The House on Rainbow Road - 07 - Molly

Story by Little Red Wolf on SoFurry

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#9 of The House on Rainbow Road - 2011


The hours crept by slowly, in the old manor, but Molly hardly noticed from the warm softness of the old bed. It did not take long for her to wash up in the private bathroom and then climb into bed in her silky pajamas which she saves for slumber parties. Normally she would have slept in only her panties, but she did not trust Haley to let her sleep unmolested. There was some obvious hazing coming her way so she decided not to be mostly naked when it did.

Whatever the others were planning did not prevent her from being seduced by the energy sucking properties of the bed. The moment she flopped into it she began to feel good. Sliding under the covers seemed to complete the spell and within moments she drifted off into a restful sleep. But though the bed was comfy and the sleep was fulfilling, it did not stop her from springing to life when she heard a scratching sound coming from the closet.

Here we go, she thought to herself as the sound grew closer. Whatever prank they're planning is about to happen. The sound drew closer, paused, and then moved again. A lump grew in Molly's throat as she listened, gauging the sound... wondering if she should do something. I know I locked the door. Maybe Haley has a key. Maybe there's a secret passage. I checked the closet too... I wonder what I could have missed.

The moonlight gave her plenty of illumination, but she still felt like running for the light switch. There was a safety to where she was sitting, though, and the air was cold outside of her covers. So she took her stun-gun out from under her pillow, cradled it in a ready position, and waited... listening to the shuffling as it scratched a little here then a little there.

Finally, the noise stopped long enough that Molly began to grow sleepy once more. Unable to lay back down completely, she pulled the covers up and leaned against the wall. A quick adjustment to the pillows turned them into a little nest and soon she was in position to fall asleep sitting up. But as her eyes grew heavy and her sight grew dim, the scent of burning lilacs seemed to fill the room, causing her to giggle. Great prank guys, she thought, I'm going to sleep really well now.

Leaning back and closing her eyes, Molly breathed deeply the smoke and began to drift off. But something about the scent caused her body to stir, and for some strange reason, she felt herself becoming more aroused than she was used to. Oh... come on... that's mean... wafting an aphrodisiac into my room... that's just... just...

Molly tried to resist the toxin and keep it together, but she was only human, and her body would not obey. One hand began to move on its own volition, traveling into her pajama bottoms, with flexing fingers which soon busied themselves beneath the folds. Damn it... stop... no don't play with yourself here... oh... ooohhh daaammmnnn...

The activity increased her breathing, which sucked in more of the heady musk. A tiny gasp escaped her lips but she quickly took a breath to hush it. They're watching... I know they're watching... I can't let them know what I'm doing! Molly told herself this, but was unable to prevent her body from acting upon these instincts. The panties she had worn to bed were dampening from her efforts, filling the air with a horrid stench she was sure the world would find unmistakable. After a few moments, she was in the home stretch. The image of watching eyes filled her mind as she let out a powerful gasp and her orgasm shuttered through her. A strained moan emitted from her as she bit the covers to muffle the sound.

Finally the heat in her body seemed to die down enough for her thoughts to collect, but then the scratching began again, and it was almost next to her. A tiny scream burst half-formed from her throat but she snuffed it. She knew the rules. Screaming would lose her points.

I know better, she told herself as her breathing came under control. I can't be afraid... there's no such thing as monsters. Just a group of smart-ass sorority girls who want to make me scream. Ooohhh... why did I take the bed? A mantra formed in her mind, denying any danger which might result from this place, but then a shadow raised from the left side of the bed, and in a moment of sheer terror, she looked into the dark eyes of an angular masculine figure.

A mighty scream billowed up inside of her but was quickly blocked by a long fingered hand which clasped over her mouth. The sound of the stranger's voice sent chills down her spine as the man placed his other hand to his lips and hissed, "Ssshhhh..."

Molly wanted to scream, wanted to run, wanted to think of anything which might get her out of this, but her mind was locked in a cycle which sounded like, oh God... oh God... oh God... oh God... oh God... oh God...

The unknown man was holding her only with the one hand which gripped her face. The rest of her was unrestrained. But from the hand which was over her mouth emitted the reek of smokey lilacs. A surge of mortification filled her as she realized that this man was the reason for her condition. I... I masturbated to... him? His tanned skin ripped with powerful muscles which flexed lightly as he held her in place. On his hands and knees, he moved closer, put his nose to her hair and inhaled deeply.

I... he's going to... to... of God... Long fingers touched her body over the blankets. A rush of excitement flooded through Molly's body when he did this, and she began to curse herself wildly for this strange excitement. I should struggle... I should... I still have the stun-gun... I should use it... I should...

The oversized hand left her mouth, but she did not scream. The best she could utter was an excitable whimpering which increased in pitch as he pealed back her covers and started touching her through the silky pajamas. Everything he did increased her arousal, filling her flush with desire. What's happening to me? Why can't I fight him? Is he the forbidden lover? Is he the one which Lady Amanda could not resist? Instinctively her eyes darted toward the closet, it was not closed all of the way. The door appeared cracked and easily could have held a voyeur.

Molly squirmed a little against the touch of the stranger, and when he began removing her pants, she suddenly focused entirely upon his appearance. It was in that moment that she realized the intruder was sleek, lean, and looked much like a Spanish swashbuckler who had climbed in through her window. Every part of him was gorgeous, seductive, and focused on experiencing her body in ways she could not fight.

She did not fight it when he leaned in close to her. Smoldering kisses blazed a trail of warmth across her breasts... and stomach... lowering slowly past her sex which allowed him to inflame her bare legs. A passionate gasp emitted from her as confused signals crossed. He broke contact and rose up over her to look down upon her body.

Firmly, Molly gripped the stun-gun, and held it at the ready. With all of her might, she tried to press it hard into his chest, but she was frozen in place. His dark eyes held her gaze as she warred with herself. The current would pulse through his body without doubling back into her as long as he did not touch her. There was understanding in his eyes, but not a twinge of resistance as he bared his naked chest to her. This was the opportunity... a moment he was granting her... allowing her to decide for herself if he should continue or go down in a fit of convulsive electricity.

There was no way for her to look away from him, as he gazed down upon her. Molly felt herself captured by the arcane beauty of his eyes. They were familiar to her, and suddenly she remembered his face from the demon-statue she had seen in the room filled with black-cat statues. This was not a man before her... but a demon... and she could not resist him.

The stun-gun fell to the floor, and landed on the heap where her pajama pants had settled. The desire to surrender was winning her over as she went lax and allowed herself to drop lower onto the bed. Soon, the only fighting Molly could seem to engage in was the restraining of her own animalistic hunger as he peeled away her panties. The scraping of his nails electrified her as he breathed warmly upon her. There was no denying how much she wanted to taste his kiss and run her fingers down his broad back. She wanted to wrap herself around him, bite his neck, and scream as he thrust into her. But he was slow in his labors and as his strong fingers gently touched her skin, her her lady-parts glistened wetly in the moonlight.

Tender parts hardened as he blew lightly upon them, causing Molly's eyes to roll back in her head. Fascinated terror gripped her body as his face moved down between her legs, and she could feel him breathing down there. "Oh! Ah!" Her mind began spinning as his talented tongue made contact then moved across her body, expertly stimulating her clitoral bud as if it where what he was born to do. "Nooo..." she moaned, but it was the only true word which managed to form. "Aaahhh..." Oh God! "Ooohhh..." Oh God! "Naaahhh... Naaahhh..." No... stop... wait... this isn't right...

The masterful attentions continued, increasing the pace of her breathing, and raising the heat in her core. The muscles around her hips thrust unconsciously toward him. Driving his lips around her, forcing his tongue to press harder against her body. I can't give in... I shouldn't give in... oh God... why am I giving in?

Powerful hands raised up to slide across the silky material over her breasts. Stabs of sensation added to her already blissful breathing as he paused his attentions to grip the fabric. A terrifyingly efficient flex of his arms tore open her pajama top. The effort popped the little white buttons, scattering them across the room. The silky pink fabric separated, exposing her pale skin to the moonlight. Roguish fingers then raked the flanks of her body until they gripped her breasts gently. Then the master's hands enclosed around her, gently massaging while his mouth resumed his earlier worship of her holy place. This isn't... this can't be happening... I can't... I... oh... "Oooooohhhhhh!!!!!!"

A sudden shuttering caused her to grab two fists full of his long dark hair. Pulling him hard toward her, her spasming legs clamped hard around his head. Unconscious convulsions arched her back, driving her shoulders hard against the fabric as her orgasm shattered her will to fight.

When at last her body relaxed, her mysterious lover pulled back and allowed her to settle back down into the bed. There was a slight shuffling as her lover moved to slip the rest of the way under the covers with her. Molly reached out and drew him to her, then she planted a kiss on his lips, and tasted her body's excitement upon them.

"My dark prince," she heard herself whisper to him.

"I'm here, my lady," his voice rumbled in a gravelly tone.

"What... what about... the closet?"

"Fear not, my love," he whispered to her, "all you need to do is come with me and he'll never catch us."

"Are you sure?" He nodded. "We'll be safe? You promise?"

"I promise."

Leaning forward, she kissed him again. The taste of her juices on his lips drove her mad with excitement. Her hands ran themselves over his muscular body, pulling herself against him, feeling safe in his arms.

"My love," he whispered, "we must go."

"Yes," she agreed, "take me with you... take me away..."