The Death of Worlds - Chapter 4: Intimacy

Story by Eth-iir on SoFurry

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The week following that one night when Mordak, Gaza, the Speaker and Sharon had gone into the ancient temple had been mostly uneventful uneventful. Time had passed without any encounters with their enemies, it had been a peace that may have been short lived, but was nonetheless quite welcome after the events of the early days of their journey, and had provided time for them to rest, think upon their task and plans for the future, and come to know each other better.

In that time, the group had stayed in a middle class inn, Sharon and the Speaker took rooms of their own, but Mordak and Gaza shared a room as a result of limited vacancies at the time. The Speaker proved to be even more distant than usual, spending most of his time alone in his room. Usually, the others only saw him when he left the room to eat his meals, and even then, he was usually quiet. Gaza thought he looked troubled by something on the occasions when he saw the prophet, and if he had to guess, it was probably his lack of any new visions. In any case, it was usually only the orc, the Tylanim, and occasionally the human who ever spent much time together.

Though that had been a quiet period, it would not have been accurate to say it was a time without change, it was one night after the group had eaten together that Mordak and Gaza returned to their room, while the Speaker withdrew to his. Sharon had also gone to his room, saying she wanted to speak to him, though what she would say to him was a mystery to the two of them. They arrived in the quiet, well lit room, and Gaza sat down on one of the two beds it held. The bed felt quite comfortable, the clean mattress and pillow were soft to the touch, the blanket quite warm as well, though the inn was not the most expensive one available, it would be a lie to say it did not provide its patrons with comfortable conditions.

"I know it's convenient to have a guide who can predict the future," Mordak said, having taken a seat on the opposite bed, and faced Gaza "But I do wish our friend there would be a bit more sociable, it seems like whenever he has something to say, it's about our mission, he acts like he doesn't care about anything else at all."

Gaza looked to him, shrugging at his statement "Our mission is important," he said "And I'd imagine his mind is generally quite occupied with it."

"Of course it is," the orc answered "But you and I still manage to talk about other things when we get the chance, as does Sharon, but I've barely heard anything from the Speaker since the night in the temple," he seemed to shiver for a moment at the mention of that "And he still hasn't told us his name."

He was right about Sharon, of course, many times she had spoken to them, unfortunately, her conversations too often drifted towards her "profession" for Gaza's comfort, so he did not care to recall them. Even though she did not claim to enjoy killing, she seemed to take great pride in her "achievements" in her work, he would rather not bring that up now, though, lest he recall some conversations he would rather forget.

"To be fair, I don't recall anyone ever asking his name." Gaza answered "If you want to know it, you could try that."

"True, but I'm not sure he'd answer even if we asked."

"Maybe so, but still, you can try if you like, anyway, I'd prefer not to say anything more about him behind his back right now, if you don't mind."

"Right." Mordak said with a nod "I'll drop that subject for now."

After that, the two of them said nothing to each other for a bit. Eventually, Gaza got up, and started pacing around the room. Mordak watched him for a time, looking quite curious at what his friend was doing, before finally breaking the awkward silence.

"Is something on your mind?"

"Well..." Gaza said, stopping in his tracks, and turning on the spot to face him "Actually, there kind of is..." he said "I remember you asked me before why I agreed to take part in this quest, I didn't want to answer then, but I'm wondering if I should now."

The orc's eyebrows raised at the answer "And why would you bring that up so suddenly?" he asked "I told you then that you didn't have to answer if you didn't want to, didn't I?"

The Tylanim nodded "You did," he agreed "But... well... over the past few days, I've spent so much time with you, and I've been thinking about it, and I think that... well, maybe I should tell you after all."

"Fine, then, tell me if you like, and you can sit back down."

Gaza nodded, and sat down back in his earlier place "Well, it's that... well, it has something to do with what the Speaker told me, which I guess is what you'd probably expect, but it's not just about our mission, at first I had a hard time believing him, but it's when he told me one thing that I really wanted to believe... and if I believed him in that... well, I felt like I should believe his prophecies as a rul..." he blushed rather intensely at this point, showing up as pink through his white fur.

"To be honest... it's because the Speaker said I'd meet my first love on this journey, and I wanted to believe that was true... so I agreed to come." Now that he had said it, he expected Mordak to laugh at that, he knew how absurd it must have sounded, even though it was the truth, however, the orc did not laugh, instead, he simply tilted his head, the look he gave Gaza was not one of mocking, but simply of curiosity.

"And do you feel that you've met this person yet?" he asked.

Gaza decided to answer truthfully, though it took all his resolve to do so "I think I might have," he confessed "But I don't know if that person will return my feelings."

His friend pondered the answer for a moment, putting a finger on his chin "And who might it be? Is it Sharon?"

The Tylanim's eyes widened at that prospect, finding the very thought of that rather disturbing "No, it's definitely not Sharon!" he said "I wouldn't even think about that."

"Then who is it? We haven't really gotten to know any other women very well so far."

"Actually..." Gaza said, shifting nervously on the bed, his blush deepening, he feared that he would back out at that moment and waste this opportunity, and yet somehow, he managed to get himself to speak the truth "To be perfectly honest, it's not a woman at all... it's... well... it's you."Having said that, he was convinced he would regret it, he feared that not only would the orc not return his feelings, but that he would feel disgusted and turn him away for it, and it would also ensure that they could not even be friends after that. Still, he wanted him to know how he felt, and he feared that, if he did not tell him now, he would never do so in the future, it was, above all, that fear which ensured he would not waste this chance.

The Tylanim closed his eyes, not daring to look upon the expression that must have been on his friends face. He only opened them when he felt a hand on his shoulder, looking up to see that Mordak had risen, and come to stand before him, smiling reassuringly at him as his hand lay on his shoulder.

"You... you don't mind that?" he asked.

"Of course not, friend." The orc answered, slowly lifting his hand before he sat down next to Gaza "Actually, I'm kind of glad that you told me how you feel, I understand you might be afraid of how I'd react, but you don't need to be, because I'm not in a position to judge you."

"So... then you also like men?" Gaza asked, it was the only thing he could assume Mordak meant, and he lowered his head, hoping that what he believed was true.

"Actually, I swing both ways, but as far as it matters to you, I don't think it would make much difference. Now, lift that pretty head of yours, other people might judge you for your preferences, but I'm not going to, so you don't need to feel any shame here."

Gaza did as asked, raising his face to look his friend in the eye. What the orc did next surprised him, for a green skinned arm came around his shoulders, and suddenly pulled him closer, before Mordak's lips locked with his in a kiss. At first, the Tylanim resisted, his eyes wide, but then, he just gave in, letting his desires take over, throwing himself fully into the kiss.

The lips of the two individuals stayed locked for several moments, once the kiss broke, they pulled back, facing each other "So... I take it this means you feel that way too?" Gaza asked.

Once more, Mordak smiled "You're not the only one whose been doing some thinking over these quiet days, and I realized that I kind of do, I also figured that we needed to make the most of the time we have together, after all, we can never be sure that circumstances won't separate us some time in the future."

From his tone, Gaza realized what was inferred in the statement "That's not really an optimistic way to look at things." He said.

The orc shrugged "You could see it that way, but to me, it's just a matter of recognizing the reality of our situation. Once you've survived fatal injuries twice in a short period of time, it's naturally to think of things like that. But enough discussion of that, it's just ruining the mood."

The Tylanim nodded, and after thinking on how he might change the subject without fail, he decided to kiss Mordak, this time, both were prepared for it, though what Gaza was not prepared for was the stirring in his groin that came with it as his thoughts wandered to more private realms. He did not notice his growing arousal at first.

"My, aren't we eager?" the kiss had broken, and Gaza's attention was drawn by those words of Mordak's. He saw the orc looking down, and only then noticed the bulge in the front of his loincloth, his eyes widening, he quickly reached a hand down to cover it.

"It's not what you think!" he said.

"Isn't it?" the orc asked "You don't need to lie to me, you already told me how you feel, so there's no point in hiding this from me now, if anything, being honest will make things easier for both of us."

"I... I suppose you're right." Gaza said, unable to stop himself from blushing "It is just what it looks like, I... I want you, I don't just want you to express your love in words, I want you to give it to me... physically, in the most intimate way possible."

The orc's smile soon grew into a lustful grin "I hadn't thought you'd want to go that far tonight, but I'm glad you feel that way." He said, beginning to remove the gray shirt he wore, after stripping it off, he tossed it aside, revealing his well muscled chest.

Gaza took a moment just to admire his friends form, he had, of course, seen all this on the first night he saw Mordak, when he had healed the wounds he suffered, but this was different. At the time, he had been in the position of a doctor treating his patient. Now, he was a lover spending some intimate time with the man who had stolen his heart, never before had he felt a desire quite like what he experienced now, and the front of his loincloth was pushed further out by an ever growing erection. After a moment, he stretched out a hand, laying a palm upon the orc's breast, feeling the green skin, and the dark hair that grew upon it. Though the skin seemed a little rough, it did not feel unpleasant to him, feeling warm to the touch. He slowly moved the palm over his chest, eventually bringing it to rest upon the nipple, which he took between two fingers, and began to rub it softly.

"Oh yes... keep that up for now." The orc said, a look of bliss crossing his harsh yet, at least in Gaza's eyes, handsome features.

The Tylanim nodded, and continued his efforts for a short time, before moving on to the other breast to do the same.

Meanwhile Mordak reached down, and inserted his fingers in the gap between the belt that held Gaza's loincloth up and his body, which caused him to momentarily cease the attention he was giving his lover, looking down, a look of surprise on his face.

"Mind if I take this off?" the orc asked "After all, the only one who's going to see you here is me."

Gaza hesitated only a moment, before shaking his head slowly "No, it's going to have to come off sooner or later anyway."

The orc nodded, and began undoing the garment. Gaza brought his rear off the bed momentarily so it would be easier for him to remove it, soon enough, it came off, exposing all of the Tylanim's body to his lover's eyes, his penis was half erect at this time, and continued to grow, the flesh-colored organ protruded from a white furred sheath, beneath which a sack of skin housing his two testes hung loosely, covered in the same white fur as the rest of his body, Gaza noted his own musky scent rising in the air.

"There." Mordak said, and reached down to grasp the Tylanim's erection.

"That... that feels nice." He said after a sharp intake of breath, his penis throbbing slightly in the orc's grasp. Unfortunately, he did not hold it long, and let go so both his hands could be free to undo the buckle that his pants up.

"I think it's about time I got these off too, would you mind helping me with it?"

The Tylanim nodded, and with his help, the pants were quickly removed. Leaving the orc clad in only a pair of white undergarments, in which the bulge at the front was now clearly visible.

"Should I take this off too?" Gaza asked, after a nod from his lover, he got to work at pealing the garment away, revealing the orc's own tool, the foreskin that covered it was the same color as the rest of his skin, though the head at the end of it was a fleshy color, the orc's anatomy was mostly the same as a human in that region. His genitals were surrounded by dark colored pubic hair. Gaza took a moment to marvel at the form of his lover, taking in every part he could see, before he knelt forward, burying his snout in the green man's chest, and sniffed at the faint scent of sweat that clung to him.

Slowly, he began to bend down further, running his face down the chest, over the orc's stomach, while he placed both hands on his sides, feeling over the muscles beneath his skin, firm and powerful.

Eventually, he came to the orc's groin, seeing the sensitive organ now standing straight, from this close, it looked even more tempting than before. It was somewhat larger than Gaza's, but he doubted it was any bigger than what was average for his kinf, which was quite fine to Gaza. While some seemed to have the notion that bigger was always better when it came to these things, Gaza thought that taking a man who was too big would probably hurt quite a bit, better to just be average.

Gaza inhaled, taking in the powerful musky scent of the orc's genitals, finding it to be quite pleasantly masculine, driving his lust further. He felt his erection press against the blanket, and a bit of clear, sticky fluid came from it, staining the cloth. He was tempted to lick the orc's penis or even suck it, but hesitated, not certain if putting such a thing in his mouth was really something he wanted to do. That was when he felt a hand on the back of his head and looked up, seeing his lover looking down at him.

"Before you indulge yourself, how about we get into a different position?" he suggested "One where we can both pleasure each other. I don't want to just sit back and do nothing to return the favor when you do your thing."

The suggestion was answered with a nod from Gaza, though having no personal sexual experience, he could more or less guess what sort of position his lover was thinking of. He rose back up into a sitting position, before he lay back down on the bed, with his back against it. Soon enough, Mordak got on top of him, though facing in the opposite direction so that his groin was directly above the Tylanim's face, once again giving him a view of that ever tempting tool of pleasure, his legs spread, and supported himself with his hands and knees.

This time, it was Mordak's turn to start first, as Gaza soon learned when he felt something wet and warm, Mordak's tongue, he realized, rub against his sensitive sack, which brought a gasp from him. And not content to let his lover do all his work, he quickly made his own move, reaching a hand around his waist, he extended his own slender tongue, and ran it over the head of his penis, licking off the bead of clear fluid that stuck to it. And despite his earlier reservations, he found himself now wanting nothing more than to taste more of the orc's sexual parts, a desire he enjoyed, licking more at the sensitive organ. From the gasps that came from his lover, he thought he must have been enjoying it.

Gaza continued his attention for a bit until Mordak stopped licking him for a moment, a puzzled look coming over the white one's face, and he briefly ceased his own movements. That was until he felt the orc's hands grasp his hips, spreading his rear enough to offer a view of his virgin anus, and one of the hands also pushed against the underside of his tail, causing him to move it out of the way. I was at this moment that he felt something that came as quite the surprise, the orc's tongue pressing against that hole. The sensitive ring of flesh twitched lightly under the touch, and a shiver went through the Tylanim's body. Having that region invaded by the tongue of another man was a strange sensation to him, but one that Gaza found he enjoyed immensely as his lover proceeded to lap at the pink hole, beginning to coat it with saliva. In response, the Tylanim started his own movements anew, this time taking his lover's length into his mouth, he began to suck.

This continued for some time, as Mordak proceeded to assault Gaza's hole with his tongue, moving it all over the opening and even pushing it in a bit, getting it slick with his saliva, the Tylanim was also encouraged by this, and began bobbing his head up and down over his lover's organ, rubbing his tongue over its length, the strong taste of the orc's arousal filling his mouth. This elicited several grunts and moans from him, and eventually, he even began to move his hips, perhaps subconsciously, as though to thrust into his mouth like he was penetrating him.

Then, the oral intrusion upon Gaza's back door ended "Stop," he heard Mordak say "I can't have you getting me off before we've gotten to the main course."

Gaza did as asked, opening his mouth, and sliding the orc's penis out, the organ now glistening from the moisture his jaw left on it. With that, the green man got up, and moved over to the foot of the bed, the Tylanim's eyes following him.

"What should I do?" he asked, his voice wavering in a mix of nervousness and anticipation, knowing what was soon to come.

"Just stay there, spread your legs, let me see that nice butt of yours, and I'll take care of everything."

He nodded, spreading his legs and lying back, still watching his lover as he got above him once more, though this time facing in the same direction as him, and positioned the tip of his still hard erection before his entrance, gently pushing against the sensitive flesh as it prepared to enter his depths.

"W... will it hurt?" Gaza asked nervously. Though he had often fantasized about being taken back there, and indeed had experimented in penetrating himself with his fingers before, he was not entirely sure whether the real thing would match what he imagined or not, and was a little nervous about trying it.

"Don't worry." The orc responded, shaking his head "One of the reasons I licked you back there as part of our foreplay was to make it easier to fit in. It does tend to take a little bit to get used to it the first time, but I'll be gentle with you, so there's no need to be nervous, just relax, we're doing this to have a good time, so I'll make sure you don't feel uncomfortable. Now, are you ready?"

Gaza took a couple deep breaths, before nodding "Yes, do it." He said, and on his cue, Mordak began to push forward.

Gaza felt the pressure upon his anus, forcing itself down upon the opening, gently, the flesh began to part to admit the intruding organ, the Tylanim's eyes widened and a long moan escaped his lips as he felt his lover's erection enter him, it felt similar to his finger, but in a way also different, much better, in fact, the hard rod rubbing against the sensitive flesh within his rear brought new sensations of pleasure to him. He was sure though, that if he had simply been less gentle, Mordak could easily have caused him great pain, and for refraining from doing anything that would hurt him, he silently thanked the orc.

As the organ slid further into him, he wondered how it must have felt for Mordak. Having Gaza's hot, soft anal walls squeezing down upon his most sensitive part most have been an incredible feeling, and such thoughts made the burning lust that engulfed him rise further. He felt his own penis, hard as it had ever been, brushing against his partner's stomach, natural lubricant dripping from the tip, some of it getting onto the green skin.

Eventually, the orc pushed in about half way, and stopped for a moment "How does that feel?" he asked "Have you enjoyed yourself so far?"

"It's... amazing." The Tylanim said, feeling that word was not really adequate, but not being able to find a better one "I'd fantasized about this and I'd experimented with myself but... the real thing is so much better than what I imagined."

The orc chuckled "You haven't seen... or felt, I guess I should say, anything yet. And I'm glad I know that I'm making you feel good, of course this feels nice on my end too, anyway, should I go further?"

Gaza could feel the thing twitching inside him, and Mordak moved it gently in anticipation of the agreement to go ahead, in the end, a simple nod from the white furred one was all he needed for that, once again, the green penis pushed on.

Soon enough, the entire length was buried in Gaza's tight hind quarters, and in this process he felt one sudden, sharp spike of pleasure, bringing a loud moan from his throat, Mordak must have pressed against his prostate. The orc then began to slide out, suddenly making Gaza's rectum feel uncomfortably empty as the orc's penis vacated it, but before he fully left that tunnel of flesh, he thrust back in, and apparently had taken note of that one spot that brought him the most pleasure, for this time, he made sure pressure was applied to it, and the ecstasy that shot through Gaza's body was almost too much to bear, groaning from these new sensations he was experiencing, he gripped the flesh of his lover's back, fingers pressing tightly against skin glistening with sweat.

The room soon became filled with the grunts, moans and other sexual sounds from the two lovers as Mordak built up a steady rhythm to his thrusts, and Gaza found himself lost in ecstasy, unable to think of anything except for his insatiable desire for more. He ground his rear against the orc's groin, while his hands wandered down his back, coming to his muscular buttocks, groping the flesh there.

It was at this time that he felt the orc's hand wrap around his penis, and began pumping his hand up and down over the length, the simultaneous stimulation in two places was simply too much for Gaza to take, and he felt a pressure building in his loins, waiting to be released.

Then, finally, that moment struck, the Tylanim's mouth opened in a loud cry as a sensation of sheer bliss beyond anything he could properly put into words washed over him, the one brief climax everything he had felt before was building up to. That moment of orgasmic bliss was a pure thing, clearing his mind of all unnecessary thoughts for just one short moment. It was a most intense pleasure that he felt as he ejaculated, moving his hips in time with Mordak's thrusts in an attempt to pound the cup formed by his hand. His sticky white sperm spurted from the tip of his penis, some getting onto his lover's hand, some onto his stomach, while what remained dripped down onto the fur of the one it had come from. He did not let go of his lover's rear in all this time, and his tail wound around his leg.

Lost in his own pleasure, he barely noticed that Mordak's breathing had grown heavy as he too approached that point, then, with a loud bellow, he also released himself into Gaza. He did not need to announce his orgasm in words, just the feeling of the hot, thick fluid that began to fill his bowels was enough to know it had come. He continued thrusting into the Tylanim's rectum even as he released more of his semen, only stopping once the stuff stopped flowing, and he collapsed onto his lover. The two of them panted as they came down from their orgasms.

They lay like that for a few short moments, before Mordak pulled out of Gaza, and got off of him, lying down on the bed next to his lover. He planted a quick kiss on the side of the Tylanim's face, and then simply lay there, smiling at him.

The room suddenly seemed oddly quiet without the moans of the two men, and the smells of sweat and mating mingled in the air. The sperm filling Gaza's rear helped to alleviate the uncomfortable emptiness he had feared he would feel without Mordak in him, and he felt a bit of the substance drip out of his anus, he clenched the opening in an effort to hold the rest in as long as he could.

"That was amazing." He said "Though it does seem like we made a bit of a mess." He motioned to the semen on his own body, and to the orc's penis, moist with the white fluid, and quickly becoming flaccid "Should we clean it up?"

"No, just leave it be." He answered with a shake of his head "We can shower in the morning. Right now, I'd just like to get under the covers and lie in bed with you for a bit."

Gaza nodded, and they both moved so they could get under the blanket. The warmth of their two naked bodies, held in by the blanket, felt quite pleasant to Gaza, and as he lay in bed with his lover, he felt a sense of relaxation, as though for a short time, there was only the Tylanim, the orc, and the love they held for each other, and nothing else in the world, not even that ever present yet vague threat to all the world they barely knew anything about, let alone understood, mattered. And he knew then that he had made the right choice in revealing his feelings. The only thing he regretted about that decision was that this moment could not last longer, and that in the end, he would still have to face the outside world again.

It was with thoughts like this that the Tylanim drifted off into sleep. It was a comfortable sleep he had on his first night sharing a bed with his lover.

The next morning, Gaza awoke feeling refreshed, but at the same time, he also felt that something was lacking, a warmth was removed from its rightful place at his side, opening his eyes, he looked, and saw that Mordak was not in the bed next to him. He also heard the sound of running water coming from the attached bathroom, he went over to the door finding it open and having a good idea what to expect to see, he looked in and was not at all surprised when he saw Mordak's naked form in the shower.

"You don't need to be shy, love." The orc said when Gaza remained in place for a moment "Come on in if you like, you could even join me."

Gaza smiled at this, after the previous night, he felt that he could be more open in regards to his desires when it came to Mordak, and the thought of sharing a shower with him sounded quite enjoyable "I'd be happy to." He said, closing the door behind him and going further inside.

No sooner had the two of them finished their shower and gotten dressed than they heard a knock on the door "Hello? Who is it?" the orc asked, going over towards it.

"It's me." The voice from beyond, which was recognizable as that of the Speaker said "I have some important news that you two should hear."

"And what might that be?" Mordak asked as he opened the door to admit their companion.

"I had a vision last night in my dreams, I know where we should go to meet our next companion." The raven said.

"Then I suppose we'll be leaving today." Gaza said, a little disappointed to know that their time of peace would be ending so soon, but he understood why it had to be so. Their mission was still most important, after all.

The Speaker nodded "I've already told Sharon, you two should get ready too."