The Aftermath: 'Déjà Vu'

Story by Mickey Torrento on SoFurry

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#10 of Night Of The Brothers

This is a sequel of 'Night Of The Brothers' (Therefore I suggest you to read Night Of The Brothers first in order to understand this story.) It is a bit more emotional and nasty at some points since it reminds me of a nasty encounter I had... by typing up this story I somehow feel as if talking to someone about things I wish never happened. You have been warned.

The Aftermath: Déjà Vu

M-my name is Roy... yes... I survived... I believed to have a guardian angel by my side, not letting me die because of my strong will... but it seems I used that guardian up. Perhaps I should start from the beginning:

As I got told by a nurse I've been in slumber for about 3 weeks and that I had the same visitor almost every day. "Emjay!" I thought and happily followed the nurse until I saw him... it wasn't Emjay... it wasn't even a husky...

It was a silver fox that I will never forget...

The nurse smiled at me and said: "After we realized that you're getting better we decided to find and call whoever was supposed to be your guardian. Your Godfather said he'll be glad to take care of you."

I looked at Dale with my muzzle open: "...take care of me?" I had mixed emotions as we slowly got closer and closer towards my Godfather who didn't see us as he was standing with his back turned on us. For the first time in years I felt pure fear... I wasn't even that scared back at the forest with those tribal wolves... Apart from fear I felt something else; curiosity. What if he changed? What if he understood over those 3 years how much pain he caused...

But what if he didn't?

"Mr. Crul."

He turned around and smiled seeing me silently getting closer and closer.

The nurse smiled as well: "You must be glad to finally go home, hm?" I didn't reply so she just led me over to Dale before putting a paw on my shoulder. I shivered. Not because of it still being sore but because I was almost sure for the first second that it's Dale putting the paw on it.

"It has been a while." - Dale's voice didn't change. It scared me. He might've not changed at all. The silver fox then reached arms out and hugged me: "It's been a while... you've changed."

Curiosity won. I let him drive me to his place... it's far away from Furview since we've been in a car for pretty much 8 hours. We didn't talk a lot... I was in so much of a shock I answered most of his questions with either yes or no which quickly made him run out of subjects. I'm not sure if he was even interested in my answers since his questions were quite basic like 'What do you want to eat once we get to my house?'

We finally reached the house and he let me in. It pretty much reminded me of the old one... I sat on the couch and started looking around myself. Most of the things must've been moved from his old house. I decided to be the one to start a conversation as he prepared the meal: "It must've taken ages to move all these things from the old house..." He looked at me and smiled: "You remember how the old house looked like?" I nodded: "It's been 3 years, not 10." He smiled without looking at me: "You're right..."

After two days I started to believe he actually did change. We would do things father and son would do; playing video games, eating and talking, helping each other with chores. The problems started when I got back from a shop. He was sitting on the couch with can of beer and a few empty ones on the table. I chuckled and sat next to him. "You're so gonna need to sober up tomorrow."

He chuckled as well before letting out an approving "Yyeea..." and wrapping arm over my shoulders as well as letting out a hiccup. "You've changed so much... You're 15 now, aren't you?" I nodded. "Say... do you *Hic!* do you trust me?" My heart skipped a few beats. It was like a Déjà Vu I got up straight away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back down: "Roy, Roy, Roy... I thought you've changed." I looked at him, quite shocked before replying: "And I thought you've changed..." I then broke out of his grasp and headed for the door. This time his voice was angry and made me stop: "Roy, don't make me something you will later regret!"

"The only thing I regret is coming here..." - I let out a sigh and before I could take another step he tackled me to the floor. I was somehow expecting it and rolled on top of him, holding his throat before yelling: "I'm not the same fucking kid I used to be, Dale! Now I can fight back! You're lucky I don't feel like smashing you face in for what you've done!" Before I could do anything else he grabbed a vase from the drawer next to us and hit me in the head.

2 Weeks Later

"Guys! Breakfast is ready!" - Tyler shouted from the kitchen. I could smell my favorite breakfast... sliced sausages fried with onion. Too bad I am quite busy now...

"I'm coming!" - I said while reaching a climax from pawing off on my bed. I wiped my paw over the fluffy chest of mine which was already covered in cum before walking downstairs and into the kitchen, not bothering to put anything on.

"Hey, Emjay. Could you get for-ooow... Hellow there." - Said Tyler with a smirk while looking at me and turning the sausages upside down. "Hi there, brother." - I said while ruffling my headfur, still being a bit sleepy. "Get three forks for us and put them on the table." - Repeated Tyler before checking the onion. I grabbed three forks and placed them on the table before sitting down.

"Oi, Jay. Mind washing your paws especially after pawing off?" - Said Jack while walking into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and went over to the sink before washing my paws. Tyler already placed the plates with sausages on a table and sat down. As usual we all started talking after I joined the table.

"You know, I never had a chance to ask you two." - Started Tyler: "How do you like the new house?"

Me and Jack couldn't help but to smile. Tyler is so worried about us not liking the new way of living... you see... When mom and dad found out about what was going on between us 3 they didn't want to live with Tyler and Jack anymore while I didn't want to live without Tyler and Jack. This caused me to run away from house almost every day. After about a week time my parents started to understand they can't stop me and agreed to secretly let me live with my brothers as long as I visit them at least twice a week.

"Of course, silly! I love it here... I finally feel free. You know... no hiding our feelings when parents are near..." - I said and Jack straight away added: "Yeah and we can act fucked up without getting told off... for example... I wonder how mom would react if Emjay just walked downstairs naked with cum all over his chest." We all started laughing and eating... My brothers helped me out of the depression I had after the event with Roy...

I feel my wrists and ankles being cuffed and connected to chains that are stuck to a wall as I sit on the cold floor with my legs spread out a bit and bent knees. My head hanged down and my eyes closed... not like I'd see anything in this darkness. I always thought Emjay had a hard time with Josh... heck, I'd prefer Josh. I was naked and I could feel taste of blood in my mouth. I was sore in many places but mostly my private areas... if I can still call them private.

Some time later the cellar door open. I lift my head up and see Dale standing atop of the stairs. I straight away started snarling painfully as he slowly made his way downstairs. "You do realize your rebellious behavior is what forces you to be chained up like this?" - He said, shaking head at the sight of me snarling at him.

"No..." - I started weakly... He made sure to starve me so I don't have enough strength to fight him: "'s the fact some furs are heartless..." He chuckled and grabbed my muzzle, forcing me to look at him. "I love you but you don't love me... who is heartless here?"

I just shook my head and mumbled: "You're a monster..." I could feel his paw almost crushing my muzzle to shut me up: "Monsters are created by other monsters... consider yourself the responsible one..." While still holding the muzzle he placed a paw on my chest and slowly starts feeling it. I turned head to the side, freeing my muzzle from his grasp before yelling: "You sick fuck!" He instantly responded with a punch in the muzzle. I felt my nose bleeding once more. I never let him enjoy me fully... I would always call him names and move as much as I could just to make it less pleasurable for him even at the cost of being beaten into a pulp.

He slid the paw onto my belly, feeling it up and ruffling my fur there. I instantly started struggling against the chains: "You're mental, you do realize that?" He got up and kicked me straight in the face before going up to a shelf and looking for a belt he uses to tie my muzzle. I turn my head back at him, hearing something in my neck slightly crack. I then start cackling, causing him to look at me with a questioning look.

"Someone seems to be taking it personally... what's wrong... you too believe that there is a problem with your head?" He doesn't answer... instead he stops looking for the belt and walks up to me, grabs my jaws and snaps them open. I scream in pain as he leans over, his nose nearly touching mine. "One more word and I will bash your head over the wall so hard your brain juice will be on it." He then lets go of my jaws. My head once again hangs lifelessly as I try to overcome the pain. I can hear him unzipping pants while feeling up my thighs. I force myself to close the muzzle and hear something crack followed by pain although after few seconds it hurts less than it would with my jaws being out of place. I can feel him placing paws on my shoulders and rubbing his already hard member over my sheath... I curse that meat... one day hoping to stab it's shaft with a knife and slowly work my way up to the tip to show him what pain means...

The worst thing is that I can't stop my own furhood slipping out of sheath... it disgusts me... the way biology works. I don't want a boner... I don't want him to touch me there... I don't want to feel anything there but I can't do anything since it's not possible to control it. His finger slips under me and between my buttcheeks, slightly pressing against my sore hole. I groan in pain and try to move away but end up getting punched on the muzzle again, spraying some blood on the floor. "Be a good kit or I will have to get the pole..."

That's what he calls this strange metal thing... it looks like cuffs connected with a metal pole instead of chain. He would clip it around my knees to keep my legs spread. Then I realize something... the punch... it's impact caused me to pull my wrist really hard, causing the rusty cuff to open itself. The slight freedom caused me to feel that cold fury I always embrace... I grin to myself as he slides the finger up my hole... screw the pain. I will make his heart skip a few beats...

My furhood was already fully hard and he soon leaned above my chest and pushes me on my back before straight away sliding half of his 10 inch meat into me. I yelled in pain but held tears back... I will not show any weakness... He then pulled out before sliding himself fully in. I started groaning with every thrust. My hole felt as if it was on fire... even slight rubbing there felt horrible, let alone a thick piece of meat sliding in and out at high speed. He grabbed my own furhood and teased it with a thumb. I hate it... I hate the feeling... I hate sex. I feel confused because of my body... it doesn't listen. Why were we made that way? Why can't we control our members? Why are we vulnerable to the feeling which was supposed to be the best thing ever? Why doesn't it feel like best thing ever? I feel disgusted with myself.

He speeds up... his meat being so big I could actually imagine the shape just by feeling it inside of me. Soon enough I scream in pain, feeling something inside of me rip. Fresh blood down there but I won't cry... I ain't weak. He wraps arms around me while speeding up, his knot pressing against my already ravaged hole. The cold fury came back... it was time... My paw slipped out from the cuff. I ran it up his back, slowly. What a moron... he's so into fucking me he doesn't even realize something is wrong... until one minute later my paw slowly grabs his throat and then clenches. He instantly tries to gasp with a shocked expression, trying to break free from my grasp... but he cannot. The rage inside of me was stronger than his physical strength... I forced his head to lean in before placing my muzzle next to Dale's ear. I knew I couldn't kill him... not while I'm stuck in this cellar.

I hissed into his ear: "One day, Dale... I'll slowly drain life out of ya in the most painful way I can find... and I'm a creative person." I then licked his ear, covering it with my own blood before letting go of his throat. He crawled backwards, away from me, catching his breath. I grinned at him as he backed away and out of the cellar while looking at me.

"Hey, Tyler. Could you give me a hand?" - I asked.

"Sure, Emjay, what's uuuuuu-... is that Jack's?" - He asked while looking at my naked form and a canine dildo in my paw. "Yeah... I borrowed it... don't worry, I cleaned it." Tyler just went back to washing dishes: "I'm sorry, bro but I have to get ready for work. You know... make some sandwiches for later." I walked up to him and wrapped arms around his waist before guiding his paw onto my sheath.

"On the second thought... I can just buy something at McDonald's later..." - He said and wiped his paws with towel before picking me up and carrying to his bedroom. I got an idea and shouted: "Hey! Jack! I've got something that belongs to you!"

"It better not be USB stick again! Last time you forgot to take it out of your pocket and all my homework ended up in the washing machine." - Jack responded before walking upstairs to see what property I took of him. He entered the room and looked at me lying on the bed on my belly, holding his dildo.

"Ow..." - Was all he said.

"Emjay needed some help... he literally forced me upstairs." I stick a tongue out at Tyler's lil' joke.

"And let me guess... you need me to keep him from moaning?" - Asked Jack and we both nodded with excitement. He shrugged: "Bring it on, then!" - and started undressing. Tyler sits himself behind me as I lay on my belly. He then leans in and starts licking me between my buttcheeks. "O-oh..." This was the first time I had a tongue up there... it felt so warm and soft. I murred and totally relaxed on the bed with my butt slightly up in the air. Soon enough I had Jack's cock in front of my face. I lustily licked it but before I got a chance to put it in my mouth Tyler slid tip of the toy in my hole. I gasped and Jack took a chance to kiss me. He sucked on my tongue as I moaned into his muzzle from Tyler slowly slipping it further and further in. Then he began moving it in and out in different ways. After I got used to the size Jack placed his cock in front of my face once more. I slipped my tongue in-between his cock and sheath, teasing him. I then slowly slipped my tongue out and ran it over his entire length before once more gasping with surprise feeling Tyler's finger slip into my sheath, rubbing the tip of my furhood.

I moaned: "Oh God, Tyler, please don't stop..."

"I wasn't going to." - He chuckled and continued to play with my hole in even a lustier way, slightly tilting the toy while pulling it out. I started moaning into Jack's cock, opening my muzzle wide without taking the cock out in order to gasp, letting some of pre leak out of my mouth. Jack started petting my head and back. All the attention I got from my brothers made me feel like I'm in heaven... I continued to murr, feeling it coming... Jack soon pulled his cock out and came all over my muzzle. I licked my lips before cleaning his meat up.

Some pre started forming on the tip of my now fully hard furhood and trust me... I rarely leak pre. My muzzle opened wide in a silent moan as Tyler massaged my cock and continued to play with the hole. It was just too much pleasure to lay still...

"You're so cute..." - Said Tyler with a smile. I moaned, turned head away and mumbled: "I'm not..." That's the last thing I could say because a second later I sprayed Tyler's paw with cum. He started to slow down with the toy and pawing off, giving me the afterglow. I just enjoyed myself, being still petted by Jack. Soon enough Tyler started licking the cum off his paw before getting up and giving me a kiss on the cheek, leaving the room along with Jack. The toy still buried inside of me... Just as I liked it.

To Be Continued...

Story is copyright © Mickey Torrento