A night he won't forget

Story by Delnova on SoFurry

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So this one is different, in so many ways. Enjoy

The words, "A night you'd never forget," rang in the short orange fox's mind all through his evening. Sean wasn't much of a looker, much shorter than many other men and it shocked him quite a bit when Rachael asked him out to dinner. While the two friends had flirted before, he always presumed it was nothing more than a joke between the two adults to go with the idea that all friends of opposite sex flirt with each other.

At dinner Rachael had said the words that rang in his head once more. Adding to the point, the taller vixen used her foot to stroke Sean's knee and inner thigh, an easy way of informing the male what she wanted. Inside Sean was completely blown away by the concept of someone so attractive wanting him, but as the night went on, he grew to love the idea.

Their evening wound down to his small apartment and the fox carrying in the taller woman with a bit of effort. Time passed and the two ended up on the couch, lips locked and bodies held tight. As for the foreplay built up, cloth began to get discarded, Her jacket, his shirt, his belt, both their shoes to name a few. Even though his body was half bare, she still wore the red dress that she had on during their date. The difference is the top was pulled down to reveal her soft mammaries. Sean's careful flingers massaged the orbs of flesh lightly and their bodies thrust together.

The moment their bodies collided, Sean felt something was amiss. Rachael's dress had no room for pockets, yet he felt something poke him. As the two kept up their rather primal pace of making out and light grinds, he felt that strange protrusion again, this time larger in size. A careful slip of his hand removed the rest of the dress, and revealed quite the surprise.

The larger protrusion popped free of her red panties, starring Sean in the face. It was a male shaft, and amusingly enough only slightly smaller than his own. The short fox quickly pulled down the panties, exposing white fuzzy balls as well. Rachael just smiled up and spoke softly. "Surpise. I said you wouldn't forget tonight." She said confidently, though some hint of doubt rested on her features. Sean took in the sight and blushed deeply. Part of the fox wanted to ask anything about what he had found but no question could come to mind.

"You know there is a treat if you suck it off." Rachael said with a bit of confidence in her voice, the doubt mostly erased. Sean's inner ears turned bright red, yet the fox nodded and moved lower down his evening lover's body. The male fox gets to eye level with the shaft and before the fun can begin she moves the fun to the wall so she can stand up.

On his knees in front of her, Sean looks at the large male shaft, still surprised the beautiful body it was attached to happen to be mostly female, and took a deep breath. I can do this, Sean thought to himself and took the shaft's head into his mouth. His hand went and cupped the male orbs that hung below that shaft as he sucked and milked that shaft. Pre shot down his throat and while doing so it seemed she wasn't fully hard before as the shaft took more space in his mouth. Sean's free hand went to his own rod and stroked it lightly, turned on by the events.

Tastes really salty, and I think she's getting bigger. The fox thought to himself as his careful maw worked up the shaft and forced her to unleash more pre seed into his waiting innards. As he did so, he couldn't shake this strange tingling feeling that ran down his spine. The fox simply wrote it off as the novelty of the pleasure he was feeling. Each thrust of his muzzle down her shaft seemed to take longer, and the shaft seemed to get larger. Is she getting even bigger? Sean thought to himself, then he glanced up.

His eyes widened in both horror and excitement as he the fox realized that Rachael's breasts were much further away then they had been before. She's not getting bigger... The short fox thought in dismay, yet his shaft disagreed and throbbed in arousal. I'm getting smaller! Almost as if the realization was key for it, or perhaps the flooding increase of pre seed, the member grew too large for his mouth and the reduction in height pulled his neck back awkwardly.

The fox pulled off shortly to readjust his position and stand up. The shaft was much too large to take fully in his mouth anymore. Sean used both hands at his diminished state to wrap around the, by his perspective, massive meaty missile. Sean's mouth kisses the head of the shaft and treated the slit as if it were a pair of lips as he worked the shaft with his hands. Rachael's own mouth let out a hymn of pleasured sounds and the throbbing showed that she was near her end.

You can do this! Sean thought loudly to himself as he stroked faster, his tiny body barely able to do what his normal hands use to do to his own shaft. Yet the climax came as it always must and a tide so powerful it nearly knocked the little guy back as he swallowed as much as he could. The same tingling he felt before shook his body right to the core as he caught his breath. Not even a few seconds laughter, Sean's height plummeted even further.

Rachael's shaft was now fully out of reach for the tiny fox, as he lowered down past her thighs, than ended at eye level with her knees. Sean looked up and to his tiny stature, Rachael's form was that of a powerful goddess. Fear and pleasure shot in his brain like the warring shots of the muskets on a battle field. He knew he should feel fear, as he was now powerless to her will. It should not excite him being so small, but on some primal level it did, because he had no control yet saw things so differently.

"See I told you they'd be a treat at the end." Rachael said with a smile as she reached down and picked up Sean, placing the small orange fox on a nearby table. So many questions bounced in the fox's mind and he just blurted out the loudest.

"Will I be stuck like this?" Sean asked, his voice shaky. Rachael shook her head and answered.

"No you'll grow back in a day or two; however each time we do this you'll get slightly shorter each time. There is a cure to keep your height balanced, since people would notice if someone was six feet tall and then suddenly five foot seven when they got back to work at the end of the weekend. " Rachael spoke calmly as she explained it, and Sean's body couldn't help but be aroused by the idea of being much smaller and complete under the lovely Vixen's control. Rachael saw this in his eyes and smiled as she spoke again.

"You know if we did it some more before it wore off you'd get even smaller..." The vixen said and her smile grew. Sean's shaft jumped in arousal and excitement from such an idea and the words once more played in his mind.

"It'd be a night you won't forget."