Twokinds Revolution Chapter 3

Story by 6620 on SoFurry

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#7 of Twokinds Revolution

The day went on pretty uneventful until it was time for dinner. Seth set out to collect so...

The day went on pretty uneventful until it was time for dinner. Seth set out to collect some firewood like he always did, though this time his mind was in a different place entirely. He couldn't figure out why he helped that human. Seth had seen enough atrocities to make any neutral being hate the humans, and yet he couldn't stand by and watch that man die. He was brought back to reality, however, when he heard someone shouting at him.

"You there! Turn around!" the man was yelling. Seth slowly turned his head to see who it was and see how deep of [censored] he was in. It was three humans, a cocky looking bunch too. One had his rifle resting on his shoulder while the other still had his on his back.

"I said turn arou-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Seth dropped the wood and dove behind a tree and was instantly under fire. He reached into his jacked and pulled out a flash bang he had found a while back. 'I knew this would come in handy.' He said to himself as he pulled the pin and tossed it. He waited for the bang and took off running. There was only a short pause in the fire, so he had to run from tree to tree. One of them must have been using enchanted H.E. rounds because there were tree bursts going off everywhere and Seth was catching shards of wood left and right. There was a noticeably louder bang from behind him, and moments later a huge explosion sent him flying into a tree. He blacked out instantly.

Everything was black, until a point of light made itself present. It got bigger until it looked like a tunnel. Seth squinted at what appeared to be someone emerging from the light. When it was close enough, Seth saw a towering figure, cloaked in darkness, standing over him. The being began to speak.

"When your spirit is floating down this tunnel, towards the light, you know what's behind the light? It's not God, it's me! And I'm gonna kick your poncey soul all the way back down the tunnel 'till you choke on your own [censored] up ribs! Now... Wake the [censored] up!" He then proceeded to give Seth a Sparta kick to the chest propelling him to the end of the tunnel.

Seth's eyes shot open. One of the humans was standing over him looking over his shoulder.

"Hey guys I found-" With a quick flick of the wrist, Seth's spring loaded snub-nosed revolver popped out of his sleeve and into his hand and he put an end to that miserable human's life. He then rolled back onto he shoulders and flipped forward onto his feet. The other two were not far off, but they were just standing there looking at him. Seth made the first move and took a few shots at the one on the left before diving behind a nearby tree to un-sling his rifle. He stuck the rifle around the corner and let off a few rounds of suppressing fire before he stepped out and took aim. These guys really were armatures; they were practically hiding from those few shots.

Seth only needed two shots and it was all over. He was down to five rounds with his rifle and decided it was time to say goodbye to it. All three of them had the same rifle, and it was the same kind he took from Johnson. These, on the other hand, had several attachments including the grenade launcher that nearly killed him. It was a lucky find too since most human explosives used magic, but these were just good old fashioned explosives. There was also a red dot sight, a fore-grip, and a silencer. "Now this will defiantly come in handy." Seth said with a smirk. All this action had not affected his hunger, so gathered the humans' packs and headed back to pick up all the wood he had dropped and made his way back to his camp. After a good meal and a quick workout Seth scattered the logs and hopped into a tree to get some well deserved rest. Still, he couldn't get that Johnson guy out of his head...

Twokinds Revolution Chapter 4

The next morning something just felt off. Seth couldn't place his finger on it, but he just knew today was going to be a bad day. He still hadn't gone through the humans' packs from yesterday, so he decided he should start there. "Man, these guys...

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Twokinds Revolution Chapter 2

Seth awoke to the sound of footsteps. He didn't dare move in case it was... well in case it was anyone really. He noticed that they were coming from the direction of the clearing. 'Did they follow me? No, I was too carful for that.' he thought to...

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Twokinds Revolution Intro/Chapter 1

It has been thousands of years, but the battle between human and non-human still rages on. The Keidran put up a tough fight but were ultimately crushed by the human forces. The Basitin people were lulled into a false sense of security when they signed...

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