Bets: Chapter Six

Story by ForgottenRecluse on SoFurry

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#2 of Bets

A/N: :) Another one down at the bottom this time.

A/N: :) Another one down at the bottom this time.


I was still on Jesse's lap, slumped against him, with my head resting against his shoulder. Strangely, our roles were reversed.

I was the confident one. I knew what I wanted. He was supposed to be the confused sexy one that I seduced.

But by the way my eyes stung, and how his hands rubbed small circles on my back, he decided to take control.

"This sucks." I knew it came out in a mumble, but I was beyond caring.

"Almost. I think your dad interrupt us before we got there." Great. Now he's trying to be funny.

"That's not funny." If I don't think about it, I can pretend it didn't happen.

"You have to talk to him."

"I know." I sighed and shifted on him. He made a noise and pushed against me.

What the fuck? Even after all of that he was still hard?

Now things were just getting surreal.

I shifted one more time, getting the same reaction, before I got up completely. "Are you gonna stay up here?"

He thought a moment before shaking his head. "No. If your dad wants an explanation, I think I should be there." Fair enough.

"Come on then." I held out a hand to help him up. No hesitation before he grabbed my hand. For all that happened, I couldn't help but smile at him. He gave me a small smile.

And then I realized we were still holding hands. Feeling awkward, I let go and walked to the door.

I paused with my hand on the handle. I really didn't want to do this.

I heard Jesse move behind me. And then he was standing next to me and his hand reached down and grabbed my own.

A surge of pleasure ran through me at his touch. A twist of my wrist opened the door and I pulled Jesse behind me.

The air seemed to grow thicker as we walked down the stairs.

The first thing I noticed when my foot touched down on the living room carpet was the suitcases near the door. And then it was my mom and dad curled together on the couch.

"Um, hi, dad."

My dad looked up at me. He was the opposite of my mom. A dark, tall wolf, with just the faintest touches of gray around his muzzle and ears, he had the body of an athlete. And the personality of a CEO.

Our move here? A calculated decision designed to give me the best possible social environment for personal growth. His words, not mine.

"Hi, Ian. Sorry I, uh, interrupted." Well at least he was talking to me.

But even so, I hunched in on myself. Jesse nudged me. I pulled myself together. "This is Jesse. My-" I couldn't think of a word. Were we boyfriends? Just friends? Acquaintances giving each other a good tonsiling?

"Boyfriend. I'm his boyfriend." My head snapped around so fast I gave myself whiplash. He turned to look at me, smiling while I searched his eyes for dishonesty. Finding none, I probably tore something with how wide I smiled back. If I do this anymore today, my face will get stuck like this.

"I figured. I didn't think my son would let an acquaintance shove his tongue down his throat." My dad's voice is a dry rasp.

And Jesse, God bless him, laughed. "I don't know, sir, he seemed to know what he was doing."

I'm going to kill him.

"Not so surprising. He spends so much time practicing other things, I'd imagine he's pretty good with that tongue of his."

Oh my God this is not happening.

I heard Jesse draw in a breath, so I elbowed him just above his last rib. And there goes that breath.

"There's no way in hell you're telling him that that practice paid off." It was supposed to be a whisper. I swear to God. But it came out choked, and loud enough for everyone to hear.

My mom, being my mom, immediately started cracking up. Jesse, being Jesse, hesitated before doing the same.

My dad was a different story. I could see all the emotions flash across his face. Surprise, happiness, pride. He was smiling.


Back up a minute.

I all but admitted to sucking off my boyfriend and my dad was smiling?

Now I know this is a dream. Or I died.

My dad must have seen my confusion because he laughed. "Oh, son, you have no idea how happy I am. I was so worried when you came out that you would resent me for moving us here. I was afraid you wouldn't be happy here. But to see this! You have a boyfriend. And one with such a good sense of humor! I couldn't be prouder."

I would have fainted if I weren't so overcome with joy.

I flew across the room to hug my dad before flying back to grab Jesse's head and shove my tongue down his throat. When I was almost out of breath I disengaged myself and just hugged him.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me.

"If you want, you guys can go back to playing your videos games. Your mom can entertain me." The smile he gave her said exactly how they were going to be entertained.

"Wait. What? Oh. Oh! And ew, I did not need to know that." Even, so I had pulled Jesse about halfway up the stairs before I finished the sentence.

"You boys have fun!" My mom.

I stopped on the stairs. And there goes my mood.

I looked to Jesse, who was recovering from my sudden stop. I gave him an apologetic smile.

"Sorry, my mom killed it."

He leaned closer, with a predatory gleam in his eyes. "I think I can get it back up again."

And there comes my mood. I leaned forward and licked his nose, and laughed when he crossed his eyes to look at it. I laughed even harder when he chased me up the stairs. My laughter was replaced with a moan when he pressed me into my door in a kiss. Both of our hands fumbled against the knob. When the door finally opened, he picked me up and carried me inside, all without breaking our kiss.

I kicked the door shut behind him.

He threw me onto the bed and started removing his clothes. I couldn't stop watching him, even when every instinct told me to get the fuck naked because good things were about to happen.

When he was finally naked, my claws poked a hole in my shirt while I removed it as fast as I could. His knee pressed down on the bed and I was on all fours in front of him, nose pointed straight at his crotch before he had his other knee on the bed.

A hand on my shoulder stopped me from moving any further.

I looked up at him as he pushed me to lay on my back. He smiled and I decided to do whatever the hell he wanted me to.

He was on top of me, held up by his arms. His hips ground against my own and I wrapped my legs around him, wishing I had taken my pants off so we could be fur against fur.

His lips pressed against mine for just a moment before they moved lower, trailing light kisses across my chest. I was panting and using my legs to push him against me by the time he stopped, just above my pants.

He pulled back just enough to free himself from my legs, before his hands were fumbling with the button on my pants. When he finally had it opened, he unzipped my pants and very thoroughly groped me through my boxers.

My hands went from gripping my sheets to pushing my pants down in a flash. He lifted his hand to let my boxers follow for just a moment before it was gripping my cock and oh my God if he flicks his thumb like that one more time I'm going to cum.

He didn't. After just a second, he removed his hand to pull my pants the rest of the way off. But he put his hand back after just a moment, just holding me, as he leaned back up to my face to give me a kiss.

I was in a daze of hazy pleasure and even hazier arousal when I felt something wet and warm and strong press against my balls.

Holy shit. Another lick.

Holy shit. And then a lick that started at my balls, ran all the way up my shaft, and turned into his mouth taking it all.

Holy shit.

And then that wonderful bliss was gone, replaced by a shifting of the bed and hands on the back of my thighs. My legs in the air, I got the warm and wet tongue in a whole new place.

His licks translated into my moans and then his tongue pushed against me. I think I blacked out for a moment, because the next thing I knew his tongue was pressed all the way inside me and if he didn't put something much bigger in me soon I was going to kill him.

I flung my hand out to the side of the bed for the lube I kept inside my nightstand, before I realized my nightstand was on the other side of the bed and I flung that hand out.

After wrestling the drawer open, it was a blind search for the lube while his tongue did magic.

Finally finding it, I gave a loud moan. "Jesse." The tongue against me paused before I felt him shift and I looked down my body to see him there, looking at me.

My hand thrust the lube to him and I growled. "Use it." I was gripping it tight enough to have popped the cap, so when he pulled it from my hand, my fingers were slick with lube.

I watched him sit up on his knees and pour some lube onto his fingers. I followed his hand down to his cock and hungrily eyed him stroking every inch of himself.

I heard a snort and looked up to see him smirking at me. So I smirked right back and decided to use the lube I had spilled. I raised my legs higher, giving him a wonderful view, before teasingly pressing a finger into myself. I moaned at the feeling and looked at him. He had stopped stroking and was staring at my hand. I slowly pulled my finger out, before adding another one and pushing back down.

And then my hands were above my head and Jesse was above with one hand holding his cock against my tailhole.

Yet another light kiss, and he was pushing inside me.

I've mentioned before that he wasn't as big as one of my toys, but there is something so much more to having the warmth of a body above me, and feeling the pulsing heat of him inside me. His moans and the light pressure of his hands. The thrusting of his hips pushing me down into the bed.

And through the panting and moaning, feeling his hands fumble against my cock, before finally gripping it and stroking in time with his thrusts.

And then, finally, the moment of release and pushing against him, wanting to have all of him inside. Feeling his knot pressing against and then being inside me.

Feeling his own hot release.

Laying in the afterglow with him. Hearing his breaths deepen into sleep and knowing I would soon sleep with him. And knowing that when I wake up, he will still be here, he will still be mine.

I curled up against him. Matching my own breathing with his.

I'm not a gambling man. But sometimes, a bet is the best way to solve an issue. Like finding a boyfriend.


A/N: Fin. I do have an idea for a bonus chapter, that I may write once it's solidified fully. For this one, I really need some constructive criticism. Was the sex scene good? I know I changed tenses, was it too jarring? Or did it work better than you think it would have otherwise? Were the emotions throughout the story believable? The characters? The plot? You don't have to answer all these, and by all means don't limit yourself to them!

I don't plan on this being my last (*cough* only) story, as I do have a few ideas on other stories. I'll post them in a journal soon and you guys can choose which one you like best.

One last thing, that I think you'll find funny: I wrote this story without having written down character bios/descriptions. As such, I had to constantly refer to previous chapters to remember what I described the characters as (character appearances tend to change on me XD).

Well, now that this note is almost as long as all six chapters, I'm gonna leave to do whatever you want.

Thanks for reading! (I briefly looked back at the dialogue with the dad and found it awkward. Ugh.)