Parents Need to Have Fun Too

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Edited By Averis

Parents Need to Have Fun Too

"Good Morning the citizens of Wolvenhaven...," the radio announcer on Marcus's radio said.

"Honey, I thought you said no work today," Linda said.

"Mhmf... I don't, the damn alarm clock is wrong," he said hitting the button to cut it off.

"Alright, well since you're up can you please get Casey ready for school," Linda said falling asleep again.

Getting up Marcus slipped on his house slippers, and bathrobe, and scratching his back as he did so. He then walked out into the hall on the second floor and knocked on his daughter's door. She was probably up since she was an early riser. Unlike her parents, they had no idea how she does it.

"Casey are you up," he asked.

"Yeah dad, I have been for around an hour now," she said.

"Alright well you got about an hour till your bus comes," he said.

"I know dad," she said.

"Just making sure sweetie," he said, "did you have breakfast yet?"

"No, dad can you make something," she asked.

"Sure sweetie how about an omelet," he asked.

"Yay," she said, the door opening up and she bolted downstairs to the kitchen.

Marcus chuckled at the enthusiasm of his daughter. As he came down the stairs slowly she was already sitting at her place at the table. He moved to the refrigerator getting out the carton of eggs, a green bell pepper, cheese, and a package of sausage. He pulled out the frying pan and started cooking three omelets one for himself, his daughter, and his wife, he also started making his cup of morning coffee. Ten minutes later he handed his daughter a plate, which she immediately started eating.

"Thanks dad," she said.

"You're welcome sweetie, make sure you put your dishes in the sink, there's some OJ in the fridge, feel free to help yourself," he said.

She got up and opened the fridge and got the orange juice out from the fridge and Marcus gave her the glass with her name on it. She giggled happily with glee and a big grin upon her muzzle with her paws she picked up the jug and poured it into the glass. She yipped happily as she didn't spill any, she put the cap back on the jug and put it back in its proper place in the fridge. She walked back to her seat and continued eating the delicious breakfast her daddy cooked for her, which was rare since he was usually gone before he could make something like this.

"How did you sleep last night sweetie?" he asked.

"Fine daddy," she said.

"Any crazy dreams," he asked.

"I had one about the booger man again," she said.

"Really, did he frighten you," he asked.

"No, I did just like you told me to," she said with a wolfish grin.

"That's a good girl," he said reaching out to scratch her behind the ear, and her left leg started shuddering.

"Quit daddy that feels weird," she said.

"Alright sweet pea, get your backpack and head out to your bus stop, I'll tell Mommy you said good bye," he said.

"Okay, see you later daddy," she said while heading out the door.

Marcus smiled as she headed out the door. He finished making breakfast for himself and Linda. Once he was done he poured a cup of coffee for her as well making it just the way she liked it, black and strong enough to walk, and they were both going to need that energy.

He placed the contents on a tray and carried it into their bedroom upstairs. He entered silently as he crept into the master bed room. This was a recurring event, that they did about four times a year. Marcus could see the precursors before it reached her, and always scheduled a day off on the first and last day, this did bite into his personal days but he never really felt the need to use them for anything other than this.

"Morning mistress, how would you like breakfast in bed," he asked.

"Morning my slave, bring it here... then on your knees," she commanded firmly.

"Yes, right away mistress," he said handing her the tray and getting on his knees and slowly crawling to her side of the bed.

"Good my pet, now go sit in the corner while you watch me eat, also lose the clothes," she said.

"Yes mistress," he said, quickly stripping out of his robe and boxers.

She ate the meal sensuously and messily, letting pieces of the omelet fall all over her body. Most of it going between her six perky breasts with Marcus licking his lips in the corner as she teased him. They adopted this form of entertainment when their marriage had hit somewhat of a dry spell, this kept their flame burning.

"Oh look at me slave, I'm so clumsy," she said after finishing her meal, "Clean me, but don't do anything more or you'll get five strokes for trying to get something that you do not have permission for."

He sat up and walked over to her on his knees before climbing up on the bed and started licking up the crumbs that had fallen between her perky breasts. The sound of lapping was all that could be heard in the room. After a moment or two you could hear the slight moaning of Linda. Suddenly Marcus stopped, licking between her breasts and took his tongue across her teat in one long defiant stroke.

"That's five," she said.

He took another defiant lick across another one of her teats and said, "How about now mistress?"

"Twenty, five more for again disobeying my orders and another ten for speaking when not spoken to. Bring me your leash and collar," she said.

Instead of responding he crawled off of her with his tail *accidentally* flicking over another one of her teats, causing a gasp of unexpected pleasure for her. As he crawled on his hands and knees and grabbed his black collar and leash from the third drawer. he placed them into his mouth, biting down slightly. and walked back he then presented them to her like the trained feral's of his species would.

"Good dog," she said, "Heel, now present!"

He tilted his head back to expose his throat. She ran her finger up and down his neck in a semi-menacing manner the quickly put the leash around his neck and clipped the collar to the ring inside of it. She stood up slowly her large stature and goddess like beauty still shone even with the sparse light coming in. Her dark grey fur and the white under coat made him get a little more excited. Then with a jerk she commanded him to follow. He crawled like he had been and was more than happy with the view she was giving him.

She was well aware of what he was looking at but rather then block his view she let him ogle her all the way down the stairs then once they were both safely on the ground floor she pretended to accidentally let go of the leash and bent down to pick it up, allowing a completely unobstructed view of her vaginal lips and clitoris.

He could smell her overpowering heat, it took all of his will power to not lap at those delicious lips. She then resumed walking they came to the basement door. There were three locks on this door keeping their daughter out of it. The door had two dead bolts and a regular lock. she got the key from the egg next to the door. She quickly unlocked the locks and put it back.

They walked down the stairs to the basement. It had long since become a place where they had to hide from their friends because of their kinky play. They had made the room sound proof, that way no one knew what was going on inside, especially their child. The room had all sorts of devices, some that stood out the most were a rack with leather straps, a very sturdy table with rings that had been secured into the table.

"The table," she said.

Marcus walked over to the table and assumed the position, spreading his legs as wide as he could and bending over and extending his arms as far as he could. Linda went to the back of the room and got four three inch thick leather straps. She secured his legs first, making sure the fur on his legs was flush with the rings. Then she slid her paws up his legs and groped his balls, shifting the orbs slowly in her paws.

"Were going to have fun with these later pet," she said menacingly.

From there she ran her paws up his sides and when her paws reached his she laced her fingers through them and squeezed gently. Then she quickly and deftly secured his paws to the rings at the top corner. She grinned to herself at what was going to happen next. She walked over to the wall and got down a solid oak paddle.

"Now to deliver your twenty strokes," she said.

She stood behind him and lifted it up, the first stroke was soft, he could barely feel the paddle hit him. Each time the swing got harder and harder. Each time she moved the paddle over a different section of his hind quarters. By the tenth time he was moaning, each time it hit he got louder and louder. The twentieth stroke was by far the hardest, and it hit him directly over his asshole, this made him let out a gasp and a moan.

"My, my, looks like my little pet slut enjoyed himself," she said, reaching between his legs and teasing his length.

Then she walked back to the wall and placed it back on its hook. She then walked right in front of him and started slowly teasing him with the sight of her voluptuous lips. the tantalizing smell was driving him wild. He reached his head as far it could go and tried lapping at her delectable lips, but she is just out of his reach.

"Oh, is my little slutty pet horny? Does he want some of my nectar," she taunted, "Fine you slut eat me out."

She stepped closer to him and allowed him access to her pussy. He lapped eagerly licking at every single spot he could reach. She was panting softly pushing his head further so he could access more of her. He playfully nipped at her lips and hit her clitoris. She gasped and had just about reached her peak, and he knew she was close. Thinking quickly he placed her button between his teeth and slowly moved them left to right. Almost instantly got her to orgasm.

"Oh, fuuuck, good pet, good boy," she said slowly regaining her breath, "Now its your turn."

She pulled out a blind fold and she secured it tightly around his head. She proceeded to walk to her corner of the room and secures her harness and selects a phallus from her collection. She picked out her favorite eleven inch canine dildo with a four inch diameter knot. She grinned looking at it shine in the light made it all the more worth while.

She walks over to Marcus again, "Suck on this and maybe I'll use lube later."

He opens his mouth and she inserts the phallus into his mouth and moves her hips back and forth slowly at first. He licked along the length and sucked on it as it came back into his mouth. Eventually she was shoving the phallus all the way to the hilt and he was deep throating all of it. She was allowing him to breath but not for very long, just enough to hold it for another few seconds.

After a few minutes she was orgasming yet again. She thrust her his into his mouth for the final time. After a few seconds she pulled it out and patted him on the head as she was very proud of him. She didn't promise to use the lube on him but she grabbed the bottle and put a generous amount of lube on her middle and index finger and shoved them deep as they could go and made sure it was well spread. She then put the end of the phallus right at his rectum but stopped.

"Does my little cock slut want the big penis in his ass," she asked.

"Yes mistress please rut me like a bitch in heat," he said.

"Well if you insist," she said slamming in up to the knot in his ass.

With the sudden thrust Marcus gasped at the sudden entrance. She liked that reaction and kept going slowly at first kept sliding in and out he was moaning and panting heavily. He also had a very hard erection he was on the edge of blissful orgasm but he was keeping it all in because he knew that premature release was strictly forbidden. She would punish him by using hot sauce on the dildo when she saw it.

"Go ahead my little slut," she said, "just remember to clean it all up."

He let go without a second thought. She kept going a full pace, his rod was bouncing all over the place. He fired six long thick ropes of his man spunk most fell upon the floor a bit of it landed on his chest fur and table. Soon again after he came she came yet again. Linda looked at the clock as she slumped over on her mate the know buried deep in his ass, she sighed as she saw what the time was.

"Damn my turns over, i guess its yours now honey pumpkin," she said returning to their normal relationship, "just enough time for you to clean up your mess."

"Well mistress you going to let me up to lick it up," he asked.

"Of course sweetie," she said.

She undid the leather straps. he flexed his paws as he finally was allowed to move them more than a few centimeters in each direction. he got down on his hands and knees and let her get a good look at his ass as he slowly licked his own spunk up from off the floor. He got all of it up from the floor and table, the salty taste was something he'd gotten used to. He got an idea since both of them were in a time out now.

He had a devilish smile on his face as he kisses her. His tongue travels over to her mouth and brings a fair amount of his seed along with it. She murred as she tasted the salty seed. for a few minutes they tongue fight each other then they separated and both swallowed what that had.

"Your sexy when you do that," Linda said.

"Do what," Marcus asked.

"Swallow your own seed," she said.

"So are you," he said.

They walked up the stairs holding each others hands. They acted like their actions down there never really happened. They loved each other deeply and nothing had ever changed. Linda was looking forward to what was coming next. Sure she liked dominating but she liked being dominated, feeling totally helpless against his big strong rippling muscles, though Marcus was more tender than anything.

"Sit down sweetie I'll make us some lunch," Marcus said.

"Ok," she said.

"How about a nice fruit salad," he said.

"Mm... yes please," she said.

He went about the kitchen he grabbed a pineapple, mango, and strawberries. He cut up the pineapple into three cups, two cups of mango and half a cup of strawberries. He put them in a big bowl and mixed it all up. he then severed two portions to themselves while he melted the chocolate for the strawberries.

Taking a spoonful she said, "This tastes delicious sweetie, what are you making over there?"

"You'll see," Marcus said with a delightful grin.

This meal was customary around this time, it helped them enjoy the tastes of each other. During this time they only ate things that would make their ejaculate taste better. they ate like this for about a full work week. They may have not liked it much but they made themselves do it for each other.

They had their meal with some very delicious chocolate covered strawberries. Linda who was already very aroused by the very fact that she was in heat and the activities that she knew were going to come, was acting particularly forward. rubbing her foot up and down his leg. She licked her lips sensuously. After he finished up he stood and removed the collar on his neck and placed it around hers.

"Alright bitch, on you knees," he said in a very demanding way.

Linda got down from her seat and no her hands and knees. Marcus tugged on her collar sharply. She followed him down to the basement. once they arrived downstairs he made a motion for her to kneel upon the pillows in one of the other corners. He came over a minute later, his penis was quite flaccid.

"Make me hard slut," he said, "with just your mouth."

She bent her head forward and started licking at his shaft. When he was semi hard, she took his shaft in her mouth and started bobbing her head back and fourth. sucking her cheeks in and adding more pleasure to his thick shaft. What he lacked in size he more than mad up for in vigor, thickness and enthusiasm.

After a minute he put his hand on her head as he became fully erect. he let her bob back and forth a bit more while sliding her tongue along his length. Then he firmly grasped her hair and gently pulled her off of his penis she groaned as she no longer had the tasty piece of meat in her mouth.

"Stop," he said, "open your mouth and close your eyes."

She did as commanded, she opened her maw and stuck her tongue out. He then took his length in his paw and stroked rapidly. she was waiting expectantly for the treat that was going to cum. He tapped his penis on her tongue a time or two. Then he started grunting, then without waring he fired a rope of the sticky cum over her right eye ending at the corner of her lips. Three more fired and landed on her breasts, mouth and left cheek.

"Clean yourself, then bend over, do it quickly, or its ten minutes in the box," he said.

They both knew what he was talking about, it was just a small box with a hole shaped to her head on the top. it also strapped on the the back of her head ad was heavy enough that it stayed where it was. He'd often put erotic things in there, and the scent and texture would drive her crazy.

She secretly liked the box, but she'd never tell anyone. She licked at her lips cheeks and eye trying to get everything that he spewed on her. She wasn't making much effort to get it all up and she was licking at her third and first breasts trying to get up the cum from her tits. By the time Marcus turned back around she was still getting it off.

"Well that's ten minutes," he said, "Now present your ass."

She made an mock pouty face then turned around and stuck her ass up high. He got a phallus and anal butt plug from her collection of toys. She saw that he had gotten one of the larger vibrators. He lubed up the anal butt plug first and slowly twisted it and slid it inside slowly. He enjoyed teasing her anus as he slowly kept grinding in into her tight ass. The base was about five inches in diameter. When it was about halfway inside he rammed it into her. She moaned at the sudden slam of it into her tight ass.

"Yes, my slut did that feel good," he teased her tits as he said it.

She moaned her agreement as he teased her tits. Then he slapped her furred ass and started with the vibrator this time instead of teasing her he rammed it inside. He stood up before turning it on, which was because it had a wireless remote. then he leaned back and spread his legs.

"Now suck me off," he said, "and if you cum before I do I'm adding another five minutes

Bending down she started lapping up and down before quickly taking his length in her mouth. He then flicked the switch on the vibrator turning it to low. The hum of the vibrator was barely audible unless you listened to it closely. Her aroused moaning was drowning out the vibrator. A few minutes later he flicked it to its next setting. Her eyes flew wide open as the vibrator kicked into the next gear. She was moving her head faster and faster, she also wasn't trying to hold back her orgasm either. Another minute passed and he turned it up to its highest setting.

At this point they were both close to an orgasm but Marcus had another wireless controller, this one went to the butt plug that was currently in her ass. She looked up at him and saw the second controller in his hands, he smiled evilly as he turned it to his highest setting. She orgasmed almost right away, which caused her to accidentally bit down upon it. Which caused him to push her head down further in his lap as he filled most of her throat with his big thick meat. She was almost choking on all of his cum but she managed to swallow all of it.

"Your a good little cock sucker aren't you," he asked, " too bad you came though, that's fifteen minutes now, and its going to start right now."

"Yes master," she said.

He got up to get the box and filled it with cinnamon lotion, while it smells nice it feels really strange against the muzzle. he then lifted the heavy box and carried it over to behind her he then places his hands over he eyes and guided her head into the box once his hands hit the edges he shoved he face rest of her head in from the back of her head. From there he picked the straps up and secured her tightly then slid the locking mechanism through the loops making sure she wouldn't get out of it soon.

Already the smell was driving her insane. She found the scent of cinnamon invigorating. Marcus cut off both of the vibrators and started the timer. He then pulled both out then bent over her back in a style that his species created, doggy style. He liked felling up his wife's beautiful breasts, and biting down on the scruff of her neck. Not only was this a punishment for her it was also a test for him to see how many times he could orgasm in the amount of time given.

So assuming his practiced position he started bucking his hips wildly into his wife's tight pussy. She was moaning inside the box and you could hear her. this only drove his carnal lusts on more and he thrust faster and faster into her. By the time he reached his first orgasm he was snarling. He didn't stop though he just kept on powering through his orgasm and he didn't go soft. He was still very much as hard as he was before then. He orgasmed another two times in the fifteen minutes. then he released Linda's head from the box.

"Why were you hurting mommy daddy," she asked.

"Should we tell her," Marcus asked Linda.

"I think we should," she responded.

Walking over to a chair Marcus said, "Come here Casey, sit on my lap."

"Ok," she said as she walked over and sat in his lap.

"Okay, now mommy and daddy, were making love. When to furs love each other very much they make love, its a way to express love in a very physical way. Mommy has different parts than daddy, while she has a vagina, which is her private place. Daddy has a penis which is my private place, you have a vagina just like mommy," he said.

"Okay, well why haven't you done that with me? Don't you guys love me," she asked.

"Well, mommy and daddy..." Marcus started.

"We'd love to," Linda said, stopping Marcus, "you just have to keep it a secret. Can you promise that?"

"Yes mommy I promise to keep it a secret," she said excitedly.

"Then maybe daddy should teach you some things," Marcus said.

"Yeah," she said.

"Ok well, the cock slut needs to go sit in the corner, and pleasure herself. Now you come with me," he said.

Linda went into the corner and picked up one of the vibrators. Marcus carried Casey with him as he sat adjacent to Linda so he would have a good view of her getting herself off. Then once he sat down he helped Casey out of her clothes. Once she was naked he turned her around and started teasing her immature pussy. He was licking along her neck and finding her love button. After a minute she was squirming.

"Daddy I feel weird," she said.

"Shhhh..., its going to be just fine," he said.

He continued pleasuring his daughter. She started moaning after a minute, and Marcus pushed his fingers inside of her further. He didn't feel hey hymen so it must have been accidentally torn. He kept pushing his fingers deeper and deeper, then he brushed against her g-spot. She jumped and moaned as she climaxed. Her tiny body shuddering as she felt the first climax of her life.

Panting Casey said, "That felt good.

Grinning he asked, "Want to make daddy feel good?"

Shaking her head she said, "Yes I want you to feel as good as I did."

Moving her to the side and revealing his penis he said, "Lick it like a lolly pop, but NO biting."

She yipped in excitement as she crawled into his lap and lapped at his penis. Marcus was enjoying her inexperience, because she was all over the place. This was working in her favor, but she also did show some natural skill. Linda was watching the show before her she was definitely glad she decided to allow their daughter in their games. She licked her lips as brought one of her paws up to her lips and licked her sweet nectar from the fur that has been soaked in it.

Casey got a bit more bold and decided to take his shaft into her mouth and she could taste both daddy and mommy. This drove her to take more of the length in her mouth as she sucked her dads cock. His hand found its way to the top of her head as she got further down. He was very close to his peak, due to his daughters inexperience and his wife's lusty actions. Then he started pushing his daughters head down further and further down his length. then without warning he exploded in her mouth.

She was surprised but her dads paw kept her muzzle on his length, he said, " Be a good girl and swallow daddy's cum."

She took a minute but she swallowed every last drop, "It tasted good daddy, can I have some more?"

"Why don't you go ask mommy, daddy needs a minute to recover," he said.

"Come over here sweetie," Linda said.

Linda set aside the phallus and pointed at her lips and motioned for her to start licking her. Casey did as she was instructed and Linda gasped as Casey's teeth brushed against her clitoris. Then Linda wrapped her paws around he daughters waist and brought it up to her muzzle. She drove her tongue deep into her, tasting her daughters sweet insides. her daughters tongue was cooling her heat down a bit. She growled into her daughters pussy in her excitement.

Casey felt the vibrations inside her pussy and quickly built to another orgasm. Much to Linda's happiness as she could finally taste her daughters sweet, love juice. Linda drover her muzzle even deeper into her immature child's pussy as she continued to get eaten out by her very inexperienced daughter. They were going to have to teach her how to do things better later, but now though the inexperience was adequate.

Linda pushed her daughters head further into her sopping wet pussy. She was so close all she needed was that last little push, and she was going to get it. Pretty soon she was using her daughters muzzle as a makeshift dildo her daughters tongue was out as well. Then with one last great thrust she peaked and most of the fluid spilled onto her muzzle and soaked into her fur.

"Good girl," she said.

"That felt weird mommy," she said pulling her muzzle out of her mothers mature lips and licking at her chops.

"Now its time me and you had what we call sex," Marcus said fully erect.

He picked Casey up and slid her down on his shaft facing him. He started kissing her on the lips licking at her teeth. Soon she opened her maw and allowed his tongue to snake into her maw. The feeling felt odd but she liked the sensation. His tounge was exploring her mouth then she stuck her tongue out and licked at the intruder in her maw.

Marcus also started pumping her up and down on his shaft. feeling her tight little love tunnel was a vastly exciting and new experience for both of them. She started moaning into her dads mouth as the pace kept increasing and the pleasure also rose. Her love tunnel was slicking up her daddy's shaft as he pounded that pussy for everything it was worth. he kept climbing up to his peak, his claws were digging into her ass cheeks as he got rougher and rougher with her.

As Casey quit being her daddy's little girl and more like a fuck toy to her daddy. He was pounding her harder and harder, as he came closer to orgasm. She couldn't hold on any more and her pussy started contracting on his shaft. Marcus kept slamming her down on his shaft mercilessly, Casey was in total bliss then she peaked yet again. Marcus peaked as she did for the fourth time that night.

The rest of the night consisted of much more frenzied fucking. Markus being the dominatrix all night, the women both enjoyed it tremendously. As with all things they taught her a few things over the night to increase all of their pleasure. They both loved the feeling of being the mans little sluts and toys. they continued their games for the entire five days Linda was in heat, they even continued after as well.