his gorgeous taloned feet, but still could tell he was naked and had a unicorn in tow. "Good morning, Master. How may we serve?"

Rahmor murrred at the eight harem girls arrayed before him. His only slight regret was there was not enough hours in his schedule to spend as much time with them as he, and they would like. Unlike many of his slaves and servants, his harem girls were chosen for one reason... they WANTED to be his slaves. Furries were odd, he reflected. They didn't understand how PERFECT a system of domination and submission could be. Everyone knowing their place, those at the top served by the ones at the bottom. It simply made sense that if one was at war as they were, those that could fight fought, and those that could not supported them. In times of peace things could shift... trades and crafts could become just as important and a skilled merchant might have military guards serving HIM to protect caravans and provide security. But furries didn't understand. War or peace they refused to order themselves into a well understood hierarchy. Among themselves they could do that, but among dragons? Well they just had to be MADE to fit. Not so with his harem girls. Not all furries were adverse to fitting in. Some were what they called kinky and enjoyed bondage and slavery. Among furries they were considered weird and often shunned. Here, in his lair, in his harem, they could live their fantasies. He was quite happy to provide them with all the dominance they needed.

"I need a shower, as Tamira here made quite a mess of her morning duties. Clean her up and feed her. You and you... annnnnd you come with me" said Rahmor as he pointed to Squeak, Elf and Bunny. His three harem girls in tow, he strode to the shower, leaving Tamira to the rest of them.

Bitch stood as her Master left and regarded the unicorn with disapproval. "He had cum all over him! Just how did that happen?" said the large female doberman. She waved at the stack of clothes and items, "Fox, make sure those are clean while we deal with the unicorn."

Tamira let the vixen take the stack and allowed herself to be led forward by the dog. She clearly was in charge here. Looking around, Tamira was impressed with what she saw. The quarters were luxurious. Several large, round beds were set against one wall, covered in silk sheets and soft blankets. Pillows and thick, expensive rugs covered the floor, tapestries on the walls. The room was brightly lit by a large balcony overlooking the dragon capital. Unlike the pen where the rest of the unicorns were kept, the edge had a secure railing, plants and chairs. Not a sheer drop like she had been used to. The elf had surprised her. Like unicorns, elves kept to themselves and were a fairly rare sight. Tamira thought she looked odd, no muzzle to speak of and no fur either, just like dragons. Maybe that's why he liked her? The whole room was filled with pretty things, not the least of which were the harem girls themselves. Just like his unicorns, Rahmor had picked well. Very well!

"Tamira!" said Maegan, although since joining Master's harem she was simply called Uni. She ran up to hug the big warrior, happy to see a familiar face. "You look, umm... messy."

Tamira flushed, "I... err... well..."

Maegan noticed Tamira's collar, no longer a dull, plain iron, but the shiny metal of a placed slave, and with large red rubies to indicate her position as a guard. "Oh my! Your one of his guards now?"

Tamira flushed harder now, in shame rather than embarrassment. "It's not what you think..."

Maegan shushed Tamira, "You can tell me all about it after we get you clean. I'm so happy for you! Come here and sit while we clean you up. You don't mind, do you?"

Bitch smirked and sidles up to the big unicorn, "I doubt she will, being a lesbian and all." At the look of surprise from Tamira the doberman said, "I saw you looking us over, you naughty unicorn. Can't say I blame you... I am quite a sight."

Tamira ummed and then mmmmmed as fingers found her sex, and unlike Rahmor's tail, felt VERY good. She panted a little, then discovered what being cleaned meant. A lynx has moved up to her as well, and began licking at her messy muzzle, sucking on her fur, kissing... lapping her cum-stained muzzle clean. She mrrrrmped at a firm kiss to her lips... and kissed back.

Maegan let out a giggle, "I guess catching up will have to wait, won't it?" She reached up with a tentative hand and gave one of Tamira's breasts a squeeze.

Tamira whined at the sudden attention, and the addition of another unicorn interested in her, REALLY interested in her, turned her on to no end. Even the bunny she had played with had not been like this. They had been made to make love, and while it was good, it had still been under Masters orders and for his pleasure as he watched, and participated. This time there was no dominant male ordering them around... just girls that WANTED to play. With her. She let herself be led to a bed and stretched out as soft fur pressed and stroked against her, and tongues washed and cleaned her messy muzzle and places that did not need cleaning, but VERY much needed licking!

In the harem's shower, Rahmor was getting some attention and care of his own. He stood under the spray, turned up as hot as his girls could handle it. He preferred it warmer, but wasn't going to burn his pets. If it came down to water at the temperature he preferred, or being washed by three of his harem slaves, it wasn't hard to choose!

Bunny dunked her head under the water, soaking her fur and then took the bar of soap and lathers up her ears. Moving up to her Master she began using her ears as washcloths, scrubbing her Masters smooth blue scale-patterned hide as he liked. She worked at his broad chest, then down his sides and made sure to give his rear a good fondling, and a cleaning of course! She shivered in pleasure, feeling her Masters firm rump as she spent more time than was absolutely necessary before moving onto his tail.

The vixen had a washcloth and was gently cleaning the dragons head and snout, polishing up his horns, rubbing his neck and giving his wings the attention they needed. The water soaked her from head to toe and she pressed herself against his side as she worked. She wasn't REALLY humping against him, just pressing... at least not at first.

Elf was crouched down, her Master's cock held between her smooth breasts, her hands pressing them together as she rose up and down, stroking him with her soft skin. She kissed the tip of his now erect cock and licked at it as she rubbed warmly against the thick dragon member. She was wet and hot just like the rest of them, not all of it due to the shower.

Rahmor let his girls serve him as he relaxed, but motioned them to finish up before he got TOO aroused. He had a surprise planned for the girls, and making them wait a few more days would just make it all the more enjoyable for them, and for him. He patted Elf on her fine, fine ass as she have a little pout, then took them out of the shower to dry and see how his newest guard was getting along.

Tamira lay on her back, legs spread with a canine tongue lapping and sucking on her sex. She shuddered and shivered, moaning her excitement and pleasure. There were other tongues and fingers on her and she wasn't sure who was what and what was going where, but it all felt so VERY good. All too soon it stopped and she opened her eyes to see a large blue dragon staring down at her, several slaves toweling him off.

Rahmor smirked, "Enjoying yourself, slave?"

Tamira just nodded, answering honestly if with an embarrassed downcast of her eyes. She hadn't meant to get involved with the other girls, it had just happened!

Rahmor looked over the sprawled out unicorn and said, "I can see you are clean at least. But you never should have gotten so messy in the first place. Bad technique. Uni! Show her how it's done." He stood beside the bed at Tamira's side, his cock jutting out over her belly.

Uni nodded as she crawled onto the bed and knelt on Tamira's other side, then leaned over and took Rahmor's thick shaft into her wide mouth.

Tamira watched with distaste as the unicorn began to suck on the male member. Nothing she wanted to have to watch, but was glad it wasn't HER mouth this time. Her eyes widened as she saw Uni going down on her Master, and keep going. She kept expecting her to stop and choke but inch by inch her muzzle moved over it until she had swallowed the entire thing. Tamira was no expert on this sort of thing but had no idea how something so big could even fit. As she watched, Elf's tongue moved from side to side, caressing and licking the dragons balls.

Rahmor groaned in pleasure and motioned two other harem girls to join Tamira. "Urrrrrhhh... oh that's a GOOD little unicorn..." he said and caressed the side of Uni's face.

Tamira let out an eep as a mouse and a zebra took positions on either side of her and began to nurse at her breasts. The pair of tongues on her nipples felt heavenly and she shuddered as the doberman once more lowered her head between her legs. She gasped as the tongue swirled over her clit and arched her back, hooves kicking in little jerks.

Rahmor said, "Now... let's go over your duties when it comes to my harem. These girls are special, Tamira. Special in my eyes, and in the eyes of dragon laws. Every dragon has a limit on how many slaves they may own, and a much smaller number on how many may be considered part of his harem. If a slave is marked as a dragons harem, she has protections and immunity to many of the games we dragons play. You ARE paying attention, aren't you?"

Tamira grunted and struggled to listen. She felt like that tongue between her legs had reached into her brain and was trying to pull her attention down to her sex. The girls on her breasts were not helping either, and now they began to massage and caress then gently too. "Oooh... uhh... I'm... I'm trying Master..."

Rahmor snorted, then let out a grunt of his own as Uni began bobbing her head on his cock. He took a breath and continued, "There are rules one must follow, but trying to kidnap and steal slaves from each other is a game most dragons play. If a slave is taken, it might be ransomed at a percentage of its market value. In the meantime, it's captor is free to rape and torture them, within reason. If a dragon feels he has enough of an advantage he may keep the slave. It all depends on how much of an insult he wishes to give, or if he is seeking to expand his household or simply gain advantage over a rival. But harem slaves are different. The situations when they can be taken is much more restricted, and if one is taken they must be treated well, can't be raped, and must be offered up for ransom. It's quite rare for one to be taken, but it can happen. If you see a slave with the mark of another dragon ANYWHERE near my girls, you will take them down hard, fast and call for help."

Tamira nodded, panting and asked in a throaty voice, "What if they wear one of your collars as a disguise?" She let out a snort at a particularly good lick to her sex, feeling her muscles clenching and a wave of pleasure beginning to rise, her focus wavering.

Rahmor said, "That simply does not happen. It's illegal and can get a dragon into SERIOUS trouble. Slaves must always be marked with their owners name and sign for security reasons. If you see a name on a collar, you can be assured it is accurate." He grabbed Bitch by the back of her neck and pulled her head up and out of Tamira's crotch, seeing the unicorn was on the verge of climaxing.

Tamira gasped as the air hit her, and THAT almost made her cum... but the throbbing and tingling receded... but not the desire. Oh how she wanted to cum, even being watched by a male dragon, something that normally would have turned her cold and icy. Now it just made her burn in embarrassment, the need too overwhelming to be pushed aside by anger at a voyeuristic dragon. Slowly she calmed, her panting slowing... and then watched in a mixture of dread and desire as Rahmor pushed the doberman's muzzle BACK against her sex. Nnnnngggh!

Rahmor said, "My harem girls are special in another way. They are all willing. Each of them chooses to serve me, and enjoys it. So you will NOT treat them as common slaves. You are not to punish them, but inform me of any transgressions or problems. I do not expect any to happen. They know their places, enjoy serving and have more freedoms than you or the other mares have yet experienced, so as long as they are in these quarters, you are not to impede their movements or order them around. Is that understood?"

Tamira made little gasping noises, "Yes... yess... YESSSSS!" Her hands grabbed at the sheets in a death grip as she tried not to buck her hips into the muzzle that was doing such WONDERFUL things to her.

Rahmor nearly laughed and once more pulled Bitch from the unicorn's sex. This time it took almost a minute for the shuddering mare to back down from her climax. The girls on her breasts apparently were not helping her calm down, but alone were not enough to push her over the edge. He waited patiently, then continued as if the pause had not even happened. "You may of course visit them in your off hours, but only with my permission in advance." His other hand which had been stroking Uni's face now wrapped around her horn and pulled her half off his cock. "Hurrrrr... you HAVE been practicing, haven't you?"

Tamira's head swam from being kept on edge, and now she stared at the wet cock protruding from Uni's mouth. Slowly more and more was revealed, until the mare's mouth was off it, and guided by a blue dragon's hand, turned in her direction and kissed her. Tamira mrrrmed and kissed back, sucking on the other unicorn's tongue, ignoring the now familiar taste and scent of dragoncock. She shuddered and groaned, so close... almost... and then the doberman was pulled away again. She gasped and writhed in frustration. Shaking her head she saw that Rahmor had pulled the doberman off to the side and was talking with her separate from the others. Now the other two stopped their licking as well, just snuggling on either side of her. She could not remember being this horny before, but it was nice to cuddle, even so. Some cat, a lynx had brought over a tray from the breakfast table and offered it to her. Hungrily she took an apple and bit into it, glad to have a distraction from her burning sex. And a tasty distraction at that!

Uni smiled and licked her lips, "I'm glad to see you again, Tamira... I was worried about you."

Tamira mrrmphed and gulped, "Really? Why?"

Uni said, "You were a warrior... and we could all see how strong you were. I was afraid you would do something stupid and get hurt or killed... or simply be stubborn and get needlessly punished. You will make a good guard. They are not all bad you know."

Tamira nodded, thinking of the two she most knew. Nella had a cruel streak in her, she loved to punish any slave she could get her little hands on. The other guard Tamira knew was nicer. Ralean didn't go out of her way to hurt anyone, but on the other hand, didn't go out of her way to stop Nella either. Not knowing her history, Tamira wasn't about to judge her. She finished the apple and took a pear, filling in Maegan, no she was Uni now, on what had happened since they had parted. She told of the scary insect scare, and then of her fight and battle with the bull. She explained that was why she had chosen to serve as a guard, to save Dana from being taken away. Then all too soon Rahmor was back, ordering her to her feet.

"Time to go, slave. If your good you can visit them again and... fill your friend out more completely." He winked at Uni who giggled, and gave Tamira a firm smack on her ass, "Come!"

After her initial yelp at the slap, Tamira was silent on the walk to their next destination. Her pussy was damp and still felt like a warm coal was pressed to her puffy nethers, a heat that just would not go away. She flicked her tail behind her, annoyed at her inability to stifle her horny feelings. It wasn't like her to be so ruled by her desires. Then again, she had never lived in a home full of hot females, many of which wanted to fuck her brains out. She had thought that seeing so much naked pussy and breasts and fine horse ass would have gotten her used to it, but it seemed to be having the opposite effect. She recognized the large ornate doors as Rahmor took her into his office. She had been here before but this time a set of doors on another wall were wide open and she could see others in a smaller, but still fancy office.

Rahmor brought Tamira through his office and into the room where his subordinates and head slave worked. Today there were two, his dragoness assistant and the head of his slave household. "Girls, this is Tamira... my newest guard" said Rahmor, pulling his naked unicorn into the room.

Tamira glanced about, seeing rows of ledgers and journals, reference books, stacks of papers, cabinets and two doors that led into what looked like more storage and archives. Several desks were arranged in the large area, two of which were filled. A slave giraffe with a green gemmed collar indicating some sort of special status, and a black and orange striped dragoness. She too wore a collar, but made of leather, and was dressed in a form fitting black leather outfit that covered her ample cleavage, but only just.

Rahmor pointed to the dragoness and said, "This is Emcer. She serves as my secretary of communications and deals with military matters. She serves under my command as well, don't you?"

Emcer nodded her mostly orange muzzle, "Yes Sir, happily!" She cocked her head and tapped at a large section of the desk which looked like a built in chalkboard with various diagrams and scribbled here and there and large blocks of text. At a nod from Rahmor she said, "Nothing critical, but there was a training accident involving new members of the fourth wing and a drake. No fatalities, but several recruits will need to be pushed back a year and replacements selected."

Rahmor nodded and said, "Have a full report on my desk for tonight. The wing leaders can pick the new recruits. Inform me of any problems or if any of the injuries turn serious."

Emcer nodded and wiped a section of the slate clean, then tapped a chalk pencil on the board and hmmed audibly with a thoughtful expression on her face.

Tamira watched politely, until the dragoness gave a little twitch and her eyes rolled up into the back of her head. She was on the verge of rushing over to catch the dragoness when the large female snapped out of it and scribbled down some notes on her desk. Tamira gave her Master a quick look but was surprised to see him ignoring the small seizure or whatever it was. Maybe it was normal for her?

Rahmor said, "This little thing is the head of my slave household. She makes sure the larders are well stocked, deals with other supply problems, keeps track of slave schedules, and anything else I do not have the time or desire to do myself. Perkin, this is Tamira."

Perkin nodded her head on her very much not little neck. She was a beefy looking giraffe, and like most slaves wore little other than her collar, her breasts on display. "Nice to meet you, Tamira. I hope your collar fits you well? Master made sure to have me order the best and finest that gold could buy."

Tamira reached up to feel her collar. She never really forgot it, the weight was always pressing down on her, the unyielding metal constantly around her throat. But it wasn't painful, or even uncomfortable. Just a constant, disturbing reminder that she was a slave. Having seen the machinery needed to remove it, she wondered that if she ever did somehow escape, could she even find someone able to take it off? She shrugged to herself. She did not think she would ever have that problem. Escape from the dragon capital looked impossible when she got here, and nothing she learned had proved her wrong. "It fits fine, thank you" she said.

Rahmor had walked around behind Emcer to look down at the desk, his hands on her shoulders. "Cancel anything unimportant today. I'm going to be showing Tamira her duties."

Emcer gave a nod, tilting her head way up to look at the dragon looming behind her. "Yes Sir... as you wish."

Rahmor bent down and gave a series of nibbles along the line of Emcer's jaw, then swiftly grabbed her throat in his own formidable jaw. The dragoness let out a gasp as Rahmor growled, a hand reaching around to grab a breast and squeeze hard, fingers digging visibly into the soft orb. After a moment he released the trembling dragoness and made his way out the doors to his office, closing them behind him. He took a seat behind his much larger, much fancier desk and indicated a spot next to his chair.

Tamira walked around the side of the desk and saw a large, flat pillow at the spot. Knowing what he wanted, she knelt down at his side, and almost jumped as she glanced under his desk. Crouched down there was the skunkess from his bedroom, reaching out for a dragon foot to begin massaging.

Rahmor chuckled and said, "Sometimes when I am busy with work I don't wish to leave my desk, so my skunk here takes care of such things, much like she did this morning."

Tamira understood, but wished she didn't. She glanced at the skunkess who didn't seem distressed about the whole idea. Tamira didn't know if that meant she liked doing those disgusting chores, or was just used to it. Tamira's head was just high enough to see the top of Rahmor's desk. It was mostly bare, with a stack of papers and quills and on one side another inky black chalk board like the one on Emcer's desk. She watched Rahmor as he gave a flick of his finger against one edge, and the chalk drawings abruptly vanished to be replaced with another set, and then another as he flicked his finger over and over. So it was some sort of magical device. She stretched up a bit, trying to get a better view.

Rahmor placed a single talon on Tamira's nose and pushed, making her sit back on her hooves. "No peeking, slave. It would be a pity if you saw anything critical or private."

Tamira gulped and nodded, "Sorry Master! I was just curious." She wasn't sure what he meant by that, but assumed it meant at the very least some terrible punishment if not outright locked away in a cell for the rest of her life.

"I understand, slave. Magic is rare where you come from. The dragon capital is one of the few places to have not been totally destroyed when the leviathans withdrew their magic because of, or perhaps causing the resulting destruction of most magical artifacts. Some scholars believe it was the remnants of the titanic cataclysm that formed the crater in the distant past that protected much of what still works today, but nobody truly knows," he explained. He shifted his talon to under her chin and pushed upward, making her rise up again, "Look."

Tamira quivered at the feel of that deadly talon pressing up under her chin as she stretched to look at his desk. Words were flowing across the tablet as if being written by an invisible hand. Now and then a word was scrubbed out and something else written in.

Rahmor said, "These tablets allow communication over vast distances. Most are a matching set. What is written on one is instantly copied to the other. Some, like the ones built into these desks can be connected to others. That was what Emcer did earlier. She is trained in the use of these devices, and can make her board connect with any other that she has familiarized herself with. Mine is simpler... it monitors her board, letting me see what she is doing as well as messages sent and received."

Tamira ahhed, that explained the little twitch and fit she saw. Some sort of magic usage. She wished she had had some of these magic slates back when she was patrolling. Able to talk to her commander, or scouts would have been very useful! She wondered if there were many such things in furry hands. Possibly with the government. She had joined the military at an early age and really didn't know much about the rest of the world. She hunted down smugglers and slavers in the woods and plains, spending little time in the villages she had been sworn to protect. The unicorn guard outposts had plenty of drink and companionship, so why bother. Ironically she was seeing more of the world as a slave than she ever did as a free mare. Not that she wouldn't trade all the things she had seen to be back home.

Rahmor leaned down and spoke in a theatrical whisper, "Emcer isn't a slave, but might as well be. She was assigned to me when I first took possession of this lair. She suited me well, so I decided to make her a permanent part of my staff. It was not hard... she has quarters here, and spends her days under my command, so a little extra domination over a year was all it took to bend her will to my needs." He gave a deep chuckle, "Well, perhaps more than a little... I must admit I dominated the fuck out of that cute little bitch. Put her in her place so hard she can't even imagine serving any other dragon."

Tamira just nodded, not sure what to say to that. It sounded like the sort of things dragons do, and Rahmor in particular. They were very big on dominance and submission, who dominated who and how much seemed to be of great importance to them. So did everything, and everyone having a Place. It had taken her a while to get it, but 'place' to them had a very deep meaning, much more a simple word that it was to everyone else.

Rahmor patted Tamira on her head, "There are dragon slaves you know. If a dragon messes up bad enough, or is found to be unreliable they can be stripped of citizenship and sold as a slave. Some dragons enjoy having their own kind a slaves and servants, but most of us don't like to be around such trash." Rahmor stuck out his tongue, "I'd rather just have them put to death than have to look at them. Most dragons that serve in houses are hired, or assigned like Emcer is. It may look like she is my slave at times, but never forget that she is NOT. She is merely a very submissive assistant."

Tamira suddenly found herself staring into Rahmor's eyes as he leaned down further and touched his nose to hers. She quivered, not liking the look he was giving her.

Rahmor said, "She is a dragon, and you will obey her if she so commands you. Is that CLEAR?"

Tamira said, "Yes Master" right to the dragons close muzzle.

Rahmor said, "Some furries think that when they are given extra freedom or status that it puts them within reach of the lowest, most submissive and dominated dragons. Those furries find out very fast, and very painfully how wrong that is. As high as you might rise, you will never brush the feet of the lowest, most useless dragon citizen. Do you understand, SLAVE?"

Tamira nodded, feeling her nose brush Rahmor's snout, "Yes Master. I am a slave to... to you and the dragon empire." She wasn't sure why he was being so intense, but she felt he wanted to hear more than a simple 'Yes sir' to his question.

Rahmor suddenly sat up and nodded, "Good. Very good. You are not letting your new collar and duties go to your head. No, not at all like that other one." He pulled his foot from the skunk's lap and stood, "Come! We have much to see today." He lifted the end of his tail, pointing it up like a hook and wriggling it.

Tamira got to her feet and eyed the tail, confused. Then getting the hint she stepped forward to straddle it, gasping as it slid upward into her sex. She followed her Master, his tail like a finger pulling her along by her tender sex, groaning at the stimulation of her still unsatisfied desires, and wondering what he would show her next.