Losing Freedom, But Finding Love - Part 2

Story by Elorra on SoFurry

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#2 of Losing Freedom, But Finding Love

"Trials of a Bunny"

Katie sat in class, trying to pay attention to the teacher's lecture, but she had trouble focusing. She was being watched. No, she wasn't being paranoid. She knew it for a fact. If she turned her head to the right she would see those yellow eyes watching her from across the room. Those eyes always watched her, and if Katie looked over at those eyes, she would also see that smirk.

It had been this way since last week. Every class they had together, that feline would watch her from across the classroom and smile at her. Katie couldn't help glancing over every few minutes to see if she was still doing it, and she always was. and every time she saw that smile, Katie would blush and try not to look again. but then she would eventually look again anyway. it was the same every class, since that day...

Alura had caught her touching herself in history class. She hadn't even meant to do it, but class had been so boring, so she'd been reading a dirty story on her laptop and got carried away. Alura had caught her. Worse, she'd recorded her on her phone. Then when Katie tried to sneak into a seldom used bathroom to...finish what she'd started...the cheetah had cornered her and showed her the video. Knowing she had been caught had been embarassing, but that wasn't the worst of it.

The cheetah then blackmailed her, threatening to show the video to the teacher whose class she'd been playing in. The teacher whose voice could be heard on the video. The price for keeping the video private? Katie had to serve Alura during their shared study period there in the bathroom. She had been forced to unbutton her shirt while the cheetah watched. Then the cheetah had somehow twisted her shirt around her arms, trapping them behind her. Then the feline's claws had destroyed her bra, exposing her chest to the other girl. And her breasts had been played with, roughly and cruelly. But that wasn't the worst of it.

Katie was straight and was not at all attracted to girls, but that didn't stop the cheetah from forcing her to her knees, then pulling her sensative ears until she licked the cheetah's sex. She'd knelt on that bathroom floor and used her tongue on another girl until she came, squirting her face with her juices. And the whole time, Alura talked, calling her names like slut, whore, cunt licker. But that wasn't the worst of it.

Katie had thought it would end there, but Alura then tore the bunny's panties off, used them to gag her, pinned her to a desk in the bathroom and used a large strap-on, larger than anything Katie had ever had in her before, and pounded her poor pussy with it, forcing the bunny to cum as her body reacted despite her mind wanting it to stop. But that wasn't the worst.

Next the cheetah had taken the strap-on, wet with Katie's cum, and forced it into the bunny's tailhole, pounding it in and out until something inside the strap-on made the feline cum again. That had hurt more than anything else the bunny could remember. but that wasn't the worst of it

Her tormentor then pulled the toy out of her, and used the bunny's school uniform skirt to clean off the dirty toy. Then she had cleaned herself up like it was nothing before releasing the bunny, and flushed her panties down the toilet and left her to clean herself up. Her bra was in pieces, her panties were gone, her shirt was wrinkled and damaged from being used to restrain her, and her skirt had girl cum on the front and back, along with other things. She'd had to spend several minutes cleaning it so she could wear it long enough to run to her locker to grab her spare clothes, then run back to change. She'd been late for class and had to make a lame excuse while the cheetah sat at her desk, looking pleased with herself. Even that wasn't the worst of it.

The worst of it was that she'd been abused, called the worst names she had ever been called, raped in both her pussy and her tailhole, then left to clean herself up like she was a worthless whore. And she had never been so turned on in her life! As painful and humiliating as it had been, deep down she'd loved it. And when the cheetah commented as she left the bathroom "we should do this again sometime. Soon" Katie's body had responded with anticipation. She wanted Alura to use her again, and the cheetah knew she wanted it.

The bell announcing the end of the class brought Katie out of her memories. She put her things away and joined the rest of the class heading for the door, and almost walked into Alura without realizing it. The feline gave her that same smile again and handed her a piece of paper. Then she was gone.

Once out in the hall, Katie moved to one side of the hall to read the note. "I know you have Gym next period, and that the teacher plans to leave a few minutes early due to a meeting. After school. I advise you not to bother showering, but change back into your school uniform. Leave the top half of the buttons on your shirt unbuttoned. When the rest of the class leaves, you will stay. Stand in front of your locker with your wrists crossed behind your back and your legs spread. Leave your underwear in your locker if you do not want to lose them"

Katie's legs trembled slightly as she read the note. The cheetah wanted to use her again? And she expected Katie to obay her instructions and let herself be abused? The idea disgusted Katie. Yet it also turned her on. Should she obay, or should she refuse and show Alura she wasn't the slut the feline belived she was? Feeling herself react to even thinking of herself as a slut, she let out a resigned sigh. Who was she kidding? She would obay. She put the note into her bag and dashed to Gym class.

Gym class that day was going to end 15 minutes early to give the teacher time to get ready for the meeting that afternoon. The last class of the day was canceled. Because their class would be cut short, the teacher seemed determined to make the class work harder to make up for it, and by the time it ended everyone was exhausted and sweaty. Half were talking exciedly about their plans for when they got to leave school early. Half were just eager to get to the showers. Katie didn't say anything. In addition to being as tired and sweaty as the others, she could also feel her panties getting damp as it got closer to the time she would be at the mercy of the cheetah again.

When the class ended, Katie offered to help the teacher with cleanup. This got her a smile from the teacher, and an excuse not to shower with the others. When that was done, the teacher left for her meeting and Katie went into the locker room. The rest of the girls had finished showering and were getting ready to leave. Some were putting on clothes other than their uniform as they planned to hit the mall or someplace else when they left. Part of Katie wished she could join them, go to the mall, be someplace other than this locker room when Alura got there. But it seemed that part of her was getting smaller the closer it got to that time. Eventually the other girls began to trickle out of the room as they dressed and left, sneaking out a bit before the bell to get an even sooner start to their plans. One or two noticed Katie hadn't showered or changed yet, but they were too interested in their own plans to wonder why.

Once the last girl left and Katie was alone, she stripped out of her gym clothes and put them in her bag. She included her bra and panties, then put her uniform on as instructed, leaving the top half of her shirt open, leaving a lot of her chest clearly visible. She put her arms behind her back, crossing her wrists, and waited nervously.

It seemed she stood there a long time, waiting. at first she wondered if it had been a trick, see how long she would stay like that while the cheetah went to a movie. but then she considered a more likely reason. Katie was expected to obay the commands she was given quickly, but that didn't mean Alura had to hurry to get to her. The cheetah could take her time. This was to be done on her schedule, not Katie's.

Finally the locker room door opened and Katie let out a nervous squeak. She heard the very soft sounds of feline feet padding across the floor. Then Katie jumped as a hand silently slipped between her legs and rubbed her wet sex from behind. At the same time a spotted arm wrapped around her chest and the hand slipped inside her open shirt, cupping and rubbing one of her breasts. Katie shivered at the surprisingly pleasent contact and let out a soft whimper. Then with a curel sounding laugher the hand on her breast pinched and twisted her nipple, and the hand between her legs gave her ass a sudden hard slap, making her jump again.

"I am pleased that you obayed my instructions so well, my cunt loving bunny whore." Katie blushed and felt oddly pleased to have made Alura happy "do you have anything you wish to say before i get stared on using your body?"

She nervously opened her mouth to say no, but instead she asked "w-why did you tell me not to shower?"

The cheetah stepped in front of Katie and was, as always, smiling at her. "two reasons." she replied. "First, because you are a dirty, skanky, cunt licking slut of a whore, and you should look and smell the part" This made Katie blush with embarassment and excitement. "and second, when I am done with you I suspect you will want another shower, so why bother taking two?" This answer was less exciting, but made sense. "One more thing: when we are together like this, I insist you adress me as 'mistress' when speaking to me. Is that understood?" Katie blushed again, lowering her head "Yes, Mistress" She blused again as she heard the cheetah purr when she said that "Any other questions before we begin?" Katie shook her head, "no, Mistress"

Without another word, her mistress reached forward and finished unbuttoning Katie's shirt, then slid it down her arms, removing it completely. She then put it into Katie's locker. Then she did the same to Katie's skirt, leaving the bunny naked in front of her mistress. Alura then placed her hands on the bunny's hips and slid them up through her fur to her breasts, caressing them, rubbing her nipples, which instantly began to harden under her touch.

Her mistress turned and opened a bag she had set on a bench near Katie "First, to add a few accessories." The first item to come out of the bag was a collar. The cheetah showed her the name tag. It had one word on it: Slut. She put the collar around Katie's neckas the bunny blushed. Then her mistress brought out a pair of handcuffs and stepped behind Katie. She felt the cuffs lock around her wrists and her legs trembled as a new sense of helplessness tinged with excitement washed over her. After that, the cheetah took out a pair of small clamps and, before the bunny could move, or even decide if she was going to, they were clipped onto her still hard nipples, making the bunny whimper in pain/pleasure.

Alura gave each clamp a small flick, making Katie whimper each time, then seemed satisfied and moved on. She pulled out an object Katie didn't recognize at first. Then she whimpered as she realized it was a plug meant to go into her tailhole. but it looked wider than the strap-on the cheertah had used on her before. She opened her mouth to argue, to beg her not to use that, but the cheetah held up a hand to stop her. "You accepted that you would be used however I wanted by being here when I arrived. You knew what to expect. the only time I want you opening that mouth is when I give you permission to speak, or when I tell you to use it. Otherwise, shut up and take what I have for you. Understood?" "Yes...Mistress" Katie said, shivering slightly.

Alura lowered the plug between Katie's legs and rubbed it against her sex, making the bunny shiver and let out a small moan at the feel of something rubbing her there. When her mistress pulled it away and held it up, Katie blushed bright red seeing it soaked so quickly with her juices. Then the cheetah lowered it again and began to force it into the bunny's tailhole, making her cry out in pain. She tried to step away from the object but the cheetah grabbed the collar around her neck and pulled, choking her slightly and stopping her efforts to move forward. So she stood there, helpless, as the plug was slowly forced into her. Then it was all the way in and Katie whimpered at the feeling.

"I will just give you a moment to adjust to that, while I get myself ready for the next part" the cheetah's voice was light, as though shoving a large plug into another girl's tailhole was no big deal. Then Katie watched as the cheetah stripped. Katie couldn't fail to notice the cheetah had a lovely figure, but despite the current situation, she was still straight and seeing the other girl's body did not really excite her as it should. The cheetah watched her face, and noticed her reaction, or lack there of. "It doesn't excite you, seeing me naked, does it? you're still straight even though you've given your body to me." Katie was worried what she would do to her, but forced herself to answer. "Yes Mistress, I am still straight." to her surprise, the cheetah smiled and nodded "good. It's more fun forcing you to serve me when I know you dont want me. And that is what you will be doing next."

Alura took a seat on the bench and spread her legs, then motioned the bunny to come forward. Katie took a step closer, squirming as she felt the plug in her tailhole shift as she moved. She didn't dare hesitate though and was soon kneeling in front of her mistress, staring at her pussy. She remembered how the feline tasted, and was not at all eager to taste her again. She was straight. The sight and taste of another girl did not excite her. Seeing her mistress's pussy so close did not make her excited, it made her want to pull away, but just when she considered trying to beg to serve another way, the cheetah used the same technique as last time and grabbed her ears, pulling on them until she cried out and was forced to move closer. She knew the pain wouldn't stop until she started licking, so she did, wincing at the taste and texture under her tongue. However, while actually doing it did not excite her, being forced to do so was having an effect on the bunny, and as she used her tongue on her mistress, she felt herself getting more turned on.

The first, and only, time she had done this, she had thought finishing meant she would be released and her nightmare would end. This time she knew better, and so instead of franticly using her tongue while her mind was focused on just getting it over with, this time she actually had time to think about what she was doing, which only made her situation more embarassing. The cheetah's steady flow of insulting, name calling compliments of her skill made it worse. Which of course in turn made it better. It felt like it took forever, but it actually wasn't too long before the cheetah let out a moan of pleasure and came into the bunny's mouth, making her gag slightly at the mouthful of female juices.

The cheetah sat there, purring softly as she recovered from the orgasm, giving Katie time to dwell on how uncomfortable she felt. Her nipples pinched in the clamps, the plug in her tailhole, her arms unable to move from behind her. Then she began to wonder what would happen next. She didn't have to wonder for very long.

"That was good. I do so enjoy your tongue my little cunny bunny." Katie blushed at that, which made the cheetah smile more. "Now, since I am done with your mouth for now, I have something special to fill it with this time." She reached into her bag and pulled out an oddly shaped object. It looked like an orange ball woth straps attached to it, all attached to the side of...a carrot? Then she figured it out and blushed all over again. It was a ball gag which, when placed in her mouth, would make it look like she was holding a carrot in her mouth. A rather cute and innocent image that did not match the object's true purpose. Alura held it up to her lips, and when she didn't open them to accept the gag, she reached down and twisted one of the nipple clamps, making the bunny cry out. Then the gag was in her mouth and she wasn't able to talk any more.

Then, as Katie had been expecting, Alura pulled the strap-on out of her bag and began putting it on. Katie remained kneeling where she was, waiting for the cheetah to decide what to do with her. Would she be taken from behind again? Or would the cheetah want to do it the other way, make Katie watch as a female did that to her?

Then to Katie's surprise, her mistress laid down on her back on the bench, her fake cock pointing up at the ceiling. "This time, slut, you're going to ride it." Katie instantly blushed and made sounds of protest, but the cheetah just grinned "that's right, you're going to do it. And i want you to keep your eyes open while you do, so you can see exactly who you are fucking as you ride your way to an orgasm. now get to it. Now"

Katie jumped at the command and moved to obay without thinking about it. When her mind caught up to her body she hesitated, kneeling over the fake cock, the tip less than an inch from her sex. The bench wasn't that wide, but it was just wide enough for her to get her knees on either side of the cheetah as she lowered herself down onto the toy. She whimpered when she felt the tip touch her, but the cheetah just purred and smiled, waiting for her to lower herself onto the toy. She moved lower, feeling the pain/pleasure as she was slowly stretched by the fake cock once again. When she had about one third of the thing inside her, she noticed the smile on the cheetah's face shift. before she could figure out what she'd seen, the cheetah shifted on the bench and Katie's knees were pushed out to the sides, and off the bench. she instantly slid down the rest of the length of the fake cock, impaled on it, crying out behind the gag in pain at the suddenness of it.

"Oops" the cheetah said, still grinning, clearly not sorry at all. "I guess it wont work on your knees, but you should be able to touch the floor anyway. Now get riding"

Katie whimpered, still sore from having the fake cock shove itself so deep into her so suddenly, but she got her feet under her and began lifting herself up, then lowering herself, over and over, whimpering and moaning as pleasure slowly replaced pain. The cheetah put her hands on the bunny's hips, helping her maintain her balance with her arms still trapped behind her, and any time Katie lt her eyes close she would feel the feline's claws poke her. Thus she was forced to look down at the female she was riding and think about the fact that she was doing this, willingly or not, with a girl.

She kept it up for several minutes, letting herself get more into it as she drew closer to an orgasm. Then, just as she was getting close, her mistress suddenly grabbed her and stopped her. Katie whimpered and squirmed, wanting to finish. Then she stopped, blushing, realizing she was fighting to continue having sex, rather than fighting to stop it. Alura laughed and released her then, and Katie resumed her riding until she came. The humiliation of fighting for it, so desperate to cum that she fought to continue riding the fake cock, made her feel even more like the slut the feline kept calling her. After she came, the cheetah shifted and let her slide to the floor like a discarded toy.

She took a moment to recover, then looked up at the cheetah, wondering what would happen now. She let out a muffled groan as she saw the cheetah switching the strap on with an even larger one. She had barely recovered from riding the first strap-on when her mistress picked her up off the floor and bent her over the bench, using the same position she'd been used that first time. It was even more uncomfortable this time because when her breasts were pressed down against the bench, the clamps dug in, making the girl whimper. Then Alura started thrusting this larger strap-on into her and the bunny let out muffled sounds of protest as she was stretched even more. The feline obviously didn't care and just kept thrusting away until the bunny began to moan in pleasure as she was fucked yet again. The cheetah sped up, and after another few miunutes of roughly pounding into her with this strap-on the bunny let out a weak cry as she came again.

Katie thought she must have blacked out then because when she opened her eyes she was on the floor again looking up at the grinning cheetah. "Enjoying yourself slut? Are you having a good time being used and played with? Enjoying the pain and humiliation? I bet you want more, don't you?" The bunny weakly shook her head, but the cheetah laughed "you say that, but i'm sure your body is already reacting to the idea, even after cumming twice, it wants more, even if you dont."

The bunny realized this was true and blushed, looking down. Two orgasms back to back, and yet the mention of more pain and humiliation was enough to get her body eager for more. Alura laughed. "Unfortunately we are out of time for today. I'm going to have to release you. But i have a nice surprise for you. my parents are out of town this weekend, and i'm allowed to have one friend stay with me. That friend will be you, and we'll have the whole weekend together. Oh, and I do not want you playing with yourself until then."

That said, the cheetah removed the plug from the bunny's tailhole, uncuffed her, took away the clamps, the collar, and the gag and put them all away. The bunny stood there, arms at her sides, waiting for the cheetah to dismiss her, knowing that is what was expected of her. Alura nodded approvingly "now you should go get that shower." The bunny nodded and said "yes, Mistress" then turned to head to the showers. Her body ached, her holes burned from being stretched so much. Her face tingled from so much blushing, and she was exhausted. Yet she also felt satisfied, in a way she couldn't explain. she still had trouble with the idea of having sex with another girl. But apparently being abused by one was ok with her. And this weekend? Katie stepped into one of the showers and turned on the water, smiling. She could hardly wait for this weekend to come.