Family Therapy

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My first supposed commission.

A pair of dysfunctional husky brothers get some unusual relationship therapy one lonely, candle-lit night.

Roughly 16,000 words, features cubs. Australian English. Strongly advise downloading to read it in its original formatting.

The original description got murdered by SoFurry, so something has definitely changed! I hope this is still readable...

If you enjoy this story and want to see more from me, donate a piddling amount to keep me honest!

Family Therapy

-- by Kichigai Kitsune.

The pattering rain continued its staccato rhythm, giving no sign of abating tonight. It sounded quite exquisite, drumming intricate beats and notes on the roof of the cosy, suburban home. But as the water outside cascaded so musically onto the roofing tiles, inside, a certain boy was unimpressed.

In fact, Jack Carrington didn't even know it was raining. The husky boy was intently focused, muzzle slightly agape, on his video game. He sat cross-legged on the deep-pile carpet of his bedroom, trying for the ninth- or was it tenth?- time to dispatch some pointless 'boss' so he could get on with slaughtering hapless minions. The boss had other plans obviously, and Jack was barely keeping his temper in check. He only managed it because he knew that if he snapped and hurled the controller at the screen like he wanted to, there'd be dire consequences. Such as not being able to continue if the controller should break.

His dark-blue jeans were pinching uncomfortably in this position, a result of continually shuffling closer and closer to the screen with each attempt, and his black and grey surf-brand shirt provided totally inadequate warmth. It didn't concern him at this point though.

Someone was calling his name, but he didn't really notice. He was so focused that it didn't register when his mother opened the door and waved at him.

"Jack!" she said again, touching him on the shoulder.

The pup jumped and hit the pause button instantly. "What?!" he demanded. "God, don't sneak up on me like that!"

His mother smiled tolerantly at him. She was an affable husky-lady, petite and beautiful, just about the same height as her impatient, distracted son. "You're such a typical thirteen year old," she chided, knowing he hated when she did that. "OK. Your brother is coming home today at about five, and we have to go out. We're sorry, but they changed the date of this meeting on us just so suddenly, we couldn't get a babysi-"

Jack interrupted irritably. "I know, mum! I know all that. Don't need to explain it again, and I definitely don't need a babysitter. Okay? Don't treat me like an idiot."

His mother sighed. "Are you alright with looking after Miles then, Mister Responsible?"

The pup gave a long-suffering groan and lidded his deep blue eyes. "If I have to. Just tell the little jerk to behave."

She wagged a warning finger at him, an inch from his nose. "You watch it, kiddo. We're trusting you to be responsible. Treat your brother right and he'll do the same to you."

"Do you even know who you're talking about?" Jack quipped cheekily. He un-paused the game, returning his attention to it. "We'll be fine. God."

Rolling her eyes, the husky lady left the cluttered room. "I'll be back in before we go. And clean your room please."

When she left, Jack cursed sulphurously. "Yeah, because if shit goes wrong, it's my fault!" he snapped at nobody in particular. "It's never sweet little Miles' fault. He didn't leave any of this mess before he went off for that fag-tastic weekend sleepover party. No, it's all mine."

After dying to the boss another four times, he cursed again and switched the console off. Looking around the room he still shared with his brother, he saw he had a bit of work cut out for him. The two single beds were unmade, and the floor was littered with magazines and clothes. Some of his little brother's toys lay here and there.

Disgruntled, the kit went about his duty. It distracted him from the maddening game he had just wasted two hours on, if nothing else. It was only then that he noticed the gentle drumming of the rain. As he lifted clothes and dumped them unceremoniously into his dresser, and spitefully sticking some of his brother's harder, pointier toys under his bedclothes, he stood to appreciate the lulling sounds of the weather; he found them strangely soothing.

All too soon, he heard the front door open, and the clamour in the foyer indicated all too clearly that the brat had returned home. He growled angrily. Only a weekend without the whiny prick?! It wasn't enough.

It didn't take long for the bedroom door to be shoved open and the object of Jack's discontent to bustle in, grinning insufferably.

Miles was a slightly small husky, for his age, slender of build and upbeat by nature. His eyes were the deepest sea-green, and his luscious fur's markings were a lighter shade of grey than Jack's. The tip of his little nose was still a mottled pink and it showed no signs of darkening with age. The both of them had wavy, white head-fur, though the younger pup's was slightly longer.

"Hey!" Miles greeted him, slinging his bag down from his shoulders and onto his bed. He started to empty the pockets of light blue jeans and he shucked his black hoodie off. His yellow and black t-shirt was dry, as was everything else. Evidently, he hadn't been out in the rain. Pity.

Jack grunted. "Couldn't have stayed another day or so?" he enquired.

"Good to see you too, bro."

The thirteen-year-old smothered a momentary smile, yet he couldn't help but soften his expression.

There was a time where Jack and Miles did everything. From playing to doing homework, to mischievously peeing in the rose bushes of their hapless neighbour like the irreverent little boys they once both were. But something happened one day, and not even Jack knew what it was; all he knew was that he found himself more irritable, and his brother started to irk him with almost everything he did. He couldn't place it exactly, but the husky teen tentatively blamed that mysterious "hormones" crap everyone tried to claim furs his age were afflicted by. That didn't seem right though.

But no matter what the ten-year-old Miles did to annoy him, no matter what Jack insulted him with, the kid fired right back, and was almost always cheerful. There was no denying the pup's smarts and spirit. And irrepressible audacity, of course.

"Yeah, yeah." Jack sighed.

Their mother once more graced them with her presence at that point. "Alright," she said, sounding genuinely regretful. "Alright. We're about to head off. Sorry, Miles, we'll talk to you about how the weekend went when we get back."

Jack prepared a retort, but he was brought up short when the lights suddenly flickered. And died. The bedroom was plunged into pitch darkness - not even the weak remnant of light the setting sun could've provided managed to enter, since Jack kept the blinds perpetually closed.

"What the hell?!" he said instead.

"Whoa!" yelped Miles. "Did the power just go out?!"

Their mother actually swore, and Miles looked at her, stunned. That didn't happen often. "Oh!" she fretted. "We can't leave you without power!"

Her husband joined them. His eyes, framed as they were by sooty-dark markings, looked ominously concerned. "What just happened?" he demanded. "Did we just lose power?"

"Yes! Oh, no."

Jack sighed, rolling his eyes dramatically. "Just let us set up some candles or something, and get out of here!" he grumped. "We'll be fine. The power'll be back on soon anyway, geez. You have a god-damn dinner to get to."

Though their mum appeared dubious, after a moment, the father of the house made the decision for them all. "I'm afraid he's right," he told his wife. "Look, they'll be fine, and the power could come back soon. Besides, we have to go there." He leaned in towards her perked ears and whispered, "And I could get a raise out of all this. We have no choice."

In moments, scurrying to use what little natural light remained, the family set up a few candles in the boys' bedroom. The tall, white-wax emergency candles were held firmly in their holders, and their mother studiously ensured there was a small dining plate beneath each one, to catch falling wax - and indeed falling candles.

"Here!" she said hurriedly, shoving a torch into Jack's paws. "Be careful, and we'll be back as soon as we can be. If the power comes on again, reheat some of yesterday's left-overs. If it doesn't, you have permission to raid the pantry. I swear I'll make it up to you tomorrow with your favourites." They both beamed. "Miles, sweetie, be careful! Your tail is about twenty centimetres from that flame. I'll be very upset if we come home and you look like a flaming wattle has been taped to your bum."

The adults rushed off, pausing only to retrieve their coats. In moments, the sound of the family's SUV crunching its way down the wet driveway roared over the hissing rain -- and the boys were abruptly left alone in their candlelit room.

Wasting no time, Jack readjusted the position of the candles, making them slightly less safe, but spreading out the light more evenly. "Fuck!" he snarled to himself. "Damn blackout. I can't even put on music."

Unfazed, Miles jumped cheerily onto his bed. He winced. "Oww!" he yelped, rolling off to the side. He reached under the covers and withdrew a small, metal fire-truck. He gave his brother a suspicious sideways glance before deciding to let it slide. "Uh. Hey, we can work something out. Want to play something?" He sounded hopeful.

"No." Jack sat on his bed and rummaged around for his book - a somewhat bland but readable piece from the library's young-adult section. He wished he's just done what he, and indeed all the kids he knew, usually did and got himself a decent book from the "proper" sections of the library. The young-adult section was always a bit of a crapshoot, littered with junk novels and patronizing crap.

Miles bit his lip. "Not even one of the board-games?"

"No. Not interested."

"... What about with toys?"

"No!" The irascible teenager silenced his brother with a glare. "I'm going to read. Why don't you go read something? You can read, right?"

Miles muttered something, reaching disappointedly for his backpack.

"What was that?" demanded Jack.

"Nothing!" But Jack made to stand, and Miles scooted back. "Wait, wait! I just said 'of course I can read!' That's all! Geez, you psycho!"

Satisfied, Jack leaned against his headboard and started to leaf through his book. From the corner of his eye, he saw his brother pull his bag over and slowly rummage through it. He thought that was the end of it, but when he heard a subdued sniffle, shame overwhelmed him. Had he really just threatened to hurt his brother for trying to play with him?

"Miles..." he said sheepishly. "I'm sorry. Okay? Don't cry. I'm just pissed that the power's out and I wanna finish this book."

There was a pause, and Miles wiped his nose with his wrist. "Wasn't gonna cry."


Miles withdrew a big book from his pack, and pulled himself into the same position as his brother. After getting himself comfortable, he cracked open the almanac-esque volume.

Out of the corner of his eye, Jack spotted Miles' book, and he stopped to look. It was a huge, purple-bound hardcover, about the size of an encyclopaedia. It was too massive for a book that a ten-year-old pup would blithely just pick up at the library... after all, they usually hung around the very young-adult and children's sections that Jack often avoided. Then again, Miles was no typical kid.

Curious now, Jack put down his book and peered at it. Then he snorted a laugh. "The All-Encompassing Guide to Hypnosis?" he scornfully read aloud. "What are you playing at?"

Miles flushed and snapped the book shut. Jack noticed, to his chagrin, that he was two-thirds of the way through the unfeasibly large book that he'd never seen before. "Nothing!" he insisted. "It's just... I saw it on television awhile ago, and wanted to try it out."

"It doesn't work, you know," Jack told him with heavy scorn in his tone. "It's total bull. The furs you see it 'done' to on TV are just playing along."

"No they aren't!"

"Of course they are. They're hypnotized alright - by big cheques and television cameras."

"Yeah? Then how did I manage to do it to Cameron last night?" the pink-nosed pup blurted. "I didn't have any money or cameras!" Then he averted his eyes, mysteriously embarrassed.

"Maybe he was just playing a joke on you," taunted Jack, but he felt less sure of himself. "What did you get him to do?"

Miles flushed. He didn't plan on mentioning last night's fooling around to his bigger, oftentimes mean, brother. "Uh, n-nothing really. Just got him to relax and raise his paws and stuff."

"There you go. Let me know when you get him to give you all his pocket money or something."

Miles shook his head. "It doesn't work like that! I can't make someone do what they really don't want to. Besides... Cameron doesn't trust me that much."

"After what you did to his budgerigar, I don't blame him."

Miles flushed even more furiously beneath his thick winter fur. But he fell silent.

Taking that as a victory, Jack lifted his book and started to read again, a slightly smug smile on his features. But he still felt a little ashamed. Then again, sometimes he felt he needed to bring the little brat down a few pegs.

After a few minutes of engrossing themselves in their books, Miles slipped his voluminous text off his lap, and he looked contemplatively at the bored face of his older brother.

"Jack..." he said softly. He looked uncomfortable. "Jack?"

"What do you want?"

"... How about if I try it on you?" Miles sat forward. "You know. Practice."

Jack put his book aside and stared at him, partly surprised, partly derisive. "Are you serious?" he scoffed. "You want me to let you try to hypnotize me?"


The teenager blinked and his expression became dubious. "Why?"

"Just practice. And show you it works."

After a moment, Jack looked down blankly at the young-adult garbage he had been reading. Then he glanced back at his brother's hopeful face. "Alright," he sighed. "Whatever. It's not gonna do anything, so whatever. After I prove that to you, you can kiss my ass - because I told you so. Okay?"

Grinning, Miles bounced to his paws. He hopped over to the older pup's bed and clambered onto it. Taking a seat, cross-legged, between his brother's outstretched legs, he appeared ecstatic. "Awesome!" he exulted. But then his face became grave. "But Jack. I need you to let me do this, okay? If you keep thinking it's not gonna work and you don't let me do it to you, then it won't work."

"Yeah, whatever," said Jack, a little taken aback by the younger pup's enthusiasm. And oddly intimate choice of seating position.

"I mean it! It won't work."

"It won't work anyway, so-"

"Brother's promise?" Miles suddenly interjected.

Jack stared steadily at the urgent, pleading green eyes boring into his. Miles had not invoked this silly tradition of theirs in years, nor had he. Silly it had been, but they had never broken one of these promises. Never. But they hadn't screwed around with this nonsense since Miles still had training wheels on his BMX. That the pup was bringing it up now was, to Jack, a low blow somehow.

"C'mon, Miles, I-"

Once more the pup interrupted. "I give you a brother's promise that it's not bull, and I won't hurt you or anything like that if you let me do it. I can't make you do anything you really don't want to anyway."

Startled, Jack just gawped at his little brother. "Shit," he swore softly. "Alright. I promise."

"What do you promise?" asked Miles. "Tell me."

Once more, Jack blinked. "I, uh, promise to let you try to hypnotize me. Whatever."

Miles fixed him with a steady gaze, searching his older brother's face. "Cool," he whispered. "Let's get going." He grinned, and locked eyes with his brother. "Trust me, this is fun. Firstly, you have to relax."

He reached out and gently brushed along the tops of Jack's up-pointed toes, contained in his white socks. The older husky almost flinched away, but he realized he didn't really want to almost straight away. The gentle, affectionate contact wasn't that bad. It definitely was unexpected though.

"Close your eyes and get comfy," instructed his little brother, in a youthful voice, but not one he had heard from the kid before. It was oddly flowing, smooth. Almost musical. "Put your arms by your sides." Remembering his promise, Jack did as he was told, albeit reluctantly.

As he did, he realized he felt already quite drowsy from the candlelight. Even with his eyes closed, the light flickered and danced warmly about him, lulling him. Making him feel oddly warm inside. He yawned and relaxed; Miles fell silent, letting minutes pass as Jack got comfortable. In the quiet warmth of their familiar bedroom, Jack noticed he was actually getting pretty dozy just from lying like he was. Waiting for Miles' instructions, with his eyes closed...

He realize that sleep could come easily to him at this point, should he choose it.

After what he thought was adequate time, Miles spoke softly and clearly. "Relax, Jack. It's warm in here, and comfortable. That's how you feel, isn't it?"

"...Yeah..." admitted the older husky.

"Shh... The candlelight is so warm and sleepy, just like you." Miles shifted very slightly closer. "You're warm all over, nice and comfy. Relax. Start to breathe nice and deep. Can you feel your breathing getting deeper? It's slower; more relaxed, and each time you breathe out, it gets even better."

The pup smiled slightly as his brother started to do exactly as he had just said. The teen's breathing came slower and deeper, and lying back against the headboard like that, with his soft, plump pillow under his head, Miles could see his chest and shoulder rising and falling like a gentle tide.

Eventually, Miles squeezed the toes of his brother's socked paws. Jack didn't complain. "From now, you're going to be relaxing your body, step by step," he told the resting teenager. "Let's start here. Think about your foot-paws; all of them, in these comfy socks. You can feel your toes relaxing, all at once. All that tension, just coming out into the air, all becoming nothing, like icky steam. It's moving up to your feet now; just relaxing them more with every deep breath you take..."

If he hadn't already been so cosy and relaxed before they even truly started, Jack may've been concerned. Just as his little brother said it, he could feel it. The words coming true as Jack envisioned it. It felt wonderful; he was feeling very tense, he had been for a long time. Too much pressure, too much... too many questions. But following Miles' 'instructions' was almost bleeding him of this tension. In a way that the deepest sleep couldn't seem to do.

Miles moved onto his lower legs now, lightly touching them once through the jeans. He moved on, upwards throughout Jack's bigger body. It didn't take too long - or did it? - and Jack found himself limp and nigh-somnolent on the bed. He felt as if he stood on the border of sleep, looking inward upon it and yearning for the comfort of its embrace.

"Even your face," his brother was saying, struggling to remember the advice of his book on the fly like this, "even that is relaxing. Your whole body is relaxed, and you feel heavy. How do you feel now, Jack? You feel all relaxed, don't you? Heavy all over?"

It took a second for Jack to respond. "Yes," he whispered quietly, immobile in front of Miles. The only movement whatsoever was the rise and fall of his chest.

The kit suppressed an exultant cry of joy. He was almost there. Jack had kept his promise so far.

This night had the potential to be awesome.

"You're at the top of a set of beautiful marble stairs," Miles told his brother, deciding to go with the examples in the book rather than get creative, "at the top of a beautiful garden. You can see all these wonderful trees..." he thought for a moment. "And hundreds of beautiful flowers. There are five stairs made of stone, and you're going to go down them now. You take the first step, and you relax even more. The second, and you relax even more, drifting deeper, falling asleep, but still climbing down. Then the third... still hearing my voice..."

Soon, Jack had 'reached' the bottom of the stairway, and it showed. Miles blinked in astonishment; his surly older brother was but a breath from comatose on his bed before him. He looked... the pup fought off a sudden desire to cuddle up to the warm, peaceful teenager.

Taking a shuddering breath, Miles sat up and looked closer. Jack's face was serene, eyes closed and seemingly unaware of his surroundings.

Swallowing, he knew he had to press on. "Now, Jack," he continued, keeping his voice from shaking. He was amazed. This was working so unutterably perfectly. "In a second, try to lift your arm. But you can't. Because it's just too heavy, like it suddenly weighs more than all dad's weights. Try now."

Jack tried to lift his arm, but though Miles saw muscles tense and a brief expression shift on the teen's face, that limb went nowhere. "Too heavy," breathed Jack, frowning slightly.

"That's alright," assured Miles, licking his muzzle. "You can try to move your legs, but they also are far too heavy. In fact, your entire body is too heavy to move. It feels like you've been turned into lead, and you're just not strong enough to move yourself. Try it now."

Jack 'tried' but the invisible bindings, that nonexistent yet so very 'real' weight kept him flattened out on the bed. "Uh..." he said, sounding concerned. "Miles?"

"Don't worry, Jack. Don't worry, because I will take care of you, because you're my older brother..." Miles paused and swallowed a lump made of pointless embarrassment. "And I love you. Don't worry about it all right now." Again the ten-year-old paused, his whole being tingling with excitement. This. Was. Going. To. Work!

"Jack, you have an itch on top of your right foot-paw," he began. "It's really annoying, isn't it; like a spider crawling around in your sock? You want to scratch it, but you can't. Because you're too heavy."

Almost instantly, Jack whimpered, flaring his toes in his thick, white, sports sock. "God!" he moaned.

Miles swallowed. He was going off the guide now. Now he was extemporizing, and he prayed he wouldn't regret it. The pup's voice was wispier than normal as he continued. "I can scratch that itch for you, but I will only do it if you tell me you trust me. Do you trust me to scratch your paw, Jack? Do you trust your little brother?"

Jack writhed slightly, and nodded. "I do..." he said, almost sounding embarrassed.

Immediately, Miles reached down and started to scratch softly at the socked paw. "There. It's gone now." He hesitated. "Oh no. It's one of those travelling itches, and it's now on your tummy. It's even worse now. Isn't it?"

The teenager whined now, his somnolent face taking on a truly frustrated cast. "Ah!"

"I can scratch it for you, but I'll need to lift your shirt up to do that. Do you trust me, Jack?"

Instantly, the "distressed" teenager nodded. "I trust you."

Obligingly, Miles lifted up his brother's t-shirt. He looked down appreciatively at the flat, wash-board stomach, covered in lush white fur, and he started to feel that odd sensation again. That one he had been feeling more and more often lately - especially at the sleepover he'd just returned from. But now it felt worse than ever. It was almost an ache now.

"There you go. It's gone now." He scratched tenderly at his big brother's tummy. Laying his paw on the flat, warm surface, he grinned at his 'helpless' brother. "You get that I can be trusted, yeah?"

Jack nodded and smiled slightly.

"That's good. You can't scratch itches or even move at all now, can you?" The teenager groaned, sounding a tad humiliated.

But Miles bit his lip and leaned forward. "I'll do it for you! You can trust me, so you don't have to be worried, or ashamed of anything. Just relax, and let it go... because I'm your brother and I'll look after you! What about you, Jack? You love your little brother, right?"

The teen squirmed very briefly, and he whispered almost inaudibly, "Of course I do."

Miles froze, surprised he asked that. Even more surprised that Jack answered. "When I annoy you next, or we get into a fight... please remember. Remember all the fun we had as kids. It was awesome, wasn't it?" Jack nodded. "Remember we're brothers, and I don't like it when you're mad at me, and I don't wanna lose you. It upsets me when you get mad at me. I don't wanna piss you off..."

Promptly, Jack sniffed. "I'm sorry, Miles!" he said.

Miles sniffed too. "All those days we had so much fun," he continued. He shook his head sharply, snapping himself back on track. "You remember those. Do you remember what we used to do at night? And... what about at bath time?"


"Was it fun for you?"

Jack hesitated. "... Yes."

Miles edged closer. "You can remember that strong feeling we used to give one another?" he probed in a flowing, leading voice. "How much fun it was, and how much we liked the cuddling and everything else? Remember that?"

Jack swallowed audibly, and his voice sounded uncertain. "Y-yes."

"Don't be embarrassed. It's only me. You want to feel that again, don't you?"

Now the teenager nodded, once more squirming. As he watched, Miles noticed his own breathing getting faster. He made a snap decision there. "Think about those days we played around like that. In the warm, hot bathroom, before we got in the water together. Right now, don't you want so much to cuddle up and touch, and let me touch you, so we can both have that awesome feeling again together? Is your dick is getting harder, and you really want to rub it the way we used to in the bath?" He leaned in yet more. "But you can't, can you? You're all heavy."

In moments Jack was breathing a little heavier, and he writhed almost imperceptibly, as if held firmly in place. "Nnhhmm..." he moaned, frowning. "M-Miles!"

Miles' heart was thumping in his ears now. This was it. "I can help. It's like an itch, isn't it? I can help you, but you have to say I can. Do you trust me, Jack? Will you let me rub it?"

Without hesitation, Jack gave the answer he likely never would've, never, were it not for these incredible circumstances. Miles was a natural genius at this, and it was showing. "Yes!" Jack gasped. He tried to bring a paw to his crotch, where a bump was forming in his jeans, but he barely twitched.

"I'll do it then." The pup got to his knees, his fluffy tail upright and bushy behind him. "But you still have things you need to do before I can. It's been too long, so we have to do some things. Can't do this right away, you know. You have to promise to rub me too." Jack nodded slowly. That wasn't a major problem - after all, it was what they did in the bathroom, under the sheets, and in the closet all those years ago. "Alright. And I need to get your clothes off. They're in the way, and we want it to be like those times in the steamy bathroom... I'll be able to lift your arm, but you still can't move."

Once again, Jack nodded, looking mildly anguished now.

Miles allowed himself a silent chuckle, leaning up to take hold of Jack's black and grey shirt's hem. "Okay. Let's get this out of the way and have some fun."

It wasn't easy at all, since Jack was a total dead-weight like this, flopped out on the bed like he was, but Miles slowly worked the shirt up to his brother's neck. He also took his time, since he wanted to examine his brother's dreamy, lush white fur all over that tight stomach and chest. Tentatively, the pup reached out and brushed through it. Jack groaned.

"Did that feel nice?" Miles sniggered. "I'll do it some more then." With Jack's shirt bunched up around his neck, Miles started to run his smaller paws through the luxurious pelt, massaging the muscles beneath it.

The pup's confidence was building. He straddled Jack's stomach and resumed working the shirt off, manipulating the teen's limp arms and head, trying to get them free. At last, his older brother was shirtless beneath him, breathing deeply. Miles slipped off him and moved down to the teen's foot-paws. "Now it's time for your sockies, Jacky. I have to get these off, I'm sorry. Just hold on. I know that you're getting stiffer and you can't wait for me to rub you, but you'll have to. It's so frustrating, because you can't move, I know. But there are things that gotta be done first, so just relax. Think about what's about to happen and how neat it's gonna be."

Immediately, the entranced Jack nodded to the best of his abilities. An exasperated expression fluttered across his features, and Miles grinned. This was payback of the best type.

The pup could easily see the lump pressing up in the teen's crotch. He smiled at it, but faltered when, as he shifted around, he felt a firm little visitor in his own boxers. Gingerly, he touched himself once.

He was hard himself. Harder than he remembered ever being before. Oh man...

Abruptly, Miles shook his head and refocused. He bit his lip softly with a sharp incisor, looking his older brother over. He knew this was... odd. This was his brother! But, then again, this was his brother. They had once shared everything, and Miles was desperate to get those times back. He wanted it with all his young heart. Despite his cheekiness, and how he snapped right back when his brother unfairly snapped at him, it hurt to know the boy he once trusted with everything would keep attacking him.

He had tried to get his friend, Cameron, a silly lynx from his elementary school, into this position, but the husky had chickened out at the last second. But now he had committed. And bathed in the flickering, orange light of the candles, he realized he really, really didn't regret it.

Something came to mind, and a malicious smirk appeared on Miles' muzzle. Along with a sparkle in those wide green eyes.

"There's one thing, Jacky." He positioned himself right by his brother's socked paws. "When we were going to do this, you thought it wouldn't work." He rubbed the paws before him, firmly kneading the warm objects. "Relax and let me show you something. You're still all heavy, aren't you? Let me show you. You can't move away when I do this, can you? Can't stop me."

Miles started to scratch softly at the teen's paws. Right under the padding. Right where Miles knew he, at least, was most sensitive.

Promptly Jack whimpered. "Nhh! M-Miles..."

Ignoring the plaintive teenager, Miles continued to scratch away. He begun to move his little stubby claws around the white, socked paws. "You are just soooo ticklish, aren't you Jacky?" he said fluidly. "You really want to move those paws away, because it's just so ticklish that you can't handle it, but you're still too heavy to move. You'll just have to wait until I'm done. This is because I was right, Jacky."

The pup amused himself for a few minutes, gently scratching and poking his brother's motionless, sensitive paws, while the normally brash teen just laid there and suffered it. Jack whimpered and snickered occasionally, but his topless form just 'couldn't' move in the slightest. Eventually Miles slowly and sensually began to peel those bothersome sports socks away, to expose the teenager's ticklish paws to the room's warm air.

"You're just so ticklish, aren't you?" Miles cooed, starting now to lightly brush those claws over the uncovered paws' soles. "More ticklish than you ever remember. It's worse now that you can't move, I know."

Jack started to laugh and giggle louder; he even squeaked! Though as Miles tickled him slowly, mercilessly, he lay perfectly still. Not even twitching those horribly vulnerable paws. He was bound by the strongest bondage, those made of words and thoughts, that secured his entire body and more.

At long last, Miles stopped. He would return to this. Jack was his tonight, and this was his retaliation for all the tickle-attacks he'd suffered at the teenager's paws. "I win, Jacky," he murmured softly, stroking the long legs stretched out in front of him. "But now I can get your jeans off. It's almost time. You haven't forgotten how much you want me to rub you, have you? How it's making you all squirmy inside, even if you can't squirm?" He leaned forwards. "You are just so horny that you can't wait for your cute little brother to touch you on your dick and make you feel nice, right?"

It made Miles' heart leap just seeing how the immobile teen responded. He whimpered loudly, and that lump in his pants twitched. Even better, he cursed feebly.

Grinning irrepressibly, Miles had to force himself not to rush the next bit. He undid the teens fly, 'accidentally' brushing that bump right beneath it, before tugging it down by the ankles. The pup had to slip off the bed and keep pulling, slowing removing the teenager's jeans. Exultantly, the precocious pup looked over his handiwork.

Eyes closed, his older brother lay on the bed in just his favourite satin boxers - black with photorealistic images of red and blue sports cars on them. Miles looked him over triumphantly; his receptive 'victim' was just as attractive as he remembered, if not more so. It was such a tragedy, in the pup's opinion, that his brother preferred to keep his body under wraps so much. He'd gotten so shy around the family of late.

Stormy grey patches and mottling on a thick cloud of impenetrable white fluff, which covered a lean, lithe body, strong and toned through sports. Miles loved his brother's long legs, narrow torso and impeccably flat tummy. Naturally, he couldn't miss the pole making a tent out of those neato boxers, either. He chortled.

"Well, we're nearly there," he promised, straddling the teen's hips. He started to tenderly massage the older boy's waist through the satin and fur. "I'll pull it through the hole here, okay?"

Jack nodded, and his hypnotist proceeded to undo the button of his fly, diving in with one small paw. The teenager gasped quietly as Miles encircled his stiff member and pulled it through the fly.

"There we go," said Miles, starting to knead and stroke it. He eyed it curiously; he hadn't seen Jacky's penis for years, and it was definitely different. Mostly bigger. But it was still smooth, warm and a delight to touch. At least for Miles, but then Miles was starting to have some doubts already about his interests. "This feels so nice, doesn't it?" The pup started to pump, using mostly just his fingertips.

He smiled at the quiet moan he got for a response. The pup got a firmer grip and started to jerk his brother properly.

The helpless Jack was hornier than Miles had ever thought possible. He naturally couldn't express it through body language, but his ardent groans and whimpers spoke volumes; and he was very, very damn hard. Ideas were coming fast and urgently to the pup now. Ideas gleaned from naughty schoolyard talk and illicitly stolen peeks at magazines and websites.

"Jack?" Miles suddenly begun. "Do you want me to try something new? We're both bigger boys now, we should try bigger boy things. I should suck on your dick. You'll like that; my muzzle is warm and wet. I've heard it feels awesome."

Jack's breathing stopped for a second. "Y-yes..." he whispered. "I wanna try that."

"You'll like it." Shaking just slightly, Miles leaned forwards and licked gingerly at the warm flesh in his paw. It almost surprised him when he realized that there was no nasty taste. He licked some more at the sensitive head, and Jack whined.

At last, satisfied it wouldn't be awful, the venturesome Miles took the teen's shaft into his muzzle, inch by inch. He closed his jaws on it, sucking it firmly and descending its four-and-a-half inch length, tongue tight to its twitching surface, until the pup's pink nose touch the tickly, downy fur of his brother's groin. Jack let out a strange cry, half-sob, half moan.

Miles was unsure what to do from here, so he thought of how he jerked himself and his brother. He guessed the idea was to do that, but with your muzzle and tongue. So he laid his ears flat and started to bob up and down, sucking resolutely.

The effect was powerful, and clearly so. Jack yelped and started to whimper shakily. "M-Miles!" he complained. But the younger pup didn't feel up to mercy right now. Quite the opposite. He was enthralled since this was working so well; almost as much as his poor, powerless brother.

Even the lucid Miles lost track of time there. He slowly, almost tormentingly, worked on the older boy's stiffy. He felt his wet tongue slip up, down and around it, teasing the very tip and massaging the bottom. The teen was bigger than before, but Miles had no problem taking all of him. It... felt nice in his muzzle. Warm and smooth. He had to watch out, though, if he went too fast he gagged slightly...

It was funny, Miles thought. If Jack really didn't want this... hypnosis couldn't force you to do something you didn't want to, not really. Just by his cranky older brother being in this state, Miles knew the truth: the horny teen had wanted this. Myabe wanted it for as long as his little brother had.

Abruptly, Miles wound down and stopped. More ideas were crashing through his young brain, rampaging around in a battle royale for supremacy to be next in line.

"Ohhh!" groaned Jack. "God! Wh-why...?"

Miles smiled at the distraught teen. "Don't worry Jacky. Just relax. There is stuff we have to do before we can go on. I know you're still horny, but you have to hold on. You'll have to stay like that. If you do as I say, we can take care of it. You feel like you're gonna burst, but you won't." The pup slipped off the bed, standing on the soft carpet. "This is what we can do. I'll hold your paw, and give you the strength to move. You'll be able to feel my strength, coming through my paw, into yours, and travelling through all of your body. Together, we'll stand you up... but you can't let go. If you let go, you'll fall down like a doll! You're going to need my strength to move..."

Gently, he took his older brother's paw in his own. "There you go," he said. "You feel it going from my arm into yours? It's warm, and it feels so good. It's relaxing. You can open your eyes now, if you like."

Jack's eyes fluttered open, and he looked blankly up at his younger brother. Miles smiled down at him.

"Okay, Jacky. Come on, you can stand up, just don't let go of my paw, or you'll fall right down! Our paws have to be touching!"

Jack nodded and pulled himself up. "Okay..." he murmured. "I feel strange."

"You're okay, big brother. Now, what you gotta do now is take my clothes off." Miles grinned. "I took yours off, and you want to take my clothes off, don't you?"

Jack nodded, reaching unsteadily out to take the hem of the pup's shirt in his paw. "Yeah."

Miles raised his arms above his head, and Jack managed to awkwardly pull the pup's shirt upwards. It wasn't easy, with Miles having to swap paws in order to avoid releasing the teen's, and breaking the 'link.' He had no idea what would happen if he did and Jack noticed it. The entranced teen would likely crumple like a collapsing building considering how well things seemed to be working.

The pup let his brother undo his fly. With no hesitation apparent, Jack pulled down both the boxer-briefs and jeans around Miles' waist - thankfully, neither of them bothered containing their bushy husky tails in tail-flies! Miles gasped slightly, but looked up shyly. His brother met his gaze with a blank, non-judgmental stare. The spellbound teenager looked his slender brother up and down, seemingly remote and unthinking.

Grateful for his blush-concealing facial fur, Miles straightened up to give his older brother a good look. "Jack, do you like what you see? Do I look totally hot?" he said, trying not to smirk abashedly at his own words.

"Yes," muttered Jack immediately.

The frank response almost took Miles aback. "Uh. W-what do you like?"

"How do you mean?"

"About me. My body. Anything you really like?" There was a pause while Jack scrutinized his little brother with that impassive face. Obligingly, Miles even turned around, still holding that paw tightly, to give Jack a proper look in the flickering, orange candlelight. "Well?"

"I... I like your butt," Jack said. "And your chest. You have a cute dick."

That was blunt enough. Miles almost melted with embarrassment, before once again he realized that it would just be stupid. Being embarrassed when he could just tell his brother to forget everything made no sense. Besides: the list of things he wanted to try now had reached stupendous proportions, and melting would definitely be an impediment to getting through it.

"Jack, you want to kiss me, don't you?" he tried, cocking his head and looking at his brother with as sweetly cute an expression he could muster. "You want to. So how about you do it."

Jack just stared at him, thinking. Miles was almost certain he would at last refuse. But then the teenager reached out with his free paw, resting it on the nape of the littler pup's neck. He gently brought their muzzles closer together, until their noses touched... black to pink.

With a whimper, Miles opened his muzzle and half-closed his eyes. With that wordless prompting, Jack moved the last inch or so.

And they kissed.

It lasted only a few seconds, but it was long enough. The sensation was indescribable, for the both of them. Miles was tingling all over when they separated; he was quite sure his brother had done that before for some reason. "We'll... whoa. W-we'll do that again later. Did you like it?"

Jack nodded, smiling dozily.

Miles bit his lip. "A-alright! Now you can move, why don't you pull down your boxers for me, Jack?"

The teenager did so, at last clearly displaying his erection. Miles blinked and stared at it - it totally dwarfed his, perhaps twice as large or more, and his was as stiff as a railroad spike. Both their husky members jutted straight out, crying out for attention from one another, as if stretching out to yell across the room.

In just his socks alone, Miles led them back to the edge of the bed, and he hopped up onto it. "Now, Jacky..." he begun. "I'm sure you're just dying for me to suck you again, but I've never had it done to me. It's not fair for me to do it to you and you not do it back." He got to his knees, socked paws behind him.

Jack whimpered, his spare paw moving to rub his straining erection.

Miles reached out and firmly put it aside. "You can't touch your own dick, Jack!" he said, in a voice oddly like a tolerant parent chastising a child. "If you touch your dick at the moment, it'll burn your hand; like the iron you touched on my ninth birthday. Remember how much that hurt?"

Jack winced slightly and made no move to touch himself again. "Yeah... it really hurt."

"I will do it for you, but we have things we need to do first. If you try to touch it, I'll have to let go, and you'll fall on your butt; can't let you hurt yourself!"

Nodding, Jack got to his knees, getting his muzzle about the right level. He wrapped that spare paw, so narrowly saved from being 'burnt', around Miles' slender hips and butt. There was a brief pause. The tiniest amount of reluctance. But Jack overcame it almost instantly, taking his adorable little brother's little cock into his muzzle, guiding it in with a wet lick.

Hypnotized he was, but Jack recalled enough from the porn he'd seen and his brother's earlier attempt. He secured a delicious seal, trapping the sensitive preteen dick in his warm, wet maw. His tongue flicked and rolled across the surface...

In seconds, Miles had his spare arm around his brother's neck, hugging them close. The sensation was wonderful. It was incredible. He couldn't keep in his whimpers and squeaks, adorable vocalizations that would've stopped any heart. He wasn't sure he could take it much more... but he wasn't sure he could handle it if Jack stopped.

Jack sped up, and his tongue started to slip and rub right over the very tip, right over the pup's urethra. That contact on such a sensitive bit of him catapulted Miles into climax, faster than he had ever expected. Each time the wet tongue slid over it, he gasped louder and more plaintively, until... he doubled over and yelped, pulling his brother's head firmly into his small body out of reflex. He shuddered and twisted, but the teenager was still going, forcing him onwards still in that dry orgasm.

It was too much! Miles just knew he had to stop his brother, or else he'd go insane. Suddenly, he was afraid he was going to black out. It was hard to even speak though, and Jack was holding him tight around his hips!

Struggling was out too. Miles clenched his teeth together and tried to focus. "J-Jack!" he sobbed, squeezing his brother's paw tightly. "Y-you can stop now. Stop!"

Promptly, Jack stopped sucking and shuffled on his knees back a few inches. He seemed to just be staring blankly once again, this time at Miles wet, twitching little cock near his nose.

Miles swallowed, trying to get his entire body to stop shivering. That had been incredible. Like the young puppy he was, he wanted more. Immediately. That had been more intense than he had remembered!

Allowing himself a few moments to recover, Miles slipped off the bed again. "Alright," he said, composing himself. "We're almost there."

He ran down his mental list again.

Making a decision, he gestured for the compliant, horny, teenager to lie on the bed again.

"Stay here a moment, Jack." To test, he lifted the paw in his own up, then released it. It flopped instantly to the bed as the borrowed 'strength' fled from Jack's body and he succumbed to that weight again. "I'll be back. You're really horny, I know. I won't be long, I promise."

Excitedly, Miles snatched up the torch and made for his parents' room in the pitch blackness the house had become drenched in. As he wandered the hallways in the dark, his wet erection waggled in the cool air between his skinny legs; it felt kinda neat. But he had to push that out of his mind for now...

He had to rummage for awhile, made difficult by the cumbersome flashlight, but he found what he needed in his mother's chest-of-drawers. With an almost sadistic grin, he pulled item after item out and threw them on the bed. When he was satisfied, he shut the drawers and turned to grin at the haul.

White and strawberry pink panties. A black pleated skirt, short. Pink mid-riff shirt. Black stockings. All of them would fit Jack perfectly.

This was evil, and Miles knew it.

He gather it all up and made his way back, his socks muffling his paw-steps on the carpet.

When he returned, Jack was relaxed on the bed, exactly where he had been left. The only thing about him that didn't seem perfectly at peace was that glorious stiffy.

But Miles knew that may be about to change. Though probably not the stiffy part.

Suppressing another smirk, the pup took his brother's paw again and got him to his feet, depositing the bundles of clothing on the bed in his stead. The semi-somnolent Jack looked at them only briefly, but he didn't react in any way at first.

"Jack, do you remember when we stayed at Aunt Candace's place when we were younger?" Miles began. Jack nodded. "You threatened to tell her that I had cut the tops off her flowers? Told me you'd only not do that if I wore our cousin's clothes for that night?"

Again, Jack nodded. He fidgeted, slightly uncomfortable with his boner still throbbing in front of him.

"Well, you have to put on these clothes for tonight. If you don't, I can't help you with your stiffy; so you better hurry up." Miles couldn't hold back that smirk any more. "It's only fair."

Jack looked at the clothes. He whimpered. "Miles... c'mon..."

"You have to, Jack. It's okay though. Reach down with your other paw, and put on the shirt first... You can do this for me, Jacky. Nobody will see but me."

If taking clothes off the teen had been awkward, this process was a total nightmare. Miles had to help, but Jack reluctantly pulled on the clothing. He even put the panties on; though it was a good fit, his erection was poking right out the top - it simply wouldn't fit in there, not as hard as it was! It looked a little silly. Jack hesitated when he picked up the stockings, however...

"Miles..." he said pleadingly, in that sleepy, gentle voice that indicated he was still definitely hypnotized. "This isn't right."

Miles squeezed his brother's paw firmly. "You said you trusted me, Jack," he reminded him. "I'll make a promise. If you put these clothes on, I won't ever tease you for it, or take pictures or anything." He stopped himself before mentioning the simple fact that Jack himself probably wouldn't remember everything that happened here the next morning.

The teenager seemed to be mulling it over, before at last he sat on the bed's edge, starting to pull the thick stockings up his furry leg. Miles had to wonder why their mother owned them - it made little sense, considering their thick coats. Just a fashion thing, he guessed. He had to admit they looked nice; sleek and smooth.

At long last, Jack evened out the stockings and adjusted the skirt with his one free paw. He stood before his little brother. "Miles..." he whimpered plaintively once again.

But his little brother wasn't listening. He was looking Jack's new costume up and down. "Hah!" he giggled, unable to help it. "You look good! It suits you."

Jack whined and averted his eyes. "I look stupid."

"You look just as good as I did, I promise!" Miles looked his brother over, asking him to turn slightly. "Better, even! Mini-skirts suit you." Once again, he got the teenager to lie flat on the bed. He mounted the older boy's hips and giggled. "You look like such a CUTE girl, Jacky!"

Jack closed his eyes and made another oddly adorable whimper as Miles started to run his paws over his body. The curious pup rubbed down his brother's chest and arms, before twisting around to tenderly stroke those long legs from waist to shin, massaging them through the smooth stockings. He lay off to the side, hugging one of Jack's legs to him as he rubbed at it. One socked paw was brought up and inched under 'Jack's' skirt... and the kinky cub used it to rub at the teen's throbbing, panty-enclosed, dick; much to Jack's chagrin.

"This feels nice..." Miles murmured, squirming slightly, fighting the embarrassing urge to grind against his brother's leg. "Doesn't it?"


Reaching up, Miles grasped Jack's foot-paw and squeezed it. "I'm sorry, Jack," he said, smiling impishly again. "You deserve this."

And he started once more to tickle at that poor immobile paw. Jack squeaked and started to giggle. "Oh no!" he moaned. "Please... I-I c-can't- Ha-ha-haa! Miles! Hee-hee-hyaaah! Nooo!"

"You never listened to me when I said all that stuff!" taunted Miles, still going. Showing remarkable dexterity, he was still using his paw to rub at the teenager's warm member. It felt nice, actually. Jack was clearly enjoying it too, judging by how it was tensing and twitching. The pup nuzzled into 'his' leg and sighed happily. This was almost like the old days; a warm, loving evening with his brother. Only with the standard kinkiness raised by an order of magnitude.

It almost hurt him to recognise that the night would eventually end.

"Miles! Gaaah! Ha-ha-ha!" Jack was giggling incessantly now, and Miles noted absently that his voice sounded more youthful and happy now than it had been in a long time. It was nice to hear the teen not trying to act all tough and adult, just being himself.

"If you want me to stop tickling," the pup warned his brother, "I'll have to stop using my paw on your dick. Want me to stop these things? For now?"

Jack gave him a peculiar giggling-whimper. "Y-yes! Please, Miles! For now! I c-can't take it!"

Instantly, the pup stopped. "Alright." He straddled the teenager's chest and sat, looking lovingly at his brother's face. "Jack, I'll be back in a moment. I'm going to get a surprise for you."

Once more, Miles padded through the cold house in just his socks. This time, he couldn't help it - he rubbed and tweaked himself as he walked, breathing hoarsely. He had never felt like this before. Similar yes, but never with this intensity. But he wasn't naïve. He knew what he wanted. He knew what Jack wanted.

The exact same thing.

It was time to reveal a little secret, Miles felt. See, he knew something that he had kept a secret from Jack, his parents, and everyone. The secret was that he knew another secret. His mother's secret, really.

There was a case. It was a little black case, marked "tools", that they kept in their bedroom. One day, Miles had asked his dad if he could play with his tools. The adult thought he meant his red, metal toolbox in the garage, not the black "toolbox" they kept in the dark corner of their walk-in wardrobe. It had been very confusing when Miles opened this case; he couldn't see how on earth any of these could be used to hammer in nails. It wasn't until over a year later that he started to deduce what he had discovered. Some more probing, and he realized what he'd found... and what to do with it.

He hadn't had many chances to revisit that case. It remained his secret, a treat to visit whenever he could. Not even Jack could know about it, because his spiteful older brother would immediately tell on him. The teasing would never cease either. But he could share his secret now - Jack wouldn't remember it. He hoped.

Unerringly, he went to the exact spot where the case had been hidden since he'd discovered it. He seized it and briskly walked back through the corridors.

"Brr..." he shuddered. It was cold out here. The candles and the body heat of the two pups had certainly kept their bedroom nice and warm.

He shut their bedroom door firmly and placed the case beside Jack. "Miles, what are you doing?" Jack asked him in an oddly friendly voice. Miles hadn't heard that tone in some time from his brother.

"We're going to use toys, Jack." Miles snapped the case unlocked, opening it. He withdrew a small pink vibrator made of smooth aluminium and held it before the teen's eyes. "Ever seen one of these before?"

Jack's expression changed immediately to one of shock. Then to one of intense embarrassment. "Y-yes," he whispered, his cheeks going a rosy pink beneath his facial fur.

"You have? How come?"

Jack fell silent, eyeing the device. "I-I've seen one at a friend's house. We d-didn't use it properly."

"How did you use it?"

"We... turned it on and just touched it to our dicks." Jack flushed violently now. "M-Miles!"

Miles frowned briefly. "How d'you know that's not how to use it?" he asked gently.

"P-porn..." breathed Jack. "I-internet. F-for guys, it's s'posed to go up the butt."

Grinning, Miles brandished the aluminium rod in Jack's face. "Ooh, Jack looked at porn!" he teased in a sing-song voice. Then he shrugged. "That's okay. Everyone's seen porn now. Boh-riiiing. It's time to really do that stuff, right?"

Reverting to his astonished expression, Jack stared. "Y-you've-?"

"Some." Miles shrugged. "Cameron has some. His uncle gave it to him. Just a few magazines. But guess what?" He leaned in and touched his pink nose to his brother's. The heat radiating from Jack's cheeks was easily detected now.

"Wh-what?" a thoroughly abashed Jack whined at him.

"I'm gonna use this one on you. But I'm gonna do it properly." Miles nuzzled his brother. "It feels great. Don't be scared, Jack. You said you trusted me. You'll let me do this, and it'll feel wonderful."

Jack stammered for a few seconds, but finally he paused, looking into his brother's emerald eyes curiously. "Did you do it to yourself, Miles?" he asked.

Miles blinked and immediately flushed himself. "Oh, umm..." He chortled shyly. "Yeah. It feels good. I mean, it feels weird at first, but don't get worried! Ready?"

"... Okay."

Wasting no time, Miles pushed and pulled Jack until the boy lay on his stomach, his erection pinned between the soft, warm sheets and his lushly furred tummy. Miles lifted the skirt, and pulled down the panties and stockings, revealing his brother's rounded butt. Jack whined again.

"Jack, don't be scared," Miles told him soothingly. "You're safe. You have to stay relaxed. You want to try this, don't you? You want your cute little brother to play with you, like we used to--but like big guys now! Don't be scared." He almost choked on the 'cute little brother' part, but it had the desired effect. Jack took a deep breath, remaining immobile. He even gave a little giggle.

Curious, Miles parted the furry cheeks. He'd never actually looked at a tail-hole before. Jack's fuzzy buttocks were surprisingly firm and warm in his paws, and the sight that greeted the pup as he spread them wasn't quite as icky as he'd been expecting - not that he'd back out now.

It was just a slightly puckered pink orifice. He lightly brushed it, and heard Jack gasp softly.

"Hrm..." Miles reached over to the box, pulling out a small plastic packet. He tore it open and fished out a small rubber object, wincing a little at the smell. "Bleh. These things stink..." he murmured to himself, pushing the metal toy into its slimy rubber sheathe. He always did this; it worked so well! The condom was just perfect lubrication, and he didn't have to wash anything afterwards... meaning his experimentation remained a secret. "This is gonna feel weird, Jack, but it's also going to feel really nice. Nice, but in a weird way. It gets better though."

Jack breathed out a quiet "okay," but nothing else. The teen was really down for trying this stuff! Miles was bordering on euphoria. Nothing could go wrong now. This was just perfect! He hadn't felt so happy in weeks. And frankly, his brother looked kinda neat dressed up like that - it was even sort of funny to see it. Talk about a new sight!

Something sprang to Miles mind, and the pup slipped off once again. "One sec!" he told his brother, dashing off to the bathroom just down the hall. The automatic nightlight came on as he entered, providing all the light he needed. He grabbed a length of the thick, absorbent toilet paper and ran it under the tap for a split second. He squeezed out the excess water and padded back to their room quickly, damp paper in his paw.

Panting slightly, Miles remounted his brother's thighs, settling down comfortably.

"Let's see..." he said to himself, poking his tongue out slightly. The pup used one paw to spread the furry cheeks in front of him, and the other to daub lightly at it. Jack twitched slightly, but didn't speak.

After a few seconds, Miles actually dared to look at the web bundle of cloth. It was clean. He blinked.

He had forgotten his brother was a bit of a hygiene-freak. Even his backside was clean. Grabbing the toilet paper was totally unnecessary.

Tentatively, Miles sniffed at the teen's butt. He detected nothing with his sensitive nose. "Did you have a shower before I got home?" he asked quietly, daubing again at the taut pink star.

"Yes," murmured Jack, breathing deeply. "Th-that feels nice."

"Well, this should feel even better..." Miles slipped the aluminium rod into the rubber sheathe, poking his tongue out in concentration as he lined it up with the hole. "This is going to feel weird, Jack, but don't get worried, okay? When you feel it start to go in, you'll see that it's really nice. Give it a chance, kay?"

Past the point of no return now, Miles lined the tip of the slick condom up with his brother's slightly pinked tail-hole. Pausing but for a second, he pushed it in slowly. Jack gasped as the device slid its way into him, effortlessly slipping through the twitching muscular ring.

"Ah!" he moaned, still motionlessly flattened out on his front. "I-It does feel weird."

"Don't worry," Miles cooed, gently biting down on his tongue. "It's not dangerous. I won't hurt you. You can just relax, your whole body nice and heavy. It feels good going in, doesn't it? It's going to feel even better in a second." He flicked the tiny switch on the vibrators base, and it started buzzing loudly. Jack gasped, his body shuddering briefly.

"Oh, shit!" he moaned into the mattress. "I-It feels... r-really strong! I-it's like a t-tickle behind my dick!"

"I know!" chirped Miles, making sure the toy was firmly embedded in his brother's bottom, pulling up the panties. He chuckled and took his brother's paw. "Alright! Let's get you rolled over again. Let's see how hard your dick is now."

With a little help, Jack rolled over to his back again, and obediently lay spread-eagled for his little brother.

There was a significant tent-like bulge in the front of the miniskirt. Miles grinned in satisfaction, lightly brushing at it. "Do you want me to take care of it now, Jack?" he whispered close to the older boy's ear. "Isn't it just so sensitive now that you really want me to help you now? You feel like you're all about to burst, don't you?"

"Yes!" croaked Jack, breathing fast and deep. "Ohhh. Come ooon!"

Miles opened his muzzle to speak again, but another idea struck him. He frowned down at his bigger brother, with one paw rubbing at the straining bulge and the other idly tweaking his own little member. It was all he could do to not jump on his sexy older brother and bring this to a quick conclusion, but at this point... it would be such a waste. So he searched his mind...

What else could he do here? This was not only his chance to have some dirty fun, to employ the 'adult' knowledge neither his brother nor his parents had any idea he held, but to gain some measure of revenge on his brother for well over a year of being a jerk. And maybe more than that too. This could be about so much more than naughtiness.

He leaned even closer to the teenager's ears, and he spoke in the clear, flowing tones he had evidently perfected in such little time. "Not yet, Jack." He took his paw away. "I'm sorry, but we both know there's more to do. You have to relax. Close your eyes. I want you to imagine going down those stairs again, in that really cool garden, and with each step you're even more relaxed, calmer... sleepier. Put your horniness to the back of your head; it's still there, but this is more important."

Jack whined, but seemed to comply, closing his dazed eyes again.

"You're at the bottom of the garden now, Jack... it's beautiful, isn't it? Lots of big, colourful flowers, and there's a blue, still pond in the middle. Dark green grass and bushes, and there's a sleepy mist coming up from the ground." Miles lowered his voice. "You lie down on the grass. It's warm, and you can smell the grass. You want to close your eyes and go to sleep, Jack. So go ahead and do it. It's your garden. But even when you're asleep, you can listen to my voice. Go ahead, Jack. I'm right here to look after you... let yourself sleep in the misty, warm garden."

Jack sighed... and was silent.

His muzzle almost in his brother's ear, Miles gently laid a paw on Jack's tummy as it rose and fell rhythmically. "Good boy, Jack..." he breathed. "You're an awesome brother. I have to ask you a few questions. You don't have to answer, but please do. You can stay relaxed and asleep - just whisper the answers. How do you feel?"

There was a brief pause, but finally Jack seemed to exhale his response. "Good... it's warm. So relaxed..."

"That's good. Jack, you want to do naughty stuff with me tonight, is that right?"


"I want to do that stuff with you too. I'm sorry for teasing you; I don't like it when you tease me. I know how it feels." Miles caressed his brother's shoulder, shaking slightly. "But Jack, do you remember that game we played when we were younger? Do you remember when we played 'puppies' and pretended to be little ferals in the garden?"


"Do you want to play something like it, but dirty? ... Like, 'naughty puppies?'"

Jack smiled slightly. "I guess... how do you mean?"

Swallowing, Miles whispered into his brother's ear. "Do you want to try doing me doggy style?" he asked softly. "We're both really clean because we both had showers today. It'll be fun."

"Miles?!" Jack squeaked quietly. "A-are you sure? I've never done that before!"

"It's alright, Jack. We'll be fine. I want to try it. You do too, right?"

"... Y-yeah, I guess..."

Miles gave a silent "yes!" and giggled. "Alright, let's play puppies the way we used to!" He made to slip off to the side and stand, but he froze. "Jack, I... um, have another question..."

The supine boy just continued to breathe slowly. Miles tentatively reached out to touch his ear.

"Why do you hate me nowadays?" he quavered. Jack inhaled sharply. "What did I do wrong?"

Wiping his brimming eyes, Miles just awaited a reply patiently, watching the teen's face as it flickered in and out of a frown. Maybe he shouldn't have asked that. Perhaps he'd crossed a line...

"I don't!" Jack at last blurted. "I don't. Why would you think that?"

"I-It's just that you're so mean to me!" The pup sniffed. "You never used to be. We were best friends. Tell me why, please?"

Another long pause. Miles had to wonder if that was because his brother was considering a response, or if it was due to the hypnosis. He still wasn't sure how this worked... though work it certainly did. That was undeniable now.

"... Mum and dad... they always act like you're the greatest..." Jack scowled, but his voice still had that dozy quality. "They always tell me to be more like you. Tell me how smart you are. And... they- they always let you do whatever you want! You're going to sleepovers and after-school things that they never let me do."

"... I'm sorry, Jack..." stammered Miles. "I d-didn't know."

Jack sniffed now. "Y-you're smarter than me!" he whimpered loudly. "If they'd just stop shoving it in my face... I don't mind being dumb."

Awestruck, Miles gawped brainlessly. "So... you're jealous?!" he blurted tactlessly. "Is that it?"

No reply.

The pup sat back, slightly stunned. This was the cause of two years of doubt and conflict? His brother was so horribly mean to him because he was smart? Because of some things that their parents did, that wasn't his fault?!

That was super retarded.

But looking at the teenager now, the consternation on his somnolent face, Miles knew it wasn't anyone's fault. The fact they were like this now meant they still loved one another, right? Still brothers. It was all wrong, but at least both of them knew it.

He leaned in again. "Don't worry, Jack..." he said soothingly, laying a paw on his brother's warm chest. "I understand. I don't mind. You're not dumb; you're the smartest fur I know! I'd never be as smart as I am if you didn't help me. You helped teach me to read, remember?"


Miles smiled sadly. "Mum and dad... they tell me to be more like you. About how smart you are."


It was now or never. Miles's ultimate goal did not lie within the dreamy trance he had led his willing brother to - it was just a means to an end. It was time. The pup cuddled closely to his brother's side, and started to speak again in that mellifluous, soothing voice.

"Alright Jack," he said delicately. "We're going to play soon, because I know how totally horny you are. You remember that, don't you? But before I do that, there are some things you're going to do for me. This is the last of all that stuff. You just have to listen. I'm going to tell you what to do, when to do it..."

Shaking, trembling with anticipation, and not too sure if what he was doing was right, Miles spoke, gently instructing his older brother. Clearly and concisely he told him when to do what. Softly uttered words that Jack would likely not remember, but obey nonetheless. With ease born of natural genius, following instructions he'd memorized, Miles carefully installed the triggers, and Jack merely listened, breathing deeply and rhythmically in his embrace. So at peace in preparation for the craziness to follow.

When he finished whispering his instructions, Miles sat up, smiling serenely to himself. He was so excited that he felt like he'd just reached some kind of breaking point. He shook all over, but it was more of a subdued shiver. His heart was beating fast, yet not pounding. He wouldn't know for at least a day, but it seemed that Jack had willing walked right into Miles'... well, was it a trap? It wasn't anything bad, not really. But Jack had played right along. There was nothing left to do but to see if it had stuck.

"Okay, Jacky," Miles said, straddling his brother again. "Here's what we're going to do. We're going to play puppies... I mean, Naughty Puppies. Open your eyes, Jack, and look at me."

The teenager did so.

"We're gonna pretend to be puppies. You're the big, horny puppy, and I'm the smaller horny puppy!" The pup giggled and lean closer, continuing in an arch, sultry voice. "I know you're totally horny. You wanna feel that nice feeling, don't you? You know what I mean, right? It starts in your dick and makes you shiver from tip-to-toe. And you get all tingly and tired? I wanna feel it again too."

Jack whined, squirming beneath the pup as if he'd been tied down. "M-Miles!"

"Shh, Jack!" reprimanded Miles, once again sounding strangely parental. "Feral puppies can't talk. Only I can talk; I'm a puppy too, but I have to talk." Jack clamped his muzzle shut. "Good puppy! You only need to nod or shake your head now!"

Pausing, Miles stretched up, giving the hypnotized teenager a good look. "Jack, are you ready?" Immediately the dozy Jack nodded. "OK... here's we go. You're a puppy now, and that means you can move again. That weight is all gone now, but if I say 'heavy', it's going to all come back. So be a good puppy or else you won't be able to move anymore! Ready?"

Jack whimpered again, and Miles smiled lovingly at him, rubbing over his chest. He spent a moment just admiring the cross-dressed boy beneath him. This whole situation felt like a dream. His brother was wearing a mini-skirt; that was half a step away from him turning into an orange or something truly bizarre.

"Ok!" At last he slipped off to the side, on his paws and knees.

Miles reached over into the Box Of Secrets, retrieving a small tube he had long since discovered was lubricant, and laid it on the bed. With a sultry grin, he turned to look at his hypnotized brother, who watched him quietly, almost unseeingly.

Behind him, his fluffy tail curled up, as husky tails do. "Come on, Jacky! Here boy!" With a childlike titter, Miles started to pant exaggeratedly. "Woof! C'mon Jack!"

Slowly, uneasily, Jack pulled himself to his paws and knees too. He giggled lightly, looking his younger brother over and adjusting 'his' skirt. The insides of his ears almost glowing pink in the flickering candlelight, he crawled towards the smaller boy on all fours, going around behind him. Miles took a bracing, deep breath...

But first Jack sniffed, tentatively, curious, at his little brother's haunches. With a faint sound that was almost a purr, he placed his paws on Miles' buttocks, spreading them. The curious muzzle ventured closer, sniffing yet more. An overzealous, loud snuffling as Jack warmed to his role.

"Wh-what're you doing, Jacky?" chortled Miles, painfully aware of his own stiffy throbbing between his legs now.

But Jack didn't respond. He snuffled playfully at the smaller boy's rear, insistently pushing the pup forwards, until his head was resting on the mattress.

It tickled! Miles had no choice but to giggle at it, wriggling his toes in their warm socks and obligingly spreading some more. "Hee-hee! Jack, that feels funny!"

Still no response - "Oh yeah," though Miles, "I told him he couldn't speak." Firmly, the teenager grasped the kit's tight buttocks, pulling them apart to get a good view of the tight, pinked, tail-hole. Miles held his breath. He knew he was being examined - by a curious, horny teenager with rock-hard stiffy. He shook in anticipation; he had wondered for so long what it would feel like to be... he knew it had to be nicer than the vibrator. It had to be. His stiffy tingled, and his stomach seemed almost consumed by that warm, glowing feeling he had come to associate with his deepest secret fantasies. It threatened to overtake his whole body now.

Another sniff, this time much closer. Miles gasped. His brother's balmy, hot breath... he could feel it, so close to...

"OH!" Miles yelped, twitching. A wet, slimy object slithered right over his sensitive hole, and then vanished. His eyes widened. Had Jack really--?

The strange, wet sensation came again, pressing more firmly against the muscular band. Lingering this time.

The pup gasped, clutching a pawful of the bed-sheets. Jack was licking his-!

The teenager readjusted himself, more determinedly pushing Miles down by the buttocks and nuzzling into the cheeks. He started to lap, pushing against and slipping into the delicate boy's tight ring more vigorously, holding him tightly.

"Aah! Jack that's-!" Miles twitched, closing his eyes. The tongue was wet, warm and felt so... so... totally awesome! The ten-year-old moaned involuntarily, clawing at the sheets beneath him. His skinny legs shivered, and he instinctively pushed his butt higher, into his brother's kinky muzzle.

It was as if Jack was caught in some kind of frenzy. Miles knew almost immediately that he'd have to ask Jack to stop: the bigger boy was holding him so firmly that once again struggling was out of the question. But then again, Miles was the one with ultimate control - his words were stronger than Jack's muscles. That brought a momentary thrill to the pup, though it was instantly washed away by youthful lust. He couldn't help it... he wasn't going to use that power to get away.

Groaning in heavenly pleasure, Miles let one of his paws slip down the mattress, while the other continued to support him. That free paw sought out his three inches of stiffness and wrapped firmly around them, pumping and tugging slowly. The side of his head was pressed uncomfortably into the mattress, but he cared not. Jack's tongue slipped around and over the last part of his body he ever expected it to venture near, invasively pushing at it, testing the wavering resistance of the his tail-hole.

It was entrancing. But Jack eventually stopped, ignoring Miles whines, and shuffled closer on his knees, still holding Miles' upraised butt. With one paw, the teen tugged down his mother's panties and raised the short skirt...

"J-Jack, p-put some of the slippy stuff on it..." Miles gasped, floating on clouds. He tried to point at the lubricant tube he left but two feet from his side, but Jack slipped forwards, hugging the tween pup to his chest, pinning that upraised tail between them. And Miles felt something hard and hot pressing with unerring accuracy against his wet--! "Wh-wha-?!"

There was almost no hesitation. Jack pushed with his hips, pulling Miles' smaller, lither body into his own. With a stifled yelp, Miles felt his brother's stiffy shoved hard against his tail-hole.

"Nnh!" he groaned, wincing. But Jack continued on, gently but inexorably pushing his stone-hard erection at his brother's tight entrance.

The teens arduous licking had slicked the area up, relaxing the pup's backside greatly. The warm, smooth spike penetrated and started to slide deeper. Miles gasped and would've sprawled out on the bed, but his brother held him fast, shuffling a little closer.

Miles moaned and squirmed slightly, but he surrendered. It ached a little at first from Jack going in so firm and fast, but his brother wasn't that big - and he wasn't that inexperienced. It felt good. It was so comfortable and warm like this, in his brother's tight embrace. He felt full inside, and that delicious, odd pressure up against what almost felt to be the base of his penis...

He held his bigger brother's arms close to him with one paw, the other posted on the bed to keep himself upright. "Jack, that's nice..."

Jack simply giggled in response. A youthful chuckle, followed by some more comically overdone panting. The teen slipped a paw down to poke and tease his playmate's twitching, stiff erection, keeping the other arm around the pup's belly, holding him in place.

"Oooh..." groaned Miles, his breathing suddenly shaky. He felt it now, so deep into him. It was hot and smooth, and it fit so snugly. His brother had hilted him almost casually with his four-and-a-half inch wood.

Jack started to slowly buck, half-withdrawing his member only to slowly slide it back into his brother's saliva slicked backside. The teenager's ears slowly flattened, and he exhaled. He was so horny now, and it felt so good... his little brother was just so wonderful to hold like this. Warm and almost fluffy, soft and delightful to the touch. Lithe, with such a flat, lightly-muscled tummy and adorable pink nose, so cutely proportioned all over. In this state, the somnolent teen would've admitted it in a heartbeat: he thought his little brother was hot.

Jack's older, horny brain brought another meaning to the "game" Miles had wanted to play. Lust and experience, knowledge gleaned from the playground to illicit glances at magazines and websites, had given him a filter to view this situation from. He was playing the game, but he was also going to... make sweet little Miles, the brother he'd hurt too damn much, happy. He was going to show the pink-nosed little runt he still loved him. In more than one way.

He started to buck faster, holding the pup closer to him, and slipping that paw around that skinny tummy upwards, rubbing firmly through the fur as if searching for something.

"Unh!" grunted Miles, closing his eyes tightly. "Oh! Shit, Jack that's..."

The bucking teenager found his target, firmly brushing aside the pup's chest fur to tease and rub a small nipple; only the size of his fingertip, yet sensitive, as Miles twitched and yelped, posting both arms to the bed to support his shaking body. "Nnnhh!" The tween pup whimpered, his dick twitching right into his brother's teasing paw.

He pinched his eyes even more tightly closed, clutching again at the sheets as Jack started to buck harder and faster, thrusting more seriously now. There was that odd, subtle tickle, an itch or pressure that seemed to be coming from somewhere behind Miles' own tingling dick, getting more noticeable the more Jack humped him. Unable to help himself, the kit breathed a whimpering curse. It was incredible.

Why didn't anyone tell him how good all this felt?! Geez!

Jack had nuzzled into the back of his neck; he could feel the hot breath tickling the fur of his nape. A wet tongue snaked out and firmly licked his ear once. He shivered all over, his rear tensing, tightly embracing Jack's member.

Eagerly, Jack bucked away. The playful panting had gone, and the brothers gasped together in exertion and passion. Miles closed his eyes tight, embracing the sensations, and the wonderful closeness he hadn't felt for years now.

It seemed that Jack could go forever, even at this pace. With each gasping, rapid breath into his little brother's downy neck, he thrust firmly, holding his little brother as tightly as possible. The hypnotized teen licked once at the small shoulder nearest him, and Miles shuddered in delight.

Suddenly, Jack yelped, his entire body shaking uncontrollably. He clutched Miles' smaller body even closer.

Miles' eyes shot open wide, what felt like warm liquid squirting inside of him, spreading throughout the deepest parts of his tummy. Slicking himself up inside as Jack's humping slowed.

But even as Jack slowed, his strength sapped by an incredible sensation that tore through him like a destructive, pleasurable gale, that tickle residing just behind Miles' twitching little pole, deep within him, suddenly grew stronger. It blossomed into something else as the extra lubrication made the motion inside of him, the friction, even more wonderful.

His body contracting all over, the little pup yipped as the tickle at long last exploded.

Miles' orgasm seemed to rip him apart, tearing his consciousness from his body and hurling it into the most heavenly oblivion. He squealed aloud, unable even to fend off Jack's paw which continued to pump on the ultra-sensitive organ it held so firmly, as his body ceased to obey.

The first tidal wave washed over him. But even when it passed, further ripples of warm pleasure, aftershocks, coursed through the husky boy, like lapping waves, forcing him to shake with concerning intensity as they came and went rhythmically.

Eventually it stopped.

The pup went limp, held tightly by his older brother who was shaking just as hard.

"Unnhh..." Miles whimpered. "W-wow..." A warm tongue belated swiped over his ear, and he smiled, letting his eyes close. "Jacky?"

Jack gave an exhausted pant as a reply, snuffling some more at the pup's splayed ears.

At last his bigger brother released him, and Miles twisted around beneath him, wrapping his legs affectionately around the teenager's torso. He gazed up at Jack's face and felt a small twinge of regret.

The eyes that looked back at him were not really seeing him, were they? Not the way they did every other day. Or maybe they were, just this time without a mask of dislike and irritation.

It was just a little confusing.

"I think it's time for bed," Miles managed to whisper. He reached up and loosely embraced his bigger brother. "You did so good, boy."

Jack licked his ear, still in puppy-mode.

Sighing, Miles eyed the ludicrously dressed teen. "Better get the clothes back..." With a resigned groan, he extricated himself. "That was freakin' awesome. We should do it again. Soon. Like, real soon."

Jack lidded his eyes as his perky grey and white ears were lazily scratched.

So Miles set about stripping down his big brother, folding the clothes neatly as he did beside the kneeling, comically panting teenager. As he stood up, Jack watched him quizzically from the bed, on all fours. A sudden urge to kiss him gripped Miles, so that's what he did. In response, Jack lapped at his muzzle.

"Jack!" Miles giggled, flailing as he drew away. "You silly puppy."

Then he smiled, leaning closer again, approaching his brother's ear. He whispered a few words, and in moments, Jack obediently, gladly, crawled under his own covers.

When the pup returned from putting away his mother's clothing, his big brother waited quietly, clutching a pillow to him like a stuffed toy.

Miles almost stumbled, the exertion and excitement of the night finally catching up with him full bore. He was tired and even a little stressed - hypnotizing your own brother into making love to your butt while wearing your mother's clothes would be pretty difficult to explain if their parents came home early or Miles had messed up.

But it had been worth it. It was perverted, yeah, Miles did know that, but frankly he didn't care. There was so much he wanted to do, and he so wanted to return to the days of his brother openly caring for and liking him- and fooling around naked together, he couldn't deny that part- that he didn't care. Nobody would know, he hoped, but he and his brother; and Jack would keep it to himself, assuming he properly remembered it in the morning. Miles was kinda shaky on how that bit worked.

So the exhausted pup smiled and padded across the room to his big brother's bed. Quickly he started to reverse the trance, instructing the dozy Jack to ascend the stone stairway, leaving the misty dream garden behind and drawing him back into the world of the awake. "Sleep tight, bro..."

Eventually, Jack's eyes fluttered and he groaned. "Whu-?" he moaned to himself, sitting up to look around.

He was in bed. Naked. The room flickered and glowed a dull orange as candles danced in the air, open flames disturbed by simple movement.

"Shit!" Jack hissed at himself, throwing back the covers. He froze, looking over at his brother's bed - did he just hurl his covers away while he was naked, with his brother in the same room?

Yes, he had. But Miles was lying above his covers, butt-naked too. His fluffy tail had slid limply off to the side, and he sprawled inelegantly face-down on his bed, as if he'd collapsed of exhaustion on it. The only clothing on him were his white sports socks.

Jack swallowed, creeping out of bed. He was tired himself, but the candles had to be snuffed or else his mother would bitch him out something fierce for 'endangering the house' - as if it wouldn't have mattered if he had been burnt to a crisp, only the house. And Miles, of course.

But as he approached the twisting flame on Miles' bedside table, he paused again.

Wistfully, he looked his little brother over, sleeping so deeply already.

Right now, even Jack had to admit the little scamp was cute. He was adorable - and something else. Something he didn't want to admit to himself, but he felt it, like a gentle kindling fire inside of him. Jack almost wanted to cuddle up beside him, so they could sleep together this cold night, the way they did so long ago. There was also something other than warmth those nights used to bring, but he tried to pretend he didn't want that.

He wasn't doing a good job of convincing himself, though. In fact, tonight it seemed more impossible to deny than ever before. But deep and meaningful questions about his preferences and possible weirdness could wait - somehow, he knew that even if his fears were true, his brother at least wouldn't care; and tonight, that simply meant everything for some reason.

Gently, Jack pulled the edge of Miles' bed-sheets over him, trying as best he could to cover him without waking him.

He lightly ran a paw down the kit's slender, delicate side, reaching over with the other to swipe at the burning candle. With just a brief flash, the candle extinguished, and Jack smiled slightly.

"Sleep tight, bro."

The next morning, Jack awoke to a blinding, all-consuming light. The sunlight poured in through the window, its brightness hurting his eyes.

"Grruuugh," he growled, sitting up. Pawing at the wall by the window, he found the cord and let the blinds collapse over the offensive opening. He was fairly damn sure he'd closed those last night - his mother probably opened them. Her not-so-subtle method of waking Jack up now. It was an improvement on the old method, which she still used on Miles. Namely, ripping the covers off. Jack started to sleep sans clothing just to dissuade this invasive behaviour. It was really quite rude of her, he felt.

Hauling his nude form out of bed, the thirteen-year-old hurriedly threw on some boxers and jeans before staggering to the bathroom.

Just as he was indelicately hocking toothpaste-flavoured saliva into the sink, there was a sharp rap on the bathroom door.

"What?" he grunted irascibly, towelling his muzzle off.

"Hey, Jack!" his little brother piped. "Mum says for you to come have breakfast with us."

"Yeah, yeah."

When he finally joined them, Miles was the only one still at the table eating, and their mother bustled about the kitchen, apparently preparing lunch for her husband. She seemed inordinately happy - something which struck Jack as mildly annoying. It was too early for someone to be that happy. It wasn't natural.

"Weirdo," he muttered, sitting at the table. Miles' ear twitched but he said nothing.

"Good morning, my irritable son!" chuckled his mum. "Your dad got the promotion last night."


Miles poured some cereal into a bowl, handing it and the milk carton over to his older brother. Jack blinked in surprise.

"Uh. Thanks."

"He's off to work right now, so I have to give him his lunch. Put the milk back, boys."

Sighing, Jack stood and crammed the milk back in the fridge. As he returned to his chair and his mum dashed back to her bedroom, Miles was silent, watching him intently out of the corner of his eye, poorly trying to seem like he was focusing on his cereal.

"What?" demanded Jack, sitting back down.

Miles looked at him, a confused look on his features. He even cocked one of his ears quizzically - the deceptive little jerk. "Huh?"

"What're you staring at, pink-nose?"


Jack shook his head. Maybe his brother was just nervous being around him now. Suddenly, he felt disgusted at himself.

Maybe he should play with him today - he shut him down so viciously last night.

As he pondered this, he ducked his head and lapped at the milky bowl of flakes in front of him, using his long canine tongue to lap the food into his muzzle inexpertly. He splattered the table with milk and golden crumbs.

Miles giggled quietly.


The pup shook his head. "Oh, nothing, I just remembered something." He paused. "Here, by the way."

He passed the teen a spoon.

Jack glared at him suspiciously. "Thanks," he finally muttered, taking up the utensil.

When breakfast was over, and their mother ceased badgering them unnecessarily, the brothers returned to their shared room. Jack resolved he would actually try to do something with his little brother today. He was feeling oddly... fond of him today. Though what could they possibly do that wouldn't bore them both retarded?

Or in Miles' case, even more so?

But when they were in their room again, Miles quietly sat on his bed and sighed.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Jack. "You've been weird all morning. Weirder, sorry."

"Hah. Hah." Miles' clapped sarcastically.

Jack softened his expression. "Look, seriously, what's up?" He came over to his little brother's side. "Still mad at me for being a dick last night?"

When Miles looked up at him, he seemed genuinely surprised. "What? Oh. A little."

"Excuuuuuuse me, princess pink-nose." Jack grinned at sat on the bed. "Wanna do something today?"

"Like what?" Miles eyed him warily.

Growling, Jack shot to his feet again. "Shit, I'm only trying to be nice. If you hate me that much then--"

"Oh, come ooon, big brother," said Miles, a strange smugness in his tone. As if he had just made a horribly devastating witticism.

But nonetheless, the phrase meant something. Something deeper, something unspoken. Jack whirled around and bent down. He kissed the little pup firmly on the muzzle, holding the kit close for the briefest second.

Then he blinked and fell back.

Why did he do that? And why didn't he suddenly want to behead himself for it?

Miles smiled slightly. "I don't hate you at all," he said calmly. "Okay. Wanna go to the park?"

Still a little bemused, but somehow impelled not to dwell on what he had just done too much, as if wasn't monumentally embarrassing, Jack frowned. "Uhh. S-sure. Go get your soccer ball or something. I'll get a shirt on."

"Afterwards, let's play a video game? You can choose which one!"

Suddenly Jack grinned. Miles never won when they played together - never even came close. "You lookin' to get your ass kicked again, huh?"

But Miles just returned the grin. "Afterwards, you gonna help me practice something?"

"Practice? What the heck do you have to practice?"

"Oh, just my hypnotist act."

"Pfft, that crap again?" Jack sighed. "Fine. Not like it works anyway."

Miles' giggled outrageously. "Let's go, Jacky."

--- FIN


Copyright, "Kichigai Kitsune", 2010.

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