The meeting Pt. 2 (UPDATED)

Story by engetsu on SoFurry

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#2 of The Meeting

"What's wrong? You didn't like it?" "...I.....Of course I liked it." He looked around, the TV was still on, and the lights were on. He has forgotten they were in the apartment's living room, just a couple of meters from Nix's studio. "Shit, I'd forgotten we were on the couch..." he added, still laying on his back, taking the chance to admire Willis naked body sitting beside him. "It's alright, Nix won't notice..." he chuckled when Julian blushed even more. "She paints while listening to music. " he yawned loudly. "Oh shit, I must sleep a bit before my shift!" Willis picked up his clothes with one hand, while offering the other to Julian. The fox smiled sweetly and followed him to his room, holding the other's hand tightly. The wolf's room was dark, but he guided Julian without bothering to turn on the lights. "Oh shit, I forgot to give you your meds! Get on the bed, I'll be right back" he hurried to Julian's room, his tail swaying behind his nude body. Julian lay on the bed, his eyes focused on the door. Willis came back in no time, with a glass of water and the pills. He sat beside him and offered him the meds. Julian swallowed them and looked at the wolf, still naked. "Let's get some sleep now, shall we?" the wolf said as he laid on his side beside him, placing his hand on Julian's waist. The fox grabbed the blanket and covered both of their bodies, with a quick glance he noticed Willis' manhood was getting erect again. He said nothing as the wolf looked at his clock. " Seems like I still have time to sleep!" Willis wagged his tail. The clock read 3 am, and he had to get up at 7, but he was used to sleepless nights, so 4 hours seemed like a lot for him. "Good night Julian" he said as he kissed the fox's cheek gently. He rested his head on the pillow, his arm still around Julian, caressing him gently with his eyes closed "Good night, Will" he said chuckling; the wolf's erection was now evident, and he doubted Willis was going to be able to sleep like that. "Huh? What's so funny?" he said yawning, slightly opening his eyes. Julian kissed his lips and lowered his hand, holding the wolf's balls tenderly. With his thumbs he went over the length of Willis hard cock. "I'll take care of this" he nibbled the wolf's neck, slowly trailing to his chest. He bit his nipples softly, while still playing around with his balls. He kept going lower and lower, kissing every inch of fur. Willis let out a moan when the fox reached his crotch. Julian's tongue went from the tip of his dick to his taint, licking the tender skin, then he put Willis' erect member on his mouth and began sucking it, bobbing his head rhythmically. The wolf started moaning, it seemed he was really enjoying it, he placed his hand on the back of Julian's head, urging him to suck deeper while thrusting his hips. The fox immediately got the hang of the new rythm, and started to bob his head faster, as the moaning got more frequent and louder. "That's perfect, go on..." his voice ended in an even stronger moan and his body was trembling with pleasure. Julian was enjoying the feeling of having Willis' cock on his mouth so much his own was leaking, as he bobbed his head he slipped his tongue and moved it up and down. His hand kept massaging the wolf's balls, who was almost shouting in pleasure. The wolf kept huffing and grunting, and pushed him deeper and faster, his cock deep inside his throat. "Ah-I'm coming!" he shouted, as he released his load on Julian's mouth. The fox swallowed his warm, salty sperm with a slight cough. Julian enjoyed the taste and made sure not a single drop was lost. He pulled off from Willis's wet cock and looked at him, his mouth dripping with his seed. He licked his lips with pleasure. "Man...that was awesome" the wolf said as he held Julian's head on his shoulder. He gently stroked his cheek with one hand, while placing the other on his ass. "Let me give you some pleasure". Julian kissed his chest sweetly. "You've done enough, get some sleep now, will ya?" The wolf held him tightly and closed his eyes. Julian took a deep breath, and in no time he fell asleep.

Willis woke up when he heard his cellphone vibrating on the floor. It was on silent mode, but he had good hearing. The room was still dark, and when he picked his phone up he saw the time: 5:35 am "Uh, yes?" "Doctor, it's me, Lola!" said a female voice. It was Lola, the oldest nurse at the hospital he worked on. "Hi,Lola, what's up?" "Oh Doctor, I don't know what to do." her voice trembled. "Dr. Brown is on an emergency surgery, I tried to call the other doctors but they wont answer, oh God, what should I do?" "Calm down, sweety" he replied as he got up from the bed. "What's wrong?" "It's the patient on room 303..." "Mrs. Jenkins you mean." he hated it when his workmates referred to the patients with their room number. " Her vitals are all messed up, we gave her the IV, as the doctor instructed." she was talking so fast it was hard to understand her. "but her pressure got high, she's sweating and trembling like crazy, we don't know what's going on, oh God, we need help" "Don't panic, Lola, I'll get there in no time. Get a cab for me, and I'll be there in 10 minutes. Get me a PA thorax x-ray." "Oh Doctor, thank you so much!" "Bye." he hung up the phone and got dressed. As he tied his shoelaces, he looked at Julian's peaceful body, his chest lifting softly as he slept. He sighed; he had really hoped he would wake up with the fox by his side, but Mrs. Jenkins condition was severe and she needed immediate care. He walked up to his desk and picked up a post-it and a pen, he wrote a message for Julian and stuck it on the night lamp. He hurried away from the apartment, taking his white robe and his stethoscope. Downstairs, the cab was waiting for him.

Julian woke up; he took a deep breath and Willis' scent filled him. He kept his eyes closed and extended his arm to hold him, but he wasn't there. The wolf was gone, and he was alone on the bed, still naked. He looked around, perhaps he was in the bathroom, or studying, or having breakfast....but his nose told him he wasn't there. He shook his head, looking at his feet, and sat still on the border of the bed. As he lifted his gaze he saw a yellow paper stuck on the lamp, with black letters. "g2g, emergency at work. I'll be back 4 lunch. Take ur pills. - Love, Will" There was a badly drawn heart next to the message. His handwriting was horrible, but somehow that short message managed to make him feel warm inside. He decided to eat something, and so he got up from the bed and walked towards the drawers and took a pair of boxers and a white tank top. He needed a shower, but he was so hungry he decided to have breakfast first. The kitchen was small, but it had everything strictly necessary, and there was a small, round glass table next to a window. The sunrays lit up the whole place, it was early on the morning and the rising sun came directly. Nix was already having a cup of coffee and some yoghurt, still on her pyjamas. "Hey, good morning." She greeted him with a smile "'Morning, Nix" he yawned a bit to hide his grin. Thinking about the night before made him so happy it was quite evident. "Huh, where's Will? I thought he had to work early today." "He had an emergency last night, so he went to work earlier." Julian was still clutching the note Willis' had left him. "What a pity, it seems that guy can never rest. And it's Saturday, for heaven's sake!" "Do they call him for extra shifts often?" "All the time. The other doctors avoid extra hours somehow, but Willis' ain't like them. He loves working way too much for his own good." Julian chuckled a bit and walked towards the cupboards. He started making himself a cup of coffee. "Do you want some coffee, Nix?" "Sure thing, nothing start's the day better than three cups of coffee!" she said as she drank the remains on her cup. "Hey, what's that thing you're holding on your hand?" "Huh? Oh, this. Will left a note before leaving. I was asleep though." Nix let out a girly laugh. " it a love note?" "Nope, it isn't" Julian blushed, as he poured some water into the cups. "You think I can't tell what's going on?" her ears perked as she rested on her elbows, leaning on the table. "What do you mean? There's nothing going on!" "Oh, come on! I can tell you are falling for him!" Julian almost dropped the cups as he walked towards the table. He sat in front of her and took a dip sip. The coffee warmed his insides nicely. "This is some nice coffee", he said, trying to drive the conversation away from Willis and him. "Don't change the subject!" Nix stared intently at him. "Alright..." Julian sighed with slight disgust. "You remember what I told you yesterday?" "I do" "Then be careful with him. He is just a don Juan. Trust me, I know" "How do you know?" curiosity suddenly sparked on Julian's eyes. "Well...He's my roommate, after all." She didn't sound convincing, and the fox stared at her with disbelief. "Alright, I wasn't planning on telling you this...I went out with Willis when we just met. I was looking for a roommate, and he looked like a good we started going out...No, "going out" is not the right word for this...Let's just say I fell for his charm, like many others. He is a handsome man, and he can be a real knight when he wants to. It's hard not to fall on his game, but on the long run, the only thing he wants to get is your body. Trust me on this: he's slept with just about every single nurse, male and female." Julian's eyes widened in shock. "That....that can't be" But he barely knew Willis, as far as he knew, it could be true...He tried to convince himself that those were all lies. "Julian, I know it might be hard to take...but that's the reason I told you to be careful. The only thing that guy cares about is his work. He has no love left for anyone. One-night-stands are like a hobby for him" she placed her hand on Julian's arm; she felt sorry for the boy and angry at the wolf. "You'd better get away from him, or you'll end up hurt." The fox lifted his gaze. "I....I really don't know what to think." He clutched the note harder on his fist; it had been so sweet....but now it felt bitter. He dropped it and drank more coffee. Nix's ears perked up as she heard steps on the corridor. "He's back home" she said. "I...I think I'll take a shower" he said as he stood up and rushed to the bathroom. He turned on the shower and sat on the floor.