Memento te mortalem

Story by Zed Blair on SoFurry

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Memento te mortalem "Remember you are mortal."

Seven A.M., same routine. Get up, shower, and eat breakfast, text boyfriend good morning, drive to school. A young male panther pulled his car into the parking lot at school, shifting into park and applying the parking break. The sound of a door chime from Star Trek sounded, indicating he had a text message. Picking up the device as he went into his trunk to grab his book bag, it read "Morning love, I may see you later today. Got a long day ahead. Have a good day." He smiled a bit, and replied. "Alright, look forward to it. Love you." Putting the phone on silent, he stuck it in his pocket and closed the trunk, and off to his morning class he went.

You used to captivate me, by your resonating light

The day went on. Two classes down, one more to go. After this he would switch schools for his vocational training as a nurse's aide. Math was a bitch, never his strong suit as the teacher droned on about polynomials and matrices, and other crap he would probably never use in his life. "Twenty more minutes." He thought, as he randomly scribbled down numbers, pretending to pay attention. Jotting down the homework assignment, he waved his pass up to head to his other classes. The teacher nodded, signaling he could leave. Packing his things up, he headed for the door, noting it was eleven A.M.

Now I'm bound by the life you left behind

On the way to his vocational school his phone rang, the tune of the closing theme for House, M.D. He pulled it out of pocket and looked at the caller I.D. and smiled at the name of G.T. and the picture of a cute male hyena Picking it up he spoke "Hey you, how's your day?" the other voice chuckled a bit. "Fine, long, irritating. The supply company delivered the wrong material. It's a snafu." The panther nodded. "Sorry to hear that. I am on my way to my second set of classes." The hyena chuckled softly. "We should do dinner tonight." "Sure, six o' clock alright." The other male asked, making a mental note. "Sure, as soon as I figure out where, I will text you." "Sounds good. Im pulling into the parking lot, so I have to go. I love you!." The panther said with a cute-like voice. "Love you to babe, have a good day, see you later." The two hung up and the panther made his way to his last set of classes.

Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams

The two met at one of the local joints, the panther still in scrubs from his class, the hyena in blue jeans and a button down shirt, a bit of dirt here and there but the restaurant wasn't fancy. The two placed their order and idly chatted. Until the hyena dropped the bomb. "After this job, they have a big job up in Massachusetts; I only need to be there for a month though." The other male slowly chewed on his lip before he spoke. "Well ... it will suck" he paused. "But it is only a month, and it's not like it is forever." He let his leg brush the others gently. The hyena nodded as their food came. "It has really good pay, and after that, maybe you can stay with me. I know you hate it at your parents, especially with that stepdad of yours." The panther idly munched on the French fries. "If you want, you can stay tonight." The feline nodded. "I'd like that. When do you leave?" "Tomorrow evening." He frowned as the feline just gazed at him.

Your voice, it chased away all the sanity in me

It had been two weeks into that long month of being away from his boyfriend. It did not totally stop his world but it defiantly was different. The hyena left a key for the panther, in case he needed to get away from his family. It was raining outside, something about the way it was raining, seemed like the skies were crying. And that's when he got the call. "Alex, its Reira..." It was one of his friends who knew Gage. "Yea what's up?" he said, noting something in her voice sounded off. "I just got word that Gage ... died." At that moment, it seemed like time itself stood still, his heart stopped. "He was killed by cross fire from some gang shooting... I'm so sorry.. His sister called me, sobbing."

These wounds won't seem to heal

Alex hung up, without another word and hit the button to speed dial Gage. The phone rang twice, but it seemed to take forever before someone picked up, a female voice, in the background he heard an EKG flat line sound. "Alex, I assume you heard?" It was Gage's sister, choked up "Yea. I heard. Oh god..." He heard his sister start crying as he hung up. "Run." Was the first thought in his mind. Out the door and into his car he went, speeding towards his boyfriends' home.

This pain is just too real

He entered the apartment, finding his bed, the bed they shared before. He curled up on it and bawled his eyes out. His phone rang multiple times, text messages chiming in. He didn't hear it, he didn't care. He was now stuck in hell, without the one that saved him from his hell. Hugging the pillow that he slept on, smelling his scent. He cried, seeing the picture on Gage's nightstand, of the two, he picked it up and hugged it to his chest between the pillows and cried for hours. The rain never stopped. What killed him the most, later that day is he was looking forward to a good future, where they would live happy, he never once thought he would see this coming.

There just too much that time cannot erase