Mona's new life Chapter 1

Story by Monabella on SoFurry

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                Mona leaned against the counter in the kitchen of her new a...

Mona leaned against the counter in the kitchen of her new apartment. There were boxes all over the place, stacked in all the corners of every room. She was excited for the adventure she was about to begin. She was in a new home, a new town, a place to meet new friends. It had been a hard decision to make, the decision to move away, to leave what she new, but Mona needed an adventure, a chance to spread her wings.

Her parents had helped her out on her decision, and had paid for a moving company to help her with her things. They were supportive of her decision, and wanted her to know. Swift Paws was the most expensive and highly rated moving company in the area. The men they employed were large, strong, and friendly, but not afraid to work. Mona had watched Chase, a beautiful, dark-furred Doberman, who had been doing most of the heavy lifting in the move, since they arrived at her old place.

Chase looked at her with a smile as he sat down the last of Mona's boxes. She smiled at him as he walked over to her, placing a large paw on either side of her hips on the counter.

"All done Miss Mona," he smiled, the gesture both beautiful and sexy. His voice was deep and husky, his eyes beautiful. "Is there anything else that I can help you with before we head back?" She blushed, the skin under her soft tan fur turning red and hot.

"Not with the moving," she replied softly, almost a whisper.

"Well then, I will be leaving." Chase leaned closer to her, his breath whispering across her ear and ruffling the fur on her face.

"O.. Ok," her breath caught in her throat. Chase's muzzle almost touched her face, and she felt her blush deepen. "It was nice to meet you." Her brown eyes met his green ones and locked, neither trying to pull away.

"It was nice to meet you too. Would it be out of line to ask for a tip?" He whispered, his nose brushing her cheek, his breath on her lips.

"No." She spoke and he took the chance. He pressed his lips to hers, pressing her closer to the counter, and his body pressing up against hers. She felt her tail curl as Chase used his tongue to explore Mona's mouth, his jeans tightening against her thigh. He pulled away and the ape opened her eyes.

"It's been nice working with you. I would love to see you again." Chase spoke, and she could hear the arousal in his voice. Mona was quite surprised at how forward the mover was, but she was thankful that he had taken the opportunity when it presented itself.

"Me too," she squeaked. Blushing, she cleared her throat, and then blinked up at the tall, dark man. "Me too. Are you from around here? It is quite the drive from Willow Creek to here."

"The drive wouldn't bother me." He replied. "As long as it was to get to you," His breath continued to move the fur on her face, and she shivered.

"Do you have to go now?" She spoke, wrapping her long arms around the canine's neck. "Or do you have some time to spare?" Her eyes were half lidded and sultry. Mona simply wanted to spend some time with the man.

"Let me speak to my partner." Chase pulled away and reached down to adjust the tent in his pants. Mona took a deep breath and let it out slowly. The contact from Chase was hot, and it was starting to make the room feel like the heater was running in an already hot summer.

The primate adjusted her shirt, tugging a bit at the hem to reveal more of her cleavage before the Doberman could return, and when he did, he was wearing a huge grin.

"He said that he would swing back for me later." Mona was ecstatic. ""It's time for us to get some lunch anyway." His words became softer as he walked closer to her. "And what I'm hungry for is right here."

He growled out the final words as he lifted Mona off the floor and sat her roughly on the counter. Her hands met at the back of his head as Chase moved to remove her bicycle shorts. He was happy to see that she had forgotten her panties when dressing that morning.

"Absolutely beautiful," he breathed as he positioned himself in front of her on his knees, spreading her legs and resting her knees on his shoulders. He leaned forward and licked her lips softly. Mona moaned and felt her arousal intensify.

"Don't stop." She spoke softly, pushing his face forward for better access. His tongue flicked out, teasing her lips a few more times before he nuzzled in, letting his tongue lap at her clitoris, making the already sensitive bundle of nerves twitch. He continued to lick and kiss the skin, taking chances to nibble at the lips in turn.

"You taste wonderful," He breathed, taking in her scent as he went. Wave after wave of pleasure washed over her with every pass of the canines tongue, and Mona could feel her climax approaching.

"Chase," she moaned and gripped the fur at the nape of his neck. Her climax washed over her, and she felt the canine rest is tongue just before her opening and relish the flow of liquid that dripped from her. He stood, licking the rest of her cum off his lips and Mona slid off the counter, her tail flicking happily. She dropped to her knees, nimbly opening the fly to his jeans. She saw the tip of his cock already emerging from its sheath and grinned happily.

Mona used the soft touch of her hand to coax the rest of his member out, and then ran her tongue across the tip. He moaned and bucked gently. Taking his cue, she smiled and took him into her mouth, letting her tongue slip over the length of his shaft and enjoying the sound of his pleasure and the way he warmed in her mouth. After a few passes of her tongue on the sensitive skin, Chase lifted her by the shoulder of her shirt and bent her over the counter, positioning himself behind her and gently moving her tail to the side.

"Chase, please, take me." She moaned, feeling her desire growing in her loins.

"As you wish," he growled from deep in his throat and pressed the tip of his cock to her opening, and she couldn't wait for him to slide the rest of his warm length inside. He took his time, teasing her sensitive skin and testing the tension of the tissue he was about to enter. "Brace yourself."

Mona woke with a start. She looked around at the empty walls of her room and frowned, feeling the arousal from the dream and having no idea why she had even awakened. Then she heard the phone ring. She knew at that point what had jerked her from the most pleasant dream she had had in a while. With a stretch, she reached her long arm out and grabbed the cellular phone.

"Hello?" She spoke, her voice groggy and frusterated.

"There's my little 'chip-monkey!" Mona wiped her hand down her face and frowned. She had been woken up for this?

"I've asked you not to call me that mom." She propped herself up on her elbow and looked at the nearby boxes.

"I'm sorry honey. I didn't wake you did I?" Mona opened her mouth to reply but her mother continued before the words came out. "I'm so worried about you. I'm not ready for you to be this far away from home. I mean, you are only twenty, Mona. You should still be at home with your father and I."

"Mom, I'm fine. And it's not like Willow Bay is that far. It's only a half hour drive. You can come visit once I have my apartment all set up. I will be safe, I promise." She reached into a box and felt through it. Her hand brushed against the desired object and she smiled, only half listening to her mother's words. "Look mom, now that you have me awake after that exhausting day yesterday, I need to get up and get busy. I still can't take a shower because my towels are still packed, and I need to go to the store for a shower curtain."

"You have grown up so much from the little chip-monkey I used to carry around in that sling. I love you Mona honey." She rolled her eyes.

"Love you too mom." She hung up the phone, pulling her dildo from the box. That dream had left her full of desire, and she was going to take care of the problem herself.

Adjusting herself and spreading her knees, she teased her lips with the rubber tip, then plunged it deep inside. She let it sit for a minute before she started to ease the toy in and out, making sure to rub the tip across the most sensitive spot inside. She increased her rhythm, adding a clitoral massage to the long strokes of her toy. As she reached her climax she arched her back, moaning out and closing her eyes, imagining the seed of a certain dark Doberman spilling out to fill her up inside.

After a few minutes, she eased the rubber dick out from inside and opened her eyes. She blinked, adjusting to the light coming through the window. Using her tail, she pushed herself to a sitting position, the covers dropping down from her naked breasts, and she stretched. She had a lot of work to do, and she wanted to get it started. She was tired of the nude walls already.

Mona stood, her long legs pushing off from the floor, the soft brown fur settling into place. She ran her hands up her body, resting for a moment on her still hard nipples, and then ruffling through her shoulder length black hair. She looked at herself in the mirror, admiring the supple body that she had worked so hard to maintain. Reaching swiftly, Mona grabbed some panties and some yoga pants out of her suitcase, and topped it off with a short sports bra looking top.

Stepping into her shoes, Mona grabbed her keys and headed out to door for a shower curtain. After only a few minutes at the store, she returned home, finding her towels and hanging the shower curtain. Mona spent the rest of the day unpacking boxes. Chapter two